
Professional Services

Mr Afzal

Mr Imran Afzal

Student Support Officer

Mr Ahmed

Mr Fuad Ahmed

Senior Mechanical Workshop Technician

CNC and manual machining. I model produce parts from most steels and plastics as needed. Can produce all sizes with precision tolerances. I can design model and manufacture.
Dr Aramide

Dr Babatunde Aramide
BTech, Msc, PhD

Teaching Laboratory Manager
Safety Coordinator

Mrs Bansal

Mrs Sonia Bansal
Assoc. CiPD, BA Hons

School Operations Officer

I take responsibility for all aspects of staff based administration and support within the School, such as recruitment and selection and induction of staff, training and development, leave records, and act as the main point of contact within the School for the HR Department on day to day activities. I …
Miss Barrett

Miss Holly Barrett

Student Recruitment and Marketing Manager

Miss Begum

Miss Nasima Begum

Quality And Assessment Manager

Mr Briggs

Mr Matthew Briggs

Education Services Administrator

Mr Davin

Mr Kieran Davin

Quality Assurance Officer

Dr Di Federico

Dr Erica Di Federico

Analytical Laboratories Manager

Provides comprehensive technical support for the mechanical testing facilities for academic staff, postgraduate, and undergraduate students within the School to enable the achievement of teaching and research aims and objectives. This comprises supporting appropriate research projects, managing contract testing and assisting with practical classes, demonstrations and in the development of …
+44 (0)20 7882 5054
Miss Dias

Miss Sandra Dias

Education Services Officer

Provides professional support for all taught students and staff in the School of Engineering and Materials Science. Sandra is responsible for timetabling all lectures, vivas and laboratories, supporting the examinations process including exam boards, coursework collection, managing the front of house service of the School Office and supervising the work …
+44 (0)20 7882 8742
Ms Gani

Ms Abida Gani

Materials Engineering and Processing Technician

Responsible for the operation, upkeep and maintenance of the materials engineering and processing laboratories in the Engineering and Joseph Priestly Buildings. This includes being responsible for the laboratory infrastructure, and establishment of technical expertise on all scientific methodologies used while maintaining high standards regarding laboratory waste disposal and health and …
+44 (0)20 7882 8623
Miss Godwin

Miss Priyanka Godwin
BSc, MSc

Student Support Administrator

I provide support to Undergraduate and Postgraduate students in the School of Engineering and Materials Science. I am a part of the School's Education/Teaching Team, working closely with academic staff and team members, to deliver excellent student experience. I assist with supporting students by delivering effective student enquiry management …
Miss Green

Miss Helen Green

Placements Officer

I help students apply for placement opportunities and support employers interested in hiring our students
Dr Hakobyan

Dr Shoghik Hakobyan

Materials Characterisation Technician

In my current position I am responsible for the day to day running of a Materials Characterisation Laboratory, maintaining the highest standards with respect to service delivery, maintenance, upkeep, along with training students, researchers and visitors on a wide range of analytical equipment. I am acting as a guide, source …
+44 (0)20 7882 6943
Mr Hills

Mr Jonathon Hills

Research Manager

Responsible for the effective management of administrative services supporting research activities, and the management of SEMS grant application bids and proposals. To provide high level professional advice and support to the ongoing development and implementation of research strategies and innovation activities within the School of Engineering and Materials Science (SEMS).
+44 (0)20 7882 8730
Mr Horsfield

Mr Matt Horsfield

Education Services Manager

Leads the Education Services team within the School. Overall operational responsibility for all aspects of the student journey from admission to graduation for all taught programmes students. Oversight of administrative processes including assessments, timetabling, student support, industrial placements and student experience activities. Responsible for overseeing process development and enhancement for …
Mr Iqbal

Mr Shafir Iqbal

Cell & (Human) Tissue Containment Level 2 Laboratory Technician

Provides comprehensive technical support for staff and students in the School to enable the achievement of teaching and research aims and objectives, in relation to cell culture and human tissue. To be responsible for the operation and upkeep of the biological containment level 2 laboratory areas of Cell and (Human)Tissue. …
+44 (0)20 7882 6991
Ms Jones

Ms Angela Jones

Student Support Officer

Provides advice and guidance for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students. Advises on matters which may be impeding a student's ability to study including physical and mental health, family issues or caring responsibilities. Manages and monitors the School's engagement policy, extenuating circumstances and leads on the School's student voice to enhance …
+44 (0)20 7882 8738
Ms Khanom

Ms Farjana Khanom

Digital Learning Technologist

Mr Llwellyn

Mr Jon Llwellyn

Finance Manager

Supporting the School Manager and Head of School to control and manage School budgets, and providing advice and guidance to Academics and other staff on all finance-related issues.
+44 (0)20 7882 8727
Ms Ma

Ms Jun Ma
BSc, MSc, MPhil

Instrumentation Technician

Provides comprehensive technical support for staff and students in the School to enable the achievement of teaching and research aims and objectives. To be responsible for the operation and upkeep of the laboratory area of Instrumentation. Responsible for the instruction, guidance and supervision of staff and students in the use …
+44 (0)20 7882 5057
Mr Neighbour

Mr Danny Neighbour

Laboratory Technician

Provides comprehensive technical support for staff and students in the School to enable the achievement of teaching and research aims and objectives. To be responsible for the operation and upkeep of the laboratory areas of Robotics and Servo PBL. Responsible for the instruction, guidance and supervision of staff and students …
+44 (0)20 7882 5056
Mr Paice

Mr Brandon Paice

Mechanical Workshop Technician

Technical support for the Aero lab and Makerspace. I am an apprentice trained machinist. I specialize In CAD/CAM and manual manufacturing processes with a background in Designing and manufacturing for research in mechanical engineering
Mr Parr

Mr Jack Parr

Senior Mechanical Workshop Technician

Senior Technician in the QMUL Faculty of Science and Engineering, collaborating with research academics to design and manufacture project-critical components. I specialise in providing comprehensive technical support for project-based experimental science, including the ATLAS LHC experiment at CERN in Switzerland, the Belle II SuperKEKB experiment at KEK in Japan, quantum …
Miss Peluso-White

Miss Daniella Peluso-White

Education Services Manager

Leads the Education Services team within the School. Overall operational responsibility for all aspects of the student journey from admission to graduation for all taught programmes students. Oversight of administrative processes including assessments, timetabling, student support, industrial placements and student experience activities. Responsible for overseeing process development and enhancement for …
+44 (0)20 7882 6760
Mr Pinku Ahluwalia

Mr Stefano Pinku Ahluwalia

Assistant Laboratory Technician

To provide fundamental technical assistance to enable to day to day functioning of the Schoolâ??s laboratories, primarily in the division of bioengineering. The role will carry out a range of operational tasks including equipment maintenance, replenishing stocks of consumables, chemical reagents and cryogenics, maintaining communal laboratory spaces and demonstrating …
+44 (0)20 7882 6991
Mr Pope

Mr Will Pope

Education Services Administrator

Ms Prieto Reina

Ms Irene Prieto Reina

School Operations Officer

I take responsibility for all aspects of staff based administration and support within the School, such as recruitment and selection and induction of staff, training and development, leave records, and act as the main point of contact within the School for the HR Department on day to day activities. I …
Dr Rai

Dr Subash Rai

Electron Microscopy Technician

In my role, I provide electron microscopy (SEM, S/TEM, FIB) knowledge and expertise in support of the research and teaching activities, and professional service to all users of facilities. I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the lab by providing training to new and existing users in routine …
Mr Rainey

Mr Colin Rainey
BA (Hons), PG Dip

Postgraduate Research Programmes Coordinator

Provides support for School PhD students and oversees the administration of PGR Programmes within the School. He also supports the Director of the School's Industrial Engagement Team.

Zakariyya Sahebdin

Apprentice Mechanical Workshop Technician

Mr Storhaug

Mr Neal Storhaug

Apprentice Mechanical Workshop Technician

Ms Tuohy

Ms Michelle Tuohy
MA (HPE), BA hons, FCMI, FlnstLM, Assoc.CIPD

School Manager

Accomplished senior leader with a strategic focus on developing and empowering large teams. Demonstrated expertise in aligning professional services with academic leadership to drive organisational success. Proven ability to direct and prioritise operations encompassing strategic finance, comprehensive grant management (pre and post-award), full employment lifecycle HR, ED&I leadership, governance, …
Mr Wakenshaw

Mr William Wakenshaw

Assistant Workshop Technician

I have knowledge in the practical area of engineering. This includes an understanding of CNC operation, manual machining, hand skills etc..
+44(0)20 7882 8701
Mr Wayland

Mr James Wayland

Makerspace Technician

Technical support for Makerspace workshop and Aero Lab. Specializes in additive manufacturing, Computer aided design / manufacture and product fabrication (woods, metals and plastics).
+44 (0)20 7882 8701
Dr Whiteley

Dr Richard Whiteley
MEng, DPhil

XRD Characterisation Technician

Provides comprehensive technical support for staff and students in the School to enable the achievement of teaching and research aims and objectives. Responsible for the operation and upkeep of the X-Ray Diffraction Facility. Responsible for the instruction, guidance and supervision of staff and students in the use of laboratory equipment …
+44 (0)20 7882 6379

Ayden Wilkes

Marketing and Communications Officer

I work as part of the SEMS Marketing team on recruitment, market research, digital comms and more.
Mr Woolley

Mr Michael Woolley

Outreach and Recruitment Officer

I deliver a range of Outreach and Recruitment activities with the aim of inspiring future engineers, and increasing the number of quality and committed students choosing to apply to an Engineering and Materials Science programme with Queen Mary University of London.
+44(0)20 7882 2187
Dr Wu

Dr Dongsheng Wu

Imaging Technician
Genetic Modification Supervisor

Managing core facilities of the Bioimaging Centre. Specialised in providing instruction, supervision, health and safety guidance to staff and students in the application of Bioimaging core facilities for their scientific research and in performing projects associated with genetic modification.
+44 (0)20 7882 5051
Ms Yoon

Ms Ji Young Yoon

Technical Facilities Manager

Technical Services Lead responsible for managing the technical facilities within the School, including oversight of the effective and efficient provision of technical support for teaching, research, and commercial partnerships. Leads both short-term and long-term strategic resource planning for space, technical infrastructure, and staffing. Lead on risk management and continuity planning …
Miss Zhang

Miss Meihong Zhang

Executive Assistant

I provide comprehensive support to the Head of School and other members of the School Management Team.
Ms Zhang

Ms Wei Zhang

Finance Officer

Provides support for the financial activity of the School through the provision of an efficient purchasing and accounts service. Source of advice and information within the School about matters regarding best financial practice and use of the College financial procedures. Contributes to the preparation of financial analyses for School Management. …
+44 (0)20 7882 8728
Dr Zia

Dr Qasim Zia

Electron Microscopy Technician

Manages the SEM and FIB facilities, providing training and support to users to push the applications of these tools to improve research outcomes. Also, breadth of knowledge in other spectroscopy techniques FTIR, TGA, DSC, AAS, EDS/WDS, and UV VIS.