Centre for Intelligent Transport


   2015   |   2014   |   2013   |   2012   |   2011   |   2010   |   2009   |   2008   |   2007   |   2006   |   2005   
  • Shorter R, Smith JD, Coveney VA and Busfield JJC (2010). Axial compression of hollow elastic spheres. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures vol. 5 (5), 693-705.  
  • Karabasov SA (2010). Once again on the importance of propagation effects for jet noise modelling. 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) 
  • Gabriel P, Fukahori Y, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC (2010). Fea modeling of schallamach waves. Rubber Chemistry and Technology vol. 83 (4), 358-367.  
  • Polygerinos P, Ataollahi A, Schaeffter T, Razavi R, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K (2010). MRI-Compatible Intensity-Modulated Force Sensor for Cardiac Catheterization Procedures. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering vol. 58 (3), 721-726.  
  • Zhang K, Dai JS and Fang Y (2010). Topology and Constraint Analysis of Phase Change in the Metamorphic Chain and Its Evolved Mechanism. ASME International Journal of Mechanical Design vol. 132 (12) 
  • Polygerinos P, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K (2010). Modeling of Light Intensity-Modulated Fiber-Optic Displacement Sensors. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement vol. 60 (4), 1408-1415.  
  • Fukahori Y, Gabriel P and Busfield JJC (2010). How does rubber truly slide between Schallamach waves and stick-slip motion? WEAR vol. 269 (11-12), 854-866.  
  • Polygerinos P, Zbyszewski D, Schaeffter T, Razavi R, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K (2010). MRI-Compatible Fiber-Optic Force Sensors for Catheterization Procedures. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Sensors Journal vol. 10 (10), 1598-1608.  
  • Vepa R and Zhahir A (2010). High-Precision Kinematic Satellite and Doppler Aided Inertial Navigation System., Editors: Hughes PN. The Royal Institute of Navigation Journal of Navigation vol. 64 (4), 91-108.  
  • Rahideh A and Shaheed MH (2010). Real time nonlinear model predictive control for fast systems. SPEEDAM 2010 - International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, 1732-1737.  
  • Karabasov SA (2010). Understanding jet noise. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 368 (1924), 3593-3608.  
  • Suphadon N, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC (2010). The viscoelastic behavior of rubber under a complex loading. II. The effect large strains and the incorporation of carbon black. Journal of Applied Polymer Science vol. 117 (3), 1290-1297.  
  • Zhang K, Fang Y, Fang H and Dai JS (2010). Geometry and Constraint Analysis of the Three-Spherical Kinematic Chain Based Parallel Mechanism. ASME International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics vol. 2 (3) 
  • Vepa R (2010). Dynamics of Smart Structures. Wiley  
  • Vepa R (2010). Nonlinear Filtering of Oscillatory Measurements in Cardiovascular Applications., Editors: Balthazar PJM and Cattani PC. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering vol. July, 2010 
  • Vepa R (2010). Modelling and Quasi-Linear Control of Compressor Surge and Rotating Stall Vibrations., Editors: Balthazar PJM and Cattani PC. Hindawi Publishing Corp. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Special issue on:Non) 
  • Karabasov SA, Afsar MZ, Hynes TP, Dowling AP, McMullan WA, Pokora CD, Page GJ and McGuirk JJ (2010). Jet noise: Acoustic analogy informed by large eddy simulation. AIAA Journal vol. 48 (7), 1312-1325.  
  • Zbyszewski D, Challacombe B, Li J, Seneviratne L, Althoefer K, Dasgupta P and Murphy D (2010). A Comparative Study Between an Improved Novel Air-Cushion Sensor and a Wheeled Probe for Minimally Invasive Surgery. Mary Ann Liebert Journal of Endourology vol. 24 (7), 1155-1159.  
  • Al-Milli S, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K (2010). Track–terrain modelling and traversability prediction for tracked vehicles on soft terrain. Elsevier Journal of Terramechanics vol. 47 (3), 151-160.  
  • Suphadon N, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC (2010). The viscoelastic behaviour of rubber under a small simple shear oscillation superimposed on a large pure shear. Polymer Testing vol. 29 (4), 440-444.  
  • Liu H, Puangmali P, Zbyszewski D, Elhage O, Dasgupta P, Dai JS, Seneviratne L and Althoefer K (2010). An indentation depth—force sensing wheeled probe for abnormality identification during minimally invasive surgery. SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine vol. 224 (6), 751-763.  
  • Song X, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K (2010). A Kalman Filter-Integrated Optical Flow Method for Velocity Sensing of Mobile Robots. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics vol. 16 (3), 551-563.  
  • Jha V, Thomas AG, Bennett M and Busfield JJC (2010). Reversible electrical behavior with strain for a carbon black-filled rubber. Journal of Applied Polymer Science vol. 116 (1), 541-546.  
  • Vepa R (2010). Dynamics of Smart Structures. 
  • Puigt G, Auffray V and Müller JD (2010). Discretisation of diffusive fluxes on hybrid grids. Journal of Computational Physics vol. 229 (5), 1425-1447.  
  • Smith JAS, Rayner TJ, Rowe MD, Barras J, Peirson NF, Stevens AD and Althoefer K (2010). Magnetic field-cycling NMR and 14N, 17O quadrupole resonance in the explosive pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). Elsevier Journal of Magnetic Resonance vol. 204 (1), 139-144.  
  • Ciselli P, Lu L, Busfield JJC and Peijs T (2010). Piezoresistive polymer composites based on EPDM and MWNTs for strain sensing applications. E-Polymers 
  • Liang H, Fukahori Y, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC (2010). The steady state abrasion of rubber: Why are the weakest rubber compounds so good in abrasion? Wear vol. 268 (5-6), 756-762.  
  • Gabriel P, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC (2010). Influence of interface geometry on rubber friction. Wear vol. 268 (5-6), 747-750.  
  • Dowling AP, Karabasov SA and Hynes TP (2010). USE OF ACOUSTIC ANALOGY WITH LARGE EDDY SIMULATION FOR TURBULENT JET NOISE MODELING. Begell House TsAGI Science Journal vol. 41 (1), 79-95.  
  • Vepa R (2010). Spacecraft large attitude estimation using a navigation sensor. Journal of Navigation vol. 63 (1), 89-104.  
  • LI D (2010). Overview and Prospects of Metamorphic Mechanism. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 46 (13) 
  • Vepa R (2010). Nonlinear Filtering of Oscillatory Measurements in Cardiovascular Applications. MATH PROBL ENG 
  • Vepa R (2010). Modelling and Quasilinear Control of Compressor Surge and Rotating Stall Vibrations. MATH PROBL ENG 
  • Karabasov SA, Xia H, Graham O, Hynes TP, Tucker PG and Dowling AP (2010). Low-order modelling for chevron jet noise based on LES data. 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) 
  • Punekar J, Avital EJ and Musafir RE (2010). Computations of Nonlinear Propagation of Sound Emitted from High Speed Mixing Layers. Bentham Open Open Acoustics Journal vol. 3, 11-20.  