Prof Xi Jiang
PhD, CEng, FIMechE, AFIChemE
Key Publications
- Xing Z, Jiang X and Cracknell RF (2024). Investigation of the chemical mechanism of pollutant formation in co-firing of ammonia and biomass lignin. Elsevier Bv: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy vol. 77, 126-137.
01-08-2024 - Freitas RSM and Jiang X (2024). Descriptors-based machine-learning prediction of cetane number using quantitative structure–property relationship. Elsevier Bv: Energy and Ai, 100385-100385.
01-06-2024 - Xing Z and Jiang X (2024). Neural network potential-based molecular investigation of pollutant formation of ammonia and ammonia-hydrogen combustion. Elsevier Bv: Chemical Engineering Journal vol. 489, 151492-151492.
01-04-2024 - Freitas RSM, Lima ÁPF, Chen C, Rochinha FA, Mira D and Jiang X (2022). Towards predicting liquid fuel physicochemical properties using molecular dynamics guided machine learning models. Elsevier Bv: Fuel vol. 329, 125415-125415.
05-08-2022 - Chen C, Mira D and Jiang X (2022). A molecular simulation study on transport properties of FAMEs in high-pressure conditions. Fuel vol. 316, 123356-123356.
All Publications
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- Xing Z, Freitas RSM and Jiang X (2024). Neural network potential-based molecular investigation of thermal decomposition mechanisms of ethylene and ammonia. Energy and AI, Elsevier vol. 18, 100454-100454.
01-12-2024 - Xing Z, Jiang X and Cracknell RF (2024). Investigation of the chemical mechanism of pollutant formation in co-firing of ammonia and biomass lignin. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier BV vol. 77, 126-137.
01-08-2024 - Freitas RSM and Jiang X (2024). Descriptors-based machine-learning prediction of cetane number using quantitative structure–property relationship. Energy and AI, Elsevier BV, 100385-100385.
01-06-2024 - Soyler I, Zhang K, Jiang X and Karimi N (2024). Effects of compositional uncertainties in cracked NH3/biosyngas fuel blends on the combustion characteristics and performance of a combined-cycle gas turbine: A numerical thermokinetic study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier vol. 69, 504-517.
01-06-2024 - Xing Z and Jiang X (2024). Neural network potential-based molecular investigation of pollutant formation of ammonia and ammonia-hydrogen combustion. Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier BV vol. 489, 151492-151492.
- Xing Z, Chen C and Jiang X (2023). A molecular investigation on the mechanism of co-pyrolysis of ammonia and biodiesel surrogates. Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier BV vol. 289, 117164-117164.
25-05-2023 - Chen C, Xia J, Martinez Q, Jiang X and Bahai H (2023). Molecular dynamics of interfacial crystallization of dodecane on hydroxylated silica surface impacted by H2O and CO2. The Journal of Chemical Physics, AIP Publishing vol. 158 (20)
25-05-2023 - Xing Z, Yu M, Chen C and Jiang X (2023). A molecular investigation on the effects of OMEX addition on soot inception of diesel pyrolysis. Fuel, Elsevier vol. 346, 128357-128357.
14-04-2023 - Yu M, Yu X, Yu D and Jiang X (2023). Molecular dynamics investigation of the effect of ammonia on coal pyrolysis and the nitrogen transformation. Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier BV vol. 285, 117006-117006.
12-04-2023 - Chen Y, Chen S, Li D and Jiang X (2023). Density-Driven Convection for CO2 Solubility Trapping in Saline Aquifers: Modeling and Influencing Factors. Geotechnics, MDPI AG vol. 3 (1), 70-103.
03-03-2023 - Li D, Zhong Y and Jiang X (2023). Experimental study of impurity effects on convective mixing in Hele-Shaw cell with application to CO2 geological sequestration. Advances in Water Resources, Elsevier BV vol. 172, 104379-104379.
07-01-2023 - Xu Z, Xie Q, Chen C and Jiang X (2023). Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Converting Waste Polyethylene (PE) to Chemicals and Fuels under Non-Isothermal and Isothermal Conditions. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 110249-110249.
03-01-2023 - Li D, Cai D, Ao Z and Jiang X (2023). Migration and redistribution of LNAPL in inclined stratified soil media. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Elsevier BV, 130809-130809.
01-01-2023 - Soyler I, Zhang K, Duwig C, Jiang X and Karimi N (2023). Uncertainty quantification of the premixed combustion characteristics of NH3/H2/N2 fuel blends. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier BV
- Yu M, Chen C, Xing Z and Jiang X (2022). ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulation of nickel catalysed gasification of cellulose in supercritical water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier vol. 48 (1), 123-137.
14-10-2022 - Chen C, Mira D, Xing Z and Jiang X (2022). Thermophysical property prediction of biodiesel mixtures at extreme conditions using molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, Elsevier vol. 367, 120423-120423.
01-10-2022 - Freitas RSM, Lima ÁPF, Chen C, Rochinha FA, Mira D and Jiang X (2022). Towards predicting liquid fuel physicochemical properties using molecular dynamics guided machine learning models. Fuel, Elsevier BV vol. 329, 125415-125415.
05-08-2022 - Ayaa F, Lubwama M, Kirabira JB and Jiang X (2022). Potential of invasive shrubs for energy applications in Uganda. Energy, Ecology and Environment, Springer Science and Business Media LLC
02-08-2022 - Yu M, Chen C and Jiang X (2022). Understanding the miscibility of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OMEn) and diesel blend using molecular dynamics simulation. Fuel, Elsevier vol. 323, 124348-124348.
29-04-2022 - Qian P, Feng B, Wen H, Jiang X, Ying Y, Si Y and Zhang D (2022). Maximum power point tracking for triboelectric nanogenerator based wave energy converters. Nano Energy, Elsevier, 107249-107249.
09-04-2022 - Chen C, Mira D and Jiang X (2022). A molecular simulation study on transport properties of FAMEs in high-pressure conditions. Fuel vol. 316, 123356-123356.
- Chen C, Volpe R and Jiang X (2021). A molecular investigation on lignin thermochemical conversion and carbonaceous organics deposition induced catalyst deactivation. Applied Energy vol. 302
11-08-2021 - Li G, Jiang X, Du W, Yang J, Liu C, Mu Y and Xu G (2021). Vortex breakdown control by the Plasma Swirl injector. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) vol. 11 (12)
15-06-2021 - Li D, Jiang X, Zhong Y and Liu A (2021). Coupling effects of native H2S and different co-injected impurities on CO2 sequestration in layered saline aquifers. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Elsevier vol. 88
- Li G, Jiang X, Jiang L, Lei Z, Zhu J, Mu Y and Xu G (2020). Design and experimental evaluation of a plasma swirler with helical shaped actuators. Sensors and Actuators A Physical, Elsevier vol. 315
01-11-2020 - Jiang L, Li G, Jiang X, Hu H, Xiao B, Xu Y and Lei Z (2020). Experimental investigation of non-premixed and partially premixed methane lifted flames established on a lobed swirl injector. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, SAGE Publications, 09576509209-09576509209.
09-09-2020 - Chen C and Jiang X (2020). Molecular dynamics simulation of soot formation of diesel combustion with oxygenated fuel addition. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
24-08-2020 - Li G, Jiang X, Lei Z, Liu C, Yang J, Xu Y and Xu G (2020). Central recirculation zone induced by the DBD plasma actuation. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 10 (1)
03-08-2020 - M. Freitas RS, Rochinha FA, Mira D and Jiang X (2020). Parametric and Model Uncertainties Induced by Reduced Order Chemical Mechanisms for Biogas Combustion. Chemical Engineering Science, Elsevier BV, 115949-115949.
15-07-2020 - Li D and Jiang X (2020). Numerical investigation of convective mixing in impure CO2 geological storage into deep saline aquifers. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Elsevier vol. 96, 103015-103015.
13-03-2020 - Zhang K and Jiang X (2020). Datasets for high hydrogen content syngas fuel variability effect on combustion physicochemical properties. Data in Brief, Elsevier vol. 29
- Zhang K and Jiang X (2019). Uncertainty quantification of fuel variability effects on high hydrogen content syngas combustion. Fuel, Elsevier BV vol. 257, 116111-116111.
31-08-2019 - Li G and Jiang X (2019). Effects of electrical parameters on the performance of a plasma swirler. Physica Scripta, IOP Publishing vol. 94 (9), 095601-095601.
08-07-2019 - Hales A and Jiang X (2019). Optimisation of low energy cooling through phase variation between adjacent piezoelectric fan blades. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier vol. 139, 362-372.
15-05-2019 - Chen C and JIANG X (2019). Transport property prediction and inhomogeneity analysis of supercritical n-Dodecane by molecular dynamics simulation. Fuel, Elsevier vol. 244, 48-60.
15-05-2019 - Gan Y, Li H, Jiang Z, Chen X, Luo Y, Tong Y, Shi Y and Jiang X (2019). An experimental investigation on the electrospray characteristics in a meso-scale system at different modes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier vol. 106, 130-137.
29-04-2019 - HALES A and JIANG X (2019). Geometric optimisation of piezoelectric fan arrays for low energy cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier vol. 137, 52-63.
23-03-2019 - Li G, Jiang X, Zhu J, Yang J, Liu C, Mu Y and Xu G (2019). Combustion control using a lobed swirl injector and a plasma swirler. Applied Thermal Engineering vol. 152, 92-102.
- Li S, Mira D, Zhu M and Jiang X (2018). Investigation of dilution effects on partially premixed swirling syngas flames using a LES-LEM approach. Journal of the Energy Institute, Elsevier vol. 91 (6), 902-915.
01-12-2018 - Li D, Zhang H, Li Y, Xu W and JIANG X (2018). Effects of N2 and H2S binary impurities on CO2 geological storage in stratified formation – A sensitivity study. Applied Energy, Elsevier vol. 229, 482-492.
10-08-2018 - Li G, Jiang X, Chen Q and Wang Z (2018). Flame lift-off height control by a combined vane-plasma swirler. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
02-08-2018 - ZHANG K and JIANG X (2018). An assessment of fuel variability effect on biogas-hydrogen combustion using uncertainty quantification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier vol. 43, 12499-12515.
22-05-2018 - Jiang X, Mira D and Cluff DL (2018). The combustion mitigation of methane as a non-CO2 greenhouse gas. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science vol. 66, 176-199.
01-05-2018 - Gan Y, Tong Y, Jiang Z, Chen X, Li H and Jiang X (2018). Electro-spraying and catalytic combustion characteristics of ethanol in meso-scale combustors with steel and platinum meshes. Energy Conversion and Management vol. 164, 410-416.
23-03-2018 - HALES A and JIANG X (2018). A review of piezoelectric fans for low energy cooling of power electronics. Applied Energy, Elsevier vol. 215, 321-337.
20-02-2018 - ZHANG K and JIANG X (2018). An investigation of fuel variability effect on bio-syngas combustion using uncertainty quantification. Fuel, Elsevier vol. 220, 283-295.
- Fischer M and Jiang X (2017). Numerical studies of CO formation during biogas combustion. Energy Procedia, Elsevier vol. 142, 426-431.
01-12-2017 - Li D, He Y, Zhang H, Xu W and Jiang X (2017). A numerical study of the impurity effects on CO2 geological storage in layered formation. Applied Energy vol. 199, 107-120.
09-05-2017 - Zhang H, Yi J and Jiang X (2017). Fast Response, Highly Sensitive and Selective Mixed-Potential H2 Sensor Based on (La, Sr)(Cr, Fe)O3-δ Perovskite Sensing Electrode. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces vol. 9 (20), 17218-17225.
04-05-2017 - Zhou X and Jiang X (2017). Analysis of the Chemical Structure in a Nonpremixed H2/N2 Flame Using Large Eddy Simulation with Detailed Chemistry. Energy Procedia, Elsevier vol. 105, 1948-1952.