Dr Marco Pensalfini
BSc (Bologna); MSc (Bologna); PhD (Dr. Sc. ETH)


All Publications



  • How cosmetic tightening products modulate the biomechanics and morphology of human skin
    Pensalfini M, Rotach M, Hopf R, Bielicki A, Santoprete R and Mazza E
    Acta Biomaterialia, Elsevier vol. 115, 299-316.  
  • Activin-mediated alterations of the fibroblast transcriptome and matrisome control the biomechanical properties of skin wounds
    Wietecha MS, Pensalfini M, Cangkrama M, Müller B, Jin J, Brinckmann J, Mazza E and Werner S
    Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 11 (1) 



  • Development of a Novel Human Cell-Derived Tissue-Engineered Heart Valve for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: an In Vitro and In Vivo Feasibility Study
    Lintas V, Fioretta ES, Motta SE, Dijkman PE, Pensalfini M, Mazza E, Caliskan E, Rodriguez H, Lipiski M, Sauer M, Cesarovic N, Hoerstrup SP and Emmert MY
    Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research, Springer Nature vol. 11 (6), 470-482.  
  • A novel ultra-light suction device for mechanical characterization of skin
    Müller B, Elrod J, Pensalfini M, Hopf R, Distler O, Schiestl C and Mazza E
    Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 13 (8) 


  • Location-specific mechanical response and morphology of facial soft tissues
    Pensalfini M, Weickenmeier J, Rominger M, Santoprete R, Distler O and Mazza E
    Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Elsevier vol. 78, 108-115.  
  • The mechanical fingerprint of murine excisional wounds
    Pensalfini M, Haertel E, Hopf R, Wietecha M, Werner S and Mazza E
    Acta Biomaterialia, Elsevier vol. 65, 226-236.  
  • The suture retention test, revisited and revised
    Pensalfini M, Meneghello S, Lintas V, Bircher K, Ehret AE and Mazza E
    Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Elsevier vol. 77, 711-717.  


  • Factors affecting the mechanical behavior of collagen hydrogels for skin tissue engineering
    Pensalfini M, Ehret AE, Stüdeli S, Marino D, Kaech A, Reichmann E and Mazza E
    Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Elsevier vol. 69, 85-97.  
  • Guidelines for standardization of bioprinting: a systematic study of process parameters and their effect on bioprinted structures
    Kesti M, Fisch P, Pensalfini M, Mazza E and Zenobi-Wong M
    Bionanomaterials, De Gruyter vol. 17 (3-4), 193-204.  


  • Challenging the in-vivo assessment of biomechanical properties of the uterine cervix: A critical analysis of ultrasound based quasi-static procedures
    Maurer MM, Badir S, Pensalfini M, Bajka M, Abitabile P, Zimmermann R and Mazza E
    Journal of Biomechanics, Elsevier vol. 48 (9), 1541-1548.  


  • Evaluation of Global Load Sharing and Shear-Lag Models to Describe Mechanical Behavior in Partially Lacerated Tendons
    Pensalfini M, Duenwald-Kuehl S, Kondratko-Mittnacht J, Lakes R and Vanderby R
    Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Asme International vol. 136 (9) 