Dr Patrick Cullen
MChem, PhD, FHEA

Dr Patrick Cullen

Senior Lecturer in Renewable Energy
Admissions lead Chemical Engineering
Admissions lead Sustainable Energy Engineering
EDI Co-Lead - Culture and Policy

+44(0)20 7882 6596
Engineering 225, Mile End

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Expertise: My expertise is in synthesising scalably made nanomaterials and embedding them into energy devices for increased performance. These include devices such as Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. I also develop novel operando techniques for probe the materials in energy devices as they work. My work takes place in the lab at Queen Mary or at neutron or synchrotron X-ray sources such as ISIS and Diamond.
Research Centre:

Brief Biography

At undergraduate Paddy studied chemistry at Balliol College, University of Oxford, (MChem, 2009), where he studied metal-ammonia solutions in the lab of Prof. Peter Edwards FRS.

He then spent a year teaching and demonstrating experiments in schools around south east England, before studying for his doctorate in the department of Physics & Astronomy, University College London (PhD 2015).

Subsequently he was awarded an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship to work in the Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London. Further to this he was a RCUK EPSRC Innovation Fellow working at Queen Mary, University of London since Janruary 2020.