Prof Hazel Screen
BEng MRes PhD(Lond) CEng, FIMechE, MIPEM


Research Group News

January 2025

The experiment being used live during the filming (c) RI

Prof Hazel Screen’s group lends helping hand to Royal Institution Christmas Lecture

1 January 2025

First broadcast in 1936, the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures are the oldest running science television programme. Broadcast every year at Christmas time, they have become a festive tradition, presenting science in an exciting, fun and easily digestible way (pun intended). This year, the lectures are all about the revolutionary science inside … [more]

December 2024

SEMS Staff  & Students Assembled in the Octagon after the Graduation Ceremony

A Wonderful SEMS Winter Graduation Ceremony Wraps up 2024

18 December 2024

The SEMS winter graduation ceremony took place in the Great Hall on the Mile End campus on 18 December 2024. The venue was filled with a cast of hundreds of SEMS graduates and their families and friends. The largest cohort was made up our MSc students from 2023-24 cohort, but there many … [more]

Staff present to receive their awards included in the front row from left to right: Giuseppe, Chelsea, Helen, Mouna, Priyanka, Nabil, Hazel (HOS), Ana, Nasima & Kshitij. In Hybrid mode on the Big Screen behind: Li, Doug & Joanna.

SEMS Annual Staff Awards Announced

11 December 2024

At the end of the staff meeting on the 11th December 2024 and just before the SEMS annual Christmas Staff Party, we hosted our annual SEMS Staff Prize Celebration. We had a record number of nominations this year with the awards being spread across the entire SEMS community. The Valuing People … [more]

Hazel congratulating the award winners. From left to right, Matt, Stefaan, Hazel, Joe and Jae-Hwan

Many SEMS Staff Recognised at the Annual Science and Engineering Faculty Celebration

3 December 2024

Several SEMS staff were recognised at the Annual Faculty of Science and Engineering Celebration on the 3rd December 2024. Congratulations to all of you for this wonderful recognition of the excellence of your work. The SEMS winners were: Matt Horsfield was awarded the “Outstanding Contribution to Professional Services Award” … [more]

October 2024

Professor Dr Aqif Anwar Chaudhry

Queen Mary Materials Science graduate to lead Pakistani University

17 October 2024

Professor Dr Aqif Anwar Chaudhry has recently become the Vice Chancellor of the University of Education, in Lahore, Pakistan. Aqif started his research career at the Department of Materials at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) as a PhD student. Professor Chaudhry’s PhD, on 'Continuous Hydrothermal Flow Synthesis … [more]

September 2024

Mother's breath

Queen Mary researchers announce clinical trial into air pollution and pregnancy

26 September 2024

The unseen dangers in the air Babies in the womb are threatened by harmful and hidden particulates from vehicle fumes and industry according to unpublished research from Queen Mary University of London presented at the BioMedEng24 conference on Thursday 5 September 2024. Images shown at the conference show specks of black pollutants … [more]

In the plenary debate, six speakers argued why their field will be the future of medicine (c) Jonathan Cole

Queen Mary hosts over 400 delegates at BioMedEng24

18 September 2024

On Thursday 5 and Friday 6 September, Queen Mary University of London proudly hosted BioMedEng24, the 16th annual conference bringing together experts from across the Biomedical Engineering industry in the UK and internationally. This year, more than 430 delegates attended and the programme featured over 30 sessions and more than 240 poster presentations were displayed. 56% … [more]

August 2024

Plenary Speaker Professor Dame Molly Stevens

Queen Mary brings together national multi-disciplinary leaders at BioMedEng24

12 August 2024

On the 5th and 6th of September this year, Queen Mary University of London’s School of Engineering and Materials Science will host the 16th BioMedEng conference, welcoming over 400 Biomedical engineers, researchers, clinical specialists, government and industry representatives. The BioMedEng annual conference is the UK’s largest gathering … [more]

July 2024

Brenda Sanchez with examiners Prof Karin Hing and Prof Mandy Peffers

Congratulations to Dr Brenda Sanchez!

18 July 2024

Congratulations to Brenda Sanchez for passing her PhD viva on the hottest day of the year! Brenda's thesis was titled 'Novel Models of Tendinopathy on a Chip' with Brenda undertaking some exciting work to better understand the drivers of tendon injury and build a first organ-chip model to explore … [more]

Some of the QM team enjoying the evening reception

Queen Mary researchers present at the European Organ-on-Chip Society Conference

5 July 2024

It was great to see so much organ-chip research and development brought together at the EUROoCS conference in Milan. Queen Mary was well represented with multiple talks and posters from our bioengineers. This included work on artery, tendon, cartilage, synovium, bone, and cancer models as well as a talk from … [more]

Prof Hazel Screen

Two Queen Mary bioengineers appointed to the government’s Animals in Science Committee

2 July 2024

Prof Hazel Screen, Head of the School of Engineering and Materials Science and Professor of Biomedical Engineering, along with Prof Martin Knight, Faculty Dean for Research and Professor of Mechanobiology, have been appointed to the government’s Animals in Science Committee (ASC). The pair have been appointed in a … [more]

We are hiring for an Organ-chip Research Technician

1 July 2024

Professor Knight and Professor Screen are currently advertising for a hard-working research technician with excellent organizational skills and practical expertise in cell culture and related laboratory techniques to help run our organ-chip facility. The successful candidate will work closely with our researcher team and other technicians, supporting experiments, training users … [more]

May 2024

Jake Tuura's podcast is aired under the title Jacked Athlete, Become a Beast

Prof Screen interviewed for a podcast on the tendon interfasicular matrix

30 May 2024

Prof Screen was recently interviewed by Jake Tuura for his popular tendon podcast. Podcast #119: Tendon Gel (The Interfascicular Matrix) with Hazel Screen — JACKED ATHLETE They talked about her work on tendon health and disease, focusing on her discovery of the importance of the interfascicular matrix niche. With a focus … [more]

Abstract Deadline Extended to 22nd May

BioMedEng24: Abstract deadline extended to 22nd May

1 May 2024

BioMedEng24 is pleased to announce an extension to the deadline for abstract submission. New Deadline for Submission: 22nd May 2024 Don't miss your chance to showcase your innovative work at this leading biomedical engineering conference. Ensure you submit your abstract by the new deadline to secure your spot. Please visit: … [more]

April 2024

Zimpi Helen Kono is awarded a prize by Head of School, Prof Hazel Screen

SEMS holds 7th Russell Binions PhD Symposium

25 April 2024

The 7th annual Russell Binions Memorial PhD Symposium took place on Thursday 25th April at the School of Engineering and Materials Science. Each year, The Symposium provides an opportunity for our PhD students and Postdoctoral Research Assistants to formally present their work to their peers and academics in the School. … [more]

March 2024

Speakers for BioMedEng24

BioMedEng24 Abstract Submission

31 March 2024

The next Biomedical Engineering Association’s annual conference, BioMedEng24, will be organised by Queen Mary University of London, taking place on 5-6 September 2024. Expect to explore plenary sessions, keynote talks, break-out workshops, poster sessions, dedicated early-career researcher sessions and more. Abstract Submission Leaders from academia, industry, clinicians, early-career researchers … [more]

Professor Karin Hing discusses her research

A Night of Science and Engineering: Queen Mary showcases cutting-edge research and innovation

14 March 2024

On Thursday 29th February, Queen Mary’s faculty of Science and Engineering held its second annual Night of Engineering in the Octagon. The event brought together over 200 leading industry partners, researchers, academics, policymakers, and the public, for an evening of exploration, engagement, and celebration of Queen Mary's Faculty … [more]

An example of an organ-on-a-chip

Queen Mary team awarded £7 million grant to train next generation of organ-on-a-chip scientists

13 March 2024

A team of bioengineers led by Professor Hazel Screen have been awarded a £7 million grant to establish an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Next Generation Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies. Queen Mary University of London is one of 65 universities chosen to receive funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research … [more]

Professor Hazel Screen

Celebrating International Women’s Day: Meet Professor Hazel Screen

8 March 2024

For International Women’s Day, we’re reflecting on some of the women in Engineering who have inspired us. Professor Hazel Screen is our first female Head of School, and also Director of the Organ on a Chip Network, Co-Director of the Centre for Predictive in vitro Models … [more]

January 2024

Dr Chris from Operation Ouch!

Q&A with Professor Hazel Screen: From bones to organ-chips on Operation Ouch!

19 January 2024

Professor Hazel Screen of the School of Engineering and Materials Science recently took on a new challenge: explaining the fascinating world of organ-chip technology to the young audience of Operation Ouch! In this Q&A, we delve into Professor Screen's research, her experience on the show and why … [more]

Proud to be an Engineer

Engineers Celebrate Athena Swan Success

18 January 2024

Gender equality recognised by Athena Swan Bronze Award First recognised in 2010, the School has now had this award conferred for another five years until 2029, where the conditions were met "directly and fully". The Athena Swan Charter works across the globe to support and transform gender equality in Higher … [more]

October 2023

Dr Timothy Hopkins holding an organ-chip in the lab

New organ-on-a-chip model of human synovium could accelerate development of treatments for arthritis

12 October 2023

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have developed a new organ-on-a-chip model of the human synovium, a membrane-like tissue that lines the joints. The model, published in the journal Biomedical Materials, could help researchers better understand the mechanisms of arthritis and develop new treatments for this group of debilitating … [more]

September 2023

BioMedEng Innovation Prize awarded to Prof. Karin Hing

BioMedEng23 Conference Highlights the Pioneering Work of Queen Mary Bioengineering

21 September 2023

At the recently concluded BioMedEng23 conference, Queen Mary Bioengineering showcased its prowess and contributions to UK Biomedical Engineering. The two-day event, organised by The Association of Biomedical Engineers, Medical Engineers, and Bioengineers (BioMedEng Association), highlighted remarkable advances in and around the UK biomedical sector. Prof Karin Hing Awarded the Prestigious … [more]

July 2023

Gamal and Rebecca after the ceremony

PhD Congratulations!

27 July 2023

Congratulations to Rebecca Norton and Gamalendira Shivapathem who both graduated in our SEMS ceremonies this week, after completing their PhDs earlier in the year. Gamalendira completed a PhD entitled "Investigating Human Achilles Tendon Biomechanics Using Novel Ultrasound Imaging" with Professor Hazel Screen and Professor Dylan Morrissey and is … [more]

May 2023

2023 Intercalated Biomedical Engineering Graduates

Intercalated Symposium - Celebrating 8 Years

30 May 2023

Opportunities in STEMM Medical students presented research alongside leading scientists and engineers from the Centre of Bioengineering. Presentations covered multiple disciplines in machine learning, cardiovascular disease, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, cancer, medical robotics, fetal medicine and environmental health. In particular, understanding how exposure to harmful pollutants in air, water or soil affects … [more]

IFM cells

New research identifies which cells in horses' tendons are affected by ageing, leading to injury

23 May 2023

A group of researchers including Queen Mary Professor Hazel Screen have been exploring what causes tendon damage in horses and have discovered that a particular region of the tendon called the interfascicular matrix (IFM) seems to be the source of ageing changes. As horse and human tendons are similar, these … [more]

Celebrating a twelve year journey

Bioengineering - a secret success story

22 May 2023

Bioengineers save babies' lives When soft tissues like fetal membranes weaken too early, the waters break and the baby is born prematurely. Researchers at Queen Mary University of London and University College London are investigating the causes of preterm premature rupture of the fetal membranes. A twelve-year journey in multi-disciplinary … [more]

March 2023

Global MPS Day

QM Bioengineers present at the Global MicroPhysiological Systems Day

8 March 2023

To celebrate all the amazing work being done with Organ-Chips and other microphysiological systems (MPS) in drug discovery and development, the Global MPS Day virtual symposium on March 9th 2023 is packed with presentations from the industry’s top experts and thought leaders. These internationally leading experts including Profs Robert … [more]

November 2022

Prof Dan Bader

Professor Dan Bader

18 November 2022

We are very saddened to report that Professor Dan Bader died peacefully on Saturday 5th November, 2022. Dan worked at Queen Mary University of London for over twenty years and was passionate about education, research and social mobility. Dan was a Physicist by training and started at Queen Mary as a … [more]

Celebrating engineers across disciplines

National Engineering Week

2 November 2022

Celebrating This is Engineering This is Engineering returned today as National Engineering Week to celebrate the engineers and show how engineering improve lives. We marked the event by inviting undergraduate, Intercalated and MSc students to meet the engineers and celebrate all things STEMM. Engineers improve lives Around 100 students worked … [more]

October 2022

Celebrating medical research with scientists, clinicians and engineers

Rosetrees Trust celebrates 35 years at the Royal Society of Medicine

11 October 2022

Rosetrees Trust supports interdisciplinary research Rosetrees Trust is a unique medical charity working to advance interdisciplinary research in science, engineering and medicine. The charity has been funding exciting research projects to develop healthcare solutions that benefit patients and improve the lives of communities and society. After supporting 35 years of … [more]

September 2022

Congratulations to Gamalendira Shivapatham - IPEM Early Career Essay Prize winner

28 September 2022

Many congratulations to our former PhD student Gamalendira Shivapatham, who has just won the 2022 IPEM/Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers Early Career Essay Prize . Gamal completed his PhD earlier this year and is now taking part in the NHS England Scientist Training Programme at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation … [more]

August 2022

Some of the group at the picnic

Research Group Summer Picnic

8 August 2022

We enjoyed our annual research group summer picnic and an excellent game of rounders.

June 2022

Did you know a picture speaks a thousand words?

International Women in Engineering Day

23 June 2022

Celebrating women engineers and helping each other see our lives For years we have been celebrating the achievements of our engineers but today we wanted to do something different. We wanted to help others see who we are, help us reflect on our past and see … [more]

A celebratory lunch with his examiners - Professor Emma Hudson-Tole and Dr Aliah Shaheen

Congratulations to Gamalendira Shivapatham for passing his PhD viva!

17 June 2022

Gamal successfully completed his PhD, developing and testing new ultrasound-based imaging tools to explore tendon health and disease in the Achilles tendon. Gamal developed a specialised technique known as slip-elastography for exploring functional tendon dynamics. He subsequently tested his methods in a cohort of participants, highlighting the importance of … [more]

A celebratory lunch with his examiners - Professor Emma Hudson-Tole and Dr Aliah Shaheen

Congratulations to Gamalendira Shivapatham for passing his PhD viva!

17 June 2022

Gamal successfully completed his PhD, developing and testing new ultrasound-based imaging tools to explore tendon health and disease in the Achilles tendon. Gamal developed a specialised technique known as slip-elastography for exploring functional tendon dynamics. He subsequently tested his methods in a cohort of participants, highlighting the importance of … [more]

Who do you see in this picture?

Picture an Engineer

13 June 2022

When you see an engineer, what does the picture mean to you? International photographer Michael Cockerham and the Ideas Foundation created a digital storytelling workshop at Queen Mary's Festival of Communities to help engineers see each other's worlds. The creative & culture teams built a digital arts studio … [more]

The organ-chip team led by Dr Clare Thompson (left) and Prof Martin Knight (right)

Inspiring the next generation of organ-chip scientists and bioengineers at the QMUL Festival of Communities

11 June 2022

A fantastic day at Queen Mary's Festival of Communities talking about our organs-on-chips research. There was lots of interesting conversations and interactions with local people of all ages. Our excellent team of demonstrators showed people real organ-chip models and discussed their usage in the development of new medicines. Visitors, … [more]

Speaker presentations in medical healthcare

Congratulations to the 2022 Intercalated Graduates

1 June 2022

Celebrating seven years of the Intercalated Research Symposium The Intercalated Symposium is an exciting scientific forum for medical students to present collaborative multi-disciplinary research in science, engineering and medicine. Around 60 participants joined the 2 sessions with presentations in machine learning, computational medicine, medical robotics, healthcare, nanotechnology, biomaterials and regenerative … [more]

May 2022

An Organ-on-a-Chip (Emulate, Inc)

Researchers at QMUL discuss the future of organ-on-a-chip models in new 'What is Biotechnology' article

6 May 2022

Prof Knight was interviewed, along with Prof Donald Ingber from the Weiss Institute and other leading figures working in the organ-on-a-chip technology, for a major new review article pubishished in 'What is biotechnology'. As the review explains, organs-on-a-chip are small devices designed to replicate key aspects of the physiological … [more]

February 2022

Connor's examiners were Dr Blandine Poulet (University of Liverpool) and Dr Simon Rawlinson (QMUL)

Connor Gains passes his PhD viva!

25 February 2022

Congratulations to Connor Gains for passing his viva on 25th February, with minor corrections. Connor was supervised by Prof Hazel Screen and Dr Thomas Iskratsch and funded through an EPSRC Industrial studentship working with TRB Chemedica, exploring different bio-lubricants for treating tendon injury. Connor is now working … [more]

July 2021

RSPCA logo

Prof Knight on expert panel discussing the use of animals in science

5 July 2021

Prof Martin Knight was part of an expert panel at the 'lead the debate' event organised by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). The event was the second in the series, which aims to convene small groups of thought leaders on prominent topics affecting … [more]

November 2020

Professor Hazel Screen

This is Engineering Day: Interview with Professor Hazel Screen

4 November 2020

Professor Hazel Screen is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering and was recently appointed Head of the School of Engineering and Materials Science at Queen Mary University of London. Here she talks about her research, new role and what being an engineer means to her. I’ve worked at … [more]

October 2020

Modelling of real-world disease breakout group (from top left on screen: Elisabete Silva; Andrew Pitsillides; Gerard Cummins; Charareh Pourzand; Alessandra Granata; John Greenman; Paul Holloway; Tomasz Kostrzewski; Valerie Speirs)

Organ on chip funding sandpit goes virtual

5 October 2020

Thanks to the new world of on-line events, the OOACT Network's sandpit – originally planned face to face in April this year – was run successfully in MS Teams from 29 September to 1 October. This interactive funding sandpit event provided a great opportunity for 32 senior academics and industrialists from across … [more]

September 2020

Organ on a chip network logo

QM hosts new Organ-on-a-chip Research symposia

22 September 2020

QMUL has launched a new e-symposia series with research presentations related to organ-on-a-chip and other predictive in vitro models. The symposia are part of the UK Organ-on-a-chip Technologies Network which is funded via the Technology Touching Life scheme and directed by Prof Hazel Screen and Prof Martin Knight, both bioengineers … [more]

July 2020

The launch symposium celebrated the start of the new Centre for In Vitro Predictive Models

Successful Launch of QMUL Centre for Predictive in vitro Models

22 July 2020

The Centre for Predictive in vitro Models (CPM) was officially launched on Wednesday 22nd with an successful virtual symposium. More than 330 registrated attendees joined in to celebrate the occasion, listening to talks and participating in stimulating discussions. Introductory words from the vice principal for the faculty of Science and Engineering, … [more]

June 2020

Emulate's organs-on-chips technology. Credit: Emulate

Using Organs-on-chips technology to accelerate COVID-19 research

18 June 2020

The Queen Mary & Emulate Organs-on-Chips Centre is involved in a new initiative to use miniaturised living systems with human cells, known as organ-chips, in the fight against COVID-19. As part of this initiative, Emulate, Inc have donated blank Organ-Chips to the UK Organ-on-a-chip Technologies Network to support the … [more]

New Paper!

8 June 2020

Congratulations Connor for the acceptance of your first paper in Frontiers Bioengineering & Bitechnology: "Force transmission between the gastrocnemius and soleus sub-tendons of the Achilles tendon in rat” Gains CC, Correia CC, Baan GC, Noort W, Screen HRC, Maas H. (2020) Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology [more]

May 2020

covid-19 virus and organ-chip (not to scale)

Queen Mary + Emulate Organs-on-Chips Centre supports COVID-19 initiative

6 May 2020

The Queen Mary + Emulate Organs-on-Chips Centre is supporting a new initiative to use predictive in vitro models, also known as organ-chips, in the fight against COVID-19. Emulate, Inc is participating in the Organs-on-Chips against COVID-19 initiative (#OoCovid) and donating a set of Organ-Chips to the UK Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies Network which … [more]

February 2020

Professor Hazel Screen

Join us for Professor Hazel Screen's Inaugural Lecture

13 February 2020

We are delighted to announce that Professor Hazel Screen's Inaugural Lecture will be taking place on Thursday 19 March. Hazel's research spans from the nano-scale to whole body mechanics, where she utilises a bioengineering approach to explore the relationships between tissue health and disease, and the surrounding mechanical environment. … [more]

January 2020

The Organ-on-a-chip team, L to R: Martin, Julia, Sarah, Aysha, Angel, Stephen, Matthew, Luana, Paul, Mina, Elisabete, Ashley, Chrysanthi, Stefaan, Clare & Natt

The Organ-on-a-Chip Shop – a Science Museum highlight!

29 January 2020

On 29 January, Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies Network scientists and engineers swapped their lab coats for aprons, to run the Organ on a Chip shop at the hugely popular Science Museum Lates in London. This Lates night celebrated the launch of the Museum’s new Medicine Galleries and attracted over 4,000 visitors. Promoted … [more]

We're hiring!

20 January 2020

We are currently hiring, with both a PDRA and PhD studentship in the organ-on-a-chip field. If you're interested in building new musculoskeletal in vitro models with us, we'd be delighted to hear from you! PhD Studentship: The interfascicular matrix niche – novel approaches to identify the aetiology of … [more]

Emulate's organs-on-chips technology. Credit: Emulate

Queen Mary opens Organs-on-Chips Centre for advancements in medical research and drug development

16 January 2020

A new research centre which aims to revolutionise medical research and drug development using microengineered Organs-on-Chips has opened at Queen Mary University of London. Organs-on-Chips contain tiny hollow channels lined by living human cells that recreate the microenvironment experienced by cells within the human body.  As miniaturised living … [more]

Welcome to Martyna Ekiert

6 January 2020

We're delighted to welcome Martyna, who is with us for a three month internship, having received a highly prestigious Polish Government scholarship. We are looking forward to some fun tendon multi-scale mechanics studies! [more]

December 2019

Party Time :)

20 December 2019

Our lab Christmas dinner was another enjoyable event....a whole day talking tendons, followed by an excellent dinner. No Christmas hats this year, but we still had much so I forgot to take photos!

Profs Knight and Screen interviewed for report on organ-on-a-chip

Profs Knight and Screen interviewed for report on organ-on-a-chip

13 December 2019

Profs Knight and Screen were recently interviewed for a news article on organ-on-a-chip which has just been published in the magazine Engineering & Technology. The article explored the potential of organ-on-a-chip technology for testing the safety and efficacy of new pharmaceuticals and the impact on conventional animal testing. [more]

Visitors can see the Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies Network 'chip shop' at Science Museum Lates on 29 January 2020

Organ-on-a-Chip on show at Science Museum Lates

4 December 2019

Science Museum Lates: Medicine, 18.45 - 22.00, Wednesday 29 January 2020 (over -18s only) Organ on a Chip Shop - a Lates highlight! Organ-on a-Chip Technologies Network members from across the UK will be running the shop at this hugely popular event. Based on the concept of a fish & chip takeaway, this '… [more]

October 2019

Welcome to Brenda Sanchez

11 October 2019

We're delighted to welcome Brenda , who is starting a PhD with us, looking to develop tendon-on-a-chip models to explore tendon health and disease. Brenda has been awarded a prestigious Mexican Government Scholarship to work with us over the coming years [more]

June 2019

Funding awarded for mechanobiology research into osteoarthritis

10 June 2019

Queen Mary Researchers have been awarded funding for three separate biomechanics and mechanobiology pump priming projects. Professors Hazel Screen and David Lee of the School of Engineering and Materials Science were awarded funding from the OAtech+ Network to develop projects relating to mechanobiology aimed at targeting the chronic, degenerative disease … [more]

April 2019

QM hosts Organ-on-a-chip Technologies Network meeting

9 April 2019

Queen Mary hosted the UK Organ-on-a-chip Technologies Network for a special Learning and Collaborative Event. The network has over 450 members from 50+ academic institutions with over 50 partners from industry and other stake holders. The network event included a programme of research talks, discussion groups, industry demonstrations and special training sessions on … [more]

January 2019

Congratulations to Antonis but Farewell to Tony

Congratulations to Antonis but Farewell to Tony

17 January 2019

We had a double party today. Congratulations to Antonis for passing his PhD. He gave a great presentation of his work at his public defense in Copenhagen and returned to celebrate with us at the end of the week. We were also sadly saying goodbye to Tony who is moving … [more]

December 2018

Christmas outing

Christmas outing

14 December 2018

We all enjoyed the tendon Christmas outing again this year. Lots of tendon talk, followed by a lovely dinner and plenty of Christmas music!

November 2018

Congratulations to Marta Godinho!

Congratulations to Marta Godinho!

22 November 2018

Marta Godinho has successfully completed her PhD viva today on a thesis entitled, "Investigating the role of elastin in tendon mechanics." She was supervised by Hazel Screen and Steve Greenwald with significant input from Chavaunne Thorpe, and was recipient of the Bonfield Scholarship though the Institute of Bioengineering. … [more]

October 2018

New article on our research in The Horse

30 October 2018

we are excited to see an article in leading equine health magazine "The Horse" talking about our latest research findings and how we are working to understand and manage equine tendinopathy: [more]

Welcome to Antonios!

1 October 2018

We are delighted to welcome Antonios Giannopoulos as a PDRA working on a Dunhill funded project, looking to investigate the early initiation of tendinopathy and why risk increases with ageing.

September 2018

Professor Screen giving the opening keynote at this year's ISTS conference

21 September 2018

Some of the group will be travelling to the 5th International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium (ISTS) next week in Groningen. Prof Screen will give the opening keynote lecture about tendon ageing, where she will describe the ageing changes in the interfascicular matrix and how this may contribute to tendon injury risk [more]

New Paper Accepted

New Paper Accepted

20 September 2018

Congratulations to Renjie (Jacky) Lui for the acceptance of his paper "Guided cell attachment via aligned electrospinning of glycopolymers" in MacroMolecular Bioscience. The work constitutes a large part of his PhD which he submitted earlier this month. Lui R, Becer CR, Screen HRC (2018) Guided cell attachment via aligned … [more]

Launch event group photo on Graduate Centre terrace at QMUL

Organ-on-a-Chip Network launch a great success

13 September 2018

The UK Organ-on-a-Chip Network official launch took place last week. On the 6th of September there was a conference day, held in conjunction with the BioMedEng18 Conference, taking place at Imperial College London and followed by a launch day at Queen Mary’s Graduate Centre on Friday the 7th. … [more]

July 2018

Confocal microscopy images showing tendon cells with primary cilia. Top image is a cell within tendon tissue. Bottom image is an isolated tendon cell growing in vitro. Nucleus labelled in blue, primary cilia labelled with acetylated alpha tubulin (red)

Mechanical regulation of primary cilia in tendon cells suggests a novel feedback mechanism controlling tendon health and mechanosensitivity.

23 July 2018

New research from Prof Martin Knight and Prof Hazel Screen's group at Queen Mary University of London reveals a novel feedback mechanism regulating tendon health and homeostasis during mechanical loading. The study published in Scientific Reports investigates primary cilia in tendon cells subject to physiological and pathological mechanical loading. … [more]

April 2018

New PDRA position Available

19 April 2018

We've an exciting 2 1/2 year PDRA position available on a Dunhill funded project looking at tendinopathy and ageing:

An Organ-on-a-Chip device (Emulate, Inc.)

Queen Mary Awarded Funding to Establish Organ-on-a-Chip UK Network

16 April 2018

Queen Mary University of London has been awarded funding to lead a UK network in the development of ‘Organ-on-a-chip’ devices. The network will be part of a major new Research Councils UK (RCUK) funding venture, Technology Touching Life [1], which aims to foster interdisciplinary research into innovative technology in … [more]

Dan Rowson

Dan Rowson passes his PhD on the effect of mechanical loading on tendon cells

11 April 2018

Congratulations to Dan Rowson who passed his PhD viva. Dan's PhD thesis investigated the effect of mechanical stimulation on tendon cells in order to better understand the process of tendon injury. In particular, Dan investigated the effect of mechanical forces on tiny hair-like cellular structures structures, known as primary … [more]

Prof Screen

New Dunhill Medical Trust grant awarded to Prof Hazel Screen to investigate the development of tendon injury with ageing.

10 April 2018

Professor Hazel Screen has been awarded a Dunhill Medical Trust grant of £190,000, to investigate the causes of age-related tendon injury. Tendon injuries are extremely painful and highly debilitating, and become increasingly common as we age, where they can dramatically affect quality-of-life. Developing treatments is of the utmost importance, but … [more]

March 2018

Prof Wen Wang (Head of School) congratulates Philomena on her project poster competition win.

Best MSc Student Project Poster

14 March 2018

At the Spring Industrial Liaison Forum (ILF) all the MSc students were invited to submit a poster on their research topics. The best posters were invited to compete for the DePuy Synthes' MSc student Prize. The standard was once again very high this year but after careful deliberations the award … [more]

January 2018

Welcome to Gamalendira Shivapatham

30 January 2018

Welcome Gamal, who has just joined us to carry out a PhD looking at strain distributions in the Achilles tendon and implications for health and disease. We look forward to project work getting underway!

December 2017

Christmas party

Christmas party

20 December 2017

We enjoyed a great Christmas scavenger hunt and dinner this year. Thanks to Connor particularly for all the work on the scavenger hunt. Fun had by all!

October 2017

Welcome to this year's project students

2 October 2017

We welcome the undergraduate, masters and intercalated medical students joining us this year. Mena, Sam, Tim and Steve will all be working together to try and learn more about the IFM cell population in tendon, whilst Anum and Kuzi will continue work focused on the transverse mechanical properties of tendon. … [more]

Other News

Welcome to Connor Gains: We welcome Connor, who is just starting a PhD with us, investigating treatments to manipulate sliding in the IFM of the Achilles tendon. His PhD is sponsored by EPSRC and TBC Chemedica. (September 2017)

Lab Day Out: This summer, we teamed up with Prof Martin Knight's group again, for a walk and BBQ, picking one of the best sunny days we've had in months! (August 2017)

New Paper: Congratulations Marta for the first paper from your PhD: "Elastin is Localised to the Interfascicular Matrix of Energy Storing Tendons and Becomes Increasingly Disorganised With Ageing" was published today in Scientific Reports. Marta investigating how elastin impacts tendon mechanical properties. (Aug 2017)

Graduation 2017: Congratulations Princess,  Alice and Krystof who all graduated on 21st July! Princess  was graduating after completeing her PhD, and Alice and Krystof after their Bachelors degree, working with our group on their project and over this summer. We all had a great time celebrating with them! (July 2017)

Screen group at SB3C: Well done to Marta Godinho, Dan Rowson and Dharmesh Patel, who all had abstracts accepted for oral presentations the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference in Tuscon, USA. It was super to have Dr Chavaunne Thorpe return to give Dharmesh's presentation and Marta, Dan and Chavaunne all did a fantastic job! Unfortunately Tuscon was having the hottest weather on record for many years during the conference, which is a bit hotter than we are used to, but they all managed brilliantly. Here they are braving it out in the sunshine with the beautiful surrounding scenery! (June 2017)




Congratulations Alice: Many congratulations to Alice who just won the  IMechE Heathcare Awards best project prize for 2017. She gave a super presentation of her work at the IMechE headquarters on Tuesday. We look forward to completing and publishing the work over the summer Alice! (June 2017)

Congratulations Jacky: Well done to Jacky who just had the first paper from his PhD published A2B-Miktoarm Glycopolymer Fibers and Their Interactions with Tenocytes in Bioconjugate Chemistry. Jacky is working with Dr Becer and Prof Screen, designing new polymers we can use in tendon repair. (June 2017)

Welcome to Isabelle: We are delighted to welcome Isabelle, who will be working with us over the summer  as part of her Masters degree at Une Ecole de l'Institut Mines-Telecom in  Saint-Etienne. We hope you enjoy your time here Isabelle! (June 2017)

Welcome to Tony: We are delighted to welcome Dr Wing Keung Cheung (Tony), who has joined as a PDRA on an HBLB funded project to develop imaging tools to investigate tendon mechanics in horses. We hope you enjoy working with the team Tony! (May 2017)

Farewell to Dharmesh: We all enjoyed an evening out to say goodbye to Dharmesh and wish him luck for his next challenge. We are sad to see you go Dharmesh! (May 2017)

Screen team netball win!: We all enjoyed another sports afternoon with Martin Knight's group to celebrate the start of the Easter holidays, and were delighted to achieve a second netball win - well done team! (April 2017)

Professor Screen talks at the International Olympic Committee Conference: Professor Screen joined a team to talk about tendinopathy - causes and treatment at the IOC conference in Monaco.  (March 2017)

Professor Screen gives talk at EUROMech: Professor Screen is giving a keynote talk at the EUROMech conference in Germany this month, outlining our work around tendon structure-function mechanics. (Feb 2017)

Congratulations to Dr Udeze-Jyambere!: Many congratulations to Princess, who successfully defended her PhD thesis on 9th February. We all went out to celebrate on Friday evening and now look forward to graduation! Princess's thesis was entitled: The effects of loading frequency on tenocyte metabolism. (Feb 2017)

Dan Rowson's paper makes JOR Cover: Congratulations to Dan whose paper on the primary cilia in tendon made the front cover of the latest edition of the Journal of Orthopaedic Research. (Jan 2017)

You can find the full article here.



Christmas Party: We all enjoyed our Christmas sports day and party with Martin Knight's research team, and are pleased to report a resounding win in the netball this year! (Dec 2016)

PhD Position Available: We have a PhD position available, using ultrasound imaging to investigate human tendon mechanics in greater detail. We are looking for someone with a background in biomechanics or medical physics (ultrasound). Link to apply:

Most highly cited paper award: Our paper "Microstructural stress relaxation mechanics in functionally different tendons" published in Med Eng Physics 2013 is is one of their top five most highly cited papers during 2014 and 2015!  (Dec 2016)

PDRA Position Available: We have a new two year PDRA position available, looking to develop ultrasound imaging to investigate tendon mechanics in greater detail. We need someone with a good background in medical physics and ultrasound imaging. Link to apply: (Dec 2016)

Farewell to Chavaunne: We are all sad to say goodbye to Chavaunne, but delighted for her success, achieving an Arthritis Research UK Fellowship based at the Royal Veterinary College, in which she will focus on interfascicular matrix cells. Well done Chavaunne and Good Luck! (Nov 2016)

TV Appearances: Over the summer, we helped film an episode of the award winning CBBC show “Operation Ouch!” In which they were investigating just how amazingly strong tendons are.

We had a great fun performing the experiments. Here is a picture we took with the presenters, Drs Chris and Xand van Tulleken.

The show is airing on Monday 31st October at 5pm. You can find more details about the series here too:  (October 2016)


Graduation Day! Congratulations Dharmesh - we all enjoyed watching you graduate on Friday! (August 2016)

Summer Away Day: We teamed up with Martin Knight's research group again for an away day in North London, involving outdoor adventure at Go Ape! We had great weather to enjoy a picnic after all the activity - well done to everyone for braving the heights! (July 2016)

Group attends SB3C2016: A number of us attended the SB3C conference in Washington this summer, presenting studies relating to tendon healthy mechanics and the behaviour of tendon cells under different physiologically relevant types of loading. (July 2016)

Papers Published: We have had a paper pulished in Acta Biomaterialia describing further the fatigue resistance of the IFM in energy storing tendons. The elastic behaviour of the IFM appears critical for tendon healthy function. We have also published a fun letter in the Journal of Biomechanics considering tendon nomenclature which we hope will engage the community in further discussion. (June 2016)

Professor Screen Interviewed for a Women in Engineering blog: Professor Screen recently talked to Elsevier about her research and why she chose engineering as a career: (June 2016)

Dr Thorpe and Professor Birch talking at a special BORS/Instron mechanical loading event: Instron are running a special session at an upcoming BORS event, looking at mechanical testing of soft tissues. Dr Thorpe and Professor Birch will do a joint presentation, concerning the difficulties in testing tendon and some of the various solutions we have developed. (April 2016)

Professor Screen talking at the IOC Conference next year: The international Olympic Committee are holding their 2016 conference in Monaco, and Professor Screen will be talking as part of an exciting session looking at tendinopathy management:  Symposium 12: Prevention of tendinopathy; how to play the game?  (March 2016)

Abstracts accepted for SB3C2016: Congratulations to Chavaunne, Princess, Dan and Dharmesh, all of whom have had their abstracts accepted for presentation at the 2016 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference in Washington DC. Chavaunne has an oral presentation looking at fatigue properties of the IFM, and we have posters covering tenocyte mechanotransduction behaviour under both 10Hz loading and stress deprivation, as well as on human tendon mechanics. (March 2016)

Presentations at BSMB: Congratulations to  Marta and Dharmesh who have both had their abstracts accepted for oral presentation at the British Society of Matrix Biology meeting in Chester. We covered some of our latest data about IFM function in the human Achilles tendon and how elastin is highly localised to the IFM to facilitate fascicle sliding. They are pictured below standing by their posters (March 2016).

Journal of Anatomy paper published: We have just published another article further describing the compositional differences between positional and energy storing tendons, highlighting the increased levels of lubricin and elastin in the IFM to enable fascicle sliding. Congratulations to our two summer students, Kabelan and Jade for their first publication! (Feb 2016)

Chavaunne T Thorpe, Kabelan J Karunaseelan, Jade Ng Chieng Hin, Graham P Riley, Helen L Birch, Peter D Clegg and Hazel R C Screen (2016) Distribution of proteins within different compartments of tendon varies according to tendon  type. J Anatomy

First tendon cilia paper from our group published: We have just published a paper looking at the effects of stress deprivation on cilia length in both the IFM and within fascicles. We have shown for the first time how the IFM is more susceptible to degeneration with stress deprivation and how the cilia are more responsive to these changes. (Feb 2016)

Rowson D, Knight MM, Screen HRC (2016) Zonal variation in primary cilia elongation correlates with localised biomechanical degradation in stress deprived tendon.  J Orthop Res. doi: 10.1002/jor.23229

Scientific Reports Article Published: We have just had a paper accepted in the Nature Journal "Scientific Reports": Chavaunne Thorpe, Mandy Peffers, Deborah Simpson, Elizabeth Halliwell, Hazel Screen, and Peter Clegg (2016) Anatomical heterogeneity of tendon: Fascicular and interfascicular tendon compartments have distinct proteomic composition. (February 2016)

It's attracted some media interest in Phys Soc: and in horse and hound:

Abstract accepted for the World Biomaterials Conference: Congratulations to Dharmesh - his work completed as part of his PhD with Dr Stephanie Bryant in Colorado has been accepted for presentation at the 10th World Biomaterials Congress. He will present how important the integrin cell attachments are for regulating mechanotrasnduction behaviour in tenocytes. (Jan 2016)
Congratulations Dr Liyong Jia!: Well done to Liyong who successfully defended his thesis "The mechanical role of GAGs in the aortic valve" funded by a China Scholarship, just before Christmas. What a great end to the year! (December 2015)

Congratulations Dr Dharmesh Patel!: Well done to Dharmesh who successfully defended his thesis "A novel fibre composite system to investigate tenocyte metabolism under physiological and pathological loading conditions" funded by Arthritis Research UK. Both examiners commented on how well he performed during his viva, and we were all delighted to take Dharmesh out for a celebratory drink at the end! (October 2015)

Congratulations to Dan Rowson: Well done to Dan, who won a prize for the best poster at our conference Advances in Tendon Research: From Bench to Bedside, for his research looking at the primary cilia in tendon. (September 2015)


Conference Success!: Thanks to everyone in the organising group for all your hard work - our conference "Advances in Tendon Research: From Bench to Bedside" was a great success.

We held the conference at QMUL on 7-8 September, and welcomed over 100 delegates from academic, industrial and clinical backgrounds. With four keynote talks, workshops and a range of open sessions and posters, there was a great mix of basic and translational science. (September 2015)


Welcome to Beryl & Martha: Beryl and Martha have joined us from Uganda for a few weeks as summer student, and will be working with the group on tendon mechanics. (July 2015)

Conference Keynote: Dr Screen has just returned from the International Society of Biomechanics conference in Glasgow, where she gave a keynote lecture about tissue mechanics, including an overview of some of the groups work. (July 2015)

Welcome to Jade and Kabelan: Both have joined us for project work over the summer. We hope they enjoy working with our group (June 2015)

Two more papers accepted: We have recently had two more papers accepted. One on tendon micromechanics and the fatigue behaviour of the IFM, and one using microdialysis to investigate how shockwave therapy affects cell metabolism in the Achilles. (April 2015)

Thorpe CT, Godinho MSC, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD, Screen HRC. (2015) The interfascicular matrix enables fascicle sliding and recovery in tendon, and behaves more elastically in energy storing tendons. JMBBM.

Waugh CM, Morrissey D, Jones E, Riley GP, Langberg H, Screen HRC (2015) In vivo biological response to extracorporeal shockwave therapy in human tendinopathy. Eur Cell Mats

Conference Attendance:  We attended the International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons and the Orthopaedic Research Society conference in Las Vegas, enjoying some great science at both events. Well done to Dharmesh and Chavaunne on excellent presentations.  To celebrate, we enjoyed two days in Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park after the conference! (March 2015)

More Conference Talks Success: Congratulations to Dharmesh Patel and Chavaunne Thorpe, who have both had abstracts accepted for oral presentations at the International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons this April in Las Vegas. Chavaunne has also secured an oral presentation at the International Society of Biomechanics in Glasgow in July this year (Feb 2015)

Two New Journal of Orthopaedic Research Papers Published: We have recently had two papers accepted in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research, following the successful New Frontiers in Tendon Research held in New York last September (Jan 2015)

Spiesz EM, Thorpe CT, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD, Screen HRC (2015) Tendon extracellular matrix damage, degradation and inflammation in response to in-vitro overload exercise. Journal of Orthopaedic Research

Screen HRC, Birk DE, Kadler KE, Ramirez F, Young MF (2015) Functional Extracellular Matrix. Journal of Orthopaedic Research

Science & Engineering Faculty Celebration Day: We started the year with the Science & Engineering Faculty Celebration Day and were very excited to meet Professor Bonfield, who presented Marta with a certificate in recognition of her being the very first Bonfield Scholar at QMUL. We all had a very enjoyable evening.

SJMSS Article Published: We've just published an article in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports investigating the inflammatory response of tendons to overload injury. We have shown that the interfascicular matrix is constantly turning over faster than the rest of the tendon matrix. However, in response to overload, the whole tendon shows inflammation and a degenerative response.

C. T. Thorpe, S. Chaudhry, I. I. Lei, A. Varone, G. P. Riley, H. L. Birch, P. D. Clegg and H. R. C. Screen (2015) Tendon overload results in alterations in cell shape and increased markers of inflammation and matrix degradation. Article first published online: 30 DEC 2014 | DOI: 10.1111/sms.12333

New Advisory Board Positions: Dr Screen has been invited to join the advisory board for the next annual conferences of both the International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons and the British Society for Strain Measurements, making 2015 a busy year! (Nov 2014)

ORS Abstracts Accepted: Congratulations to Dr Chavaunne Thorpe and Dr Ewa Spiesz, who have both had abstracts accepted for the Orthopaedic Research Society conference next year. (Nov 2014)

EVJ Review Article Published: We've just published an article in the Equine Vet Journal, providing a complete overview of all our work looking at how equine energy storing tendons function effectively. (Nov 2014)

Thorpe CT, Spiesz EM, Chaudhry S, Screen HRC, Clegg PD (2014) Science in Brief: Recent Advances into Understanding Tendon Function and Injury Risk

Welcome to Renjie Liu (Jacky): We welcome Jacky, who has come to join Dr Remzi Becer and Dr Hazel Screen's research groups to complete a PhD investigating new polymers for tendon repair. (Oct 2014)

London Matrix Symposium Talk: Dr Screen gave a talk at the recent London Matrix Symposium meeting at the Royal Vet College, discussing our work looking at structure-function relationships in tissues. (Oct 2014)

New Frontiers in Tendon Research Conference: Dr Screen has just returned from an NIH and ORS sponsored tendon conference in New York, looking at shaping the future of our field. As part of the team running focus groups at the conference, she will now be involved in writing a review article on the topic. (Sept 2014)

Arthritis Research UK: Congratulations to Dharmesh Patel, who gave a talk on his latest research to the Oliver Bird-Arthritis Research UK PhD conference at Kings College London, receiving some excellent feedback. Thank you to E. Stamatiades at Kings College for providing a super photo of the event!

International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium: Congratulations to Dr Chavaunne Thorpe, Dr Ewa Spiesz and  Daniel Rowson, who all achieved oral presentation opportunities at the ISTS conference in Oxford. (Sept 2014) 

World Congress of Biomechanics: Dr Screen attended the WCB in Boston, and gave two invited talks covering some of our latest research concerning tendon mechanics and injury. (July 2014)

Farewell to Mathilde: We were sad to say goodbye to Mathilde as she finished her MSc project, but we are looknig forward to publishing her data soon. We all went out to Hyde park for a leaving party. (July 2014)

Research Away Day: We teamed up with Martin Knight's group for an away day at Box Hill in Surrey. We all enjoyed a fun day out, and even managed to star in a film by local producers about the Box Hill area! (June 2014)

Congratuations to Marta Godhino: Marta has successfully been awarded the new Bonfield PhD scholarship to begin her PhD with our group in September, looking at "The Role of Elastin in Tendon Function" (April 2014).

Acta Biomaterialia Paper published: We've just published a paper showing the fatigue loading of tendon fascicles not only causes their specialised spring-like features to breakdown, but that this relates to how well the fascicle is able to recoil after loading. Good recoil is important for healthy tendon function, and we have shown that ability to recoil gets worse with ageing. These findings may help to explain the mechanisms leading to tendon injury (April 2014).

C.T. Thorpe, G.P. Riley, H.L.Birch, P.D.Clegg, H.R.C.Screen (2014) Effect of fatigue loading on structure and functional behaviour of fascicles from energy-storing tendons. Acta Biomater. 2014 Apr 16. pii: S1742-7061(14)00165-2. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2014.04.008.

Welcome to Mathilde Lestoille: We welcome Mathilde, who has come to join our group for the next 4 months, working towards her Masters in Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique. She will be working on characterising the mechanics in different types of tendon fascicles (April 2014).

Professor Jill Cook Visits: We were delighted to welcome Jill Cook to a joint research group meeting between ourselves and Dylan Morrissey's team. We had a great morning of presentations, learning about each others latest research and stimulating interesting conversation (March 2014).

Journal Royal Society Interface published today: We've just published a paper describing more of the specialist mechanisms by which energy storing tendons function and damage. We've shown the fascicles are coiled like springs to be fatigue resistance but repetitve loading causes them to unwind and becone less efficient. We've seen unwinding happens with age, which may explain the age related increase in tendon injury. (January 2014)

C.T. Thorpe, G.P. Riley, H.L.Birch, P.D.Clegg, H.R.C.Screen (2014) Fascicles from energy storing tendons show an age-specific response to cyclic fatiue loading. J Roy Soc Int

Welcome to Dr Ewa Spiesz! We welcome Ewa who has just started with the group on a three year Arthritis Research UK funded project to learn more about tendon injury processes. She will be looking at the matrix material holding the tendon together, as we think this might be the key component controlling healthy tendon function. We hope you enjoy working with us Ewa. (January 2014)

Christmas Party: We joined up with Martin Knight's group for an afternoon of sports before our Christmas party this year. Fun had by all....and it even made some room for the turkey! (December 2013)

Dr Chavaunne Thorpe on the HBLB racehorse health website: The Horcerace Betting Levy Board have funded Chavaunne's work for a number of years, specifically funding her prize winning research at the recent ISL&T conference. They are as pleased about the award as we are, and she is featured in their latest news article: (November 2013)

Dr Screen Interviewed by Arthritis Research UK: Dr Screen was interviewed by Arthritis Research UK to tell their readers more about the research she is doing and how Arthritis Research UK are supporting her work. The article (some of wihch is below) is on their website in full. (October 2013)

Dr Chavaunne Thorpe wins the Savio Woo Young Researcher Award: Congratulations to Chavaunne for winning this highly prestigious prize, awarded at the International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons, for her work on fatigue in energy storing tendons. Here she is being presented with her certificate and cheque by Professor Savio L-Y Woo, and Professor Giuliano Cerulli.  (October 2013)

J Eng Med Paper published: We've just published a paper describing how different types of tendon damage. Our data suggests that more highly loaded tendons may have special mechanisms to allow them to still work effectively, even when the matrix is disrupted. This could be really important for understanding how tendons resist getting damaged and allow us to see why some people get tendon damage so much more easily than others. This would provide us with the information we need to create better and more effective treatments to prevent tendon injuries.

Shepherd, J; Legerlotz, K; Demirci, T; Klemt, C; Riley, GP; Screen, HRC. (2013) Functionally distinct tendon fascicles exhibit different creep and stress relaxation behaviour. J Eng Med  (September 2013)


Congratulations to Dr Anssari-Benham! Well done to Afshin ( a former PhD student in our group) who has recently started an academic post at the University of Portsmouth. Good luck Afshin!  (September 2013)


Welcome to Daniel and Marta! We're delighted to welcome Daniel Rowson and Marta Godhino to the group. Daniel is beginning a PhD with Professor Knight and Dr Screen, looking at the role of primary cilia in tendon and tendinopathy. Marta is a Biomedical Engineering MSc ERASMUS student with us from Portugal for a twelve month research project. We wish them both luck with their projects! (September 2013)


Congratulations to Dr Chaudhry! Saira won a prize for the "Best Oral Presentation" in the QM in Motion Conference today, covering some of her PhD work relating to measuring tendon stiffness in vivo. (September 2013)


BSMB Cardiff: SEMS had an excellent turnout at the BSMB conference in Cardiff this year, where Dr Screen gave an invited talk, covering some of the recent work from the group. With such great weather, we and some of Prof Knight's group made the most of the mountains on the way home too! (September 2013)


Farewell to Dr Jennifer Shepherd! Jenny is off to a postdoctoral position in Cambridge, and we all wish her well. As part of her leaving party, we went to the British Beer festival at Earls Court to wave her off with beer and pie! (August 2013)


Race win for the group: We teamed up with Martin Knight's research group for an away day in the Chilterns, enjoying sunshine, a picnic and a game of rounders. Although we lost the rounders, we stormed to a win in the relay race! (July 2013)


Saira Chaudhry receives her PhD:  Well done to Dr Chaudhry! Saira has successfully passed her PhD looking at the biomechanics of tendon during eccentric and concentric training regimes, supervised by Hazel Screen and Dylan Morrissey (July 2013).


Two review Papers Published in IJEP: Chavaunne Thorpe and Jennifer Shepherd both have review papers in the latest edition if the International Journal of Experimental Pathology. These are part of a tendon special, based on the recent BSMB tendinopathy conference organised by Graham Riley (June 2013).