Dr Tina Chowdhury

Dr Tina Chowdhury

Reader in Regenerative Medicine
SEMS EDI & Athena Swan Lead
Intercalated BSc Programme Director

Engineering 117, Mile End

ORCID Twitter/X

support hours:
Monday (1-2pm)
Tuesday (1-2pm)
Expertise: Regenerative medicine
Research Centre:

Brief Biography

Tina Chowdhury is Reader in Regenerative Medicine. She was awarded a Drapers Fellowship (2014-17), the Queen Mary ADEPT Senior Fellowship (2018) and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2018). Tina's work in developing education and outreach innovations has been recognised by the Times Higher Education (2014), Reimagine Education (2016), Royal Academy of Engineering (2018, 2022), Story Futures Academy (2021). She chairs the SEMS EDI Steering Group and Committee particularly focusing on STEAMM. Tina championed a successful Athena Swan application in engineering under her leadership (2024).

Tina is leading research projects with a value of £4.5M. She has published 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented 100 abstracts at national and international conferences. Her work in regenerative medicine aims to identify therapeutics that slow down inflammation and repair tissue using human in vitro models. Tina is Chief Investigator for a clinical trial (NCT06340971) investigating how the environment affects pregnancy outcomes and preterm birth (REC 24/EE/0047) in collaboration with Anna David at UCLH NHS Trust (classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT06340971?term=NCT06340971&draw=1&rank=1). She serves on the editorial board and referee panel for several journals and her doctoral research students have won many research prizes at international conferences such as ISPD or best paper in the journal Prenatal Diagnosis.

Tina is an external examiner (Imperial 2019-2023; Manchester 2023-2028) and module organiser for 5 courses. She leads in the development of interdisciplinary programmes across the Faculty of Science & Engineering and Medicine & Dentistry. She is Programme Director for the Intercalated BSc in Biomedical Engineering. She has won many prizes and project grants with a value of £300,000 to enhance and diversify STEMM education eg. virtual lab (www.youtube.com/watch?v=baA46qSvGrY).

Tina leads a number of initiatives in community public engagement events and has given 30 plenary presentations and organised 50 events in partnership with the Ideas Foundation, Royal Academy of Engineering, Canon, BBC, UK Space Agency. Examples include "Engineer Your Story", "Picture An Engineer", the "bioengineering experience" and "Staying Strong-Joints in Space".

For the latest news visit "research news" and X @ttchowdhury