Dr Jae-Hwan Park

Dr Jae-Hwan Park

Senior Lecturer in Engineering Management
Director of Global Engagement in SEMS
Director in Engineering Management MSc, and Degree Apprenticeship in Engineering

Engineering 311, Mile End
support hours:
Monday 11:00-12:00 (online) and Monday 15:30-16:30 (in-person)
Expertise: National Strategy on Sustainable Development, Economic and Industry Strategy, Data Sharing Systems, Systems Innovation, Industry Transition, Regional Development, Technological Innovation, Digitalisation, Ecological Governance
Research Centre:Research in Engineering and Materials Education
Affiliations: Academy of Management

Brief Biography

After having finished his PhD studies in technology management at the University of Cambridge, with his combined knowledge of economics and engineering, Dr. Jae-Hwan has developed unique solutions and practical policies in 'sustainability,' 'disaster risk management,' and 'Covid-19 and the digital gap'. During these ten years, he provided consultations for UN entities such as UNIDO and UNESCAP, in various different countries including Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, and Fiji. Currently, along with UNESCAP, Jae-Hwan is conducting high-impact research on how Central Asia can create a cross-border data-sharing system by suggesting a new system of institutions, regulations, and technologies, working across Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and South Korea. This research project will prove to have a significant impact on national regulation, international policy, and economic settings in Central Asia.

In addition, Jae-Hwan has closely worked with industry and international multinational firms to enhance their competitiveness in the rail industry and electronics by providing consultation over time. For example, Dr. Park developed strategies for the Samsung Design Centre to enhance its next-generation design institutional capabilities. Also, working with DB in Germany and SNCF in France, Jae-Hwan has continuously delivered consultations for the rail industry, helping them expand their EU rail market by meeting the procurement requirements and the required technical standards.

Recently, while investigating the evolution of institutions, markets, regulations, industries, and technologies from a longitudinal perspective, Dr. Park has focused on how industries in emerging countries could create high value-added industries within the global value chain. For this research agenda, several projects have been developed: why has the Ivory Coast failed to create a higher value-added industry in cocoa farming; how has India successfully developed a cashew processing industry over time; why has fast fashion in Bangladesh failed to create higher market value over time; and how has Felixstowe port created a successful industry port and regional development.

Jae-Hwan is working as the director of Global Engagement in SEMS, the director of MSc Engineering Management, and the director of Apprenticeship of Engineering Business Management at Queen Mary University of London. He has received the Best Teaching Award three times from the student union during his former position in UK higher education.