School Publications
- Coupaud S, Gislason MK, Purcell M, Sasagawa K and Tanner KE (2016). Patient-specific bone mineral density distribution in the tibia of individuals with chronic spinal cord injury, derived from multi-slice peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT) — A cross-sectional study. Elsevier Bone vol. 97, 29-37.
26-12-2016 - Zhang Y, Gallimore M, Bingham C, Chen J and Xu Y (2016). Hybrid Hierarchical Clustering — Piecewise Aggregate Approximation, with Applications. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications vol. 15 (04), 1650019-1650019.
21-12-2016 - Costagliola G, Bosia F and Pugno NM (2016). Static and dynamic friction of hierarchical surfaces. Physical Review E vol. 94 (6)
20-12-2016 - Zhang H, Liu Y, Huang M, Bilotti E and Peijs T (2016). Dissolvable thermoplastic interleaves for carbon nanotube localization in carbon/epoxy laminates with integrated damage sensing capabilities. SAGE Publications Structural Health Monitoring vol. 17 (1), 59-66.
19-12-2016 - Valenza F, Gambaro S, Muolo ML, Cacciamani G, Tatarko P, Saunders TG, Reece MJ, Schmidt A, Schubert T, Weißgärber T and Passerone A (2016). Wetting and interfacial phenomena of Ni‐Ta alloys on CVD‐SiC. Wiley International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology vol. 14 (3), 295-304.
15-12-2016 - Shen Z, SU L, Yuan X and Shen Y (2016). Trapping and rotating of a metallic particle trimer with optical vortex. AIP Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 109 (24)
15-12-2016 - CATTELL MJ, Theocharopoulos A, Bushby AJ, P’ng KMY, TANNER KE and wilson RW (2016). Interfacial modulus mapping of layered dental ceramics using nanoindentation., Editors: Kim SH. Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics vol. 8 (6), 479-488.
15-12-2016 - VOLPE R, Volpe M, Fiori L and Messineo A (2016). Upgrading of Olive Tree Trimmings Residue as Biofuel by Hydrothermal Carbonization and Torrefaction: a Comparative Study. Italian Association of Chemical Engineering - AIDIC Chemical Engineering Transactions vol. 50, 13-13.
12-12-2016 - Chapman CAR, Wang L, Chen H, Garrison J, Lein PJ and Seker E (2016). Nanoporous Gold Biointerfaces: Modifying Nanostructure to Control Neural Cell Coverage and Enhance Electrophysiological Recording Performance. Wiley Advanced Functional Materials vol. 27 (3)
12-12-2016 - Papageorgiou DG, Kinloch IA and Young RJ (2016). Hybrid multifunctional graphene/glass-fibre polypropylene composites. Composites Science and Technology vol. 137, 44-51.
12-12-2016 - Yu M, Grasso S, Mckinnon R, Saunders T and Reece MJ (2016). Review of flash sintering: materials, mechanisms and modelling. Taylor & Francis Advances in Applied Ceramics vol. 116 (1), 24-60.
09-12-2016 - Qiu L, Hughes-Brittain NF, Bastiaansen CWM, Peijs T and Wang W (2016). Responses of Vascular Endothelial Cells to Photoembossed Topographies on Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Films. J Funct Biomater vol. 7 (4)
09-12-2016 - Pensalfini M, Ehret AE, Stüdeli S, Marino D, Kaech A, Reichmann E and Mazza E (2016). Factors affecting the mechanical behavior of collagen hydrogels for skin tissue engineering. Elsevier Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials vol. 69, 85-97.
09-12-2016 - Chen K, Du B, Bonini N, Weber C, Yan H and Reece MJ (2016). Theory-Guided Synthesis of an Eco-Friendly and Low-Cost Copper Based Sulfide Thermoelectric Material. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C vol. 120 (48), 27135-27140.
08-12-2016 - Zhu T, Gachet D, Tang F, Fu WY, Oehler F, Kappers MJ, Dawson P, Humphreys CJ and Oliver RA (2016). Local carrier recombination and associated dynamics in m-plane InGaN/GaN quantum wells probed by picosecond cathodoluminescence. AIP Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 109 (23)
05-12-2016 - Chen J, Weiszer M, Locatelli G, Ravizza S, Atkin JA, Stewart P and Burke EK (2016). Toward a more realistic, cost-effective, and greener ground movement through active routing: A multiobjective shortest path approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 17 (12), 3524-3540.
01-12-2016 - Bhadeshia HKDH (2016). Some difficulties in the theory of diffusion-controlled growth in substitutionally alloyed steels. Elsevier Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science vol. 20 (6), 396-400.
01-12-2016 - Solano-Alvarez W, Pickering EJ, Peet MJ, Moore KL, Jaiswal J, Bevan A and Bhadeshia HKDH (2016). Soft novel form of white-etching matter and ductile failure of carbide-free bainitic steels under rolling contact stresses. Elsevier Acta Materialia vol. 121, 215-226.
01-12-2016 - Mazlan NM, Marchetti P, Maples HA, Gu B, Karan S, Bismarck A and Livingston AG (2016). Organic fouling behaviour of structurally and chemically different forward osmosis membranes – A study of cellulose triacetate and thin film composite membranes. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 520, 247-261.
01-12-2016 - Kłosowski MM, McGilvery CM, Li Y, Abellan P, Ramasse Q, Cabral JT, Livingston AG and Porter AE (2016). Micro-to nano-scale characterisation of polyamide structures of the SW30HR RO membrane using advanced electron microscopy and stain tracers. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 520, 465-476.
01-12-2016 - Lepik KV, Muslimov AR, Timin AS, Sergeev VS, Romanyuk DS, Moiseev IS, Popova EV, Radchenko IL, Vilesov AD, Galibin OV, Sukhorukov GB and Afanasyev BV (2016). Mesenchymal Stem Cell Magnetization: Magnetic Multilayer Microcapsule Uptake, Toxicity, Impact on Functional Properties, and Perspectives for Magnetic Delivery. Adv Healthc Mater vol. 5 (24), 3182-3190.
01-12-2016 - Tatarko P, Casalegno V, Hu C, Salvo M, Ferraris M and Reece MJ (2016). Joining of CVD-SiC coated and uncoated fibre reinforced ceramic matrix composites with pre-sintered Ti
3 SiC2 MAX phase using Spark Plasma Sintering. Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 36 (16), 3957-3967.
01-12-2016 - Cedillos-Barraza O, Manara D, Boboridis K, Watkins T, Grasso S, Jayaseelan DD, Konings RJM, Reece MJ and Lee WE (2016). Investigating the highest melting temperature materials: A laser melting study of the TaC-HfC system. Sci Rep vol. 6, 37962-37962.
01-12-2016 - Novikov SV, Staddon CR, Sahonta S-L, Oliver RA, Humphreys CJ and Foxon CT (2016). Growth of free-standing bulk wurtzite AlxGa1−xN layers by molecular beam epitaxy using a highly efficient RF plasma source. Elsevier Journal of Crystal Growth vol. 456, 151-154.
01-12-2016 - ALTHOEFER KA, Shafti A, Ribas Manero RB, Borg AM and Howard MJ (2016). Embroidered Electromyography: A Systematic Design Guide. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
01-12-2016 - Hibberd MT, Frey V, Spencer BF, Mitchell PW, Dawson P, Kappers MJ, Oliver RA, Humphreys CJ and Graham DM (2016). Dielectric response of wurtzite gallium nitride in the terahertz frequency range. Elsevier Solid State Communications vol. 247, 68-71.
01-12-2016 - Hückelheim JC, Hascoët L and Müller JD (2016). Algorithmic differentiation of code with multiple context-specific activities. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology vol. 43 (4)
01-12-2016 - Xie Y, Iskakova EE, Yang Q, Sakenova N, Chen Y, Tse ZTH and Wu YSH (2016). 294P Over diagnosis of prostate cancer in Eurasian men by PSA and PHI: example of heterosis. Elsevier Annals of Oncology vol. 27
01-12-2016 - Heo S-J, Driscoll TP, Thorpe SD, Nerurkar NL, Baker BM, Yang MT, Chen CS, Lee DA and Mauck RL (2016). Differentiation alters stem cell nuclear architecture, mechanics, and mechano-sensitivity. eLife Sciences Publications Ltd eLife vol. 5
30-11-2016 - Kim D, Pugno NM and Ryu S (2016). Wetting theory for small droplets on textured solid surfaces. Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature Sci Rep vol. 6, 37813-37813.
29-11-2016 - Aman A, Jordan R, Chen Y, Stadelmann R, Lugovy M, Orlovskaya N, Payzant EA, dela Cruz C, Reece MJ, Graule T and Kuebler J (2016). Non-congruence of high-temperature mechanical and structural behaviors of LaCoO
3 based perovskites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 37 (4), 1563-1576.
29-11-2016 - Tatarko P, Chlup Z, Mahajan A, Casalegno V, Saunders TG, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ (2016). High temperature properties of the monolithic CVD β-SiC materials joined with a pre-sintered MAX phase Ti
3 SiC2 interlayer via solid-state diffusion bonding. Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 37 (4), 1205-1216.
29-11-2016 - Schulz S, Tanner DSP, O'Reilly EP, A. M, Tang F, Griffiths JT, Oehler F, Kappers MJ, Oliver RA, Humphreys CJ, Sutherland D, Davies MJ and Dawson P (2016). Theoretical and experimental analysis of the photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy spectra of m-plane InGaN/GaN quantum wells. AIP Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 109 (22)
28-11-2016 - CATTELL MJ, Sukhorukov G, Gould DJ, shahid S, Zhang X and Luo DONG (2016). Electrospun poly (lactic acid) fibers containing novel chlorhexidine particles with sustained antibacterial activity., Editors: Jun Wang . Royal Society of Chemistry Biomaterials Science
25-11-2016 - Fender J, Duddeck F and Zimmermann M (2016). Direct computation of solution spaces. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization vol. 55 (5), 1787-1796.
25-11-2016 - Broseghini M, D’Incau M, Gelisio L, Pugno NM and Scardi P (2016). Homogeneity of ball milled ceramic powders: Effect of jar shape and milling conditions. Data in Brief vol. 10, 186-191.
24-11-2016 - Albaaji AJ, CASTLE E, Reece MJ, Hall JP and Evans SL (2016). Mechanical and magnetic properties of spark plasma sintered soft magnetic FeCo alloy reinforced by carbon nanotubes. Cambridge University Press (CUP): STM Journals Journal of Materials Research
20-11-2016 - Misseroni D, Afferrante L, Carbone G and Pugno NM (2016). Non-linear double-peeling: Experimental vs. theoretical predictions. Journal of Adhesion, 1-12.
18-11-2016 - Chen Q, Gorb S, Kovalev A, Li Z and Pugno N (2016). An analytical hierarchical model explaining the robustness and flaw-tolerance of the interlocking barb-barbule structure of bird feathers. EPL vol. 116 (2)
18-11-2016 - ALTHOEFER KA, Noh Y, Bimbo J, Sareh S, Wurdemann H, Fras J, Sures Chathuranga D, Liu H, Housden J and Rhode K (2016). Multi-axis force/torque sensor based on simply supported beam and optoelectronics. Journal of Sensors MDPI
17-11-2016 - Nakayama Y, Slavchov RI, Bavi N and Martinac B (2016). Energy of Liposome Patch Adhesion to the Pipet Glass Determined by Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters vol. 7 (22), 4530-4534.
17-11-2016 - Yeo BJL, Goh S, Livingston AG and Fane AG (2016). Controlling biofilm development in the extractive membrane bioreactor. Taylor & Francis Separation Science and Technology vol. 52 (1), 113-121.
14-11-2016 - Serbanovic-Canic J, de Luca A, Warboys C, Ferreira PF, Luong LA, Hsiao S, Gauci I, Mahmoud M, Feng S, Souilhol C, Bowden N, Ashton J-P, Walczak H, Firmin D, Krams R, Mason JC, Haskard DO, Sherwin S, Ridger V, Chico TJA and Evans PC (2016). Zebrafish Model for Functional Screening of Flow-Responsive Genes. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol vol. 37 (1), 130-143.
10-11-2016 - Gai M, Frueh J, Kudryavtseva VL, Mao R, Kiryukhin MV and Sukhorukov GB (2016). Patterned Microstructure Fabrication: Polyelectrolyte Complexes vs Polyelectrolyte Multilayers. Sci Rep vol. 6, 37000-37000.
10-11-2016 - Fu TR, Tian JB and WANG HS (2016). Apparent emissivity of combustion soot aggregate coating at high temperature. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journal of Heat Transfer: Transactions of the ASME
10-11-2016 - Kundys D, Sutherland D, Davies MJ, Oehler F, Griffiths J, Dawson P, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ, Schulz S, Tang F and Oliver RA (2016). A study of the optical and polarisation properties of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells grown on a-plane and m-plane GaN substrates. Sci Technol Adv Mater vol. 17 (1), 736-743.
10-11-2016 - Barbieri E, Ongaro F and Pugno NM (2016). A J-integral-based arc-length solver for brittle and ductile crack propagation in finite deformation-finite strain hyperelastic solids with an application to graphene kirigami. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
10-11-2016 - ALTHOEFER KA (2016). Robotic Ultrasound: View Planning, Tracking, and Automatic Acquisition of Trans-esophageal Echocardiography. IEEEROBOTICS&AUTOMATIONMAGAZINE
07-11-2016 - JORGE SOBRIDO AB, Mansor N, Miller TS, Dedigama I, Jingjin J, Brazdova V, Mattevi C, Gibbs C, Hodgson D, Shearing PR, Howard CA, Cora F, Shaffer M, Brett DJL and McMillan PF (2016). Graphitic Carbon Nitride as a Catalyst Support in Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers. Electrochimica Acta
04-11-2016 - Cruz D J, Rasgado MT A, CG B and TN B (2016). Failure Analysis Following Osteochondroplasty for Hip Impingement in Osteoporotic and Non-Osteoporotic Bones. Journal of Osteoporosis and Physical Activity vol. 04 (04)
02-11-2016 - Korotkin I, Nerukh D, Tarasova E, Farafonov V and Karabasov S (2016). Two-phase flow analogy as an effective boundary condition for modelling liquids at atomistic resolution. Journal of Computational Science vol. 17, 446-456.
01-11-2016 - Ataollahi A, Karim R, Fallah AS, Rhode K, Razavi R, Seneviratne LD, Schaeffter T and Althoefer K (2016). Three-Degree-of-Freedom MR-Compatible Multisegment Cardiac Catheter Steering Mechanism. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng vol. 63 (11), 2425-2435.
01-11-2016 - Torabi M, Dickson C and Karimi N (2016). Theoretical investigation of entropy generation and heat transfer by forced convection of copper–water nanofluid in a porous channel — Local thermal non-equilibrium and partial filling effects. Elsevier Powder Technology vol. 301, 234-254.
01-11-2016 - Livingston A (2016). Researchers develop “designer”chemical separation membranes. Mark Allen Group Membrane Technology vol. 2016 (11)
01-11-2016 - Timin AS, Lepik KV, Muslimov AM, Gorin DA, Afanasyev BV and Sukhorukov GB (2016). Intracellular redox induced drug release in cancerous and mesenchymal stem cells. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces vol. 147, 450-458.
01-11-2016 - German SV, Bratashov DN, Navolokin NA, Kozlova AA, Lomova MV, Novoselova MV, Burilova EA, Zyev VV, Khlebtsov BN, Bucharskaya AB, Terentyuk GS, Amirov RR, Maslyakova GN, Sukhorukov GB and Gorin DA (2016). In vitro and in vivo MRI visualization of nanocomposite biodegradable microcapsules with tunable contrast. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. vol. 18 (47), 32238-32246.
01-11-2016 - Formia A, Irico S, Bertola F, Canonico F, Antonaci P, Pugno NM and Tulliani JM (2016). Experimental analysis of self-healing cement-based materials incorporating extruded cementitious hollow tubes. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures vol. 27 (19), 2633-2652.
01-11-2016 - Stadelmann R, Lugovy M, Orlovskaya N, Mchaffey P, Radovic M, Sglavo VM, Grasso S and Reece MJ (2016). Erratum: Corrigendum to “Mechanical properties and residual stresses in ZrB
2 –SiC spark plasma sintered ceramic composites” (J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. (2016) 36(7) (1527–1537)). Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 36 (14), 3545-3545.
01-11-2016 - Nammi SK, Edwards G and Shirvani H (2016). Effect of cell-size on the energy absorption features of closed-cell aluminium foams. Elsevier Acta Astronautica vol. 128, 243-250.
01-11-2016 - Fraldi M, Cugno A, Carotenuto AR, Cutolo A, Pugno NM and Deseri L (2016). Small-on-Large Fractional Derivative–Based Single-Cell Model Incorporating Cytoskeleton Prestretch. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, D4016001-D4016001.
28-10-2016 - Griffiths JT, Zhang S, Lhuillier J, Zhu D, Fu WY, Howkins A, Boyd I, Stowe D, Wallis DJ, Humphreys CJ and Oliver RA (2016). Nano-cathodoluminescence reveals the effect of electron damage on the optical properties of nitride optoelectronics and the damage threshold. AIP Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 120 (16)
28-10-2016 - Pedrigi RM, Papadimitriou KI, Kondiboyina A, Sidhu S, Chau J, Patel MB, Baeriswyl DC, Drakakis EM and Krams R (2016). Disturbed Cyclical Stretch of Endothelial Cells Promotes Nuclear Expression of the Pro-Atherogenic Transcription Factor NF-κB. Springer Nature Ann Biomed Eng vol. 45 (4), 898-909.
27-10-2016 - De Marchis M, Milici B, Volpe R and Messineo A (2016). Energy Saving in Water Distribution Network through Pump as Turbine Generators: Economic and Environmental Analysis. Energies vol. 9 (11), 877-877.
26-10-2016 - Shah SM, Crawshaw JP and Boek ES (2016). Three-dimensional imaging of porous media using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Wiley Journal of Microscopy vol. 265 (2), 261-271.
25-10-2016 - Gray F, Cen J and Boek ES (2016). Simulation of dissolution in porous media in three dimensions with lattice Boltzmann, finite-volume, and surface-rescaling methods. Phys Rev E vol. 94 (4-1), 043320-043320.
25-10-2016 - Yang Z, Liu P, Zhu Y and Zhang Y (2016). A comprehensive reliability allocation method for series systems based on failure mode and effects analysis transformed functions. SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture vol. 230 (12), 2239-2248.
25-10-2016 - Krushynska AO, Miniaci M, Bosia F and Pugno NM (2016). Coupling local resonance with Bragg band gaps in single-phase mechanical metamaterials. Extreme Mechanics Letters vol. 12, 30-36.
21-10-2016 - Luo Y, Gan Y and Jiang X (2016). Investigation of the effect of DC electric field on a small ethanol diffusion flame. Fuel vol. 188, 621-627.
19-10-2016 - Pedrielli A, Taioli S, Garberoglio G and Pugno NM (2016). Designing graphene based nanofoams with nonlinear auxetic and anisotropic mechanical properties under tension or compression. Carbon vol. 111, 796-806.
17-10-2016 - Peeva L, Burgal JDS, Heckenast Z, Brazy F, Cazenave F and Livingston A (2016). Continuous Consecutive Reactions with Inter-Reaction Solvent Exchange by Membrane Separation. Wiley Angewandte Chemie International Edition vol. 55 (43), 13576-13579.
17-10-2016 - Ross PD, Guy J, Selfridge J, Kamal B, Bahey N, Tanner KE, Gillingwater TH, Jones RA, Loughrey CM, McCarroll CS, Bailey MES, Bird A and Cobb S (2016). Exclusive expression of MeCP2 in the nervous system distinguishes between brain and peripheral Rett syndrome-like phenotypes. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS vol. 25 (20), 4389-4404.
15-10-2016 - Vepa R (2016). Nonlinear Control of Robots and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, An Integrated Approach. Taylor & Francis
14-10-2016 - Wang Z, Sui Y, Salsac AV, Barthès-Biesel D and Wang W (2016). Motion of a spherical capsule in branched tube flow with finite inertia. Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 806, 603-626.
13-10-2016 - Jiang Q, Yang J, Xin J, Zhou Z, Zhang D and Yan H (2016). Carriers concentration tailoring and phonon scattering from n-type zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoinclusion in p- and n-type bismuth telluride (Bi
2 Te3 ): Leading to ultra low thermal conductivity and excellent thermoelectric properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol. 694, 864-868.
11-10-2016 - Sun J and WANG HS (2016). On the early and developed stages of surface condensation: competition mechanism between interfacial and condensate bulk thermal resistances. Nature Publishing Group: Open Access Journals - Option C Scientific Reports vol. 6
10-10-2016 - Briscoe J and Dunn S (2016). The Future of Using Earth-Abundant Elements in Counter Electrodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Adv Mater vol. 28 (20), 3802-3813.
06-10-2016 - Tan W and Falzon BG (2016). Modelling the crush behaviour of thermoplastic composites. Elsevier Composites Science and Technology vol. 134, 57-71.
06-10-2016 - BUSFIELD JJC, tunnicliffe L and thomas A (2016). Effects of surface deactivation of carbon black on thermo-mechanical sensitivity of filler networks in rubber compounds. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
06-10-2016 - Mo J, Prévost SF, Blowes LM, Egertová M, Terrill NJ, Wang W, Elphick MR and Gupta HS (2016). Interfibrillar stiffening of echinoderm mutable collagenous tissue demonstrated at the nanoscale. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
05-10-2016 - Spagni A, Berardo A, Marchetto D, Gualtieri E, Pugno NM and Valeri S (2016). Friction of rough surfaces on ice: Experiments and modeling. Wear vol. 368-369, 258-266.
05-10-2016 - Gao H, Sapelkin AV, Titirici MM and Sukhorukov GB (2016). In Situ Synthesis of Fluorescent Carbon Dots/Polyelectrolyte Nanocomposite Microcapsules with Reduced Permeability and Ultrasound Sensitivity. ACS Nano
04-10-2016 - Liu D, Lohse-Busch H, Toropov V, Hühne C and Armani U (2016). Detailed design of a lattice composite fuselage structure by a mixed optimization method. Engineering Optimization vol. 48 (10), 1707-1720.
02-10-2016 - Tan W, Falzon BG, Price M and Liu H (2016). The role of material characterisation in the crush modelling of thermoplastic composite structures. Elsevier Composite Structures vol. 153, 914-927.
01-10-2016 - Bolbasov EN, Stankevich KS, Sudarev EA, Bouznik VM, Kudryavtseva VL, Antonova LV, Matveeva VG, Anissimov YG and Tverdokhlebov SI (2016). The investigation of the production method influence on the structure and properties of the ferroelectric nonwoven materials based on vinylidene fluoride – tetrafluoroethylene copolymer. Elsevier Materials Chemistry and Physics vol. 182, 338-346.
01-10-2016 - Papageorgiou GZ, Papageorgiou DG, Terzopoulou Z and Bikiaris DN (2016). Production of bio-based 2,5-furan dicarboxylate polyesters: Recent progress and critical aspects in their synthesis and thermal properties. Elsevier European Polymer Journal vol. 83, 202-229.
01-10-2016 - Svenskaya YI, Pavlov AM, Gorin DA, Gould DJ, Parakhonskiy BV and Sukhorukov GB (2016). Photodynamic therapy platform based on localized delivery of photosensitizer by vaterite submicron particles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces vol. 146, 171-179.
01-10-2016 - Ye W, Fang Y, Zhang K and Guo S (2016). Mobility variation of a family of metamorphic parallel mechanisms with reconfigurable hybrid limbs. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing vol. 41, 145-162.
01-10-2016 - Pedrigi RM, Mehta VV, Bovens SM, Mohri Z, Poulsen CB, Gsell W, Tremoleda JL, Towhidi L, de Silva R, Petretto E and Krams R (2016). Influence of shear stress magnitude and direction on atherosclerotic plaque composition. The Royal Society Royal Society Open Science vol. 3 (10)
01-10-2016 - Barrett DW, David AL, Thrasivoulou C, Mata A, Becker DL, Engels AC, Deprest JA and Chowdhury TT (2016). Connexin 43 is overexpressed in human fetal membrane defects after fetoscopic surgery. Prenatal Diagnosis vol. 36 (10), 942-952.
01-10-2016 - Attwood SJ, Cortes E, Haining AW, Robinson B, Li D, Gautrot J and Del Río Hernández A (2016). Adhesive ligand tether length affects the size and length of focal adhesions and influences cell spreading and attachment. Sci Rep vol. 6, 34334-34334.
30-09-2016 - Shen X, AVITAL E, Paul G, Rezaienia MA, Wen P and Alexander T (2016). Experimental Study of Surface Curvature Effects on Aerodynamic Performance of a Low Reynolds Number Airfoil for Use in Small Wind Turbines. AIP Publishing Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy vol. 8 (5), 053303-053303.
29-09-2016 - Chang T, Zhan L, Tan W and Li S (2016). Void content and interfacial properties of composite laminates under different autoclave cure pressure. Taylor & Francis Composite Interfaces vol. 24 (5), 529-540.
28-09-2016 - Peeva L, Da Silva Burgal J, Heckenast Z, Brazy F, Cazenave F and Livingston A (2016). Continuous Consecutive Reactions with Inter‐Reaction Solvent Exchange by Membrane Separation. Wiley Angewandte Chemie vol. 128 (43), 13774-13777.
27-09-2016 - Li S, Zheng Y, Mira D, Zhu M and Jiang X (2016). A Large-Eddy Simulation–Linear-Eddy Model Study of Preferential Diffusion Processes in a Partially Premixed Swirling Combustor With Synthesis Gases. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power vol. 139 (3), 031501-031501.
27-09-2016 - Kundanati L, Singh SK, Mandal BB, Murthy TG, Gundiah N and Pugno NM (2016). Fabrication and mechanical characterization of hydrogel infused network silk scaffolds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol. 17 (10)
26-09-2016 - Chen Y, Squires A, Seifabadi R, Xu S, Agarwal HK, Bernardo M, Pinto PA, Choyke P, Wood B and Tse ZTH (2016). Robotic System for MRI-Guided Focal Laser Ablation in the Prostate. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics vol. 22 (1), 107-114.
22-09-2016 - Hu R, Crawshaw JP, Trusler JPM and Boek ES (2016). Rheology and Phase Behavior of Carbon Dioxide and Crude Oil Mixtures. American Chemical Society Energy and Fuels vol. 31 (6), 5776-5784.
22-09-2016 - Tilwani RK, Vessillier S, Pingguan-Murphy B, Lee DA, Bader DL and Chowdhury TT (2016). Oxygen tension modulates the effects of TNFα in compressed chondrocytes. Inflamm Res
22-09-2016 - Eshraghi I, Jalali SK and Pugno NM (2016). Imperfection sensitivity of nonlinear vibration of curved single-walled carbon nanotubes based on nonlocal timoshenko beam theory. Materials vol. 9 (9)
21-09-2016 - Colak B, Da Silva JCS, Soares TA and Gautrot JE (2016). Impact of the Molecular Environment on Thiol-Ene Coupling For Biofunctionalization and Conjugation. American Chemical Society Bioconjugate Chemistry vol. 27 (9), 2111-2123.
21-09-2016 - Eshraghi I, Jalali S and Pugno NM (2016). Imperfection Sensitivity of Nonlinear Vibration of Curved Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Based on Nonlocal Timoshenko Beam Theory. MDPI Materials
18-09-2016 - Thorpe CT, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2016). Fascicles and the interfascicular matrix show adaptation for fatigue resistance in energy storing tendons. Acta Biomaterialia vol. 42, 308-315.
15-09-2016 - Li Y, Zhang H, Crespo M, Porwal H, Picot O, Santagiuliana G, Huang Z, Barbieri E, Pugno NM, Peijs T and Bilotti E (2016). In Situ Exfoliation of Graphene in Epoxy Resins: A Facile Strategy to Efficient and Large Scale Graphene Nanocomposites. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces vol. 8 (36), 24112-24122.
14-09-2016 - Li Z, Ma J, Gao Z, Viola G, Koval V, Mahajan A, Li X, Jia C, Nan C and Yan H (2016). Room temperature magnetoelectric coupling in intrinsic multiferroic Aurivillius phase textured ceramics. Royal Society of Chemistry Dalton Transactions vol. 45 (36), 14049-14052.
13-09-2016 - Ongaro F, BARBIERI E and Pugno N (2016). The in-plane elastic properties of hierarchical composite cellular materials: synergy of hierarchy, material heterogeneity and cell topologies at different levels. Elsevier Mechanics of Materials
08-09-2016 - Giorgi M, Verbruggen SW and Lacroix D (2016). In silico bone mechanobiology: modeling a multifaceted biological system. Wiley WIREs Mechanisms of Disease vol. 8 (6), 485-505.
07-09-2016 - Tian F-B, Sui Y, Zhu L, Shu C and Sung HJ (2016). Computational Methods and Models in Circulatory and Reproductive Systems. Hindawi Comput Math Methods Med vol. 2016, 9028409-9028409.
07-09-2016 - Handsfield GG, Slane LC and Screen HRC (2016). Nomenclature of the tendon hierarchy: An overview of inconsistent terminology and a proposed size-based naming scheme with terminology for multi-muscle tendons. Journal of Biomechanics vol. 49 (13), 3122-3124.
06-09-2016 - Shen X, AVITAL E, Rezaienia MA, Paul G and Alexander T (2016). Computational methods for investigation of surface curvature effects on airfoil boundary layer behavior. Multi-Science Publishing Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology vol. 11 (1), 68-82.
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