School Publications
- Luo Z, Wang Y, Zhu Y and Wang D (2015). The Dynamic Similitude Design Method of Thin Walled Structures and Experimental Validation. Hindawi Shock and Vibration vol. 2016 (1), 1-11.
29-12-2015 - Sriranganathan D, Kanwal N, Hing KA and Hill RG (2015). Strontium substituted bioactive glasses for tissue engineered scaffolds: the importance of octacalcium phosphate. Springer Nature Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine vol. 27 (2)
24-12-2015 - Thompson CL, Patel R, Kelly T-AN, Wann AKT, Hung CT, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2015). Hedgehog signalling does not stimulate cartilage catabolism and is inhibited by Interleukin-1β. Arthritis Research & Therapy vol. 17 (1)
24-12-2015 - Colquhoun R and Tanner KE (2015). Mechanical behaviour of degradable phosphate glass fibres and composites—a review. IOP Publishing Biomedical Materials vol. 11 (1)
23-12-2015 - Zhou X, Li K, Tu R, Yi J, Xie Q and Jiang X (2015). A modelling study of the multiphase leakage flow from pressurised CO 2 pipeline. Journal of Hazardous Materials vol. 306, 286-294.
22-12-2015 - Ma W, Situ B, Lv W, Li B, Yin X, Vadgama P, Zheng L and Wang W (2015). Electrochemical determination of microRNAs based on isothermal strand-displacement polymerase reaction coupled with multienzyme functionalized magnetic micro-carriers. Biosensors and Bioelectronics vol. 80, 344-351.
21-12-2015 - Berardo A, Pantano MF and Pugno NM (2015). Slip knots and unfastening topologies enhance toughness without reducing strength of silk fibroin fibres. Interface Focus vol. 6 (1)
18-12-2015 - Hutchens SA, Campion C, Assad M, Chagnon M and Hing KA (2015). Efficacy of silicate-substituted calcium phosphate with enhanced strut porosity as a standalone bone graft substitute and autograft extender in an ovine distal femoral critical defect model. J Mater Sci Mater Med vol. 27 (1), 20-20.
18-12-2015 - Luo Z, Zhu Y, Zhao X and Wang D (2015). Determining Dynamic Scaling Laws of Geometrically Distorted Scaled Models of a Cantilever Plate. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Engineering Mechanics vol. 142 (4)
17-12-2015 - DUDDECK FME, Andricevic N and Hiermaier S (2015). A Novel Approach for the Assessment of Robustness of Vehicle Structures under Crash. Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles International Journal of Crashworthiness
16-12-2015 - Taioli S, Dapor M and Pugno NM (2015). Editorial: New Frontiers in Multiscale Modelling of Advanced Materials. Frontiers Frontiers in Materials vol. 2
14-12-2015 - Rhode SL, Horton MK, Fu WY, Sahonta S-L, Kappers MJ, Pennycook TJ, Humphreys CJ, Dusane RO and Moram MA (2015). Dislocation core structures in Si-doped GaN. AIP Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 107 (24)
14-12-2015 - Tan AR, VandenBerg CD, Attur M, Abramson SB, Knight MM, Bulinski JC, Ateshian GA, Cook JL and Hung CT (2015). Cytokine preconditioning of engineered cartilage provides protection against interleukin-1 insult. Arthritis Res Ther vol. 17, 361-361.
14-12-2015 - Han Y, Caliebe M, Hage F, Ramasse Q, Pristovsek M, Zhu T, Scholz F and Humphreys C (2015). Toward defect‐free semi‐polar GaN templates on pre‐structured sapphire. Wiley physica status solidi (b) vol. 253 (5), 834-839.
12-12-2015 - Turek VA, Francescato Y, Cadinu P, Crick CR, Elliott L, Chen Y, Urland V, Ivanov AP, Velleman L, Hong M, Vilar R, Maier SA, Giannini V and Edel JB (2015). Self-Assembled Spherical Supercluster Metamaterials from Nanoscale Building Blocks. American Chemical Society (ACS) ACS Photonics vol. 3 (1), 35-42.
08-12-2015 - Marchetti P, Mechelhoff M and Livingston AG (2015). Tunable-Porosity Membranes From Discrete Nanoparticles. Springer Nature Scientific Reports vol. 5 (1)
02-12-2015 - Karunaratne A, Xi L, Bentley L, Sykes D, Boyde A, Esapa CT, Terrill NJ, Brown SDM, Cox RD, Thakker RV and Gupta HS (2015). Multiscale alterations in bone matrix quality increased fragility in steroid induced osteoporosis. Elsevier Bone vol. 84, 15-24.
02-12-2015 - Tanner KE, Svensson I, Samuelsson F and Flivik G (2015). Finite element study of the acetabulum in cemented hip arthroplasty investigating retention or removal of the subchondral bone plate. De Gruyter Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik vol. 61 (5), 525-536.
02-12-2015 - Chan BSB, Tse ZTH, Fu K-W, Cheung C-N and Fung IC-H (2015). Why We Should Care About Ebola in West Africa and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in South Korea: Global Health Ethics and the Moral Insignificance of Proximity. Springer Nature Journal of Bioethical Inquiry vol. 12 (4), 541-543.
01-12-2015 - Li Y, Zhang H, Yan T, Long K, Wang H, Xue Y, Cheng C and Zhou H (2015). Successive magnetic transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Dy3Al2 compound. Elsevier Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol. 651, 278-282.
01-12-2015 - Schulz S, Tanner DP, O'Reilly EP, A. M, Martin TL, Bagot PAJ, Moody MP, Tang F, Griffiths JT, Oehler F, Kappers MJ, Oliver RA, Humphreys CJ, Sutherland D, Davies MJ and Dawson P (2015). Structural, electronic, and optical properties of m-plane InGaN/GaN quantum wells: Insights from experiment and atomistic theory. American Physical Society (APS) Physical Review B vol. 92 (23)
01-12-2015 - Dargaville S, Goffin MA, Buchan AG, Pain CC, Smedley-Stevenson RP, Smith PN and Gorman G (2015). Solving the Boltzmann transport equation with multigrid and adaptive space/angle discretisations. Elsevier Annals of Nuclear Energy vol. 86, 99-107.
01-12-2015 - Russo S, Ranzani T, Liu H, Nefti-Meziani S, Althoefer K and Menciassi A (2015). Soft and stretchable sensor using biocompatible electrodes and liquid for medical applications. Soft Robotics vol. 2 (4), 146-154.
01-12-2015 - Denkov N, Tcholakova S, Lesov I, Cholakova D and Smoukov SK (2015). Self-shaping of oil droplets via the formation of intermediate rotator phases upon cooling. Springer Nature Nature vol. 528 (7582), 392-395.
01-12-2015 - Zhang H, Bharti A, Li Z, Du S, Bilotti E and Peijs T (2015). Localized toughening of carbon/epoxy laminates using dissolvable thermoplastic interleaves and electrospun fibres. Elsevier Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing vol. 79, 116-126.
01-12-2015 - Saunders T, Grasso S and Reece MJ (2015). Limiting oxidation of ZrB2 by application of an electric field across its oxide scale. Elsevier Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol. 653, 629-635.
01-12-2015 - Torabi M, Karimi N and Zhang K (2015). Heat transfer and second law analyses of forced convection in a channel partially filled by porous media and featuring internal heat sources. Elsevier Energy vol. 93, 106-127.
01-12-2015 - Papageorgiou DG, Kinloch IA and Young RJ (2015). Graphene/elastomer nanocomposites. Elsevier Carbon vol. 95, 460-484.
01-12-2015 - Wang W, Viswanathan AN, Damato AL, Chen Y, Tse Z, Pan L, Tokuda J, Seethamraju RT, Dumoulin CL, Schmidt EJ and Cormack RA (2015). Evaluation of an active magnetic resonance tracking system for interstitial brachytherapy. Wiley Medical Physics vol. 42 (12), 7114-7121.
01-12-2015 - Yao J, Jin J, Lepore E, Pugno NM, Bastiaansen CWM and Peijs T (2015). Electrospinning of p-Aramid Fibers. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering vol. 300 (12), 1238-1245.
01-12-2015 - Turner P, Liu T and Zeng X (2015). Dynamic Response of Orthogonal Three-Dimensional Woven Carbon Composite Beams under Soft Impact. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Applied Mechanics vol. 82 (12)
01-12-2015 - Zhang S, Cui Y, Griffiths JT, Fu WY, Freysoldt C, Neugebauer J, Humphreys CJ and Oliver RA (2015). Difference in linear polarization of biaxially strained InxGa1−xN alloys on nonpolar a-plane and m-plane GaN. American Physical Society (APS) Physical Review B vol. 92 (24)
01-12-2015 - Gregory TS, Oshinski J, Schmidt EJ, Kwong RY, Stevenson WG and Ho Tse ZT (2015). Continuous Rapid Quantification of Stroke Volume Using Magnetohydrodynamic Voltages in 3T Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Wolters Kluwer Circulation Cardiovascular Imaging vol. 8 (12)
01-12-2015 - Jomehzadeh E and Pugno NM (2015). Bending stiffening of graphene and other 2D materials via controlled rippling. Elsevier Composites Part B Engineering vol. 83, 194-202.
01-12-2015 - Jiang J, Jiang X and Zhu M (2015). A computational study of preferential diffusion and scalar transport in nonpremixed hydrogen-air flames. Elsevier International Journal of Hydrogen Energy vol. 40 (45), 15709-15722.
01-12-2015 - Barbieri E and Pugno NM (2015). A computational model for large deformations of composites with a 2D soft matrix and 1D anticracks. Elsevier International Journal of Solids and Structures vol. 77, 1-14.
01-12-2015 - Stadelmann R, Hughes B, Orlovskaya N, Grasso S and Reece MJ (2015). 2D Raman mapping and thermal residual stresses in SiC grains of ZrB2–SiC ceramic composites. Elsevier Ceramics International vol. 41 (10), 13630-13637.
01-12-2015 - Wolfenson H, Meacci G, Liu S, Stachowiak MR, Iskratsch T, Ghassemi S, Roca-Cusachs P, O'Shaughnessy B, Hone J and Sheetz MP (2015). Tropomyosin controls sarcomere-like contractions for rigidity sensing and suppressing growth on soft matrices. Nat Cell Biol vol. 18 (1), 33-42.
30-11-2015 - Tricinci O, Terencio T, Mazzolai B, Pugno NM, Greco F and Mattoli V (2015). 3D Micropatterned Surface Inspired by Salvinia molesta via Direct Laser Lithography. American Chemical Society ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces vol. 7 (46), 25560-25567.
25-11-2015 - Ding W, Palaiokostas M, Wang W and Orsi M (2015). Effects of Lipid Composition on Bilayer Membranes Quantified by All-Atom Molecular Dynamics. American Chemical Society (ACS) The Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 119 (49), 15263-15274.
24-11-2015 - Chen Y, Wang W, Schmidt EJ, Kwok K-W, Viswanathan AN, Cormack R and Tse ZTH (2015). Design and Fabrication of MR-Tracked Metallic Stylet for Gynecologic Brachytherapy. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics vol. 21 (2), 956-962.
24-11-2015 - Collado-Fregoso E, Boufflet P, Fei Z, Gann E, Ashraf S, Li Z, McNeill CR, Durrant JR and Heeney M (2015). Increased Exciton Dipole Moment Translates into Charge-Transfer Excitons in Thiophene-Fluorinated Low-Bandgap Polymers for Organic Photovoltaic Applications. American Chemical Society (ACS) Chemistry of Materials vol. 27 (23), 7934-7944.
23-11-2015 - Heo S-J, Thorpe SD, Driscoll TP, Duncan RL, Lee DA and Mauck RL (2015). Biophysical Regulation of Chromatin Architecture Instills a Mechanical Memory in Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Springer Nature Scientific Reports vol. 5 (1)
23-11-2015 - Thielke MW, Secker C, Schlaad H and Theato P (2015). Electrospinning of Crystallizable Polypeptoid Fibers. Wiley Macromolecular Rapid Communications vol. 37 (1), 100-104.
19-11-2015 - Di Cio S and Gautrot JE (2015). Cell sensing of physical properties at the nanoscale: Mechanisms and control of cell adhesion and phenotype. Elsevier Acta Biomaterialia vol. 30, 26-48.
17-11-2015 - Wu KJ, Gregory TS, Reeder C, Leitmann B, Huffines A, Donovan S, Mosteller L, Murrow JR and Tse ZTH (2015). Abstract 16689: Smartphone-enabled Device for the Monitoring of Blood Volume Variations Using Magnetohydrodynamic Voltages. Wolters Kluwer Circulation vol. 132 (suppl_3)
10-11-2015 - Sareh S, Noh Y, Li M, Ranzani T, Liu H and Althoefer K (2015). Macrobend optical sensing for pose measurement in soft robot arms. IOP Publishing Smart Materials and Structures vol. 24 (12)
06-11-2015 - Volpe R, Messineo S, Volpe M and Messineo A (2015). Carbon Footprint of Tree Nuts Based Consumer Products. MDPI AG Sustainability vol. 7 (11), 14917-14934.
06-11-2015 - Verbruggen SW, Loo JHW, Hayat TTA, Hajnal JV, Rutherford MA, Phillips ATM and Nowlan NC (2015). Modeling the biomechanics of fetal movements. Springer Nature Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology vol. 15 (4), 995-1004.
03-11-2015 - Adam A, Buchan AG, Piggott MD, Pain CC, Hill J and Goffin MA (2015). Adaptive Haar wavelets for the angular discretisation of spectral wave models. Journal of Computational Physics vol. 305, 521-538.
02-11-2015 - Antonacci G, Pedrigi RM, Kondiboyina A, Mehta VV, de Silva R, Paterson C, Krams R and Török P (2015). Quantification of plaque stiffness by Brillouin microscopy in experimental thin cap fibroatheroma. The Royal Society Journal of The Royal Society Interface vol. 12 (112)
01-11-2015 - Shi B, Marchetti P, Peshev D, Zhang S and Livingston AG (2015). Performance of spiral-wound membrane modules in organic solvent nanofiltration – Fluid dynamics and mass transfer characteristics. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 494, 8-24.
01-11-2015 - He W, Wang Y and Shaheed MH (2015). Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of a scale-up pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) osmotic power plant. Elsevier Applied Energy vol. 158, 584-596.
01-11-2015 - Sun Y, Wang B, Pugno N and Ding Q (2015). In-plane stiffness of the anisotropic multifunctional hierarchical honeycombs. Elsevier Composite Structures vol. 131, 616-624.
01-11-2015 - Hossain MA, Chowdhury T and Bagul A (2015). Imaging modalities for the in vivo surveillance of mesenchymal stromal cells. J Tissue Eng Regen Med vol. 9 (11), 1217-1224.
01-11-2015 - Bakshi SD, Leiro A, Prakash B and Bhadeshia HKDH (2015). Dry rolling/sliding wear of nanostructured pearlite. SAGE Publications Materials Science and Technology vol. 31 (14), 1735-1744.
01-11-2015 - Gulyaev YV, Cherepenin VA, Vdovin VA, Taranov IV, Sukhorukov GB, Gorin DA and Khomutov GB (2015). Decapsulation of polyelectrolyte nanocomposite microcapsules by pulsed microwave effect. Pleiades Publishing Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics vol. 60 (11), 1286-1290.
01-11-2015 - Valtcheva IB, Marchetti P and Livingston AG (2015). Crosslinked polybenzimidazole membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN): Analysis of crosslinking reaction mechanism and effects of reaction parameters. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 493, 568-579.
01-11-2015 - da Silva Burgal J, Peeva L, Marchetti P and Livingston A (2015). Controlling molecular weight cut-off of PEEK nanofiltration membranes using a drying method. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 493, 524-538.
01-11-2015 - Lee S, Amjadi M, Pugno N, Park I and Ryu S (2015). Computational analysis of metallic nanowire-elastomer nanocomposite based strain sensors. AIP Publishing AIP Advances vol. 5 (11)
01-11-2015 - Kakaee A-H, Rahnama P, Paykani A and Mashadi B (2015). Combining artificial neural network and multi-objective optimization to reduce a heavy-duty diesel engine emissions and fuel consumption. Springer Nature Journal of Central South University vol. 22 (11), 4235-4245.
01-11-2015 - Dillon FC, Moghal J, Koós A, Lozano JG, Miranda L, Porwal H, Reece MJ and Grobert N (2015). Ceramic composites from mesoporous silica coated multi-wall carbon nanotubes. Elsevier Microporous and Mesoporous Materials vol. 217, 159-166.
01-11-2015 - Seneviratne AN, Cole JE, Goddard ME, Park I, Mohri Z, Sansom S, Udalova I, Krams R and Monaco C (2015). Low shear stress induces M1 macrophage polarization in murine thin-cap atherosclerotic plaques. Elsevier Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology vol. 89 (Pt B), 168-172.
30-10-2015 - Turner RP, Villa M, Sovani Y, Panwisawas C, Perumal B, Ward RM, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC (2015). An Improved Method of Capturing the Surface Boundary of a Ti-6Al-4V Fusion Weld Bead for Finite Element Modeling. Springer Nature Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B vol. 47 (1), 485-494.
30-10-2015 - Chen C, Gao Z, Yan H and Reece MJ (2015). Crystallographic Structure and Ferroelectricity of (AxLa1−x)2Ti2O7 (A = Sm and Eu) Solid Solutions with High Tc. Wiley Journal of the American Ceramic Society vol. 99 (2), 523-530.
27-10-2015 - Kim D, Pugno NM, Buehler MJ and Ryu S (2015). Solving the Controversy on the Wetting Transparency of Graphene. Springer Nature Scientific Reports vol. 5 (1)
26-10-2015 - Tsanaktsis V, Papageorgiou DG, Exarhopoulos S, Bikiaris DN and Papageorgiou GZ (2015). Crystallization and Polymorphism of Poly(ethylene furanoate). American Chemical Society (ACS) Crystal Growth & Design vol. 15 (11), 5505-5512.
26-10-2015 - Thompson CL, Poole CA and Knight MM (2015). Lithium chloride modulates chondrocyte primary cilia and inhibits Hedgehog signaling. Federation of American Society of Experimental Biology The FASEB Journal vol. 100 (4), A39-A40.
23-10-2015 - Griffiths JT, Zhang S, Rouet-Leduc B, Fu WY, Bao A, Zhu D, Wallis DJ, Howkins A, Boyd I, Stowe D, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ and Oliver RA (2015). Nanocathodoluminescence Reveals Mitigation of the Stark Shift in InGaN Quantum Wells by Si Doping. American Chemical Society (ACS) Nano Letters vol. 15 (11), 7639-7643.
22-10-2015 - Crick CR, Ozkan FT and Parkin IP (2015). Fabrication of optimized oil–water separation devices through the targeted treatment of silica meshes. Taylor & Francis Science and Technology of Advanced Materials vol. 16 (5)
22-10-2015 - Slavchov RI, Dimitrova IM and Ivanov T (2015). The polarized interface between quadrupolar insulators: Maxwell stress tensor, surface tension, and potential. AIP Publishing The Journal of Chemical Physics vol. 143 (15)
21-10-2015 - Gai M, Frueh J, Sukhorukov GB, Girard-Egrot A, Rebaud S, Doumeche B and He Q (2015). Microcontact printing of polyelectrolyte multilayer thin films: Glass-viscous flow transition based effects and hydration methods. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects vol. 483, 271-278.
20-10-2015 - Horlait D, Grasso S, Al Nasiri N, Burr PA and Lee WE (2015). Synthesis and Oxidation Testing of MAX Phase Composites in the Cr–Ti–Al–C Quaternary System. Wiley Journal of the American Ceramic Society vol. 99 (2), 682-690.
19-10-2015 - Gliozzi AS, Miniaci M, Bosia F, Pugno NM and Scalerandi M (2015). Metamaterials-based sensor to detect and locate nonlinear elastic sources. AIP Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 107 (16)
19-10-2015 - Li Z, Ho Chiu K, Shahid Ashraf R, Fearn S, Dattani R, Cheng Wong H, Tan C-H, Wu J, Cabral JT and Durrant JR (2015). Toward Improved Lifetimes of Organic Solar Cells under Thermal Stress: Substrate-Dependent Morphological Stability of PCDTBT:PCBM Films and Devices. Springer Nature Scientific Reports vol. 5 (1)
15-10-2015 - Ning H, Yan H and Reece MJ (2015). A High Curie Point Ferroelectric Ceramic Ca3(VO4)2. Ferroelectrics vol. 487 (1), 94-100.
08-10-2015 - Ghani A, Poinsot T, Gicquel L and Müller JD (2015). LES Study of Transverse Acoustic Instabilities in a Swirled Kerosene/Air Combustion Chamber. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion vol. 96 (1), 207-226.
06-10-2015 - Zhang H, Bilotti E and Peijs T (2015). The use of carbon nanotubes for damage sensing and structural health monitoring in laminated composites: a review. Taylor & Francis Nanocomposites vol. 1 (4), 167-184.
02-10-2015 - (2015). Erratum. Taylor & Francis International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials vol. 6 (4), x-x.
02-10-2015 - Chen B, Kollosche M, Stewart M, Busfield J and Carpi F (2015). Electrical breakdown of an acrylic dielectric elastomer: effects of hemispherical probing electrode’s size and force. Taylor & Francis International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials vol. 6 (4), 290-303.
02-10-2015 - Zheng H, Tang Y, Chen Y, Wu J, Wang H, Xue X, Wang J and Pang W (2015). The high-temperature hydrogenation behavior of LaFe11.6Si1.4 and splitting of LaFe11.6Si1.4Hy magnetocaloric transition. Elsevier Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol. 646, 124-128.
01-10-2015 - Tunnicliffe LB, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC (2015). The free retraction of natural rubber: A momentum-based model. Elsevier Polymer Testing vol. 47, 36-41.
01-10-2015 - Bhadeshia HKDH (2015). The Electrical Processing of Materials. SAGE Publications Materials Science and Technology vol. 31 (13), 1521-1522.
01-10-2015 - Jiang X, Kraft M and Yan J (2015). Selected papers from the Twelfth International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilisation (12th ICCEU). Elsevier Applied Energy vol. 156, 747-748.
01-10-2015 - Karimi N, Agbo D, Khan AT and Younger PL (2015). On the effects of exothermicity and endothermicity upon the temperature fields in a partially-filled porous channel. Elsevier International Journal of Thermal Sciences vol. 96, 128-148.
01-10-2015 - Smith JAS, Rowe MD, Althoefer K, Peirson NF and Barras J (2015). Off-resonance effects in 14N NQR signals from the pulsed spin-locking (PSL) and three-pulse echo sequence; a study for monoclinic TNT. Elsevier Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance vol. 71, 41-54.
01-10-2015 - Meng Q, Jiang X, Li D and Xie Q (2015). Numerical simulations of pressure buildup and salt precipitation during carbon dioxide storage in saline aquifers. Elsevier Computers & Fluids vol. 121, 92-101.
01-10-2015 - Fischer M and Jiang X (2015). Numerical optimisation for model evaluation in combustion kinetics. Elsevier Applied Energy vol. 156, 793-803.
01-10-2015 - Dinesh KKJR, van Oijen JA, Luo KH and Jiang X (2015). Nitric oxide pollutant formation in high hydrogen content (HHC) syngas flames. Elsevier International Journal of Hydrogen Energy vol. 40 (39), 13621-13634.
01-10-2015 - Gai M, Frueh J, Sukhorukov GB, Girard-Egrot A, Rebaud S, Doumeche B and He Q (2015). Microcontact printing of polyelectrolyte multilayer thin films: Glass–viscous flow transition based effects and hydration methods. Elsevier Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects vol. 483, 271-278.
01-10-2015 - KNIGHT MM, Thompson CL, Yasmin H, Varone A, Wiles A and Poole CA (2015). Lithium chloride prevents interleukin- 1β induced cartilage degradation and loss of mechanical properties. Wiley: 12 months Journal of Orthopaedic Research
01-10-2015 - Meneghini M, Zhu D, Humphreys CJ, Berti M, Gasparotto A, Cesca T, Vinattieri A, Bogani F, Meneghesso G and Zanoni E (2015). Impact of thermal treatment on the optical performance of InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes. AIP Publishing AIP Advances vol. 5 (10)
01-10-2015 - Yao J, Pantano MF, Pugno NM, Bastiaansen CWM and Peijs T (2015). High-performance electrospun co-polyimide nanofibers. Elsevier Polymer vol. 76, 105-112.
01-10-2015 - CHEN J, BADER DL, LEE DA and KNIGHT MM (2015). FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL DEFORMATION OF CHONDROCYTE TO 2D SUBSTRATE AND 3D SCAFFOLD. World Scientific Publishing Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology vol. 15 (05)
01-10-2015 - Balcombe P, Rigby D and Azapagic A (2015). Energy self-sufficiency, grid demand variability and consumer costs: Integrating solar PV, Stirling engine CHP and battery storage. Elsevier Applied Energy vol. 155, 393-408.
01-10-2015 - Paykani A, Kakaee A-H, Rahnama P and Reitz RD (2015). Effects of diesel injection strategy on natural gas/diesel reactivity controlled compression ignition combustion. Elsevier Energy vol. 90, 814-826.
01-10-2015 - Tsavdaridis KD, Kingman JJ and Toropov VV (2015). Application of structural topology optimisation to perforated steel beams. Elsevier Computers & Structures vol. 158, 108-123.
01-10-2015 - Hesse SH, Lukaszewicz DHJA and Duddeck F (2015). A method to reduce design complexity of automotive composite structures with respect to crashworthiness. Composite Structures vol. 129, 236-249.
01-10-2015 - Fraldi M, Cugno A, Deseri L, Dayal K and Pugno NM (2015). A frequency-based hypothesis for mechanically targeting and selectively attacking cancer cells. The Royal Society Journal of The Royal Society Interface vol. 12 (111)
01-10-2015 - Adjali MH (2015). A Novel Application of the Thermal Probe: Nonlinear and Phase Change Problems. ASME International ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 137 (10)
01-10-2015 - Lomova MV, Ivanov IV, German SV, Meleshko TK, Pavlov AM, Inozemtseva OA, Antipina MN, Yakimansky AV, Sukhorukov GB and Gorin DA (2015). Composite magnetic microcapsules based on multilayer assembly of ethanol-soluble polyimide brushes and magnetite nanoparticles: preparation and response to magnetic field gradient. Springer Nature Journal of Polymer Research vol. 22 (10)
30-09-2015 - Hammersley S, Kappers MJ, Massabuau FC-P, Sahonta S-L, Dawson P, Oliver RA and Humphreys CJ (2015). Effects of quantum well growth temperature on the recombination efficiency of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells that emit in the green and blue spectral regions. AIP Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 107 (13)
28-09-2015 - Smith JAS, Rowe MD, Althoefer K, Peirson NF and Barras J (2015). 14N NQR, relaxation and molecular dynamics of the explosive TNT. Elsevier Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance vol. 71, 61-66.
28-09-2015 - Gao Y, Farley KB, Ginart A and Tse ZTH (2015). Safety and efficiency of the wireless charging of electric vehicles. SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering vol. 230 (9), 1196-1207.
17-09-2015 - Canova DF, Pavlov AM, Norling LV, Gobbetti T, Brunelleschi S, Le Fauder P, Cenac N, Sukhorukov GB and Perretti M (2015). Alpha-2-macroglobulin loaded microcapsules enhance human leukocyte functions and innate immune response. Elsevier Journal of Controlled Release vol. 217, 284-292.
16-09-2015 - Boccaccini AR, Ferraris M, Reece MJ and Salvo M (2015). GlaCERCo: Glass and Ceramic Composites for High Technology Applications – Marie Curie Initial Training Network. SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics vol. 114 (1_suppl), 1-2.
15-09-2015 - Vu HM, Forth JP and Toropov VV (2015). The use of glycerol and cooking oil in masonry unit production. ICE publishing Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials vol. 170 (2), 1-14.
11-09-2015 - Wang J, Wu F, Watkinson M, Zhu J and Krause S (2015). click Patterning of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon Surfaces and Their Characterization Using Light-Addressable Potentiometric Sensors. Langmuir vol. 31 (35), 9646-9654.
08-09-2015 - Melke J, Midha S, Ghosh S, Ito K and Hofmann S (2015). Silk fibroin as biomaterial for bone tissue engineering. Elsevier Acta Biomaterialia vol. 31, 1-16.
07-09-2015 - Herrenbrück M, Duddeck F and Lackner R (2015). Multifunctional optimisation of viscoelastic materials subjected to spherical impact. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journal of Applied Mechanics vol. 82 (12)
03-09-2015 - Chen S, Briscoe J, Shi Y, Chen K, Wilson RM, Dunn S and Binions R (2015). A simple, low-cost CVD route to high-quality CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite thin films. CrystEngComm vol. 17 (39), 7486-7489.
02-09-2015 - Gao Y, Chandrawanshi R, Nau AC and Tse ZTH (2015). Wearable Virtual White Cane Network for navigating people with visual impairment. SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine vol. 229 (9), 681-688.
01-09-2015 - Volpe M, Panno D, Volpe R and Messineo A (2015). Upgrade of citrus waste as a biofuel via slow pyrolysis. Elsevier Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis vol. 115, 66-76.
01-09-2015 - Yazdani B, Porwal H, Xia Y, Yan H, Reece MJ and Zhu Y (2015). Role of synthesis method on microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene/carbon nanotube toughened Al
2 O3 nanocomposites. Ceramics International vol. 41 (8), 9813-9822.
01-09-2015 - Yazdani B, Porwal H, Xia Y, Yan H, Reece MJ and Zhu Y (2015). Role of synthesis method on microstructure and mechanical properties of graphene/carbon nanotube toughened Al2O3 nanocomposites. Elsevier Ceramics International vol. 41 (8), 9813-9822.
01-09-2015 - Zhang H, Huang Y, Ning H, Williams CA, London AJ, Dawson K, Hong Z, Gorley MJ, Grovenor CRM, Tatlock GJ, Roberts SG, Reece MJ, Yan H and Grant PS (2015). Processing and microstructure characterisation of oxide dispersion strengthened Fe–14Cr–0.4Ti–0.25Y2O3 ferritic steels fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Elsevier Journal of Nuclear Materials vol. 464, 61-68.
01-09-2015 - Papageorgiou DG, Roumeli E, Terzopoulou Z, Tsanaktsis V, Chrissafis K and Bikiaris D (2015). Polycaprolactone/multi-wall carbon nanotube nanocomposites prepared by in situ ring opening polymerization: Decomposition profiling using thermogravimetric analysis and analytical pyrolysis–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Elsevier Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis vol. 115, 125-131.
01-09-2015 - Mendoza-Garcia J, Sebastian A, Alonso-Rasgado T and Bayat A (2015). Optimization of an ex vivo wound healing model in the adult human skin: Functional evaluation using photodynamic therapy. Wiley Wound Repair and Regeneration vol. 23 (5), 685-702.
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04-08-2015 - Saggar R, Porwal H, Tatarko P, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ (2015). Boron nitride nanosheets reinforced glass matrix composites. SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics vol. 114 (1_suppl), 26-33.
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03-08-2015 - Cui S, Boussard-plédel C, Calvez L, Rojas F, Chen K, Ning H, Reece MJ, Guizouarn T and Bureau B (2015). Comprehensive study of tellurium based glass ceramics for thermoelectric application. SAGE Publications Advances in Applied Ceramics vol. 114 (1_suppl), 42-47.
03-08-2015 - Bhadeshia HKDH (2015). Problems in the Welding of Automotive Alloys. SAGE Publications Science and Technology of Welding & Joining vol. 20 (6), 451-453.
01-08-2015 - Panwisawas C, Qiu CL, Sovani Y, Brooks JW, Attallah MM and Basoalto HC (2015). On the role of thermal fluid dynamics into the evolution of porosity during selective laser melting. Elsevier Scripta Materialia vol. 105, 14-17.
01-08-2015 - Karabasov SA and Sandberg RD (2015). Influence of Free Stream Effects on Jet Noise Generation and Propagation within the Goldstein Acoustic Analogy Approach for Fully Turbulent Jet Inflow Boundary Conditions. SAGE Publications International Journal of Aeroacoustics vol. 14 (3-4), 413-429.
01-08-2015 - Liu J, Ding X, Jin Y, Zhang K and Hao G (2015). Guest editorial on reconfigurable and deployable mechanisms. SAGE Publications Advances in Mechanical Engineering vol. 7 (8)
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01-07-2015 - Bhadeshia HKDH (2015). High entropy alloys. SAGE Publications Materials Science and Technology vol. 31 (10), 1139-1141.
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26-06-2015 - Luo Z, Wang Y, Zhu Y, Zhao X and Wang D (2015). The similitude design method of thin-walled annular plates and determination of structural size intervals. SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science vol. 230 (13), 2158-2168.
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01-06-2015 - Papageorgiou GZ, Tsanaktsis V, Papageorgiou DG, Chrissafis K, Exarhopoulos S and Bikiaris DN (2015). Furan-based polyesters from renewable resources: Crystallization and thermal degradation behavior of poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furan-dicarboxylate). Elsevier European Polymer Journal vol. 67, 383-396.
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21-05-2015 - Roumeli E, Papageorgiou DG, Tsanaktsis V, Terzopoulou Z, Chrissafis K, Avgeropoulos A and Bikiaris DN (2015). Amino-Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Lead to Successful Ring-Opening Polymerization of Poly(ε-caprolactone): Enhanced Interfacial Bonding and Optimized Mechanical Properties. American Chemical Society (ACS) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces vol. 7 (21), 11683-11694.
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01-05-2015 - Yu B, Wong MM, Wang W, Hu Y and Xu Q (2015). Abstract 200: Vascular Stem Cell Migration in Response to Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Promotes Neointima Lesion Formation. Wolters Kluwer Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology vol. 35 (suppl_1)
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28-04-2015 - Leonardi A, Ryu S, Pugno NM and Scardi P (2015). Eshelby twist and correlation effects in diffraction from nanocrystals. AIP Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 117 (16)
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28-04-2015 - Gregory TS, Wu KJ, Yu J, Box JB, Cheng R, Mao L, Tang G and Tse ZTH (2015). Magnetohydrodynamic-Driven Design of Microscopic Endocapsules in MRI. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics vol. 20 (6), 2691-2698.
23-04-2015 - Formia A, Terranova S, Antonaci P, Pugno NM and Tulliani JM (2015). Setup of Extruded Cementitious Hollow Tubes as Containing/Releasing Devices in Self-Healing Systems. MDPI Materials vol. 8 (4), 1897-1923.
21-04-2015 - Capozza R and Pugno N (2015). Effect of Surface Grooves on the Static Friction of an Elastic Slider. Springer Nature Tribology Letters vol. 58 (3)
21-04-2015 - Thorpe CT, Godinho MSC, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2015). The interfascicular matrix enables fascicle sliding and recovery in tendon, and behaves more elastically in energy storing tendons. Elsevier Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials vol. 52, 85-94.
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02-04-2015 - Papageorgiou GZ, Papageorgiou DG, Tsanaktsis V and Bikiaris DN (2015). Synthesis of the bio-based polyester poly(propylene 2,5-furan dicarboxylate). Comparison of thermal behavior and solid state structure with its terephthalate and naphthalate homologues. Elsevier Polymer vol. 62, 28-38.
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01-04-2015 - Peake N, Pavlov A, D'Souza A, Alfasahin I, Pingaan-Murphy B, Sukhurukov G, Hobbs A and Chowdhury T (2015). Polyelectrolyte microencapsules loaded with C-type natriuretic peptide protect cartilage from IL-1B induced damage. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 23, a141-a142.
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01-04-2015 - Bhadeshia HKDH and Suh D-W (2015). Is low phosphorus content in steel a product requirement? SAGE Publications Ironmaking & Steelmaking Processes Products and Applications vol. 42 (4), 259-267.
01-04-2015 - Barber AH, Lu D and Pugno NM (2015). Extreme strength observed in limpet teeth. The Royal Society Journal of The Royal Society Interface vol. 12 (105)
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01-04-2015 - Chaudhry S, Morrissey D, Woledge RC, Bader DL and Screen HRC (2015). Eccentric and Concentric Exercise of the Triceps Surae: An in Vivo Study of Dynamic Muscle and Tendon Biomechanical Parameters. J Appl Biomech vol. 31 (2), 69-78.
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02-03-2015 - Tsanaktsis V, Vouvoudi E, Papageorgiou GZ, Papageorgiou DG, Chrissafis K and Bikiaris DN (2015). Thermal degradation kinetics and decomposition mechanism of polyesters based on 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid and low molecular weight aliphatic diols. Elsevier Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis vol. 112, 369-378.
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01-03-2015 - Saunders T, Grasso S and Reece MJ (2015). Plasma formation during electric discharge (50V) through conductive powder compacts. Elsevier Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 35 (3), 871-877.
01-03-2015 - Seo S-W, Bhadeshia HKDH and Suh D-W (2015). Pearlite growth rate in Fe–C and Fe–Mn–C steels. SAGE Publications Materials Science and Technology vol. 31 (4), 487-493.
01-03-2015 - Jomehzadeh E, Saidi AR, Jomehzadeh Z, Bonaccorso F, Palermo V, Galiotis C and Pugno NM (2015). Nonlinear subharmonic oscillation of orthotropic graphene-matrix composite. Elsevier Computational Materials Science vol. 99, 164-172.
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19-02-2015 - Khaliq J, Li C, Chen K, Shi B, Ye H, Grande AM, Yan H and Reece MJ (2015). Reduced thermal conductivity by nanoscale intergrowths in perovskite like layered structure La2Ti2O7. AIP Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 117 (7)
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10-02-2015 - Tramacere F, Pugno NM, Kuba MJ and Mazzolai B (2015). Unveiling the morphology of the acetabulum in octopus suckers and its role in attachment. The Royal Society Interface Focus vol. 5 (1)
06-02-2015 - Brely L, Bosia F and Pugno NM (2015). Numerical implementation of multiple peeling theory and its application to spider web anchorages. The Royal Society Interface Focus vol. 5 (1)
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03-02-2015 - Gregory ST, Schmidt EJ, Zhang SH, Kwong RY, Stevenson WG, Oshinski J and Tse ZT (2015). Rapid quantification of stroke volume using magnetohydrodynamic voltages in 3T MRI: a feasibility study. Elsevier Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance vol. 17 (Suppl 1)
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01-02-2015 - Jalali SK, Naei MH and Pugno NM (2015). Graphene-Based Resonant Sensors for Detection of Ultra-Fine Nanoparticles: Molecular Dynamics and Nonlocal Elasticity Investigations. World Scientific Publishing Nano vol. 10 (02)
01-02-2015 - Zhang SH, Tse ZT, Dumoulin CL, Watkins RD, Wang W, Ward J, Kwong RY, Stevenson WG and Schmidt EJ (2015). Gradient-induced voltages on 12-lead ECGs during high-duty-cycle MRI sequences and a theoretically-based method to remove them. Elsevier Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance vol. 17 (Suppl 1)
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19-01-2015 - Chou C-C, Lepore E, Antonaci P, Pugno N and Buehler MJ (2015). Mechanics of trichocyte alpha-keratin fibers: Experiment, theory, and simulation. Springer Nature Journal of Materials Research vol. 30 (1), 26-35.
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13-01-2015 - Chiavazzo E, Isaia M, Mammola S, Lepore E, Ventola L, Asinari P and Pugno NM (2015). Cave spiders choose optimal environmental factors with respect to the generated entropy when laying their cocoon. Nature Publishing Group Scientific Reports vol. 5
05-01-2015 - Peake NJ, Pavlov AM, D'Souza A, Pingguan-Murphy B, Sukhorukov GB, Hobbs AJ and CHOWDHURY TT (2015). Controlled Release of C-Type Natriuretic Peptide by Microencapsulation Dampens Proinflammatory Effects Induced by IL-1β in Cartilage Explants. American Chemical Society Biomacromolecules
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01-01-2015 - Jalali N, Briscoe J, Tan YZ, Woolliams P, Stewart M, Weaver PM, Cain MG and Dunn S (2015). ZnO nanorod surface modification with PDDA/PSS Bi-layer assembly for performance improvement of ZnO piezoelectric energy harvesting devices. Springer US Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology vol. 73 (3), 544-549.
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01-01-2015 - Zhang HB, Hu CF, Sato K, Grasso S, Estili M, Guo SQ, Morita K, Yoshida H, Nishimura T, Suzuki TS, Barsoum MW, Kim BN and Sakka Y (2015). Tailoring Ti
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01-01-2015 - Zhang HB, Hu CF, Sato K, Grasso S, Estili M, Guo SQ, Morita K, Yoshida H, Nishimura T, Suzuki TS, Barsoum MW, Kim BN and Sakka Y (2015). Tailoring Ti3AlC2 ceramic with high anisotropic physical and mechanical properties. Elsevier Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 35 (1), 393-397.
01-01-2015 - Tsanaktsis V, Bikiaris DN, Guigo N, Exarhopoulos S, Papageorgiou DG, Sbirrazzuoli N and Papageorgiou GZ (2015). Synthesis, properties and thermal behavior of poly(decylene-2,5-furanoate): a biobased polyester from 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) RSC Advances vol. 5 (91), 74592-74604.
01-01-2015 - Yau HC, Bayazit MK, Gaffney PRJ, Livingston AG, Steinke JHG and Shaffer MSP (2015). Synthesis and characterization of branched fullerene-terminated poly(ethylene glycol)s. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Polymer Chemistry vol. 6 (7), 1056-1065.
01-01-2015 - Tan C-H, Wong HC, Li Z, Bucknall DG, Durrant JR and Cabral JT (2015). Synergetic enhancement of organic solar cell thermal stability by wire bar coating and light processing. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry C vol. 3 (37), 9551-9558.
01-01-2015 - Wang Y, Ding T, Baumberg JJ and Smoukov SK (2015). Symmetry breaking polymerization: one-pot synthesis of plasmonic hybrid Janus nanoparticles. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Nanoscale vol. 7 (23), 10344-10349.
01-01-2015 - Tsanaktsis V, Terzopoulou Z, Exarhopoulos S, Bikiaris DN, Achilias DS, Papageorgiou DG and Papageorgiou GZ (2015). Sustainable, eco-friendly polyesters synthesized from renewable resources: preparation and thermal characteristics of poly(dimethyl-propylene furanoate). Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Polymer Chemistry vol. 6 (48), 8284-8296.
01-01-2015 - LUO Z (2015). Structure Size Interval of Sinmilar Test Model of the Laminated Composite Thin-wall Short Cylinder Shell. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 51 (17)
01-01-2015 - Nara S, Chameettachal S, Midha S, Singh H, Tandon R, Mohanty S and Ghosh S (2015). Strategies for faster detachment of corneal cell sheet using micropatterned thermoresponsive matrices. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry B vol. 3 (20), 4155-4169.
01-01-2015 - Ding T, Smoukov SK and Baumberg JJ (2015). Stamping colloidal photonic crystals: a facile way towards complex pixel colour patterns for sensing and displays. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Nanoscale vol. 7 (5), 1857-1863.
01-01-2015 - Ferrari AC, Bonaccorso F, Fal'ko V, Novoselov KS, Roche S, Bøggild P, Borini S, Koppens FHL, Palermo V, Pugno N, Garrido JA, Sordan R, Bianco A, Ballerini L, Prato M, Lidorikis E, Kivioja J, Marinelli C, Ryhänen T, Morpurgo A, Coleman JN, Nicolosi V, Colombo L, Fert A, Garcia-Hernandez M, Bachtold A, Schneider GF, Guinea F, Dekker C and Barbone M (2015). Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Nanoscale vol. 7 (11), 4598-4810.
01-01-2015 - Yen H-W, Ooi SW, Eizadjou M, Breen A, Huang C-Y, Bhadeshia HKDH and Ringer SP (2015). Role of stress-assisted martensite in the design of strong ultrafine-grained duplex steels. Elsevier Acta Materialia vol. 82, 100-114.
01-01-2015 - Zhang FH, Zhang ZC, Luo CJ, Lin I-T, Liu Y, Leng J and Smoukov SK (2015). Remote, fast actuation of programmable multiple shape memory composites by magnetic fields. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry C vol. 3 (43), 11290-11293.
01-01-2015 - Priestley RE, Mansfield A, Bye J, Deplanche K, Jorge AB, Brett D, Macaskie LE and Sharma S (2015). Pd nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene– E. coli hybrid with enhanced crystallinity in bacterial biomass. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) RSC Advances vol. 5 (102), 84093-84103.
01-01-2015 - Cheng YP, Xu JL and Sui Y (2015). Numerical study on drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement in microchannels with superhydrophobic surfaces for electronic cooling., Editors: Xu . Applied Thermal Engineering
01-01-2015 - Fischer M and Jiang X (2015). Numerical Optimisation for the Evaluation of Combustion Kinetic Models. Elsevier Energy Procedia vol. 66, 145-148.
01-01-2015 - Patel IF, Kiryukhin MV, Yakovlev NL, Gupta HS and Sukhorukov GB (2015). Naturally inspired polyelectrolyte multilayer composite films synthesised through layer-by-layer assembly and chemically infiltrated with CaCO 3. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry B vol. 3 (24), 4821-4830.
01-01-2015 - Han J, Pugno NM and Ryu S (2015). Nanoindentation cannot accurately predict the tensile strength of graphene or other 2D materials. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Nanoscale vol. 7 (38), 15672-15679.
01-01-2015 - HU C-F, KIM B-N, PARK Y-J, ESTILI M, GRASSO S, MORITA K, YOSHIDA H, NISHIMURA T, GUO S-Q and SAKKA Y (2015). Nano ZrO2–TiN composites with high strength and conductivity. Ceramic Society of Japan Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan vol. 123 (1434)
01-01-2015 - Székely G, Valtcheva IB, Kim JF and Livingston AG (2015). Molecularly imprinted organic solvent nanofiltration membranes – Revealing molecular recognition and solute rejection behaviour. Elsevier Reactive and Functional Polymers vol. 86, 215-224.
01-01-2015 - Huang JB, Yang B, Yu CY, Zhang GF, Xue H, Xiong ZX, Viola G, Donnan R, Yan HX and Reece MJ (2015). Microwave and terahertz dielectric properties of MgTiO3-CaTiO3 ceramics. MATERIALS LETTERS vol. 138, 225-227.
01-01-2015 - Huang JB, Yang B, Yu CY, Zhang GF, Xue H, Xiong ZX, Viola G, Donnan R, Yan HX and Reece MJ (2015). Microwave and terahertz dielectric properties of MgTiO
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01-01-2015 - Liu D, Zhou X and Toropov V (2015). Metamodels for Composite Lattice Fuselage Design. EJournal Publishing International Journal of Materials Mechanics and Manufacturing vol. 4 (3), 175-178.
01-01-2015 - Kakran M, Muratani M, Tng WJ, Liang H, Trushina DB, Sukhorukov GB, Ng HH and Antipina MN (2015). Layered polymeric capsules inhibiting the activity of RNases for intracellular delivery of messenger RNA. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry B vol. 3 (28), 5842-5848.
01-01-2015 - Li S, Zheng Y, Martinez DM, Zhu M and Jiang X (2015). Large-eddy Simulation of Flow and Combustion Dynamics in a Lean Partially-premixed Swirling Combustor. Elsevier Energy Procedia vol. 66, 333-336.
01-01-2015 - Zhang H, Kuwata M, Bilotti E and Peijs T (2015). Integrated Damage Sensing in Fibre‐Reinforced Composites with Extremely Low Carbon Nanotube Loadings. Wiley Journal of Nanomaterials vol. 2015 (1)
01-01-2015 - Tobaldi DM, Pullar RC, Gualtieri AF, Jorge AB, Binions R, McMillan PF, Seabra MP and Labrincha JA (2015). Influence of sol counter-ions on the anatase-to-rutile phase transformation and microstructure of nanocrystalline TiO 2. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) CrystEngComm vol. 17 (8), 1813-1825.
01-01-2015 - Campbell J, Davies RP, Braddock DC and Livingston AG (2015). Improving the permeance of hybrid polymer/metal–organic framework (MOF) membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) – development of MOF thin films via interfacial synthesis. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry A vol. 3 (18), 9668-9674.
01-01-2015 - Zhang H, Liu Y, Kuwata M, Bilotti E and Peijs T (2015). Improved fracture toughness and integrated damage sensing capability by spray coated CNTs on carbon fibre prepreg. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing vol. 70, 102-110.
01-01-2015 - Pavlov AM, Gabriel SA, Sukhorukov GB and Gould DJ (2015). Improved and targeted delivery of bioactive molecules to cells with magnetic layer-by-layer assembled microcapsules. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Nanoscale vol. 7 (21), 9686-9693.
01-01-2015 - Jeong J, Reece MJ and Pyo M (2015). Improved Lithium-Storage Capability and Cyclability of Tin Dioxide Confined in Highly Crosslinked Graphene Framework. The Electrochemical Society Journal of The Electrochemical Society vol. 162 (9), a1702-a1707.
01-01-2015 - Dent MR, López-Duarte I, Dickson CJ, Geoghegan ND, Cooper JM, Gould IR, Krams R, Bull JA, Brooks NJ and Kuimova MK (2015). Imaging phase separation in model lipid membranes through the use of BODIPY based molecular rotors. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics vol. 17 (28), 18393-18402.
01-01-2015 - Yang J-Y, Wang Q, Wang W and Zeng L-F (2015). Histone deacetylases and cardiovascular cell lineage commitment. Baishideng Publishing Group World Journal of Stem Cells vol. 7 (5), 852-858.
01-01-2015 - Garberoglio G, Pugno NM and Taioli S (2015). Gas Adsorption and Separation in Realistic and Idealized Frameworks of Organic Pillared Graphene: A Comparative Study. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C vol. 119 (4), 1980-1987.
01-01-2015 - Hulme-Smith CN, Peet MJ, Lonardelli I, Dippel AC and Bhadeshia HKDH (2015). Further evidence of tetragonality in bainitic ferrite. SAGE Publications Materials Science and Technology vol. 31 (2), 254-256.
01-01-2015 - Chen C, Ning H, Lepadatu S, Cain M, Yan H and Reece MJ (2015). Ferroelectricity in Dion–Jacobson ABiNb 2 O 7 (A = Rb, Cs) compounds. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry C vol. 3 (1), 19-22.
01-01-2015 - Tan Y, Zhang J, Wang C, Viola G and Yan H (2015). Enhancement of electric field-induced strain in BaTiO
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01-01-2015 - Ning H, Mastrorillo GD, Grasso S, Du B, Mori T, Hu C, Xu Y, Simpson K, Maizza G and Reece MJ (2015). Enhanced thermoelectric performance of porous magnesium tin silicide prepared using pressure-less spark plasma sintering. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry A vol. 3 (33), 17426-17432.
01-01-2015 - Yi Q, Sukhorokov GB, Ma J, Yang X and Gu Z (2015). Encapsulation of Phase Change Materials Using Layer‐by‐Layer Assembled Polyelectrolytes. Hindawi International Journal of Polymer Science vol. 2015 (1), 1-6.
01-01-2015 - Tan Z, Tan J, Liu Y and Tan W (2015). Electromagnetic characteristics of large gap magnetic driving axial flow blood pump. Zhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) vol. 46 (1), 99-106.
01-01-2015 - Bai W, Xi J, Zhang J, Shen B, Zhai J and Yan H (2015). Effect of different templates on structure evolution and large strain response under a low electric field in <00l>-textured lead-free BNT-based piezoelectric ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 35 (9), 2489-2499.
01-01-2015 - Taioli S, Dapor M and Pugno NM (2015). Editorial: New Frontiers in Multiscale Modelling of Advanced Materials. FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS vol. 2
01-01-2015 - Bismarck A, Li K and Livingston A (2015). Editorial “Polymers for membrane applications”. Elsevier Reactive and Functional Polymers vol. 86
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01-01-2015 - Hu J, Zhang M, Long Y, Fu S, Wang HS and Zhong KX (2015). Corrosion behavior and ΔS-Tc relation of LaFe13-x-yCoxSiyCz compounds near room temperature. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials vol. 377, 368-372.
01-01-2015 - Hackett AJ, Malmström J, Molino PJ, Gautrot JE, Zhang H, Higgins MJ, Wallace GG, Williams DE and Travas-Sejdic J (2015). Conductive surfaces with dynamic switching in response to temperature and salt. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry B vol. 3 (48), 9285-9294.
01-01-2015 - Gao H, Wen D and Sukhorukov GB (2015). Composite silica nanoparticle/polyelectrolyte microcapsules with reduced permeability and enhanced ultrasound sensitivity. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Journal of Materials Chemistry B vol. 3 (9), 1888-1897.
01-01-2015 - Stetciura IY, Yashchenok A, Masic A, Lyubin EV, Inozemtseva OA, Drozdova MG, Markvichova EA, Khlebtsov BN, Fedyanin AA, Sukhorukov GB, Gorin DA and Volodkin D (2015). Composite SERS-based satellites navigated by optical tweezers for single cell analysis. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Analyst vol. 140 (15), 4981-4986.
01-01-2015 - Kakaee A-H, Rahnama P and Paykani A (2015). CFD Study of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Combustion in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine. Periodica Polytechnica Budapest University of Technology and Economics Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering vol. 43 (4), 177-183.
01-01-2015 - Wang Q, Liu W, Zhang AM and Sui Y (2015). Bubble dynamics in a compressible liquid in contact with a rigid boundary. INTERFACE FOCUS vol. 5 (5)
01-01-2015 - Crick CR, Noimark S, Peveler WJ, Bear JC, Ivanov AP, Edel JB and Parkin IP (2015). Advanced analysis of nanoparticle composites – a means toward increasing the efficiency of functional materials. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) RSC Advances vol. 5 (66), 53789-53795.
01-01-2015 - Sparks DJ, Romero-González ME, El-Taboni E, Freeman CL, Hall SA, Kakonyi G, Swanson L, Banwart SA and Harding JH (2015). Adsorption of poly acrylic acid onto the surface of calcite: an experimental and simulation study. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics vol. 17 (41), 27357-27365.
01-01-2015 - Clough MT, Crick CR, Gräsvik J, Hunt PA, Niedermeyer H, Welton T and Whitaker OP (2015). A physicochemical investigation of ionic liquid mixtures. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Chemical Science vol. 6 (2), 1101-1114.
01-01-2015 - Pourmahmoud N, Feyzi A, Orang AA and Paykani A (2015). A parametric study on the performance of a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube using a CFD-based approach. EDP Sciences Mechanics & Industry vol. 16 (2)
01-01-2015 - Jiang J, Wu T, Yi J and Jiang X (2015). A Study of Instabilities in Hydrogen-air Impinging Jet Flames Using Two and Three Dimensional Direct Numerical Simulations. Elsevier Energy Procedia vol. 66, 325-328.
01-01-2015 - Huang X, Bi K, Liu X, Yi J and Jiang X (2015). A Model for Predicting Temperature Produced by Upward Spreading Cable Fire under Natural Ventilation. Elsevier Energy Procedia vol. 66, 177-180.