Dr Marco Pensalfini

Dr Marco Pensalfini

Lecturer in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering

219A, Engineering, Mile End

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Expertise: My expertise is at the interface of mechanical and biomedical engineering, with a focus on the multiscale mechanics of soft fibrous biomaterials. A central theme is the development of novel experimental approaches combining mechanics and imaging techniques to unravel mechanisms of load redistribution across tissue lengthscales and address their mechanobiological relevance. I also have broad experience in establishing two-way links between experiments and corresponding computational models with predictive or interpretative function, including inverse FEA and hierarchical Bayesian inverse analysis. My work is intrinsically multidisciplinary, and over the years I have initiated multiple collaborations with clinical and industrial partners.
Research Centre:

Brief Biography

I have recently joined QMUL as a Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, and I am looking for motivated founding members at all academic levels to build a team working on the multiscale biomechanics of soft fibrous materials.

Previously, I have been Project Leader for a Spanish Marie-Curie match-up grant and Research Director for an ERC-Consolidator grant at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, and I have acquired MedTech industry experience by working as Senior Research Engineer for Zimmer Biomet.

I hold Mechanical Engineering degrees from ETH Zurich (PhD: '19) and Bologna University (MSc: '14; BSc: '11), including stays at Purdue University and UW-Madison. My work has been awarded the 2020 Young Investigator Award by SKINTEGRITY.CH, the Swiss-wide consortium for research on skin.