Dr Ketao Zhang

Dr Ketao Zhang

Senior Lecturer in Robotics
Industrial Engagement Lead, Centre for Intelligent Transport
Director, Robotic Systems Research Group

+44 (0)20 7882 5183
Engineering 115, Mile End

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support hours:
ENG 115 (in-person)
Tuesday, 12:00 - 13:00 [B24]
MS Teams (online)
Friday, 13:00 - 14:00 [B24]
Expertise: Dr Ketao Zhang's current research include screw theory, origami-inspired design and fabrication techniques, reconfigurable parallel manipulators, biologically-inspired robots, aerial robots, mobile robots and mobile manipulation, and morphable soft-bodied robots. Current research themes in his group include: 1) aerial robotics; 2) robotic hand and gripper, and reconfigurable manipulators; 3) origami-inspired design and robot mechanisms; 4) soft actuators and sensors.
Research Centre:Intelligent Transport
Affiliations: Member of IEEE
Member of ASME

Brief Biography

Dr Ketao Zhang is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL), and is the Director of the Robotic Systems Research Group, a core robotics team within the Centre for Advanced Robotics @ QMUL (ARQ).

His research explores design theory of mechanisms and parallel manipulators, robotic manipulation, soft robotics, aerial robotics and their applications in dynamic and challenging environments.

Before joining QMUL, he was a Research Associate at the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London in the Aerial Robotics Lab with Prof Mirko Kovac, developing aerial robotic construction systems that enable aerial robots to 3D print building structures autonomously. He had also been a leading researcher at King's College London in the Multifingered Robotic Hand Lab where he developed the 3-fingered Metahand for mobile manipulators and learning affordance in robotic manipulation in collaboration with Prof Jian Dai.

Dr. Zhang received his PhD degree in a joint programme in Mechanical Engineering - Machine Design and Theory at King's College London (UK) and Beijing Jiaotong University (China), investigating the design and kinematic analysis of reconfigurable parallel manipulators. He received his BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation from Beijing Jiaotong University.

He is currently a Associate Editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Mechanism and Machine Theory, and Editorial Board Member of the Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering.