Prof Xi Jiang
PhD, CEng, FIMechE, AFIChemE

Prof Xi Jiang

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

+44 (0)20 7882 5009
Engineering 303, Mile End

ORCID Google Scholar

support hours:
Wednesday 9:00-11:00 (in-person); Friday 12:00-13:00 (online)
Expertise: The expertise of Prof Jiang is primarily in Energy/Environmental Engineering Applications, using Advanced Modelling/Simulation for energy utilisation and decarbonisation. The Applications include: Cleaner combustion utilisation of alternative and sustainable fuels; Combustion under extreme conditions; Geological carbon storage; Internal combustion engines and gas turbine combustors; Thermal management of batteries and computers/servers. The Modelling/Simulation techniques include: Big data analytics for energy utilisation applications; Digital Twin for marine engine decarbonisation / digitalisation; High-performance computing (HPC) for thermofluid applications; Large-eddy simulation / direct numerical simulation for fluid flow, heat transfer and combustion; Machine learning (with applications to fuel property and combustion emission …
Research Centre:Sustainable Engineering
Affiliations: Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Associate Fellow of IChemE

Brief Biography

Professor Jiang's interest is in the area of sustainable energy engineering, who chaired the Division of Mechanical Engineering, Robotics & Design (2017-2019) and the Division of Chemical Engineering & Renewable Energy (2020-2022) at the School of Engineering & Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). He re-joined QMUL in 2017 after holding the post of Chair in Energy Use and Transport in Lancaster University for more than seven years. He has an academic profile previously developed at Lancaster University, Brunel University, Queen Mary University of London, Building Research Establishment, Seoul National University and University of Science and Technology of China. His research has been in the broad area of Energy & Environments, mainly on the border of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, with a focus on Energy & Flow Physics research using high-fidelity numerical modelling and simulations. His current activities are primarily on green energy technology development.
Using modelling/simulation methods, he has investigated a broad range of engineering problems centred around energy utilisation. His earlier research mainly focussed on advanced computational fluid dynamics including direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large-eddy simulation (LES) of fluid flow, turbulence, heat and mass transfer, combustion and aeroacoustics, such as DNS and LES of gas-liquid two-phase flows and syngas/bio-syngas/biogas combustion, and LES of fuel injection and spray combustion. In the last decade, his research has been broadened to include numerical simulations of porous medium flow for geological carbon storage and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, for applications ranging from field scales (~kilometres) to nanoscales. More recently, his research is increasingly focussed more on machine learning (ML) and big data analytics, including MD/ML for fuel property and emission predictions. His research has also been developed into modelling of thermofluid systems for practical engineering applications such as modelling of battery thermal management and thermal management in computer systems, and "digital twin" developments for marine engines. His on-going activities are centred around sustainable and cleaner energy utilisation, decarbonisation of energy-intensive manufacturing (material production) and utilisation of synthetic fuels for difficult-to-decarbonise transport applications. Most of his computational work has been performed on high-performance computing (HPC) facilities.
In his research field of Energy & Flow Physics, he has an international profile with about 150 journal publications in his academic career, including top journals in the field such as Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Nano Energy, Applied Energy, Journal of Power Sources, Energy Conversion and Management, Fuel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Combustion and Flame, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer etc. In addition, he was the winner of the Gaydon Prize for the most significant UK contribution to the 28th Symposium (International) on Combustion by the Combustion Institute (British Section). He has been a regular reviewer of several leading journals and serves as a Subject Editor of International Journal of Computer Mathematics (since 2008) and an Editor of Nature Scientific Reports (since 2021). He is currently an EPSRC Peer Review College Member and regular reviewer for EPSRC and Innovate UK proposals and sits in various assessment panels. He has also been involved in organizing a few international conferences in energy utilisation & multi-phase flows.