School Publications

   2017   |   2016   |   2015   |   2014   |   2013   |   2012   |   2011   |   2010   |   2009   |   2008   |   2007   
  • Briscoe J, Stewart M, Vopson M, Cain M, Weaver PM and Dunn S (2012). Nanostructured zinc oxide piezoelectric energy generators based on semiconductor P-N junctions. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 1439, 151-156.  
  • Gündeş AN and Nanjangud A (2012). Simultaneous Stabilization and Constant Reference Tracking of LTI, MIMO Systems. Wiley Asian Journal of Control vol. 15 (4), 1001-1010.  
  • Prodromou NV, Thompson CL, Osborn DPS, Cogger KF, Ashworth R, Knight MM, Beales PL and Chapple JP (2012). Heat shock induces rapid resorption of primary cilia. The Company of Biologists Development vol. 139 (24), e2408-e2408.  
  • Humphreys CJ (2012). The significance of Bragg's law in electron diffraction and microscopy, and Bragg's second law. International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and advances vol. 69 (1), 45-50.  
  • Lu C, Sun Y, Buscheck TA, Hao Y, White JA and Chiaramonte L (2012). Uncertainty quantification of CO2 leakage through a fault with multiphase and nonisothermal effects. Wiley Greenhouse Gases Science and Technology vol. 2 (6), 445-459.  
  • Liu J, Yan H, Reece MJ and Jiang K (2012). Toughening of zirconia/alumina composites by the addition of graphene platelets. Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 32 (16), 4185-4193.  
  • Milsom B, Viola G, Gao Z, Inam F, Peijs T and Reece MJ (2012). The effect of carbon nanotubes on the sintering behaviour of zirconia. Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 32 (16), 4149-4156.  
  • Depuru Mohan NK, Karabasov SA, Graham O, Dowling AP, Hynes TP, Tucker PG and Xia H (2012). Reduced-order jet noise modelling for chevrons. 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) 
  • Karabasov SA and Sandberg RD (2012). On the effect of Mach number and coflow for turbulent jet noise sources. 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) 
  • Li C, Wei X, Yan H and Reece MJ (2012). Microwave dielectric properties of La 3Ti 2TaO 11 ceramics with perovskite-like layered structure. Journal of the European Ceramic Society vol. 32 (16), 4015-4020.  
  • Vepa R and Petrakou K (2012). Inertial Navigation Position and Orientation Estimation with Occasional Galileo Satellite Position Fixes and Stereo Camera Measurements. De Gruyter Annual of Navigation vol. 19 (2), 131-153.  
  • Solomon MFJ, Bhole Y and Livingston AG (2012). High flux membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN)—Interfacial polymerization with solvent activation. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 423, 371-382.  
  • Prodromou NV, Thompson CL, Osborn DPS, Cogger KF, Ashworth R, Knight MM, Beales PL and Chapple JP (2012). Heat shock induces rapid resorption of primary cilia. Journal of Cell Science vol. 125 (18), 4297-4305.  
  • R. Khoshravan M and Paykani A (2012). Design of a Composite Drive Shaft and its Coupling for Automotive Application. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Journal of Applied Research and Technology vol. 10 (6) 
  • Jones D, Müller JD and Bayyuk S (2012). CFD development with automatic differentiation. 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 
  • (2012). CABARET method on unstructured hexahedral grids for jet noise computation. 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) 
  • Semiletov VA, Karabasov SA, Faranosov GA and Zaitsev MA (2012). Airfoil flow and noise computation using monotonically integrated LES and acoustic analogy. 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) 
  • Markesteijn AP and Karabasov SA (2012). Acoustic wave focusing by non-uniform mean flow in a rectangular duct with viscous walls. 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference) 
  • Sillitoe I, Cuff AL, Dessailly BH, Dawson NL, Furnham N, Lee D, Lees JG, Lewis TE, Studer RA, Rentzsch R, Yeats C, Thornton JM and Orengo CA (2012). New functional families (FunFams) in CATH to improve the mapping of conserved functional sites to 3D structures. Oxford University Press (OUP) Nucleic Acids Research vol. 41 (D1), d490-d498.  
  • Shami A, Gustafsson R, Kalamajski S, Krams R, Segers D, Rauch U, Roos G, Nilsson J, Oldberg Å and Hultgårdh-Nilsson A (2012). Fibromodulin Deficiency Reduces Low-Density Lipoprotein Accumulation in Atherosclerotic Plaques in Apolipoprotein E–Null Mice. Wolters Kluwer Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology vol. 33 (2), 354-361.  
  • Shen Z, Yan H, Grüner D, Belova LM, Sakamoto Y, Hu J, Nan CW, Höche T and Reece MJ (2012). Ferroelectric ceramics with enhanced remnant polarization by ordered coalescence of nano-crystals. Journal of Materials Chemistry vol. 22 (44), 23547-23552.  
  • Sahonta S, Kappers MJ, Zhu D, Puchtler TJ, Zhu T, Bennett SE, Humphreys CJ and Oliver RA (2012). Properties of trench defects in InGaN/GaN quantum well structures. Wiley physica status solidi (a) – applications and materials science vol. 210 (1), 195-198.  
  • Massabuau FC-P, Sahonta S-L, Trinh-Xuan L, Rhode S, Puchtler TJ, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ and Oliver RA (2012). Morphological, structural, and emission characterization of trench defects in InGaN/GaN quantum well structures. AIP Publishing Applied Physics Letters vol. 101 (21) 
  • Zhang K, Dai JS and Fang Y (2012). Geometric Constraint and Mobility Variation of Two 3SvPSv Metamorphic Parallel Mechanisms. ASME International Journal of Mechanical Design vol. 135 (1) 
  • Ataollahi A, Fallah AS, Seneviratne LD, Dasgupta P and Althoefer K (2012). Novel Force Sensing Approach Employing Prismatic-Tip Optical Fiber Inside an Orthoplanar Spring Structure. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics vol. 19 (1), 121-130.  
  • Thorpe CT, Udeze CP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2012). Specialization of tendon mechanical properties results from interfascicular differences. Journal of the Royal Society Interface vol. 9 (76), 3108-3117.  
  • Harrington MJ, Wasko SS, Masic A, Fischer FD, Gupta HS and Fratzl P (2012). Pseudoelastic behaviour of a natural material is achieved via reversible changes in protein backbone conformation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface vol. 9 (76), 2911-2922.  
  • McMurray R and Knight M (2012). Topographical regulation of primary cilia orientation and length in mesenchymal stem cells. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1 (Suppl 1) 
  • Wann A, Zuo N, Haycraft C, Jensen C, Poole C, McGlashan S and Knight M (2012). The primary cilium conducts chondrocyte mechanotransduction. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1 (Suppl 1) 
  • Hasan HS, Peet MJ and Bhadeshia HKDH (2012). Severe tempering of bainite generated at low transformation temperatures. De Gruyter International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde) vol. 103 (11), 1319-1324.  
  • Song EJ, Suh DW and Bhadeshia HKDH (2012). Oxidation of silicon containing steel. SAGE Publications Ironmaking & Steelmaking Processes Products and Applications vol. 39 (8), 599-604.  
  • Thompson C, Chapple J and Knight M (2012). Mechanical strain disrupts primary cilia structure and modulates hedgehog signalling in adult chondrocytes. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1 (Suppl 1) 
  • Thompson C, Prodromou N, Osborn D, Ashworth R, Knight M, Beales P and Chapple J (2012). Heat-shock induces rapid resorption of primary cilia. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1 (Suppl 1) 
  • Ke H, Wang W, Wang Y, Zhang H, Jia D, Zhou Y, Lu X and Withers P (2012). Dependence of dielectric behavior in BiFeO3 ceramics on intrinsic defects. Elsevier Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol. 541, 94-98.  
  • Dinesh KKJR, Jiang X, Kirkpatrick MP and Malalasekera W (2012). Combustion characteristics of H2/N2 and H2/CO syngas nonpremixed flames. Elsevier International Journal of Hydrogen Energy vol. 37 (21), 16186-16200.  
  • Hernandez V, Pravincumar P, Diaz-Font A, May-Simera H, Jenkins D, Knight M and Beales P (2012). Bardet-Biedl syndrome proteins control cilia length through regulation of actin polymerisation. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1 (Suppl 1) 
  • Wolf P, Staffelbach G, Gicquel LYM, Müller JD and Poinsot T (2012). Acoustic and Large Eddy Simulation studies of azimuthal modes in annular combustion chambers. Combustion and Flame vol. 159 (11), 3398-3413.  
  • Wann A and Knight M (2012). A role for IFT88/the primary cilium in the inflammatory response to interleukin-1. Springer Nature Cilia vol. 1 (Suppl 1) 
  • Nanjangud A and Eke FO (2012). Lagrange’s Equations for Rocket-Type Variable Mass Systems. Praise Worthy Prize International Review of Aerospace Engineering (IREASE) vol. 5 (5) 
  • Lynch CD, Lazar AM, Iskratsch T, Zhang X and Sheetz MP (2012). Endoplasmic spreading requires coalescence of vimentin intermediate filaments at force-bearing adhesions. American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) Molecular Biology of the Cell vol. 24 (1), 21-30.  
  • Barras J, Katsura S, Sato-Akaba H, Itozaki H, Kyriakidou G, Rowe MD, Althoefer KA and Smith JAS (2012). Variable-Pitch Rectangular Cross-section Radiofrequency Coils for the Nitrogen-14 Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Investigation of Sealed Medicines Packets. American Chemical Society (ACS) Analytical Chemistry vol. 84 (21), 8970-8972.  
  • Hassan WAA and Jiang X (2012). Upscaling and its application in numerical simulation of long‐term CO2 storage. Wiley Greenhouse Gases Science and Technology vol. 2 (6), 408-418.  
  • Zou Z, Chávez‐Arreola A, Mandal P, Board TN and Alonso‐Rasgado T (2012). Optimization of the position of the acetabulum in a ganz periacetabular osteotomy by finite element analysis. Wiley Journal of Orthopaedic Research® vol. 31 (3), 472-479.  
  • Midha S, van den Bergh W, Kim TB, Lee PD, Jones JR and Mitchell CA (2012). Bioactive Glass Foam Scaffolds are Remodelled by Osteoclasts and Support the Formation of Mineralized Matrix and Vascular Networks In Vitro. Wiley Advanced Healthcare Materials vol. 2 (3), 490-499.  
  • Kajetanowicz A, Czaban J, Krishnan GR, Malińska M, Woźniak K, Siddique H, Peeva LG, Livingston AG and Grela K (2012). Batchwise and Continuous Nanofiltration of POSS‐Tagged Grubbs–Hoveyda‐Type Olefin Metathesis Catalysts. Wiley ChemSusChem vol. 6 (1), 182-192.  
  • Wheeler APS, Morad S, Buchholz N and Knight MM (2012). The Shape of the Urine Stream - From Biophysics to Diagnostics. PLoS ONE vol. 7 (10) 
  • Orang AA and Paykani A (2012). Modified Characteristics-Based Schemes for Compressible Flow Past an Airfoil. Oxford University Press (OUP) Journal of Mechanics vol. 28 (4), 627-635.  
  • Müller JD, Jitsumura M and Müller-Kronast NHF (2012). Sensitivity of flow simulations in a cerebral aneurysm. Journal of Biomechanics vol. 45 (15), 2539-2548.  
  • Fang H, Fang Y and Zhang K (2012). Kinematics and workspace analysis of a novel 3-DOF parallel manipulator with virtual symmetric plane. SAGE Publications Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science vol. 227 (3), 620-629.  
  • Yao W, Schaeffter T, Seneviratne L and Althoefer K (2012). Developing a Magnetic Resonance-Compatible Catheter for Cardiac Catheterization. ASME International Journal of Medical Devices vol. 6 (4) 
  • Giesa T, Pugno NM and Buehler MJ (2012). Natural stiffening increases flaw tolerance of biological fibers. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 86 (4) 
  • Iskratsch T, Reijntjes S, Dwyer J, Toselli P, Dégano IR, Dominguez I and Ehler E (2012). Two distinct phosphorylation events govern the function of muscle FHOD3. Springer Nature Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences vol. 70 (5), 893-908.  
  • Russell BP, Liu T, Fleck NA and Deshpande VS (2012). The soft impact of composite sandwich beams with a square-honeycomb core. Elsevier International Journal of Impact Engineering vol. 48, 65-81.  
  • Khanduri H, Chandra Dimri M, Kooskora H, Heinmaa I, Viola G, Ning H, Reece MJ, Krustok J and Stern R (2012). Structural, dielectric, magnetic, and nuclear magnetic resonance studies of multiferroic Y-type hexaferrites. Journal of Applied Physics vol. 112 (7) 
  • AVITAL E, Korakianitis T and Miloh T (2012). Sound Scattering by a Flexible Plate Embedded on Free Surface., Editors: Bhat R. Hindawi Advances in Acoustics and Vibration vol. 2012, 473531-1-473531-13.  
  • Buchan AG, Pain CC, Goddard AJH, Eaton MD, Gomes JLMA, Gorman GJ, Cooling CM, Tollit BS, Nygaard ET, Glenn DE and Angelo PL (2012). Simulated transient dynamics and heat transfer characteristics of the water boiler nuclear reactor – SUPO – with cooling coil heat extraction. Elsevier Annals of Nuclear Energy vol. 48, 68-83.  
  • Chin C, Spowage A and Yap E (2012). Project Management Methodologies: A Comparative Analysis. Kashiwagi Solution Model Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information and Value vol. 4 (1) 
  • Lonardelli I, Bortolotti M, van Beek W, Girardini L, Zadra M and Bhadeshia HKDH (2012). Powder metallurgical nanostructured medium carbon bainitic steel: Kinetics, structure, and in situ thermal stability studies. Elsevier Materials Science and Engineering A vol. 555, 139-147.  
  • Lepore E, Pugno F and Pugno NM (2012). Optimal angles for maximal adhesion in living tokay geckos. Journal of Adhesion vol. 88 (10), 820-830.  
  • Briscoe J, Stewart M, Vopson M, Cain M, Weaver PM and Dunn S (2012). Nanostructured p-n junctions for kinetic-to-electrical energy conversion. Advanced Energy Materials vol. 2 (10), 1261-1268.  
  • Joo MS, Suh D, Bae JH, Mouriño NS, Petrov R, Kestens LAI and Bhadeshia HKDH (2012). Experiments to separate the effect of texture on anisotropy of pipeline steel. Elsevier Materials Science and Engineering A vol. 556, 601-606.  
  • Ding M, Fenwick O, Di Stasio F, Ou J-Y, Sessions N, Jung Y, Cacialli F and Brambilla G (2012). Efficient light confinement with nanostructured optical microfiber tips. Elsevier Optics Communications vol. 285 (23), 4688-4697.  
  • Marchetti P, Butté A and Livingston AG (2012). An improved phenomenological model for prediction of solvent permeation through ceramic NF and UF membranes. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 415, 444-458.  
  • Collins BA, Li Z, Tumbleston JR, Gann E, McNeill CR and Ade H (2012). Absolute Measurement of Domain Composition and Nanoscale Size Distribution Explains Performance in PTB7:PC71BM Solar Cells. Wiley Advanced Energy Materials vol. 3 (1), 65-74.  
  • Brenner TJK, Vaynzof Y, Li Z, Kabra D, Friend RH and McNeill CR (2012). White-light bias external quantum efficiency measurements of standard and inverted P3HT : PCBM photovoltaic cells. IOP Publishing Journal of Physics D vol. 45 (41) 
  • Messineo A, Freni G and Volpe R (2012). Collection of Thermal Energy Available from a Biogas Plant for Leachate Treatment in an Urban Landfill: A Sicilian Case Study. MDPI Energies vol. 5 (10), 3753-3767.  
  • Anssari-Benam A, Legerlotz K, Bader DL and Screen HRC (2012). On the specimen length dependency of tensile mechanical properties in soft tissues: gripping effects and the characteristic decay length. J Biomech vol. 45 (14), 2481-2482.  
  • Chen J, Irianto J, Inamdar S, Pravincumar P, Lee DA, Bader DL and Knight MM (2012). Cell mechanics, structure, and function are regulated by the stiffness of the three-dimensional microenvironment. Biophys J vol. 103 (6), 1188-1197.  
  • Sargeant R, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K (2012). A 2-Axis Optical Force–Torque Fingertip Sensor for Dexterous Grasping Using Linear Polarizers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement vol. 61 (12), 3363-3377.  
  • Suh DW, Ryu JH, Joo MS, Yang HS, Lee K and Bhadeshia HKDH (2012). Medium-Alloy Manganese-Rich Transformation-Induced Plasticity Steels. Springer Nature Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A vol. 44 (1), 286-293.  
  • Pravincumar P, Bader DL and Knight MM (2012). Viscoelastic Cell Mechanics and Actin Remodelling Are Dependent on the Rate of Applied Pressure. PLoS ONE vol. 7 (9) 
  • Bai K and Wang W (2012). Spatio-temporal development of the endothelial glycocalyx layer and its mechanical property in vitro. Journal of the Royal Society Interface vol. 9 (74), 2290-2298.  
  • Viola G, Ning H, Reece MJ, Wilson R, Correia TM, Weaver P, Cain MG and Yan H (2012). Reversibility in electric field-induced transitions and energy storage properties of bismuth-based perovskite ceramics. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics vol. 45 (35) 
  • Yaqub M and Bailey CG (2012). Seismic performance of shear critical post-heated reinforced concrete square columns wrapped with FRP composites. Elsevier Construction and Building Materials vol. 34, 457-469.  
  • Rahideh A, Bajodah AH and Shaheed MH (2012). Real time adaptive nonlinear model inversion control of a twin rotor MIMO system using neural networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence vol. 25 (6), 1289-1297.  
  • Wann AKT and Knight MM (2012). Primary cilia elongation in response to interleukin-1 mediates the inflammatory response. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences vol. 69 (17), 2967-2977.  
  • Lonardelli I, Girardini L, Maines L, Menapace C, Molinari A and Bhadeshia HKDH (2012). Nanostructured bainitic steel obtained by powder metallurgy approach: Structure, transformation kinetics and mechanical properties. Powder Metallurgy vol. 55 (4), 256-259.  
  • Stawikowska J and Livingston AG (2012). Nanoprobe imaging molecular scale pores in polymeric membranes. Elsevier Journal of Membrane Science vol. 413, 1-16.  
  • Stukan MR, Ligneul P and Boek ES (2012). Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Spontaneous Imbibition in Nanopores and Recovery of Asphaltenic Crude Oils Using Surfactants for EOR Applications. EDP Sciences Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles vol. 67 (5), 737-742.  
  • Messineo A, Volpe R and Marvuglia A (2012). Ligno-cellulosic biomass exploitation for power generation: A case study in sicily. Elsevier Energy vol. 45 (1), 613-625.  
  • Jamone L, Damas B, Endo N, Santos-Victor J and Takanishi A (2012). Incremental Development of Multiple Tool Models for Robotic Reaching Through Autonomous Exploration. De Gruyter Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics vol. 3 (3), 113-127.  
  • Karunaratne A, Davis GR, Hiller J, Esapa CT, Terrill NJ, Brown SDM, Cox RD, Thakker RV and Gupta HS (2012). Hypophosphatemic rickets is associated with disruption of mineral orientation at the nanoscale in the flat scapula bones of rachitic mice with development. Bone vol. 51 (3), 553-562.  
  • Baumard TLM, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC (2012). Fatigue peeling at rubber interfaces. Plastics, Rubber and Composites vol. 41 (7), 296-300.  
  • Papageorgiou DG, Bikiaris DN and Chrissafis K (2012). Effect of crystalline structure of polypropylene random copolymers on mechanical properties and thermal degradation kinetics. Elsevier Thermochimica Acta vol. 543, 288-294.  
  • Busfield J (2012). Editorial. Plastics, Rubber and Composites vol. 41 (7), 271-272.  
  • Mellon SJ and Tanner KE (2012). Bone and its adaptation to mechanical loading: a review. SAGE Publications International Materials Reviews vol. 57 (5), 235-255.  
  • Dinesh KKJR, Jiang X and van Oijen JA (2012). Analysis of Impinging Wall Effects on Hydrogen Non-Premixed Flame. Taylor & Francis Combustion Science and Technology vol. 184 (9), 1244-1268.  
  • JAMONE L, NATALE L, NORI F, METTA G and SANDINI G (2012). AUTONOMOUS ONLINE LEARNING OF REACHING BEHAVIOR IN A HUMANOID ROBOT. World Scientific Publishing International Journal of Humanoid Robotics vol. 9 (03) 
  • Briscoe J, Bilotti E and Dunn S (2012). Measured efficiency of a ZnO nanostructured diode piezoelectric energy harvesting device. Applied Physics Letters vol. 101 (9) 
  • Stachewicz U, Hang F, Bailey RJ, Gupta HS, Frogley MD, Cinque G and Barber AH (2012). Recording IR spectra for individual electrospun fibers using an in situ AFM-synchrotron technique. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 1424, 19-23.  
  • Shi X, Peng B, Pugno NM and Gao H (2012). Erratum: Stretch-induced softening of bending rigidity in graphene (Applied Physics Letters (2012) 100 (191913)). Applied Physics Letters vol. 101 (8) 
  • SHAHEED MH and Tokhi O (2012). Adaptive closed-loop control of a single-link flexible manipulator. Sage Journal Journal of Vibration and Control 
  • Mendoza J, Sebastian A, Allan E, Allan D, Mandal P, Alonso-Rasgado T and Bayat A (2012). Differential cytotoxic response in keloid fibroblasts exposed to photodynamic therapy is dependent on photosensitiser precursor, fluence and location of fibroblasts within the lesion. Springer Nature Archives of Dermatological Research vol. 304 (7), 549-562.  
  • Al Halwachi HK, Yakovlev DS and Boek ES (2012). Systematic Optimization of Asphaltene Molecular Structure and Molecular Weight Using the Quantitative Molecular Representation Approach. American Chemical Society (ACS) Energy & Fuels vol. 26 (10), 6177-6185.  
  • Pak JH, Bhadeshia HKDH and Karlsson L (2012). Mechanism of misorientation development within coalesced martensite. SAGE Publications Materials Science and Technology vol. 28 (8), 918-923.  
  • Lu Y, Michel CC and Wang W (2012). Inert gas clearance from tissue by co-currently and counter-currently arranged microvessels. J Appl Physiol (1985) vol. 113 (3), 487-497.  
  • Suter JL, Sprik M and Boek ES (2012). Free energies of absorption of alkali ions onto beidellite and montmorillonite surfaces from constrained molecular dynamics simulations. Elsevier Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta vol. 91, 109-119.  
  • Quirk J, Beerling DJ, Banwart SA, Kakonyi G, Romero-Gonzalez ME and Leake JR (2012). Evolution of trees and mycorrhizal fungi intensifies silicate mineral weathering. The Royal Society Biology Letters vol. 8 (6), 1006-1011.  
  • Crivillers N, Osella S, Van Dyck C, Lazzerini GM, Cornil D, Liscio A, Di Stasio F, Mian S, Fenwick O, Reinders F, Neuburger M, Treossi E, Mayor M, Palermo V, Cacialli F, Cornil J and Samorì P (2012). Large Work Function Shift of Gold Induced by a Novel Perfluorinated Azobenzene‐Based Self‐Assembled Monolayer. Wiley Advanced Materials vol. 25 (3), 432-436.  
  • DebRoy T, De A, Bhadeshia HKDH, Manvatkar VD and Arora A (2012). Tool durability maps for friction stir welding of an aluminium alloy. The Royal Society Proceedings of the Royal Society A vol. 468 (2147), 3552-3570.  
  • Yi Q, Wen D and Sukhorukov GB (2012). UV-Cross-linkable multilayer microcapsules made of weak polyelectrolytes. Langmuir vol. 28 (29), 10822-10829.  
  • Slavchov RI and Novev JK (2012). Surface tension of concentrated electrolyte solutions. Elsevier Journal of Colloid and Interface Science vol. 387 (1), 234-243.  
  • Zhang Y, Wang YC, Bailey CG and Taylor AP (2012). Global modelling of fire protection performance of an intumescent coating under different furnace fire conditions. SAGE Publications Journal of Fire Sciences vol. 31 (1), 51-72.  
  • Chintapalli RK, Marro FG, Milsom B, Reece M and Anglada M (2012). Processing and characterization of high-density zirconia-carbon nanotube composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A vol. 549, 50-59.  
  • Korakianitis T, Rezaienia MA, Hamakhan IA, Avital EJ and Williams JJR (2012). Aerodynamic improvements of wind-turbine airfoil geometries with the prescribed surface curvature distribution blade design (CIRCLE) method. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power vol. 134 (8) 
  • Branford OA, Lee DA, Bader DL and Grobbelaar AO (2012). The mechanics of flexor tendon adhesions. Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume vol. 37 (6), 555-563.  
  • Branford OA, Lee DA, Rolfe KJ and Grobbelaar AO (2012). The attachment of intrinsic and extrinsic, mobilized and immobilized adhesion cells to collagen and fibronectin. Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume vol. 37 (6), 564-572.  
  • Badcock TJ, Hao R, Moram MA, Kappers MJ, Dawson P, Oliver RA and Humphreys CJ (2012). Recombination mechanisms in heteroepitaxial non-polar InGaN/GaN quantum wells. AIP Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 112 (1) 
  • Fang H, Fang Y and Zhang K (2012). Reciprocal screw theory based singularity analysis of a novel 3-DOF parallel manipulator. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 25 (4), 647-653.  
  • Baker CMJ, Buchan AG, Pain CC, Tollit B, Eaton MD and Warner P (2012). Quadratic inner element subgrid scale discretisation of the Boltzmann transport equation. Elsevier Annals of Nuclear Energy vol. 45, 124-137.  
  • Pravincumar P, Bader D and Knight M (2012). PRESSURE RATE SENSITIVE VISCOELASTIC CELL DEFORMATION INVOLVES ACTIN REMODELLING. Elsevier Journal of Biomechanics vol. 45 
  • Gautrot JE, Wang C, Liu X, Goldie SJ, Trappmann B, Huck WTS and Watt FM (2012). Mimicking normal tissue architecture and perturbation in cancer with engineered micro-epidermis. Biomaterials vol. 33 (21), 5221-5229.  
  • Vassart O, Bailey CG, Hawes M, Nadjai A, Simms WI, Zhao B, Gernay T and Franssen J-M (2012). Large-scale fire test of unprotected cellular beam acting in membrane action. Emerald Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings vol. 165 (7), 327-334.  
  • Jomehzadeh E, Saidi AR and Pugno NM (2012). Large amplitude vibration of a bilayer graphene embedded in a nonlinear polymer matrix. Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures vol. 44 (10), 1973-1982.  
  • Wu KM and Bhadeshia HKDH (2012). Extremely fine pearlite by continuous cooling transformation. Elsevier Scripta Materialia vol. 67 (1), 53-56.  
  • Bonzani IC, Campbell JJ, Knight MM, Williams A, Lee DA, Bader DL and Stevens MM (2012). Dynamic compressive strain influences chondrogenic gene expression in human periosteal cells: a case study. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater vol. 11, 72-81.  
  • Karunaratne A, Davis G, Hiller J, Esapa C, Terrill N, Brown S, Cox R, Thakker R and Gupta H (2012). DISRUPTION OF MUSCLE STRESS-MEDIATED MINERAL ORIENTATION AT THE NANOSCALE IN THE SCAPULAR BONES OF RICKETS MICE WITH DEVELOPMENT. Elsevier Journal of Biomechanics vol. 45 
  • Tsai TN, Kirton JP, Campagnolo P, Zhang L, Xiao Q, Zhang Z, Wang W, Hu Y and Xu Q (2012). Contribution of stem cells to neointimal formation of decellularized vessel grafts in a novel mouse model. American Journal of Pathology vol. 181 (1), 362-373.  
  • Patel B, Favaro G, Inam F, Reece MJ, Angadji A, Bonfield W, Huang J and Edirisinghe M (2012). Cobalt-based orthopaedic alloys: Relationship between forming route, microstructure and tribological performance. Materials Science and Engineering C vol. 32 (5), 1222-1229.  
  • Anssari-Benam A, Gupta HS and Screen HRC (2012). Strain transfer through the aortic valve. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering vol. 134 (6) 
  • Lee D, Smallbone K, Dunn WB, Murabito E, Winder CL, Kell DB, Mendes P and Swainston N (2012). Improving metabolic flux predictions using absolute gene expression data. Springer Nature BMC Systems Biology vol. 6 (1) 
  • Crick CR, Bear JC, Kafizas A and Parkin IP (2012). Superhydrophobic Photocatalytic Surfaces through Direct Incorporation of Titania Nanoparticles into a Polymer Matrix by Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition. Wiley Advanced Materials vol. 24 (26), 3505-3508.  
  • Siddique H, Peeva LG, Stoikos K, Pasparakis G, Vamvakaki M and Livingston AG (2012). Membranes for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Based on Preassembled Nanoparticles. American Chemical Society (ACS) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research vol. 52 (3), 1109-1121.  
  • Tolk M, Fenwick O, Ahmad S and Cacialli F (2012). The influence of the substrate thermal conductivity on scanning thermochemical lithography. AIP Publishing Journal of Applied Physics vol. 111 (12) 
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