Centre for Intelligent Transport
- Gündeş AN and Nanjangud A (2012). Simultaneous Stabilization and Constant Reference Tracking of LTI, MIMO Systems. Wiley Asian Journal of Control vol. 15 (4), 1001-1010.
26-12-2012 - Depuru Mohan NK, Karabasov SA, Graham O, Dowling AP, Hynes TP, Tucker PG and Xia H (2012). Reduced-order jet noise modelling for chevrons. 18th Aiaa/Ceas Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd Aiaa Aeroacoustics Conference)
01-12-2012 - Karabasov SA and Sandberg RD (2012). On the effect of Mach number and coflow for turbulent jet noise sources. 18th Aiaa/Ceas Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd Aiaa Aeroacoustics Conference)
01-12-2012 - Vepa R and Petrakou K (2012). Inertial Navigation Position and Orientation Estimation with Occasional Galileo Satellite Position Fixes and Stereo Camera Measurements. De Gruyter Annual of Navigation vol. 19 (2), 131-153.
01-12-2012 - R. Khoshravan M and Paykani A (2012). Design of a Composite Drive Shaft and its Coupling for Automotive Application. Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico Journal of Applied Research and Technology vol. 10 (6)
01-12-2012 - Jones D, Müller JD and Bayyuk S (2012). CFD development with automatic differentiation. 50th Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition
01-12-2012 - (2012). CABARET method on unstructured hexahedral grids for jet noise computation. 18th Aiaa/Ceas Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd Aiaa Aeroacoustics Conference)
01-12-2012 - Semiletov VA, Karabasov SA, Faranosov GA and Zaitsev MA (2012). Airfoil flow and noise computation using monotonically integrated LES and acoustic analogy. 18th Aiaa/Ceas Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd Aiaa Aeroacoustics Conference)
01-12-2012 - Markesteijn AP and Karabasov SA (2012). Acoustic wave focusing by non-uniform mean flow in a rectangular duct with viscous walls. 18th Aiaa/Ceas Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd Aiaa Aeroacoustics Conference)
01-12-2012 - Zhang K, Dai JS and Fang Y (2012). Geometric Constraint and Mobility Variation of Two 3SvPSv Metamorphic Parallel Mechanisms. Asme International Journal of Mechanical Design vol. 135 (1)
19-11-2012 - Ataollahi A, Fallah AS, Seneviratne LD, Dasgupta P and Althoefer K (2012). Novel Force Sensing Approach Employing Prismatic-Tip Optical Fiber Inside an Orthoplanar Spring Structure. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) Ieee/Asme Transactions On Mechatronics vol. 19 (1), 121-130.
15-11-2012 - Wolf P, Staffelbach G, Gicquel LYM, Müller JD and Poinsot T (2012). Acoustic and Large Eddy Simulation studies of azimuthal modes in annular combustion chambers. Combustion and Flame vol. 159 (11), 3398-3413.
01-11-2012 - Nanjangud A and Eke FO (2012). Lagrange’s Equations for Rocket-Type Variable Mass Systems. Praise Worthy Prize International Review of Aerospace Engineering (Irease) vol. 5 (5)
31-10-2012 - Barras J, Katsura S, Sato-Akaba H, Itozaki H, Kyriakidou G, Rowe MD, Althoefer KA and Smith JAS (2012). Variable-Pitch Rectangular Cross-section Radiofrequency Coils for the Nitrogen-14 Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Investigation of Sealed Medicines Packets. American Chemical Society (Acs) Analytical Chemistry vol. 84 (21), 8970-8972.
26-10-2012 - Orang AA and Paykani A (2012). Modified Characteristics-Based Schemes for Compressible Flow Past an Airfoil. Oxford University Press (Oup) Journal of Mechanics vol. 28 (4), 627-635.
16-10-2012 - Müller JD, Jitsumura M and Müller-Kronast NHF (2012). Sensitivity of flow simulations in a cerebral aneurysm. Journal of Biomechanics vol. 45 (15), 2539-2548.
11-10-2012 - Fang H, Fang Y and Zhang K (2012). Kinematics and workspace analysis of a novel 3-DOF parallel manipulator with virtual symmetric plane. Sage Publications Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science vol. 227 (3), 620-629.
11-10-2012 - Yao W, Schaeffter T, Seneviratne L and Althoefer K (2012). Developing a Magnetic Resonance-Compatible Catheter for Cardiac Catheterization. Asme International Journal of Medical Devices vol. 6 (4)
11-10-2012 - Russell BP, Liu T, Fleck NA and Deshpande VS (2012). The soft impact of composite sandwich beams with a square-honeycomb core. Elsevier International Journal of Impact Engineering vol. 48, 65-81.
01-10-2012 - AVITAL E, Korakianitis T and Miloh T (2012). Sound Scattering by a Flexible Plate Embedded on Free Surface., Editors: Bhat R. Hindawi Advances in Acoustics and Vibration vol. 2012, 473531-1-473531-13.
01-10-2012 - Sargeant R, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K (2012). A 2-Axis Optical Force–Torque Fingertip Sensor for Dexterous Grasping Using Linear Polarizers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement vol. 61 (12), 3363-3377.
17-09-2012 - Rahideh A, Bajodah AH and Shaheed MH (2012). Real time adaptive nonlinear model inversion control of a twin rotor MIMO system using neural networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence vol. 25 (6), 1289-1297.
01-09-2012 - Jamone L, Damas B, Endo N, Santos-Victor J and Takanishi A (2012). Incremental Development of Multiple Tool Models for Robotic Reaching Through Autonomous Exploration. De Gruyter Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics vol. 3 (3), 113-127.
01-09-2012 - Baumard TLM, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC (2012). Fatigue peeling at rubber interfaces. Plastics, Rubber and Composites vol. 41 (7), 296-300.
01-09-2012 - Busfield J (2012). Editorial. Plastics, Rubber and Composites vol. 41 (7), 271-272.
01-09-2012 - JAMONE L, NATALE L, NORI F, METTA G and SANDINI G (2012). AUTONOMOUS ONLINE LEARNING OF REACHING BEHAVIOR IN A HUMANOID ROBOT. World Scientific Publishing International Journal of Humanoid Robotics vol. 9 (03)
01-09-2012 - SHAHEED MH and Tokhi O (2012). Adaptive closed-loop control of a single-link flexible manipulator. Sage Journal Journal of Vibration and Control
16-08-2012 - Korakianitis T, Rezaienia MA, Hamakhan IA, Avital EJ and Williams JJR (2012). Aerodynamic improvements of wind-turbine airfoil geometries with the prescribed surface curvature distribution blade design (CIRCLE) method. Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power vol. 134 (8)
09-07-2012 - Fang H, Fang Y and Zhang K (2012). Reciprocal screw theory based singularity analysis of a novel 3-DOF parallel manipulator. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 25 (4), 647-653.
01-07-2012 - Vepa R (2012). Nonlinear unscented H
∞ suspension and tracking control of mobile vehicles. Ieee Transactions On Vehicular Technology vol. 61 (4), 1543-1553.
22-05-2012 - Paton J, Khatir Z, Thompson H, Kapur N and Toropov V (2012). Thermal energy management in the bread baking industry using a system modelling approach. Applied Thermal Engineering
09-05-2012 - Puangmali P, Liu H, Seneviratne LD, Dasgupta P and Althoefer K (2012). Miniature 3-Axis Distal Force Sensor for Minimally Invasive Surgical Palpation. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) Ieee/Asme Transactions On Mechatronics vol. 17 (4), 646-656.
04-05-2012 - Yakovlev PG, Karabasov SA and Goloviznin VM (2012). Direct modeling of the interaction between vortex pairs. Pleiades Publishing Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations vol. 4 (3), 288-296.
01-05-2012 - Eves J, Toropov VV, Thompson HM, Kapur N, Fan J, Copley D and Mincher A (2012). Design optimization of supersonic jet pumps using high fidelity flow analysis. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization vol. 45 (5), 739-745.
01-05-2012 - Paykani A, Khoshbakhti Saray R, Shervani-Tabar MT and Mohammadi-Kousha A (2012). Effect of exhaust gas recirculation and intake pre-heating on performance and emission characteristics of dual fuel engines at part loads. Springer Nature Journal of Central South University vol. 19 (5), 1346-1352.
27-04-2012 - Vepa R (2012). Adaptive state estimation of a PEM fuel cell. Ieee Transactions On Energy Conversion vol. 27 (2), 457-467.
05-04-2012 - Polynkin A and Toropov VV (2012). Mid-range metamodel assembly building based on linear regression for large scale optimization problems. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization vol. 45 (4), 515-527.
01-04-2012 - Rahideh A and Shaheed MH (2012). Constrained output feedback model predictive control for nonlinear systems. Control Engineering Practice vol. 20 (4), 431-443.
01-04-2012 - Barras J, Althoefer K, Rowe MD, Poplett IJ and Smith JAS (2012). The Emerging Field of Medicines Authentication by Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy. Springer Nature Applied Magnetic Resonance vol. 43 (4), 511-529.
22-03-2012 - Khan MAI, Noakes CJ and Toropov VV (2012). Development of a numerical optimization approach to ventilation system design to control airborne contaminant dispersion and occupant comfort. Building Simulation vol. 5 (1), 39-50.
01-03-2012 - Polygerinos P, Seneviratne LD, Razavi R, Schaeffter T and Althoefer K (2012). Triaxial Catheter-Tip Force Sensor for MRI-Guided Cardiac Procedures. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) Ieee/Asme Transactions On Mechatronics vol. 18 (1), 386-396.
17-01-2012 - Tunnicliffe LB, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC (2012). Silica-rubber microstructure visualised in three dimensions by focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Microscopy vol. 246 (1), 77-82.
01-01-2012 - Muller J-D, Jitsumura M and Mueller-Kronast NHF (2012). Sensitivity of flow simulations in a cerebral aneurysm. Journal of Biomechanics vol. 45 (15), 2539-2548.
01-01-2012 - Chen J and Mahfouf M (2012). Improving Transparency in Approximate Fuzzy Modeling Using Multi-objective Immune-Inspired Optimisation. Springer Nature International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems vol. 5 (2), 322-342.
01-01-2012 - Munjiza A, Williams JJR, Avital EJ, Cin J and Xu D (2012). Immersed boundary based fluid coupling in mechanics of discontinua. Proceedings of The 10th International Conference On Advances in Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Applications in Geomechanics, 67-72.
01-01-2012 - Mueller J-D, Jones D, Jahn W, Othmer C, Megahed M, Hollette N, Pierrot G, Bletzinger K-U and Stavropolou E (2012). Goal-based flow optimisation for automotive design. Transport Research Arena 2012 vol. 48, 3599-3612.
01-01-2012 - Ikram Z, Avital EJ and Williams JJR (2012). Detached Eddy Simulation of Free-Surface Flow Around a Submerged Submarine Fairwater. Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of The Asme vol. 134 (6)
01-01-2012 - Korakianitis T, Hamakhan IA, Rezaienia MA, Wheeler APS, Avital EJ and Williams JJR (2012). Design of high-efficiency turbomachinery blades for energy conversion devices with the three-dimensional prescribed surface curvature distribution blade design (CIRCLE) method., Editors: Yan J. Applied Energy vol. 89 (1), 215-227.
01-01-2012 - Khatir Z, Paton J, Thompson H, Kapur N, Toropov V, Lawes M and Kirk D (2012). Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) investigation of air flow and temperature distribution in a small scale bread-baking oven. Applied Energy vol. 89 (1), 89-96.
01-01-2012 - Wolf P, Staffelbach G, Gicquel LYM, Müller J-D and Poinsot T (2012). Acoustic and Large Eddy Simulation studies of azimuthal modes in annular combustion chambers. Combustion and Flame
01-01-2012 - Gomzikov LY, Karabasov SA, Latyshev VG and Sipatov AM (2012). ADVANCED HEAT ANALYSIS OF TURBINE ROTOR BLADES COUPLED WITH COMBUSTION CHAMBER SIMULATION. Begell House Tsagi Science Journal vol. 43 (5), 647-666.
01-01-2012 - Li J, Liu H, Althoefer K and Seneviratne LD (2012). A stiffness probe based on force and vision sensing for soft tissue diagnosis. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) Annual International Conference of The Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (Embc) vol. 2012, 944-947.