Centre for Bioengineering


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Academic Members

Prof Alonso-Rasgado

Prof Teresa Alonso-Rasgado

Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 3028     Email t.alonso@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Busfield

Prof James Busfield

Professor of Materials
Examining the physical behaviour by experiment and modelling techniques of polymers and soft matter such as elastomers and rubber materials. Properties of interest include abrasion, friction, fracture, creep, fatigue, viscoelastic behaviour, modulus enhancement, self healing, recycling, ageing and composite filler reinforcement. Developing smart soft materials that can sense their environment and soft actuating materials that can change shape in response to a physical stimulus.
Email j.busfield@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Chapman

Dr Christopher Chapman

Lecturer in Bioengineering
Bioelectronics design and fabrication for central nervous system and peripheral nervous system targets. Experience using both metals and conducting polymers to create soft and flexible bioelectronic implants via laser-based and traditional microfabrication.
Email christopher.chapman@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Chowdhury

Dr Tina Chowdhury

Reader in Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 7560     Email t.t.chowdhury@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Dulantha Lalitharatne

Dr Thilina Dulantha Lalitharatne
PhD, MSc, BSc(Hons) Eng

Lecturer in Robotics and Mechatronics
Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Social Robotics, Medical Robotics, Brain-Machine Interface (BMI/BCI), Soft Robotics, Bio-inspired Robotics
Email t.lalitharatne@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Gautrot

Prof Julien Gautrot

Professor of Biomaterials and Biointerfaces
Synthesis and characterisation of biomaterials. Micro- and nano-patterning. Bio-interfaces. Stem cell biology.
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 5263     Email j.gautrot@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Gupta

Prof Himadri Gupta

Professor of Bioengineering and Biophysics
Structure-function in tissue mechanics; Ageing, degeneration and fibrotic disorders in ECM; Developing multiscale and correlative imaging; small-angle X-ray scattering and modelling
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 8867     Email h.gupta@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Hing

Prof Karin Hing

Professor of Biomaterials and Tissue Regeneration
My research is focused around the development of pioneering biomaterials and healthcare therapies through development of novel materials and processing technologies and investigation of the phenomena behind biocompatibility, and the stimulation of tissue regeneration. I am particularly interested in understanding the mechanisms behind enhanced bone healing or regeneration in the presence of porous synthetic scaffolds, known as synthetic bone graft substitutes, via manipulation of both synthetic graft chemistry and hierarchical pore structure. This has resulted in the development of 3D mechanosensitive in vitro models for investigation of these phenomena in the laboratory. I also have extensive experience in translating research from the bench to the bed side through my involvement in the successful development and commercialisation of a progressive series of synthetic bone graft substitute materials with tuneable hierarchical structures to support rapid, reliable bone regeneration, which are now in global clinical use in a range of applications including trauma, maxillofacial reconstruction, joint revision and spine surgery.
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 7804     Email k.a.hing@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Huijberts

Prof Henri Huijberts
MSc PhD(Twente, Netherlands) PFHEA CMath FIMA

Professor of Engineering Science and Education
Nonlinear control systems, nonlinear dynamics, chaos, synchronisation, robotics, engineering and mathematics education, educational leadership, digital education
Telephone +44 (0)20 78869     Email h.j.c.huijberts@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Iskratsch

Prof Thomas Iskratsch
Dipl.-Ing., PhD, FHEA

Professor of Cardiovascular Mechanobiology and Bioengineering
Cardiomyocyte and Vacular Smooth Muscle Cell Mechanobiology, Rigidity Sensing, Micro and Nanopatterning, Cellular Force Measurement
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 3674     Email t.iskratsch@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Knight

Prof Martin Knight
BEng, MSc, PhD, FHEA

Professor of Mechanobiology
As a bioengineer, my research is focussed on the development of organ-on-a-chip technology and other complex in vitro models. These in vitro models can transform pre-clinical testing of new drugs and therapeutics, acelerating the delivery of safer, more effective medicines. The models are also helping us to better understand human health and disease. As a professor of 'mechanobiology' I am interested in how living cells and tissues respond to biomechanical forces and how this should be incorporated into organ-chip design. Related to this, my research team examine the role of the cellular structures known as primary cilia. We are investigating structure-function relationships in this poorly understood organelle and whether manipulation of cilia can be used as a therapeutic strategy. I work on a variety of different diseases including osteoarthritis, cancer, atherosclerosis and inflammation and associated tissues/organs such as cartilage, synovium, bone, kidney and artery.
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 8868     Email m.m.knight@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Krams

Prof Rob Krams

Professor of Molecular Bioengineering
mechanotransduction, flow studies, molecular biology, CRISPR, knock out, knock in, finite element modelling, fluid structure modelling, imaging, animal studies
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 7940     Email r.krams@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Krause

Prof Steffi Krause
Dr. rer. nat., MRSC, FHEA

Professor of Electroanalytical Systems
My research focuses on the development of electrochemical imaging and chemical and biological sensor technologies, and my group has recently developed photoelectrochemical imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution. This measurement technology has shown great potential in the functional imaging of living cells and is expected to aid the understanding of disease mechanisms and biological processes.
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 3747     Email s.krause@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Lee

Prof David Lee
BSc (Hons), MA, PhD

Deputy Vice Principal - Impact (Enterprise and Commercial Innovation)
Tissue engineering and mechanobiology, Mesenchymal stem cell biology
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 8874     Email d.a.lee@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Pensalfini

Dr Marco Pensalfini
BSc (Bologna); MSc (Bologna); PhD (Dr. Sc. ETH)

Lecturer in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering
My expertise is at the interface of mechanical and biomedical engineering, with a focus on the multiscale mechanics of soft fibrous biomaterials. A central theme is the development of novel experimental approaches combining mechanics and imaging techniques to unravel mechanisms of load redistribution across tissue lengthscales and address their mechanobiological relevance. I also have broad experience in establishing two-way links between experiments and corresponding computational models with predictive or interpretative function, including inverse FEA and hierarchical Bayesian inverse analysis. My work is intrinsically multidisciplinary, and over the years I have initiated multiple collaborations with clinical and industrial partners.
Email m.pensalfini@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Pugno

Prof Nicola Pugno

Professor of Materials Science
Bio-inspired, Bionic, Nano, Meta Materials and Mechanics (including Fracture Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Tribology, Wettability, Adhesion, Scaling laws, etc.)
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 6310     Email n.pugno@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Roney

Dr Caroline Roney
MMath, MRes, PhD

Reader in Computational Medicine
My research interests are in developing engineering methodologies to personalise treatment approaches for cardiac arrhythmias. We use a combination of signal processing, image processing, machine learning and computational modelling techniques to develop novel techniques for investigating cardiac arrhythmia mechanisms from clinical imaging data and electrical recordings. The ultimate aim of our research is to translate these tools to predict optimal patient-specific treatment strategies in the clinic. We work closely with clinical, basic science and industrial collaborators.
Email c.roney@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Sadati

Dr S.M.Hadi Sadati

Lecturer in Robotics and Mechatronics
Email s.sadati@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Screen

Prof Hazel Screen
BEng MRes PhD(Lond) CEng, FIMechE, MIPEM

Professor of Biomedical Engineering
My research aims to understand how our tissues are built to be able to withstand the loads they experience in the body. I am particularly interested in understanding tendon and heart valve; how and why they get injured, and ways to prevent this happening. By looking at the ways a tissue is supposed to work when it is healthy, we can identify how small changes in the structure, such as those which occur with age, can make injury more likely and look to prevent or treat these specifically.
Email h.r.c.screen@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Shelton

Prof Julia Shelton
BA(Cantab) PhD(Lond)

Professor of Biomechanical Engineering
Wear of total hip replacements, surface coatings, particle analysis, orthopaedic systems, tissue engineering, tendon mechanics, modelling of taper mechanics
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 8877     Email j.shelton@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Shoop

Dr Karen Shoop

Senior Lecturer in Design
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 8014     Email karen.shoop@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Su

Prof Lei Su
BSc, MRes, PhD, FHEA

Professor of Photonics
My research is centred on sensors and instrumentation, optical devices and optoelectronic materials for imaging, detection, monitoring and communication, interfacing with Artificial Intelligence, Materials, Chemistry and Nanotechnology, in applications such as healthcare, energy and security.
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 5184     Email l.su@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Sui

Prof Yi Sui
PhD, MInstP, Fellow HEA

Professor of Fluid Mechanics
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 7763     Email y.sui@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Sukhorukov

Prof Gleb Sukhorukov

Professor of Biomedical Materials
Physical Chemistry, Biophysics, Materials Science. Area of research: Multifunctional Nanoengineered Delivery Systems
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 5508     Email g.sukhorukov@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Tanner

Prof Elizabeth Tanner
OBE, FREng, FRSE, PhD (Hon Caus), MA, DPhil, FIMMM, FIMechE, FIPEM, CEng, CSci

Bonfield Professor of Biomedical Materials
My research interests are in the development, testing and use of biomaterials for bone and joint replacement. In particular composites of bioactive ceramics and polymers which can encourage bone ongrowth yet have sufficient mechanical properties to be used for load bearing applications. These are based on either non-degradable or degradable artificial or natural polymers depending on application. In parallel I have interests in the mechanical properties of bone and the effects of pathology on these properties.
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 6785     Email k.e.tanner@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Tse

Prof Zion Tse

Director, Centre for Bioengineering
Intelligent Robotics, AI & Digital Technologies, Imaging & Medical Assistive Devices, and AI Healthcare
Email z.tse@qmul.ac.uk

Dr Verbruggen

Dr Stefaan Verbruggen

Lecturer in Medical Technology
Bone biomechanics and mechanobiology, Developmental biomechanics, cancer mechanobiology
Email s.verbruggen@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Wang

Prof Wen Wang

Vice-Principal and Executive Dean for Science and Engineering
Vascular endothelial mechanics, cell mechanobiology, flow and solute transport in extracellular matrices, microcirculation, arterial haemodynamics, cell & tissue mechanics
Telephone +44 (0)20 7882 3031     Email wen.wang@qmul.ac.uk

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