
Academic and Tutoring Staff

Dr Abdouni

Dr Yamin Abdouni
BSc, MSc, PhD

Lecturer in Chemistry for Materials Science Education

Chemistry: Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry Scholarship: Language in TNE
Dr Adjali

Dr Hicham Adjali

Senior Lecturer in Thermofluids
Mechanical Engineering Programmes Director
School Lead for the Centre for Academic Inclusion in Science and Engineering (CAISE - Faculty of Science and Engineering)
School Lead Outreach and Recruitment for Mechanical Engineering
PASS co-ordinator

Heat Transfer, Thermal Systems, Building Energy, Parameter Estimation Scholarship in Engineering Education: Student Engagement, Inclusive Curriculum
+44 (0)20 7882 8739
Mr Ahmed

Mr Luqman Ahmed

Lecturer in Skills for Science and Engineering Transnational Education

Dr Ahmed

Dr Shafique Ahmed
BEng, MEng, PhD, FHEA

Lecturer in Materials and Surface Science Education

Zirconia-based ceramics, dental materials, biomaterials, sustainable materials. Flipped learning, student-centred learning, curriculum design.
Dr Akinmolayan Taiwo

Dr Folashade Akinmolayan Taiwo

Reader in Engineering Education
Director of Centre for Research in Engineering and Materials Education (SEMS)
Deputy Director of the Centre for Academic Inclusion in Science and Engineering
(Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Primary research interests are: Student experience of teamwork as an indicator for employability skills; Engagement and retention of students within Engineering through active learning techniques; Cultural and social impacts on the approaches to learning; Diversity and inclusion within Engineering.
+44 (0)20 7882 7281
Mr Allman

Mr Alan Allman

Lecturer in English for Science and Engineering Transnational Education
Deputy Director of Education - Curriculum and Language Development

I design and deliver courses in English for Specific Academic Purposes, focussing on language and communication skills in Science and Engineering.
Prof Alonso-Rasgado

Prof Teresa Alonso-Rasgado

Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Dean for Global Engagement in the Faculty of Science and Engineering

+44 (0)20 7882 3028
Prof Althoefer

Prof Kaspar Althoefer
Dipl.-Ing. Aachen, PhD

Professor of Robotics Engineering
Head of Centre for Advanced Robotics @ Queen Mary (ARQ)
Programme Director BEng/MEng Robotics Engineering

Professor Althoefer's research focuses on robot autonomy, soft robotics, systems engineering, modelling of tool-environment interaction dynamics, tactile sensing and haptic perception with applications in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery, rehabilitation, assistive technologies and human-robot interactions in the manufacturing environment.
+44 (0)20 7882 3419
Dr Avital

Dr Eldad Avital

Reader in Fluids and Acoustics
Aerospace Taught Programmes Director
Professional Bodies Liaison - Royal Aeronautical Society

Aero-hydrodynamics Engineering: Energy, Water and Biofluid - Fundamentals: (i) Computational (and experimental) aero/hydrodynamics and acoustics (ii) Fluids-structure interaction (iii) Biofluids (iv) Particle flow (v) Magnetohydrodynamics and radiative transfer. Applications: (i) Power fluid systems, airborne and terrestrial (ii) Hydrodynamic and water engineering; ocean and waterways (iii) Biofluid devices and fluid …
+44 (0)20 7882 3616
Prof Bailey

Prof Colin Bailey
CBE, FREng, BEng, PhD, CEng, FICE, FIStructE, MIFireE

President and Principal

Transformational leader and social mobility champion. Executive level experience in higher education, charity and commercial sectors. Internationally recognised professor of engineering with significant publication record. Inspiring personal story of success from apprentice to President and Principal of Queen Mary University.
+44 (0)20 7882 3696
Dr Balcombe

Dr Paul Balcombe
MEng, PhD, CEng, MIChemE, FHEA

Reader in Chemical Engineering and Renewable Energy
Deputy Director of Industrial Engagement (Employability)
Programme Director - Chemical Engineering

Specialises in developing unique technology-specific, probabilistic emissions/cost modelling of energy supply chains, particularly relating to methane emissions from natural gas, as well as hydrogen and ammonia supply chains.
Dr Bempedelis

Dr Nikos Bempedelis

Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics

Computational Fluid Dynamics, Multiphase Flows, Aerodynamics, Wind Energy, Data-driven Modelling, Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics
Prof Sir Bhadeshia

Prof Sir Harry Bhadeshia

Professor of Metallurgy

I work on the theory of solid-state phase transformations with emphasis on the prediction and verification of structural development in complex metallic alloys, particularly multicomponent steels. Theory for the interaction of hydrogen with iron and its compounds. Subjects covered: physical and chemical metallurgy, steels, phase transformations, mathematical modelling, design of …
Dr Boek

Dr Edo Boek

Reader in Chemical Engineering and Renewable Energy
Programme Director, Sustainable Engineering
IChemE Liaison

Research in the group of Dr Edo Boek focuses on sustainable energy and earth resources engineering. Our group investigates novel technologies to help solve pressing environmental problems including 1) sustainable drinking water treatment, in particular PFAS ("forever chemicals") remediation, by developing novel nano-materials, and using foam fractionation, advanced filtration, fluidised bed …
Prof Briscoe

Prof Joe Briscoe
MSci (Hons), PhD, FHEA, CSci, MIMMM, MInstP

Professor of Energy Materials and Devices
Director of the Centre for Sustainable Engineering

My group's research is focused on the use of thin films and nanostructured materials for renewable energy applications, including: semiconductor photocatalysts, photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) & solar fuels; photovoltaic devices; ferroelectrics for solar energy conversion; piezoelectric energy harvesting. We have a particular interest in the use of polar (ferroelectric & piezoelectric) materials and nanomaterials …
+44 (0)20 7882 3552
Dr Buchan

Dr Andrew Buchan
BSc MSc PhD,

Senior Lecturer in Engineering Science
Education Lead for Sustainable Engineering
Deputy of PGT Examination Board
Honorary Lecturer Imperial College London

Dr Andrew Buchan is senior lecturer in Engineering Science, Queen Mary University of London, and honorary lecturer Imperial College London. He specialises in computational methods for multi-physics modelling of radiation, fluids flow and heat transfer with applications to nuclear engineering, environmental flows, pollution dispersion, UVC light for disease control in …
+44 (0)20 7882 6087
Prof Busfield

Prof James Busfield

Professor of Materials
Deputy Head of School and Director of Strategy

Examining the physical behaviour by experiment and modelling techniques of polymers and soft matter such as elastomers and rubber materials. Properties of interest include abrasion, friction, fracture, creep, fatigue, viscoelastic behaviour, modulus enhancement, self healing, recycling, ageing and composite filler reinforcement. Developing smart soft materials that can sense their environment …
Dr Cagney

Dr Neil Cagney

Director of Outreach, Recruitment and Admissions

My research is focused on experimental analysis of fluid flows, in particular fluid-structure interaction, flow-induced vibrations, mixing and dynamics in complex fluids.
+44(0)20 7882 8942
Dr Chapman

Dr Christopher Chapman

Lecturer in Bioengineering

Bioelectronics design and fabrication for central nervous system and peripheral nervous system targets. Experience using both metals and conducting polymers to create soft and flexible bioelectronic implants via laser-based and traditional microfabrication.
Dr Chen

Dr Jun Chen
BSc (Honours), MSc (Distinction), PhD, FHEA

Reader in Intelligent Systems Engineering
Deputy Director of Industrial Engagement
Programme Directors of MSc/DA in Data Centric Systems Engineering

My research interests lie at the interface of Computer Science, Operational Research and Control Engineering with a significant overlap with Systems Engineering. Over the years, I have consolidated and structured my research along three themes: modelling, optimisation and decision, four cross-cutting application areas: intelligent decision support for airport operations, human …
+44 (0)20 7882 8873
Dr Chowdhury

Dr Tina Chowdhury

Reader in Regenerative Medicine
Chief Investigator for clinical trial NCT06340971
Intercalated BSc Programme Director

Regenerative medicine
Dr Crespo-Ribadeneyra

Dr Maria Crespo-Ribadeneyra

Lecturer in Green Energy
Mental Health First Aider

The overarching aim of my research is to make the manufacture of energy materials sustainable; from using renewable feedstocks to introducing compliance and self-regenerating properties to the materials and architectures to enhance their lifespan. My vision encompasses a material-agnostic, multi-length scale redesign (material, cell and device) to enable long-lasting battery …
+44 (0)20 7882 3119
Dr Crick

Dr Colin Crick

Senior Lecturer in Materials Science
Director of Academic Standards (QMES)

Research group leader in the development of Novel Functional Materials, focusing on the engineering of surface chemistry and morphology for targeted applications. This includes; water repellent materials, water purification, anti-biofouling and self-cleaning surfaces. Expertise encompasses a wide range of materials and coatings synthesis methodologies, advanced characterisation techniques, and performance benchmarking. …
+44 (0)20 7882 6886
Dr Cullen

Dr Patrick Cullen
MChem, PhD, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Renewable Energy
Admissions lead Chemical Engineering
Admissions lead Sustainable Energy Engineering
EDI Co-Lead - Culture and Policy

My expertise is in synthesising scalably made nanomaterials and embedding them into energy devices for increased performance. These include devices such as Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. I also develop novel operando techniques for probe the materials in energy devices as they work. My work takes place …
+44(0)20 7882 6596
Dr Deng

Dr Xinru Deng
MEng, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Engineering Education
Director of Student Voice of QMES

Hydroxyapatite, biomineralization, directed self-assembling system, bio-inspired hierarchical structure, transnational education, authentic assessment
Prof Duddeck

Prof Fabian Duddeck
Dr.-Ing. habil.

Reader in Computational Mechanics

Crashworthiness, NVH, car body design optimisation, robust design, FEM, BEM, materials (plasticity, damage & fracture)
+44 (0)20 7882 5303
Dr Dulantha Lalitharatne

Dr Thilina Dulantha Lalitharatne
PhD, MSc, BSc(Hons) Eng

Lecturer in Robotics and Mechatronics

Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Social Robotics, Medical Robotics, Brain-Machine Interface (BMI/BCI), Soft Robotics, Bio-inspired Robotics
Dr Eisner

Dr Flurin Eisner

Lecturer in Green Energy and Sustainable Engineering
Laser and Non-Ionising Radiation Lead

My main area of research is on organic-semiconductor based solar energy conversion devices, which can be dissolved in solution to form a solar ink that can be easily painted on substrates like plastic; for example to make low-cost and lightweight solar panels. My work involves trying to gain an increased …
Prof Fenwick

Prof Oliver Fenwick

Professor of Electronic Materials
Director for Industrial Engagement

Developing materials for electronic devices such as LEDs, transistors and thermoelectric generators. The materials include organic semiconductors, carbon materials and halide perovskites, as well as self-assembled monolayers for the control of interfaces in devices. I have a particular interest in thermal measurements, controlling nanoscale morphology and self-assembly to tune functional …
+44 (0)20 7882 3150
Prof Gautrot

Prof Julien Gautrot

Professor of Biomaterials and Biointerfaces
Director of the Centre for Molecular Biochemical Engineering

Synthesis and characterisation of biomaterials. Micro- and nano-patterning. Bio-interfaces. Stem cell biology.
+44 (0)20 7882 5263
Dr Grasso

Dr Salvatore Grasso
PhD, MSc, FHEA, Royal Society Industry Fellow

Senior Lecturer in Ceramics
Editor of European Ceramic Society; Associate editor Journal of the American Ceramic Society and Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology; Member of EPSRC Peer Review College

Dr. Salvatore Grasso is a senior lecturer in ceramics at QMUL (250 publications, 28 patents, > 10 000 citations, h-index=54). He is an Editor of the European Ceramic Society and he is also an associated editor of the American ceramic society. During his career, he received seral prizes including: Pfeil Award, best paper in the …
+44 (0)20 7882 2773
Prof Gupta

Prof Himadri Gupta

Professor of Bioengineering and Biophysics
Director of Graduate Studies

Structure-function in tissue mechanics; Ageing, degeneration and fibrotic disorders in ECM; Developing multiscale and correlative imaging; small-angle X-ray scattering and modelling
+44 (0)20 7882 8867
Dr Hafeez

Dr Sanaa Hafeez

Lecturer in Engineering Education
Deputy Director of Education (Student Experience)

Dr Hajikazemi

Dr Sara Hajikazemi

Senior Lecturer in Engineering Management
School Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion lead

Dr Sara Hajikazemi holds a PhD and MSc in Project Management, as well as a BSc in Electrical Engineering. She has extensive experience in teaching, research, and enterprise within the field of engineering project management. Her research spans various industries, including oil and gas, construction, manufacturing, and healthcare. Dr Hajikazemi …
Prof Hing

Prof Karin Hing

Professor of Biomaterials and Tissue Regeneration
Education Lead - Centre for Bioengineeing
Programme Director - Biomedical Engineering UG and PGT programmes

My research is focused around the development of pioneering biomaterials and healthcare therapies through development of novel materials and processing technologies and investigation of the phenomena behind biocompatibility, and the stimulation of tissue regeneration. I am particularly interested in understanding the mechanisms behind enhanced bone healing or regeneration in the …
+44 (0)20 7882 7804
Prof Huijberts

Prof Henri Huijberts
MSc PhD(Twente, Netherlands) PFHEA CMath FIMA

Professor of Engineering Science and Education
Director of Education for SEMS

Nonlinear control systems, nonlinear dynamics, chaos, synchronisation, robotics, engineering and mathematics education, educational leadership, digital education
Prof Sir Humphreys

Prof Sir Colin Humphreys

Professor of Materials Science

Graphene and graphene electronic devices, from basic science through to manufacturable graphene devices. Advanced electron microscopy. Gallium nitride materials and devices, for example LEDs.
+44 (0)20 7882 3450
Dr Inyang

Dr Adijat Omowumi Inyang
BSc, MSc, PhD

Lecturer in Materials Science and Engineering Education
Director of Cultural Experience (QMES)

My key areas of research interests and focus include: Underrepresentation in engineering education; Sociocultural factors influencing underrepresentation among diverse student groups within engineering education; Diversity and inclusion within engineering education/STEM; Team Based Learning.
Prof Iskratsch

Prof Thomas Iskratsch
Dipl.-Ing., PhD, FHEA

Professor of Cardiovascular Mechanobiology and Bioengineering
Division Lead (Industry) of the Division of Bioengineering

Cardiomyocyte and Vacular Smooth Muscle Cell Mechanobiology, Rigidity Sensing, Micro and Nanopatterning, Cellular Force Measurement
+44 (0)20 7882 3674
Dr Ismail

Dr Ahmed Ismail

Lecturer in Fluid Dynamics
Chair of PGT Examination Board
Research Seminars Coordinator, Centre for Intelligent Transport

My work focuses mainly on multiphase flow in micro-scale. This includes capillary jets, microdroplets and also electrohydrodynamics. The main objective of my research is to understand the physics in such small scale and then use this knowledge to develop different technologies . I use experimental tools such as high speed imaging, …
+44 (0)20 7882 6272
Dr Jamone

Dr Lorenzo Jamone

Senior Lecturer in Robotics
Programme Director MSc Advanced Robotics

Cognitive Robotics, Robotic Manipulation, Tactile Sensing, Robot Learning, Haptics
+44 (0)20 7882 7825
Prof Jiang

Prof Xi Jiang
PhD, CEng, FIMechE, AFIChemE

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

The expertise of Prof Jiang is primarily in Energy/Environmental Engineering Applications, using Advanced Modelling/Simulation for energy utilisation and decarbonisation. The Applications include: Cleaner combustion utilisation of alternative and sustainable fuels; Combustion under extreme conditions; Geological carbon storage; Internal combustion engines and gas turbine combustors; Thermal management of batteries …
+44 (0)20 7882 5009
Dr Jivani

Dr Saqib Raza Jivani

Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
Academic Lead in Student Experience

Enhanced heat transfer, Condensation, Two-Phase Flow. Computational Fluid Dynamics, Finite element Analysis, Student Experience, Student Engagement, Flipped Learning, Gamification in Engineering Education.
+44 (0)20 7882 3149
Prof Jorge Sobrido

Prof Ana Jorge Sobrido

Professor of Sustainable Energy Materials
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow
Research Director for the Sustainable Engineering Centre
Staff Induction Champion

Prof Sobrido's research focuses in the development of new sustainable materials for energy storage and conversion applications. Her group develops new materials, mostly in the freestanding form, for devices including redox flow batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells and water electrolysers. Some of the synthesis and processing techniques include electrospinning and 3D …
Prof Karabasov

Prof Sergey Karabasov

Professor of Computational Modelling
Director of the Centre for Intelligent Transport

Computational fluid dynamics, computational aeroacoustics and aerodynamics, large-eddy simulations, meso-scale ocean modelling, fluctuating hydrodynamics for nano-scale flows , numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws
+44 (0)20 7882 7650
Dr Karimi

Dr Nader Karimi

Reader in Mechanical Engineering

My research focuses on Thermofluids, with a particular emphasis on Sustainable Energy and Fuels. This encompasses a broad range of investigations into climate-neutral fuels and thermal management in energy technologies. Specifically, our ongoing work includes the production and utilisation of hydrogen, biosyngas, ammonia, and other e-fuels. Additionally, we are involved …
Prof Knight

Prof Martin Knight
BEng, MSc, PhD, FHEA

Professor of Mechanobiology
Dean for Research (Faculty of Science and Engineering)

As a bioengineer, my research is focussed on the development of organ-on-a-chip technology and other complex in vitro models. These in vitro models can transform pre-clinical testing of new drugs and therapeutics, acelerating the delivery of safer, more effective medicines. The models are also helping us to better understand human …
+44 (0)20 7882 8868
Ms Kocnevaite

Ms Agne Kocnevaite

Lecturer in Language and Communication for Science and Engineering (Transnational Education)
Academic Misconduct Officer (QMES)

Research interests: language socialisation, development of scientific thinking and engineering judgement, translanguaging

Prof Krams

Prof Rob Krams

Professor of Molecular Bioengineering
Chair of Division of Bioengineering
Scientific Director of the CVDHub

mechanotransduction, flow studies, molecular biology, CRISPR, knock out, knock in, finite element modelling, fluid structure modelling, imaging, animal studies
+44 (0)20 7882 7940
Prof Krause

Prof Steffi Krause
Dr. rer. nat., MRSC, FHEA

Professor of Electroanalytical Systems
Director of Academic Standards

My research focuses on the development of electrochemical imaging and chemical and biological sensor technologies, and my group has recently developed photoelectrochemical imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution. This measurement technology has shown great potential in the functional imaging of living cells and is expected to aid the understanding of disease …
+44 (0)20 7882 3747
Prof Lee

Prof David Lee
BSc (Hons), MA, PhD

Deputy Vice Principal - Impact (Enterprise and Commercial Innovation)
Professor of Cell and Tissue Engineering

Tissue engineering and mechanobiology, Mesenchymal stem cell biology
+44 (0)20 7882 8874
Dr Li

Dr Zhe Li

Reader of Materials Science
Chair of Undergraduate Exam Board
Chair of Taught Postgraduate Exam Board

The research of my group is focused on the development of high performnce, high stabiltiy and environmentally friendly solution processed semiconductors and devices for photovoltaic applications and beyond. We have a particular interest in understanding the materials structure-function-stability-exotoxicity relationships of solution processed organic, perovskite and quantum dot semiconductors and utilise …
020 7882 6887
Dr Liu

Dr Haibao Liu

Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering
Outreach and Recruitment Lead in Materials
Study Abroad & Associate Student Coordinator
Head of Composite Design and Analysis Group (CDAG)

Dr Haibao Liu specialises in the experimental characterisation and damage prediction of composite materials for structure applications. His current focus is on developing high-fidelity experimental and numerical approaches to assess the performance of composite materials and structures under extreme conditions.
+44 (0)20 7882 8732
Dr Liu

Dr Tao Liu

Senior Lecturer In Solid Mechanics

Experimental characterisation and numerical modelling of damage and failure of engineering materials; Micromechanics of cellular materials and composite materials; Mechanics of biological cells and active tissues ; Mechanics of fibrous tissues; Impact engineering & dynamic fracture; Numerical modelling on complex multiphysics phenomena ; Mechanics of wet adhesion ; Design Optimization and bio-inspired designs; Mechanics …
Prof Livingston

Prof Andrew Livingston
BEng(Hons) MSc(Economics) PhD CEng FIChemE FREng FRS

Vice-Principal (Research) and Professor of Chemical Engineering

Molecular Separations. Membrane fabrication, membrane characterisation, membrane transport processes, membrane process simulation. Chemical and biochemical processes. Synthesis of exact polymers, including oligonucleotide therapeutics, peptides, PEGs and Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADC). Membrane processes in organic systems. Organic Solvent Nanofiltration (OSN). Defined monomer sequence synthetic polymers. Polymer therapeutics. Scale up of chemical …
+44 (0)20 7882 3006
Dr Lu

Dr Xuekun Lu

Senior Lecturer in Green Energy
STEM Ambassador
EPSRC Open Postdoc Fellow
EPSRC David Clarke Fellow
UK National Measurement Fellow
Deputy Chair of Undergraduate Subject Exam Board

My research group focuses on (1) revealing the interplay between 3D microstructure and the performance/failure mechanisms of the electrochemical energy devices (e.g., lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells etc) across multiple spatial and temporal domains using correlative operando characterisation techniques (X-ray CT, ptychography, XRD-CT, FIB-SEM, optical microscopy, etc); (2) multiscale multiphysics modelling (…
Dr Motallebi

Dr Fariborz Motallebi
BSc MEng PhD

Senior Lecturer in Aerodynamics
Academic Manager of Whitehead Aeronautical Laboratory

Flow Control, Aerodynamics of Sport Vehicles, High Speed Aerodynamics, Boundary Layer Flows, Instrumentation and Optical Diagnostics in Flow Measurements
+44 (0)20 7882 5182
Dr Mueller

Dr Jens-Dominik Mueller
Dipl-Ing, MSc, PhD

Reader in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Optimisation
SEMS Academic Misconduct Officer
Chair of the Professional Bodies Liaison Group
Education Lead Centre for Future Transport

Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Biofluids, Shape Optimisation, Adjoint methods, Mesh adaptation, Sensitivity Analysis, Systems Engineering, Data-driven modelling
+44 (0)20 7882 5421
Dr Nanjangud

Dr Angadh Nanjangud

Lecturer in Aerospace/Spacecraft Engineering

My research group develops robotics and AI technologies; our focus is to work on long-term challenges in the space sector. At this moment, the group focuses on developing the technology stack and investigating the engineering science challenges to unlock autonomous robotic on-orbit assembly of large space structures (telescopes and habitats). …
+44 (0) 20 7882 3757
Ms Nightingale

Ms Faith Nightingale

Senior Lecturer in Skills for Science and Engineering Transnational Education
Director of Education, Queen Mary Engineering School (Xi'an, China)
Deputy Director (Scholarship) for CREME

Engineering Education, Professional Skills, Curriculum Development, Interdisciplinary Education
Dr Panwisawas

Dr Chinnapat Panwisawas
BSc, PhD, CEng, FIMMM, FInstP, FIMechE, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Materials and Solid Mechanics
Director of Materials Science and Engineering Programme
Deputy Director of Graduate Studies
Chair of Academic Misconduct

Dr Chinnapat Panwisawas' research has been concentrated over the last 15 years on advanced process science and engineering of investment casting laser fusion welding and powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing particularly for establishing a multi-scale multi-physics approach to understand the process-structure-property-performance relationship of advanced metallic materials for aerospace energy and biomedical applications.
Dr Papageorgiou

Dr Dimitrios Papageorgiou

Senior Lecturer in Materials Science
Programme Director - BEng Polymer Science and Engineering, QMES

My research interests lie in all aspects of the relationships between structure and multifunctional properties of polymers and composites. My work also explores the application of strain on nanomaterials and nanocomposites for the understanding of their deformation mechanisms, their intrinsic mechanical properties and their phase changes under strain. By incorporating …
+44 (0)20 7882 2650
Dr Park

Dr Jae-Hwan Park

Senior Lecturer in Engineering Management
Director of Global Engagement in SEMS
Director in Engineering Management MSc, and Degree Apprenticeship in Engineering

National Strategy on Sustainable Development, Economic and Industry Strategy, Data Sharing Systems, Systems Innovation, Industry Transition, Regional Development, Technological Innovation, Digitalisation, Ecological Governance
Mr Parton

Mr Benjamin Parton
BAhon, MA(RCA), RCA Fellow, RSA Fellow, RSA Fellow

Lecturer with Professional Practice

Invention, Design Innovation, Strategic thinking, Graphic Design, Advertising Art Direction & Copywriting, Corporate Branding, Educator.
Dr Paykani

Dr Amin Paykani
PhD, FHEA, CEng, MIMechE

Lecturer in Sustainable Propulsion Systems
Research Lead- Centre for Intelligent Transport

Combustion engineering, Zero/low carbon fuels, low-order modelling, Machine learning, thermal management
Dr Pensalfini

Dr Marco Pensalfini
BSc (Bologna); MSc (Bologna); PhD (Dr. Sc. ETH)

Lecturer in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering
Centre for Bioengineering Representative in the IT Committee

My expertise is at the interface of mechanical and biomedical engineering, with a focus on the multiscale mechanics of soft fibrous biomaterials. A central theme is the development of novel experimental approaches combining mechanics and imaging techniques to unravel mechanisms of load redistribution across tissue lengthscales and address their mechanobiological …
Dr Peters

Dr Stuart Peters

Member of Academic Misconduct Panel

Industry 4.0 , Innovation, Sustainability & Climate Change
+44 (0)20 7882 3784
Ms Pitta

Ms Eleonora Pitta

Lecturer in Language/Skills for Science and Engineering (Teaching & Scholarship); Transnational Education.

I hold a BA in ELT and an MA in Applied Linguistics. With over 18 years experience in English language education, I have specialised in guiding students for Cambridge ESOL and IELTS exams. As an EAP lecturer, I expanded skills in English for Academic and Specific Purposes. As a content creator, …
Prof Pugno

Prof Nicola Pugno

Professor of Materials Science

Bio-inspired, Bionic, Nano, Meta Materials and Mechanics (including Fracture Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Tribology, Wettability, Adhesion, Scaling laws, etc.)
+44 (0)20 7882 6310
Prof Reece

Prof Michael Reece

Professor of Functional Ceramics
Director of Nanoforce Technology Ltd

Development of sustainable materials and processing for functional materials, including ferroelectrics, thermoelectrics and high entropy ceramics
Dr Romero-González

Dr Maria Romero-González

Reader in Science and Engineering Education
Executive Vice-Dean
Queen Mary Engineering School at the
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Xi'an, China

Biomineralization, surface chemistry, biomaterials, environmental chemistry, engineering and sustainability. Flipped learning, student centred learning, curriculum design.
Dr Roney

Dr Caroline Roney
MMath, MRes, PhD

Reader in Computational Medicine
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow

My research interests are in developing engineering methodologies to personalise treatment approaches for cardiac arrhythmias. We use a combination of signal processing, image processing, machine learning and computational modelling techniques to develop novel techniques for investigating cardiac arrhythmia mechanisms from clinical imaging data and electrical recordings. The ultimate aim of …
Dr Sabnis

Dr Kshitij Sabnis

Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering
Outreach & Recruitment Lead (Aerospace)
Deputy Director of Industrial Engagement (Graduate Attributes)

My research aims to provide greater understanding of aerodynamics across a wide spectrum of speed regimes. Inspired by problems encountered in practical applications, I conduct tests (mainly wind tunnel experiments) on simplified representations of the real-world scenario to develop greater understanding of the underlying fluid mechanics. These flow problems range …
Dr Sadati

Dr S.M.Hadi Sadati

Lecturer in Robotics and Mechatronics

Dr Salim

Dr Salim Mohamed Salim

Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (Teaching & Scholarship)
Deputy Director of Education (Organisation, Management and Resources)

Salim specialises in transnational education and enhancing the student experience through active and research-led learning. His interests include real-life applications, neurodiversity, internationalisation, and cultural awareness. As a Senior Fellow of Advance HE and advocate of the CDIO framework, he is committed to educational innovation. A Chartered Engineer with expertise in …
Prof Screen

Prof Hazel Screen
BEng MRes PhD(Lond) CEng, FIMechE, MIPEM

Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Head of School

My research aims to understand how our tissues are built to be able to withstand the loads they experience in the body. I am particularly interested in understanding tendon and heart valve; how and why they get injured, and ways to prevent this happening. By looking at the ways a …
Dr Shah

Dr Raza Shah
PhD (Cantab), BEng (Hons), CEng, MBA, MSc, MEd, PGCE, MIMechE, MCMI, GMBPsS

Senior Lecturer in Design, Production and Manufacturing
Foundation Programme (SEMS FEDU Coordinator and S&E Faculty Link)
MEng Research and Design Team Project Programme Organiser
MSc Extended Research Project Programme Organiser

Raza is a chartered engineer with expertise across design, production, processing, project management, R & D and consultancy. He has a diverse range of industrial design experience in the UK, Europe and Middle East on capital investment projects in the speciality gas, chemicals and petroleum gas industries at a senior level […
+44 (0)20 7882 6663
Dr Shah

Dr Rehan Shah
BEng (UCL), MSc (Oxf), PhD (UCL), FHEA, MIMA, MInstP

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Mathematics and Engineering Education
CAISE School Lead for Inclusive Scholarship
School EDI Education Champion
CPE Engagement Champion
IMA and LMS Academic Representative
Academic Lead for Levelling Up: Maths

Applied mathematics (nonlinear dynamics, analytical mechanics and mathematical modelling); Mathematics and engineering education pedagogy (diversification of STEM curricula, threshold concepts, concept inventories, embedding ethics and sustainability, university-industry partnerships, community-based learning, history of mathematics and physics)
Dr Shaheed

Dr Hasan Shaheed
PhD (Sheffield), PGCAP (London), SFHEA, MIEEE, CEng, MIET, NTF

Reader in Robotics and Renewable Energy
Deputy Chair- University Academic Misconduct Panel

Design, model developments, control and optimisation of autonomous, robotics and renewable energy systems using traditional, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) approaches. Application areas include i) Aerial/ Solar Aerial robots for inspection/ monitoring, ii) Medical Robotics: Capsule robots for GI tract inspection, Surgical robotic retractor, iii) Assistive Technologies: prosthetics, …
+44 (0)20 7882 7520
Prof Shelton

Prof Julia Shelton
BA(Cantab) PhD(Lond)

Professor of Biomechanical Engineering
Operational Director, Next Generation Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies (COaCT), Centre fro Doctoral Training

Wear of total hip replacements, surface coatings, particle analysis, orthopaedic systems, tissue engineering, tendon mechanics, modelling of taper mechanics
+44 (0)20 7882 8877
Dr Shoop

Dr Karen Shoop

Senior Lecturer in Design
Deputy Director of Education; Programme Director: Design, Innovation & Creative Engineering; Programme Director: Creative Computing; Education Lead (Centre for Research in Engineering and Materials Education)

Dr Slavchov

Dr Radomir Slavchov
BSc, MSc, PhD

Lecturer in Chemical Engineering
Module Mentor

(i) Adsorption of surfactants and electrolytes; (ii) capillary shapes, capillary flows, wetting, biomechanics; (iii) theory of surface electric phenomena; (iv) chemical physics of mixtures, quadrupolar solvents, fuel chemistry; (v) combustion engines.
+44 (0)20 7882 8938
Prof Smoukov

Prof Stoyan Smoukov

Professor of Chemical Engineering

My interests and expertise are in growing material robotics - programming matter as inspired by nature, to produce microscopic micro-robots that are both multifunctional and autonomous. We are developing sustainable manufacturing methods for bottom-up assembly from molecules, using phase transitions in confined geometries, the artificial morphogenesis process we have discovered …
+44 (0)20 7882 5305
Dr Spowage

Dr Andy Spowage

Reader in Engineering and Materials Education
Industrial Engagement Committee (Member)
Professional Bodies Liaison Committee (Member)
IoM3 Point of Contact
Technician Commitment Steering Group (Member)
Academic Standards Committee (ex)
University Appeals Chair
Director of Accreditation and Qu

The performance of materials including : Materials Selection, Failure Inviestigation, Testing of Materials Higher Education Including : Transnational operations, Professional Practice in Engineering Education, Student Centered Approaches
Prof Su

Prof Lei Su
BSc, MRes, PhD, FHEA

Professor of Photonics

My research is centred on sensors and instrumentation, optical devices, optoelectronic materials, wearable ultrasound for imaging, detection, monitoring and communication, interfacing with Artificial Intelligence, Materials, Chemistry and Nanotechnology, in applications such as healthcare, energy and security.
+44 (0)20 7882 5184
Prof Sui

Prof Yi Sui
PhD, MInstP, Fellow HEA

Professor of Fluid Mechanics
Director of Research

+44 (0)20 7882 7763
Prof Sukhorukov

Prof Gleb Sukhorukov

Professor of Biomedical Materials

Physical Chemistry, Biophysics, Materials Science. Area of research: Multifunctional Nanoengineered Delivery Systems
+44 (0)20 7882 5508
Dr Taghavi

Dr Majid Taghavi

Senior Lecturer in Robotics & Mechatronics

Soft robotics, actuators, assistive technologies
Dr Tan

Dr Wei Tan

Reader in Mechanics of Materials
ERC Starting Grant Awardee
Head of Mechanics of Composite Materials Group
IT Committee Chair

My research expertise lies in the mechanics of materials, multiscale modelling, multifunctional composites, finite element methods and data-driven methods. In particular, I have developed (1) computational models to understand the failure of composite materials under impact and crush loadings; (2) multifunctional composites for energy storage, shape-morphing and sensing; (3) data-driven methods for topology …
Prof Tanner

Prof Elizabeth Tanner
OBE, FREng, FRSE, PhD (Hon Caus), MA, DPhil, FIMMM, FIMechE, FIPEM, CEng, CSci

Bonfield Professor of Biomedical Materials
SEMS External Reputation Champion

My research interests are in the development, testing and use of biomaterials for bone and joint replacement. In particular composites of bioactive ceramics and polymers which can encourage bone ongrowth yet have sufficient mechanical properties to be used for load bearing applications. These are based on either non-degradable or degradable …
+44 (0)20 7882 6785
Prof Toropov

Prof Vassili Toropov

Professor of Aerospace Engineering

- Development of design optimisation techniques for large-scale engineering problems - Applications to various engineering systems - Improvement of reliability and robustness of engineering systems - Optimisation of composite structures - Inverse problems
+44 (0)20 7882 6296
Prof Tse

Prof Zion Tse

Director, Centre for Bioengineering
Academy of Medical Sciences Professor
Royal Society Wolfson Fellow

Intelligent Robotics, AI & Digital Technologies, Imaging & Medical Assistive Devices, and AI Healthcare
Dr Vepa

Dr Ranjan Vepa
BTech(IITMadras) MASc(Wat) PhD(Stan)

Reader in Aerospace Engineering
Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes

My research interests are in dynamic modelling, simulation and control applications related to aircraft flight dynamics, UAVs , robotics, space robotics and space vehicle orbit and attitude dynamics with a focus on aeroelaticity, electric propulsion and optimal trajectory synthesis for aircraft flight, UAVs and space missions.
+44 (0)20 7882 5193
Dr Verbruggen

Dr Stefaan Verbruggen

Lecturer in Medical Technology

Bone biomechanics and mechanobiology, Developmental biomechanics, cancer mechanobiology
Dr Viola

Dr Giuseppe Viola

Lecturer in Materials Science Education in QMES
Director of the Queen Mary Centre for Undergraduate Research

Innovative pedagogical methods in materials science and engineering education. Fabrication and characterization of active materials.
Dr Volpe

Dr Roberto Volpe

Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering

I design pyrolysis and gasification experiments to study the fundamental aspects of biomass thermal decomposition. My expertise ranges from the investigation of the pathways to thermo-chemical breakdown of solid biofuels to the synthesis of gaseous/liquid energy vectors and renewable carbon materials for catalysis and environmental applications such as water …
+44 (0)20 7882 7748
Dr Vukusic

Dr Sulafudin Vukusic

Senior Lecturer in Materials Chemistry
Director of the International Centre for Teaching and Learning (QMES)

Polymer Science, Chemical Education, Engineering and Materials Education
+44 (0)20 7882 2963
Prof Wang

Prof Huasheng Wang

Professor of Thermofluids Engineering

Dr Wang's research interests are in the areas of enhanced heat transfer, condensation, boiling, solid-liquid phase change heat transfer, measurement method, molecule dynamics simulation, multi-scale simulation, advanced refrigeration (magneto-caloric, electro-caloric and bar-caloric refrigeration), sustainable thermal energy systems and intelligent buildings.
+44 (0)20 7882 7921
Dr Wang

Dr Li Wang
BEng, MSc, PhD, CEng, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Engineering
Director of Student Experience, QMES

Materials, Design, Simulations, Packaging
Prof Wang

Prof Wen Wang

Vice-Principal and Executive Dean for Science and Engineering

Vascular endothelial mechanics, cell mechanobiology, flow and solute transport in extracellular matrices, microcirculation, arterial haemodynamics, cell & tissue mechanics
+44 (0)20 7882 3031
Dr Wang

Dr Xinwei Wang
BSc (Honours), PhD

Lecturer in Systems Engineering

My research lies at the interface of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Operational Research with applications in Decision Support and Risk Assessment Systems. Over the years, I have consolidated and structured my research along modelling, optimisation and decision, and cross-cutting engineering applications for aerospace and transport systems.
Dr Yan

Dr Haixue Yan

Reader in Materials Science and Engineering
Principal Scientist in Ceramics at Nanoforce Technology Ltd

My research aims to understand the relationships between structures and properties of functional materials including dielectrics, piezoelectric and ferroelectrics. By studying these relationships, we can design and develop materials with optimised properties for different applications.
+44 (0)20 7882 5164
Dr Zang

Dr Nick Zang
BEng, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering

Experimental aerodynamics and aeroacoustics; Advanced experimental measurements techniques; Machine-learning for fluid flows and noise; Computational methods for hyperbolic equations;
Dr Zawahreh

Dr Yousef Zawahreh
BEng(Hons), PhD, PGCert, FHEA

Senior Lecturer in Engineering Materials and Design

My background is in materials, an area of that spans all other engineering disciplines (almost). My interests lie in identifying and commercialising design-related solutions that come from the boundaries between disciplines. Sustainability of the built environment and healthcare are at the top of my list. Engineering education is another passion …
Dr Zhang

Dr Han Zhang

Reader in Polymers and Composites
Student Societies Academic Lead

Han's expertise in the field of composites ranges from manufacturing to characterization of advanced composites and nanocomposites, with a special focus on multifunctional composites for future lightweight structural applications. His current research is dedicated to the sustainable development of advanced composites. This includes energy-efficient sustainable manufacturing, integrated health monitoring, and …
+44 (0)20 7882 2726
Dr Zhang

Dr Ketao Zhang

Senior Lecturer in Robotics
Industrial Engagement Lead, Centre for Intelligent Transport
Director, Robotic Systems Research Group

Dr Ketao Zhang's current research include screw theory, origami-inspired design and fabrication techniques, reconfigurable parallel manipulators, biologically-inspired robots, aerial robots, mobile robots and mobile manipulation, and morphable soft-bodied robots. Current research themes in his group include: 1) aerial robotics; 2) robotic hand and gripper, and reconfigurable manipulators; 3) origami-inspired design and robot mechanisms; 4) …
+44 (0)20 7882 5183
Dr Zhu

Dr Yunpeng Zhu

Lecturer in Systems Engineering

Data-driven dynamical systems, including Nonlinear dynamics; System identification; Complex systems analysis and design; System condition monitoring; Vibration isolation and control; Energy harvesting, etc., as well as their engineering applications across a variety of disciplines.