- The metabolism of human mesenchymal stem cells during proliferation and differentiation.
Pattappa G, Heywood HK, de Bruijn JD and Lee DA
J Cell Physiol
28-12-2010 - Formin follows function: a muscle-specific isoform of FHOD3 is regulated by CK2 phosphorylation and promotes myofibril maintenance
Iskratsch T, Lange S, Dwyer J, Kho AL, Remedios CD and Ehler E
The Journal of General Physiology, Rockefeller University Press vol. 137 (1), i1-i1.
27-12-2010 - Dislocation movement in GaN films
Moram MA, Sadler TC, Häberlen M, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ
Applied Physics Letters, Aip Publishing vol. 97 (26)
27-12-2010 - ChemInform Abstract: Polymeric Multilayer Capsules in Drug Delivery
De Cock LJ, De Koker S, De Geest BG, Grooten J, Vervaet C, Remon JP, Sukhorukov GB and Antipina MN
Cheminform, Wiley vol. 42 (3), no-no.
23-12-2010 - Axial compression of hollow elastic spheres
Shorter R, Smith JD, Coveney VA and Busfield JJC
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures vol. 5 (5), 693-705.
22-12-2010 - Antioxidant coating of micronsize droplets for prevention of lipid peroxidation in oil-in-water emulsion
Lomova MV, Sukhorukov GB and Antipina MN
Acs Applied Materials and Interfaces vol. 2 (12), 3669-3676.
22-12-2010 - Scanning transmission electron microscopy investigation of the Si(111)/AlN interface grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
Radtke G, Couillard M, Botton GA, Zhu D and Humphreys CJ
Applied Physics Letters, Aip Publishing vol. 97 (25)
20-12-2010 - Inclined dislocation arrays in AlGaN/AlGaN quantum well structures emitting at 290 nm
Chang TY, Moram MA, McAleese C, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ
Journal of Applied Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 108 (12)
15-12-2010 - Formin follows function: a muscle-specific isoform of FHOD3 is regulated by CK2 phosphorylation and promotes myofibril maintenance
Iskratsch T, Lange S, Dwyer J, Kho AL, dos Remedios C and Ehler E
Journal of Cell Biology, Rockefeller University Press vol. 191 (6), 1159-1172.
13-12-2010 - Once again on the importance of propagation effects for jet noise modelling
Karabasov SA
16th Aiaa/Ceas Aeroacoustics Conference (31st Aiaa Aeroacoustics Conference)
06-12-2010 - The potential of pulsed low intensity ultrasound to stimulate chondrocytes matrix synthesis in agarose and monolayer cultures
Vaughan NM, Grainger J, Bader DL and Knight MM
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing vol. 48 (12), 1215-1222.
01-12-2010 - The effect of mechanical strain or hypoxia on cell death in subpopulations of rat dorsal root ganglion neurons in vitro
Gladman SJ, Ward RE, Michael-Titus AT, Knight MM and Priestley JV
Neuroscience vol. 171 (2), 577-587.
01-12-2010 - The combinatorial atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (cAPCVD) of a gradating substitutional/interstitial N-doped anatase TiO2 thin-film; UVA and visible light photocatalytic activities
Kafizas A, Crick C and Parkin IP
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a Chemistry, Elsevier vol. 216 (2-3), 156-166.
01-12-2010 - Polarization dynamics and non-equilibrium processes in ferroelectric switching
Vopson MM, Weaver PM, Cain MG, Reece MJ and Chong KB
Proceedings of The 2010 IEEE International Symposium On The Applications of Ferroelectrics, Isaf 2010, Co-Located With The 10th
01-12-2010 - Guest Editorial
Tanner KE and Dalby MJ
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Sage Publications vol. 224 (12), i-iv.
01-12-2010 - Functional analysis of tenocytes gene expression in tendon fascicles subjected to cyclic tensile strain
Maeda E, Fleischmann C, Mein CA, Shelton JC, Bader DL and Lee DA
Connective Tissue Research vol. 51 (6), 434-444.
01-12-2010 - Fea modeling of schallamach waves
Gabriel P, Fukahori Y, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC
Rubber Chemistry and Technology vol. 83 (4), 358-367.
01-12-2010 - Atom probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy of a Mg-doped AlGaN/GaN superlattice
Bennett SE, Ulfig RM, Clifton PH, Kappers MJ, Barnard JS, Humphreys CJ and Oliver RA
Ultramicroscopy, Elsevier vol. 111 (3), 207-211.
01-12-2010 - MRI-Compatible Intensity-Modulated Force Sensor for Cardiac Catheterization Procedures
Polygerinos P, Ataollahi A, Schaeffter T, Razavi R, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K
IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 58 (3), 721-726.
29-11-2010 - Bioactive composites for bone tissue engineering
Tanner KE
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Sage Publications vol. 224 (12), 1359-1372.
29-11-2010 - Anion order in perovskite oxynitrides
Yang M, Oró-Solé J, Rodgers JA, Jorge AB, Fuertes A and Attfield JP
Nature Chemistry, Springer Nature vol. 3 (1), 47-52.
28-11-2010 - Topology and Constraint Analysis of Phase Change in the Metamorphic Chain and Its Evolved Mechanism
Zhang K, Dai JS and Fang Y
Journal of Mechanical Design, Asme International vol. 132 (12)
23-11-2010 - Long-Term, Cytokine-Free Ex Vivo Expansion of Human Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells Using a Novel Closed-Loop 3D Dual Hollow Fibre Perfused Bioreactor
Rende M, Macedo H, Livingston AG, Li K, Panoskaltsis N and Mantalaris A
Blood, American Society of Hematology vol. 116 (21)
19-11-2010 - Anisotropic linear elastic properties of fractal-like composites
Carpinteri A, Cornetti P, Pugno N and Sapora A
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 82 (5)
16-11-2010 - Mass transport in a microchannel enzyme reactor with a porous wall: Hydrodynamic modeling and applications
Chen XB, Sui Y, Cheng YP, Lee HP, Yu P, Winoto SH and Low HT
Biochemical Engineering Journal vol. 52 (2-3), 227-235.
15-11-2010 - Heat transfer coefficients during quenching of steels
Hasan HS, Peet MJ, Jalil JM and Bhadeshia HKDH
Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer Nature vol. 47 (3), 315-321.
12-11-2010 - Erratum: Hierarchical simulations for the design of supertough nanofibers inspired by spider silk (Physical Review e (2010) 82 (056103))
Bosia F, Buehler MJ and Pugno NM
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 82 (5)
11-11-2010 - Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid reduce interleukin-1β-mediated cartilage degradation
Wann AKT, Mistry J, Blain EJ, Michael-Titus AT and Knight MM
Arthritis Research and Therapy vol. 12 (6)
08-11-2010 - A novel route for processing cobalt-chromium-molybdenum orthopaedic alloys
Patel B, Inam F, Reece M, Edirisinghe M, Bonfield W, Huang J and Angadji A
Journal of The Royal Society Interface vol. 7 (52), 1641-1645.
06-11-2010 - Hierarchical simulations for the design of supertough nanofibers inspired by spider silk
Bosia F, Buehler MJ and Pugno NM
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 82 (5)
03-11-2010 - The effects of annealing on non-polar (112¯0) a-plane GaN films
Hao R, Zhu T, Häberlen M, Chang TY, Kappers MJ, Oliver RA, Humphreys CJ and Moram MA
Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier vol. 312 (23), 3536-3543.
01-11-2010 - Modeling of Light Intensity-Modulated Fiber-Optic Displacement Sensors
Polygerinos P, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K
IEEE Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 60 (4), 1408-1415.
01-11-2010 - Effect of point defects on thermal depoling behavior of bismuth layer-structured ferroelectric ceramics
Zeng T, Yan HX and Reece MJ
J Appl Phys vol. 108 (9)
01-11-2010 - Editorial
Bhadeshia HKDH
Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, Sage Publications vol. 15 (8), 646-647.
01-11-2010 - Anisotropic linear elastic properties of fractal-like composites.
Carpinteri A, Cornetti P, Pugno N and Sapora A
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys vol. 82 (5 Pt 2)
01-11-2010 - Multi-scale interaction of particulate flow and the artery wall
Halliday I, Atherton M, Care CM, Collins MW, Evans D, Evans PC, Hose DR, Khir AW, König CS, Krams R, Lawford PV, Lishchuk SV, Pontrelli G, Ridger V, Spencer TJ, Ventikos Y, Walker DC and Watton PN
Medical Engineering & Physics, Elsevier vol. 33 (7), 840-848.
29-10-2010 - How does rubber truly slide between Schallamach waves and stick-slip motion?
Fukahori Y, Gabriel P and Busfield JJC
Wear vol. 269 (11-12), 854-866.
28-10-2010 - Organic Solvent Nanofiltration: A New Paradigm in Peptide Synthesis
So S, Peeva LG, Tate EW, Leatherbarrow RJ and Livingston AG
Organic Process Research & Development, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 14 (6), 1313-1325.
26-10-2010 - Characterization of Nanoprecipitation Mechanisms During Isochronal Aging of a Pseudo-binary Al-8.7 at. pct Li Alloy
Spowage AC and Bray S
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Springer Nature vol. 42 (1), 227-230.
19-10-2010 - Salt-induced fusion of microcapsules of polyelectrolytes
Zhang R, Köhler K, Kreft O, Skirtach A, Möhwald H and Sukhorukov G
Soft Matter vol. 6 (19), 4742-4747.
07-10-2010 - Spot weldability of δ-TRIP steel containing 0·4 wt-%C
Yi HL, Lee KY, Lim JH and Bhadeshia HKDH
Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, Sage Publications vol. 15 (7), 619-624.
01-10-2010 - On the interaction of sound with steady heat communicating flows
Karimi N, Brear MJ and Moase WH
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier vol. 329 (22), 4705-4718.
01-10-2010 - Nanoindentations on conch shells of gastropoda and bivalvia molluscs reveal anisotropic evolution against external attacks
Bignardi C, Petraroli M and Pugno NM
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology vol. 10 (10), 6453-6460.
01-10-2010 - MRI-Compatible Fiber-Optic Force Sensors for Catheterization Procedures
Polygerinos P, Zbyszewski D, Schaeffter T, Razavi R, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K
IEEE Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 10 (10), 1598-1608.
01-10-2010 - High-Precision Kinematic Satellite and Doppler Aided Inertial Navigation System
Vepa R and Zhahir A
, Editors: Hughes PN. Journal of Navigation, The Royal Institute of Navigation vol. 64 (4), 91-108.
01-10-2010 - Devices to facilitate magic angle studies in peripheral MRI
Rea M, Tse ZTH, Elhawary H, Lamperth M, Paley M, Bydder GM and Young IR
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B, Wiley vol. 37B (4), 220-225.
01-10-2010 - Contrast enhancement by differently sized paramagnetic MRI contrast agents in mice with two phenotypes of atherosclerotic plaque
van Bochove GS, Paulis LEM, Segers D, Mulder WJM, Krams R, Nicolay K and Strijkers GJ
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging, Wiley vol. 6 (1), 35-45.
29-09-2010 - Carbon nanotubes on polymeric microcapsules: Freestanding structures and point-wise laser openings
Yashchenok AM, Bratashov DN, Gorin DA, Lomova MV, Pavlov AM, Sapelkin AV, Shim BS, Khomutov GB, Kotov NA, Sukhorukov GB, Möhwald H and Skirtach AG
Advanced Functional Materials vol. 20 (18), 3136-3142.
23-09-2010 - Real time nonlinear model predictive control for fast systems
Rahideh A and Shaheed MH
Speedam 2010 - International Symposium On Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, 1732-1737.
20-09-2010 - Polymeric Multilayer Capsules in Drug Delivery
De Cock LJ, De Koker S, De Geest BG, Grooten J, Vervaet C, Remon JP, Sukhorukov GB and Antipina MN
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition vol. 49 (39), 6954-6973.
17-09-2010 - Electronic and optical properties of nonpolar a-plane GaN quantum wells
Schulz S, Badcock TJ, Moram MA, Dawson P, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ and O’Reilly EP
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 82 (12)
15-09-2010 - Wirkstoffverabreichung mithilfe polymerer Mehrschichtkapseln
De Cock LJ, De Koker S, De Geest BG, Grooten J, Vervaet C, Remon JP, Sukhorukov GB and Antipina MN
Angewandte Chemie, Wiley vol. 122 (39), 7108-7127.
14-09-2010 - High‐Resolution Scanning Near‐Field Optical Lithography of Conjugated Polymers
Credgington D, Fenwick O, Charas A, Morgado J, Suhling K and Cacialli F
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 20 (17), 2842-2847.
08-09-2010 - The design of self-collapsed super-strong nanotube bundles
Pugno NM
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids vol. 58 (9), 1397-1410.
01-09-2010 - Layer by layer microencapsulate technology as basis for fabrication of drug delivery nanosystems with remote controlling properties
Inozemtseva OA, Portnov SA, Kolesnikova TA, Gorin DA and Sukhorukov GB
, 131-167.
01-09-2010 - Investigating the response of As2S3-based SERS substrates
Rowlands CJ, Su L and Elliott SR
Optical Materials, Elsevier vol. 32 (11), 1413-1416.
01-09-2010 - Microcalcifications in atherosclerotic lesion of apolipoprotein E‐deficient mouse
Debernardi N, Roijers RB, Krams R, De Crom R, Mutsaers PHA and Van Der Vusse GJ
International Journal of Experimental Pathology, Wiley vol. 91 (6), 485-494.
27-08-2010 - YIA4 C Jun N-terminal kinase promotes endothelial activation at atherosclerosis-susceptible sites by enhancing expression of NF-κB transcription factors
Cuhlmann S, van der Heiden K, Zakkar M, Chaudhury H, Luong LA, Mason J, Haskard DO, Carlsen H, Krams R and Evans PC
Heart, Bmj vol. 96 (17)
26-08-2010 - Microstructural origins of localization in InGaN quantum wells
Oliver RA, Bennett SE, Zhu T, Beesley DJ, Kappers MJ, Saxey DW, Cerezo A and Humphreys CJ
Journal of Physics D, Iop Publishing vol. 43 (35)
19-08-2010 - Understanding jet noise
Karabasov SA
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 368 (1924), 3593-3608.
13-08-2010 - A novel approach to modelling counter-current chromatography
Guzlek H, Baptista IIR, Wood PL and Livingston A
Journal of Chromatography A, Elsevier vol. 1217 (40), 6230-6240.
11-08-2010 - A Direct Method for Charge Collection Probability Computation Using the Reciprocity Theorem
Kurniawan O, Tan CC, Ong VKS, Li E and Humphreys CJ
IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 57 (10), 2455-2461.
09-08-2010 - Dextran coatings for aggregation control of layer-by-layer assembled polyelectrolyte microcapsules
Usov D and Sukhorukov GB
Langmuir vol. 26 (15), 12575-12584.
03-08-2010 - The viscoelastic behavior of rubber under a complex loading. II. The effect large strains and the incorporation of carbon black
Suphadon N, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC
Journal of Applied Polymer Science vol. 117 (3), 1290-1297.
01-08-2010 - Strain partitioning and mechanical stability of retained austenite
Ryu JH, Kim D-I, Kim HS, Bhadeshia HKDH and Suh D-W
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 63 (3), 297-299.
01-08-2010 - Specimen dimensions influence the measurement of material properties in tendon fascicles
Legerlotz K, Riley GP and Screen HRC
Journal of Biomechanics vol. 43 (12), 2274-2280.
01-08-2010 - Numerical modelling of structural fire behaviour of restrained steel beam–column assemblies using typical joint types
Dai XH, Wang YC and Bailey CG
Engineering Structures, Elsevier vol. 32 (8), 2337-2351.
01-08-2010 - Low temperature photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence studies of nonpolar GaN grown using epitaxial lateral overgrowth
Häberlen M, Badcock TJ, Moram MA, Hollander JL, Kappers MJ, Dawson P, Humphreys CJ and Oliver RA
Journal of Applied Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 108 (3)
01-08-2010 - Comparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage
Karakashev SI, Ivanova DS, Angarska ZK, Manev ED, Tsekov R, Radoev B, Slavchov R and Nguyen AV
Colloids and Surfaces a Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Elsevier vol. 365 (1-3), 122-136.
01-08-2010 - Accumulation of stress in constrained assemblies: Novel Satoh test configuration
Shirzadi AA and Bhadeshia HKDH
Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, Sage Publications vol. 15 (6), 497-499.
01-08-2010 - Swirling and Impinging Effects in an Annular Nonpremixed Jet Flame
Jiang X, Luo KH, de Goey LPH, Bastiaans RJM and van Oijen JA
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Springer Nature vol. 86 (1), 63-88.
30-07-2010 - Interfacial dipole dynamics of light-emitting diodes incorporating a poly(amidoamine) dendrimer monolayer
Winroth G, Fenwick O, Scott MA, Yip D, Howorka S and Cacialli F
Applied Physics Letters, Aip Publishing vol. 97 (4)
26-07-2010 - Spontaneous Imbibition in Nanopores of Different Roughness and Wettability
Stukan MR, Ligneul P, Crawshaw JP and Boek ES
Langmuir, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 26 (16), 13342-13352.
23-07-2010 - Rapid Prototyping of Low‐Loss IR Chalcogenide‐Glass Waveguides by Controlled Remelting
Rowlands CJ, Su L and Elliott SR
Chemphyschem, Wiley vol. 11 (11), 2393-2398.
23-07-2010 - Geometry and Constraint Analysis of the Three-Spherical Kinematic Chain Based Parallel Mechanism
Zhang K, Fang Y, Fang H and Dai JS
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Asme International vol. 2 (3)
23-07-2010 - Spatulate structures in biological fibrillar adhesion
Varenberg M, Pugno NM and Gorb SN
Soft Matter vol. 6 (14), 3269-3272.
21-07-2010 - Molecular and nanostructural mechanisms of deformation, strength and toughness of spider silk fibrils
Nova A, Keten S, Pugno NM, Redaelli A and Buehler MJ
Nano Letters vol. 10 (7), 2626-2634.
14-07-2010 - Dynamics of Smart Structures
Vepa R
06-07-2010 - ε-Carbide in alloy steels: First-principles assessment
Jang JH, Kim IG and Bhadeshia HKDH
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 63 (1), 121-123.
01-07-2010 - Phase field method
Qin RS and Bhadeshia HK
Materials Science and Technology, Sage Publications vol. 26 (7), 803-811.
01-07-2010 - Nonlinear Filtering of Oscillatory Measurements in Cardiovascular Applications
Vepa R
, Editors: Balthazar PJM and Cattani PC. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi Publishing Corporation vol. July, 2010
01-07-2010 - Non-equilibrium solidification and ferrite in δ-TRIP steel
Yi HL, Ghosh SK, Liu WJ, Lee KY and Bhadeshia HKDH
Materials Science and Technology, Sage Publications vol. 26 (7), 817-823.
01-07-2010 - Molecular dynamics simulations of stretching: Twisting and fracture of super carbon nanotubes with different chiralities: Towards smart porous and flexible scaffolds
Coluci VR and Pugno NM
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience vol. 7 (7), 1294-1298.
01-07-2010 - Modelling and Quasi-Linear Control of Compressor Surge and Rotating Stall Vibrations
Vepa R
, Editors: Balthazar PJM and Cattani PC. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi Publishing Corp. (Special issue on:Non)
01-07-2010 - Microstructure and electrical properties of Aurivillius phase (CaBi2Nb2O9)(1-x)(BaBi2Nb2O9)(x) solid solution
Zhang HT, Yan HX and Reece MJ
J Appl Phys vol. 108 (1)
01-07-2010 - Looking Inside the Fascinating Nanoworld Controlling Light Emission from InGaN/GaN Quantum Well Devices
Humphreys C, Oliver R, Kappers M, Bennett , Parris D, Dawson P, Godfrey M, Clifton P, Larson D, Ulfig R, Saxey D and Cerezo A
Microscopy and Microanalysis, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 16 (S2), 1890-1891.
01-07-2010 - Jet noise: Acoustic analogy informed by large eddy simulation
Karabasov SA, Afsar MZ, Hynes TP, Dowling AP, McMullan WA, Pokora CD, Page GJ and McGuirk JJ
Aiaa Journal vol. 48 (7), 1312-1325.
01-07-2010 - Dual-phase hot-press forming alloy
Yi HL, Ghosh S and Bhadeshia HKDH
Materials Science and Engineering A, Elsevier vol. 527 (18-19), 4870-4874.
01-07-2010 - Actin and serum response factor transduce physical cues from the microenvironment to regulate epidermal stem cell fate decisions
Connelly JT, Gautrot JE, Trappmann B, Tan DWM, Donati G, Huck WTS and Watt FM
Nature Cell Biology vol. 12 (7), 711-718.
01-07-2010 - A Comparative Study Between an Improved Novel Air-Cushion Sensor and a Wheeled Probe for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Zbyszewski D, Challacombe B, Li J, Seneviratne L, Althoefer K, Dasgupta P and Murphy D
Journal of Endourology, Mary Ann Liebert vol. 24 (7), 1155-1159.
01-07-2010 - Bioactive ceramic-reinforced composites for bone augmentation
Tanner KE
Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 7 (suppl_5), s541-s557.
30-06-2010 - Advanced Steel Design by Multi-Scale Modeling
De Cooman BC, Bhadeshia HKDH and Barlat F
, Trans Tech Publications vol. 654-656, 41-46.
30-06-2010 - A Systematic Study on Iron Carbides from First-Principles
Kim IG, Rahman G, Jang JH, Song YY, Seo SW, Bhadeshia HKDH, Freeman AJ and Olson GB
, Trans Tech Publications vol. 654-656, 47-50.
30-06-2010 - Mixed diffusion-controlled growth of pearlite in binary steel
Pandit AS and Bhadeshia HKDH
Proceedings of The Royal Society A, The Royal Society vol. 467 (2126), 508-521.
23-06-2010 - Physics with the KLOE-2 experiment at the upgraded DAΦNE
Amelino-Camelia G, Archilli F, Babusci D, Badoni D, Bencivenni G, Bernabeu J, Bertlmann RA, Boito DR, Bini C, Bloise C, Bocci V, Bossi F, Branchini P, Budano A, Bulychjev SA, Campana P, Capon G, Ceradini F, Ciambrone P, Czerwinski E, Czyz H, D’Ambrosio G, Dané E, De Lucia E, De Robertis G, De Santis A, De Simone P, De Zorzi G, Di Domenico A and Di Donato C
European Physical Journal C, Springer Nature vol. 68 (3-4), 619-681.
22-06-2010 - Highly conductive low nickel content nano-composite dense cermets from nano-powders made via a continuous hydrothermal synthesis route
Weng XL, Brett D, Yufit V, Shearing P, Brandon N, Reece M, Yan HX, Tighe C and Darr JA
Solid State Ionics vol. 181 (17-18), 827-834.
17-06-2010 - ChemInform Abstract: Preparation and Characterization of Super‐Hydrophobic Surfaces
Crick CR and Parkin IP
Cheminform, Wiley vol. 41 (26), no-no.
08-06-2010 - Track–terrain modelling and traversability prediction for tracked vehicles on soft terrain
Al-Milli S, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K
Journal of Terramechanics, Elsevier vol. 47 (3), 151-160.
01-06-2010 - The viscoelastic behaviour of rubber under a small simple shear oscillation superimposed on a large pure shear
Suphadon N, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC
Polymer Testing vol. 29 (4), 440-444.
01-06-2010 - The sintering and grain growth behaviour of ceramic-carbon nanotube nanocomposites
Inam F, Yan HX, Peijs T and Reece MJ
Compos Sci Technol vol. 70 (6), 947-952.
01-06-2010 - The regulatory logic of m‐xylene biodegradation by Pseudomonas putida mt‐2 exposed by dynamic modelling of the principal node Ps/Pr of the TOL plasmid
Koutinas M, Lam M, Kiparissides A, Silva‐Rocha R, Godinho M, Livingston AG, Pistikopoulos EN, De Lorenzo V, Dos Santos VAPM and Mantalaris A
Environmental Microbiology, Wiley vol. 12 (6), 1705-1718.
01-06-2010 - Phase transformations contributing to the properties of modern steels
Bhadeshia H
Bulletin of The Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences Chancellery vol. 58 (2), 255-265.
01-06-2010 - Numerical studies of vortex shedding in forced oscillatory non-premixed flames
Jiang X
Iop Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, Iop Publishing vol. 10 (1)
01-06-2010 - Microstructure evolution in irons and steels: a tribute to David V. Edmonds
Speer JG and Bhadeshia HKDH
International Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, Taylor & Francis vol. 4 (2), 62-69.
01-06-2010 - Mass transport in a microchannel bioreactor with a porous wall.
Chen XB, Sui Y, Lee HP, Bai HX, Yu P, Winoto SH and Low HT
J Biomech Eng vol. 132 (6)
01-06-2010 - Imaging dislocations in gallium nitride across broad areas using atomic force microscopy
Bennett SE, Holec D, Kappers MJ, Humphreys CJ and Oliver RA
Review of Scientific Instruments, Aip Publishing vol. 81 (6)
01-06-2010 - High resolution LAPS and SPIM
Chen L, Zhou Y, Jiang S, Kunze J, Schmuki P and Krause S
Electrochemistry Communications vol. 12 (6), 758-760.
01-06-2010 - Free vibration analysis of a von Koch beam
Carpinteri A, Pugno N and Sapora A
International Journal of Solids and Structures vol. 47 (11-12), 1555-1562.
01-06-2010 - Fluid flow and heat transfer in wavy microchannels
Sui Y, Teo CJ, Lee PS, Chew YT and Shu C
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 53 (13-14), 2760-2772.
01-06-2010 - Exploiting the superior protein resistance of polymer brushes to control single cell adhesion and polarisation at the micron scale
Gautrot JE, Trappmann B, Oceguera-Yanez F, Connelly J, He X, Watt FM and Huck WTS
Biomaterials vol. 31 (18), 5030-5041.
01-06-2010 - Both superficial and deep zone articular chondrocyte subpopulations exhibit the crabtree effect but have different basal oxygen consumption rates
Heywood HK, Knight MM and Lee DA
Journal of Cellular Physiology vol. 223 (3), 630-639.
01-06-2010 - Bone material properties in lysyl oxidase knock-out mice
Blouin S, Paschalis E, Gupta H, Fratzl-Zelman N, Pischon N, Trackman PC, Mäki JM, Roschger P and Klaushofer K
Bone, Elsevier vol. 47
01-06-2010 - A Multi-component Fiber-reinforced PHEMA-based Hydrogel/HAPEXTM Device for Customized Intervertebral Disc Prosthesis
Gloria A, De Santis R, Ambrosio L, Causa F and Tanner KE
Journal of Biomaterials Applications, Sage Publications vol. 25 (8), 795-810.
28-05-2010 - White luminescence from single-layer devices of nonresonant polymer blends
Brovelli S, Guan H, Winroth G, Fenwick O, Di Stasio F, Daik R, Feast WJ, Meinardi F and Cacialli F
Applied Physics Letters, Aip Publishing vol. 96 (21)
24-05-2010 - High temperature lead-free relaxor ferroelectric: Intergrowth Aurivillius phase BaBi
2 Nb2 O9 -Bi4 Ti3 O12 ceramics
Zhang H, Yan H and Reece MJ
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 107 (10)
15-05-2010 - Extraordinary ductility in Al-bearing -TRIP steel
Yi HL, Lee KY and Bhadeshia HKDH
Proceedings of The Royal Society A, The Royal Society vol. 467 (2125), 234-243.
12-05-2010 - Biomechanical modulation of collagen fragment-induced anabolic and catabolic activities in chondrocyte/agarose constructs
Chowdhury TT, Schulz RM, Rai SS, Thuemmler CB, Wuestneck N, Bader A and Homandberg GA
Arthritis Research and Therapy vol. 12 (3)
12-05-2010 - Mechanism of protein release from polyelectrolyte multilayer microcapsules
She Z, Antipina MN, Li J and Sukhorukov GB
Biomacromolecules vol. 11 (5), 1241-1247.
10-05-2010 - Combined structure‐factor phase measurement and theoretical calculations for mapping of chemical bonds in GaN
Jiang B, Zuo JM, Holec D, Humphreys CJ, Spackman M and Spence JCH
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations and Advances, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 66 (4), 446-450.
07-05-2010 - Superhydrophobic polymer films via aerosol assisted deposition — Taking a leaf out of nature's book
Crick CR and Parkin IP
Thin Solid Films, Elsevier vol. 518 (15), 4328-4335.
01-05-2010 - Piezoelectric Strontium Niobate and Calcium Niobate Ceramics with Super-High Curie Points
Ning HP, Yan HX and Reece MJ
J Am Ceram Soc vol. 93 (5), 1409-1413.
01-05-2010 - Laser melting of spark plasma-sintered zirconium carbide: Thermophysical properties of a generation IV very high-temperature reactor material
Jackson HF, Jayaseelan DD, Lee WE, Reece MJ, Inam F, Manara D, Casoni CP, De Bruycker F and Boboridis K
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology vol. 7 (3), 316-326.
01-05-2010 - Friction stir welding of dissimilar alloys – a perspective
DebRoy T and Bhadeshia HKDH
Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, Sage Publications vol. 15 (4), 266-270.
01-05-2010 - First-principles investigation of magnetism and electronic structures of substitutional 3d transition-metal impurities in bcc Fe
Rahman G, Kim IG, Bhadeshia HKDH and Freeman AJ
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 81 (18)
01-05-2010 - A Commentary on: “Diffusion of Carbon in Austenite with a Discontinuity in Composition”
Bhadeshia HKDH
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Springer Nature vol. 41 (7), 1605-1615.
01-05-2010 - Demonstration of Molecular Purification in Polar Aprotic Solvents by Organic Solvent Nanofiltration
Sereewatthanawut I, Lim FW, Bhole YS, Ormerod D, Horvath A, Boam AT and Livingston AG
Organic Process Research & Development, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 14 (3), 600-611.
28-04-2010 - A Commentary on: “Diffusion of Carbon in Austenite with a Discontinuity in Composition”
Bhadeshia HKDH
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Springer Nature vol. 41 (4), 741-751.
28-04-2010 - Dual orientation and variant selection during diffusional transformation of austenite to allotriomorphic ferrite
Kim DW, Suh D-W, Qin RS and Bhadeshia HKDH
Journal of Materials Science, Springer Nature vol. 45 (15), 4126-4132.
27-04-2010 - An indentation depth—force sensing wheeled probe for abnormality identification during minimally invasive surgery
Liu H, Puangmali P, Zbyszewski D, Elhage O, Dasgupta P, Dai JS, Seneviratne L and Althoefer K
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Sage Publications vol. 224 (6), 751-763.
22-04-2010 - A Kalman Filter-Integrated Optical Flow Method for Velocity Sensing of Mobile Robots
Song X, Seneviratne LD and Althoefer K
IEEE/Asme Transactions On Mechatronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 16 (3), 551-563.
22-04-2010 - All-fiber microcantilever sensor monitored by a low-cost fiber-to-tip structure with subnanometer resolution.
Su L and Elliott SR
Optics Letters, Optica Publishing Group vol. 35 (8), 1212-1214.
15-04-2010 - Endothelial Nitric Oxide Production and Transport in Flow Chambers: The Importance of Convection
Plata AM, Sherwin SJ and Krams R
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Springer Nature vol. 38 (9), 2805-2816.
14-04-2010 - A Personal Commentary on “Transformation of Austenite at Constant Subcritical Temperatures”
Bhadeshia HKDH
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Springer Nature vol. 41 (4), 701-740.
07-04-2010 - Reversible electrical behavior with strain for a carbon black-filled rubber
Jha V, Thomas AG, Bennett M and Busfield JJC
Journal of Applied Polymer Science vol. 116 (1), 541-546.
05-04-2010 - Temperature cycling and the rate of the bainite transformation
Hasan HS, Peet M, Bhadeshia HKDH, Wood S and Booth E
Materials Science and Technology, Sage Publications vol. 26 (4), 453-456.
01-04-2010 - Surface physiochemistry affects protein adsorption to stoichiometric and silicate-substituted microporous hydroxyapatites
Guth K, Campion C, Buckland T and Hing KA
Advanced Engineering Materials vol. 12 (4)
01-04-2010 - Structural and chemical stability of multiwall carbon nanotubes in sintered ceramic nanocomposite
Inam F, Yan H, Reece MJ and Peijs T
Adv Appl Ceram vol. 109 (4), 240-245.
01-04-2010 - Physical modelling and advanced simulations of gas–liquid two-phase jet flows in atomization and sprays
Jiang X, Siamas GA, Jagus K and Karayiannis TG
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Elsevier vol. 36 (2), 131-167.
01-04-2010 - On the most dangerous V-notch
Carpinteri A, Cornetti P, Pugno N and Sapora A
International Journal of Solids and Structures vol. 47 (7-8), 887-893.
01-04-2010 - Lattice-Boltzmann studies of fluid flow in porous media with realistic rock geometries
Boek ES and Venturoli M
Computers & Mathematics With Applications, Elsevier vol. 59 (7), 2305-2314.
01-04-2010 - Guest Editorial: Personal perspective on microstructure of steels: 25th anniversary of MST and collection of papers in honour of Sir Robert Honeycombe
Bhadeshia HKDH
Materials Science and Technology, Sage Publications vol. 26 (4), 379-385.
01-04-2010 - Fatigue crack growth rate model for metallic alloys
Dimitriu RC and Bhadeshia HKDH
Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 31 (4), 2134-2139.
01-04-2010 - Endothelium oriented differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells under chemical and mechanical stimulations
Bai K, Huang Y, Jia X, Fan Y and Wang W
Journal of Biomechanics vol. 43 (6), 1176-1181.
01-04-2010 - Cyclic loading opens hemichannels to release ATP as part of a chondrocyte mechanotransduction pathway
Garcia M and Knight MM
Journal of Orthopaedic Research vol. 28 (4), 510-515.
01-04-2010 - Predicting Patient-Specific Expansion of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Helderman F, Manoch IJ, Breeuwer M, Kose U, Boersma H, van Sambeek MRHM, Pattynama PMT, Schouten O, Poldermans D, Wisselink W, van der Steen AFW and Krams R
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Elsevier vol. 40 (1), 47-53.
25-03-2010 - Antibacterial Nanoparticle Monolayers Prepared on Chemically Inert Surfaces by Cooperative Electrostatic Adsorption (CELA)
Huda S, Smoukov SK, Nakanishi H, Kowalczyk B, Bishop K and Grzybowski BA
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 2 (4), 1206-1210.
24-03-2010 - Very Short and Very Long Heat Treatments in the Processing of Steel
Bhadeshia HKDH
Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor & Francis vol. 25 (1-3), 1-6.
22-03-2010 - Tunable water channels with carbon nanoscrolls
Shi X, Cheng Y, Pugno NM and Gao H
Small vol. 6 (6), 739-744.
22-03-2010 - Molecular dynamics: Tunable Water Channels with Carbon Nanoscrolls (Small 6/2010)
Shi X, Cheng Y, Pugno NM and Gao H
Small, Wiley vol. 6 (6)
22-03-2010 - Dynamics of Smart Structures
Vepa R
22-03-2010 - Preparation and Characterisation of Super‐Hydrophobic Surfaces
Crick CR and Parkin IP
Chemistry - a European Journal, Wiley vol. 16 (12), 3568-3588.
16-03-2010 - Synthesis, Characterization, and Surface Initiated Polymerization of Carbazole Functionalized Isocyanides
Schwartz E, Lim E, Gowda CM, Liscio A, Fenwick O, Tu G, Palermo V, de Gelder R, Cornelissen JJLM, Van Eck ERH, Kentgens APM, Cacialli F, Nolte RJM, Samorì P, Huck WTS and Rowan AE
Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 22 (8), 2597-2607.
15-03-2010 - MRI-determined carotid artery flow velocities and wall shear stress in a mouse model of vulnerable and stable atherosclerotic plaque
van Bochove GS, Straathof R, Krams R, Nicolay K and Strijkers GJ
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, Springer Nature vol. 23 (2), 77-84.
13-03-2010 - Characterization of a novel fiber composite material for mechanotransduction research of fibrous connective tissues
Screen HRC, Byers S, Lynn AD, Nguyen V, Patel D and Bryant SJ
Advanced Functional Materials vol. 20 (5), 738-747.
09-03-2010 - Tunable core size of carbon nanoscrolls
Shi X, Pugno NM and Gao H
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience vol. 7 (3), 517-521.
01-03-2010 - Thermal stability of austenite retained in bainitic steels
Podder AS and Bhadeshia HKDH
Materials Science and Engineering A, Elsevier vol. 527 (7-8), 2121-2128.
01-03-2010 - Textured high Curie point piezoelectric ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering
Yan HX, Ning HP, Zhang HT and Reece MJ
Adv Appl Ceram vol. 109 (3), 139-142.
01-03-2010 - Spiral-wound polyaniline membrane modules for organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN)
Sairam M, Loh XX, Bhole Y, Sereewatthanawut I, Li K, Bismarck A, Steinke JHG and Livingston AG
Journal of Membrane Science, Elsevier vol. 349 (1-2), 123-129.
01-03-2010 - Organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) with spiral-wound membrane elements—Highly rejected solute system
Silva P, Peeva LG and Livingston AG
Journal of Membrane Science, Elsevier vol. 349 (1-2), 167-174.
01-03-2010 - Multiscale modeling of fluid and solute transport in soft tissues and microvessels
Lu Y and Wang W
Journal of Multiscale Modeling vol. 2 (1-2), 127-145.
01-03-2010 - Graded cross-links for stronger nanomaterials
Pugno NM
Materials Today vol. 13 (3), 40-43.
01-03-2010 - Discretisation of diffusive fluxes on hybrid grids
Puigt G, Auffray V and Müller JD
Journal of Computational Physics vol. 229 (5), 1425-1447.
01-03-2010 - A front-tracking lattice Boltzmann method to study flow-induced deformation of three-dimensional capsules
Sui Y, Low HT, Chew YT and Roy P
Computers and Fluids vol. 39 (3), 499-511.
01-03-2010 - Magnetic resonance elastography: a general overview of its current and future applications in brain imaging
Di Ieva A, Grizzi F, Rognone E, Tse ZTH, Parittotokkaporn T, Rodriguez y Baena F, Tschabitscher M, Matula C, Trattnig S and Rodriguez y Baena R
Neurosurgical Review, Springer Nature vol. 33 (2), 137-145.
27-02-2010 - Quantum hydrodynamics of electron gases
Slavchov R and Tsekov R
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 132 (8)
23-02-2010 - Magnetic field-cycling NMR and 14N, 17O quadrupole resonance in the explosive pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN)
Smith JAS, Rayner TJ, Rowe MD, Barras J, Peirson NF, Stevens AD and Althoefer K
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Elsevier vol. 204 (1), 139-144.
21-02-2010 - Piezoresistive polymer composites based on EPDM and MWNTs for strain sensing applications
Ciselli P, Lu L, Busfield JJC and Peijs T
17-02-2010 - A translational nanoactuator based on carbon nanoscrolls on substrates
Shi X, Cheng Y, Pugno NM and Gao H
Applied Physics Letters vol. 96 (5)
17-02-2010 - The steady state abrasion of rubber: Why are the weakest rubber compounds so good in abrasion?
Liang H, Fukahori Y, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC
Wear vol. 268 (5-6), 756-762.
11-02-2010 - Nanoparticles on polyelectrolytes at low concentration: Controlling concentration and size
Parakhonskiy BV, Bedard MF, Bukreeva TV, Sukhorukov GB, Möhwald H and Skirtach AG
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 114 (5), 1996-2002.
11-02-2010 - Influence of interface geometry on rubber friction
Gabriel P, Thomas AG and Busfield JJC
Wear vol. 268 (5-6), 747-750.
11-02-2010 - Carbide-Free Bainite: Compromise between Rate of Transformation and Properties
Khare S, Lee K and Bhadeshia HKDH
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Springer Nature vol. 41 (4), 922-928.
06-02-2010 - Mechanical peeling of free-standing single-walled carbon-nanotube bundles.
Ke C, Zheng M, Zhou G, Cui W, Pugno N and Miles RN
Small vol. 6 (3), 438-445.
05-02-2010 - The Inner-Element Subgrid Scale Finite Element Method for the Boltzmann Transport Equation
Buchan AG, Candy AS, Merton SR, Pain CC, Hadi JI, Eaton MD, Goddard AJH, Smedley-Stevenson RP and Pearce GJ
Nuclear Science and Engineering, Taylor & Francis vol. 164 (2), 105-121.
01-02-2010 - Reduction of the dislocation density in HVPE-grown GaN epi-layers by an in situ SiNx treatment
Ashraf H, Rao DVS, Gogova D, Siche D, Fornari R, Humphreys CJ and Hageman PR
Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier vol. 312 (4), 595-600.
01-02-2010 - Numerical simulation of capsule deformation in simple shear flow
Sui Y, Chen XB, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT
Computers and Fluids vol. 39 (2), 242-250.
01-02-2010 - Low temperature consolidated lead-free ferroelectric niobate ceramics with improved electrical properties
Eriksson M, Yan HX, Nygren M, Reece MJ and Shen ZJ
J Mater Res vol. 25 (2), 240-247.
01-02-2010 - Liquid crystal-in-water emulsion stabilized by layer-by-layer adsorption of polyelectrolytes and magnetite nanoparticles
Sadovoy AV, Bratashov DN, Yashchenok AM, Svenskaya YI, Sukhorukov GB and Gorin DA
Technical Physics Letters vol. 36 (1), 88-91.
01-02-2010 - Justification of biexponential rate law of spreading over heterogeneous and rough surfaces
Slavchov R, Dutschk V, Heinrich G and Radoev B
Colloids and Surfaces a Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Elsevier vol. 354 (1-3), 252-260.
01-02-2010 - Induction welding and heat treatment of steel pipes: Evolution of crystallographic texture detrimental to toughness
Yan P, Guüngör ÖE, Thibaux P and Bhadeshia HKDH
Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, Sage Publications vol. 15 (2), 137-141.
01-02-2010 - In situ multi-level analysis of viscoelastic deformation mechanisms in tendon collagen
Gupta HS, Seto J, Krauss S, Boesecke P and Screen HRC
Journal of Structural Biology vol. 169 (2), 183-191.
01-02-2010 - Finite element analysis of closed-cell aluminium foam under quasi-static loading
Nammi SK, Myler P and Edwards G
Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 31 (2), 712-722.
01-02-2010 - Effect of silicate-substitution on attachment and early development of human osteoblast-like cells seeded on microporous hydroxyapatite discs
Guth K, Campion C, Buckland T and Hing KA
Advanced Engineering Materials vol. 12 (1-2)
01-02-2010 - Measuring dislocation densities in nonpolar a-plane GaN films using atomic force microscopy
Moram MA, Johnston CF, Kappers MJ and Humphreys CJ
Journal of Physics D, Iop Publishing vol. 43 (5)
21-01-2010 - Flow Interactions with Cells and Tissues: Cardiovascular Flows and Fluid–Structure Interactions
Friedman MH, Krams R and Chandran KB
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Springer Nature vol. 38 (3), 1178-1187.
14-01-2010 - White Electroluminescence by Supramolecular Control of Energy Transfer in Blends of Organic‐Soluble Encapsulated Polyfluorenes
Brovelli S, Meinardi F, Winroth G, Fenwick O, Sforazzini G, Frampton MJ, Zalewski L, Levitt JA, Marinello F, Schiavuta P, Suhling K, Anderson HL and Cacialli F
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 20 (2), 272-280.
13-01-2010 - First-Principles Calculations and the Thermodynamics of Cementite
Jang JH, Kim IG and Bhadeshia HKDH
, Trans Tech Publications vol. 638-642, 3319-3324.
12-01-2010 - Crystallographic Texture of Induction-Welded and Heat-Treated Pipeline Steel
Yan P, Güngör ÖE, Thibaux P and Bhadeshia HKDH
, Trans Tech Publications vol. 89-91, 651-656.
12-01-2010 - c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase Primes Endothelial Cells at Atheroprone Sites for Apoptosis
Chaudhury H, Zakkar M, Boyle J, Cuhlmann S, van der Heiden K, Luong LA, Davis J, Platt A, Mason JC, Krams R, Haskard DO, Clark AR and Evans PC
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Wolters Kluwer vol. 30 (3), 546-553.
Dowling AP, Karabasov SA and Hynes TP
Tsagi Science Journal, Begell House vol. 41 (1), 79-95.
01-01-2010 - Treeing the CATS: Artificial Gulf Formation by the Chotts Algeria–Tunisia Scheme
Pugno NM, Cathcart RB and Friedlander JJ
, Springer Nature, 489-517.
01-01-2010 - Technological entrepreneurship and firm strategy: the development and commercialization of the Ballard fuel cell.
PETERS SR and Coles AM
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation vol. 11 (1), 79-88.
01-01-2010 - Synthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of (Zr,Ti)B2-(Zr,Ti)N composites prepared by spark plasma sintering
Hu C, Sakka Y, Tanaka H, Nishimura T and Grasso S
Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol. 494 (1-2), 266-270.
01-01-2010 - Stability of Nanocrystalline Spark Plasma Sintered 3Y-TZP
Chintapalli R, Mestra A, Marro FG, Yan H, Reece M and Anglada M
Materials vol. 3 (2), 800-814.
01-01-2010 - Spacecraft large attitude estimation using a navigation sensor
Vepa R
Journal of Navigation vol. 63 (1), 89-104.
01-01-2010 - Shear stress, inflammation and Atherosclerosis
Krams R, Cuhlmann S, Foin N and Evans P
Artery Research, Springer Nature vol. 4 (2), 41-46.
01-01-2010 - Shape memory properties of main chain bile acids polymers
Therien-Aubin H, Gautrot JE, Shao Y, Zhang J and Zhu XX
Polymer vol. 51 (1), 22-25.
01-01-2010 - Robotic System for Transrectal Biopsy of the Prostate
Elhawary H, Tse ZT-H, Rea M, Zivanovic A, Davies BL, Besant C, DeSouza NM, Mcrobbie D, Young I and Lampérth MU
IEEE Pulse, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 29 (2), 78-86.
01-01-2010 - Protein-resistant NTA-functionalized polymer brushes for selective and stable immobilization of histidine-tagged proteins.
Gautrot JE, Huck WTS, Welch M and Ramstedt M
Acs Appl Mater Interfaces vol. 2 (1), 193-202.
01-01-2010 - Problems in the Calculation of Transformation Texture in Steels
Bhadeshia HKDH
Isij International, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan vol. 50 (11)
01-01-2010 - Overview and Prospects of Metamorphic Mechanism
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering vol. 46 (13)
01-01-2010 - Nonlinear Filtering of Oscillatory Measurements in Cardiovascular Applications
Vepa R
Math Probl Eng
01-01-2010 - Multi-scale simulation of asphaltene aggregation and deposition in capillary flow
Boek ES, Headen TF and Padding JT
Faraday Discussions, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 144, 271-284.
01-01-2010 - Modelling and Quasilinear Control of Compressor Surge and Rotating Stall Vibrations
Vepa R
Math Probl Eng
01-01-2010 - Microstructure and properties of ZrB2-SiC composites prepared by spark plasma sintering using TaSi2 as sintering additive
Hu C, Sakka Y, Tanaka H, Nishimura T, Guo S and Grasso S
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 30 (12), 2625-2631.
01-01-2010 - Microstructure and properties of ZrB2-SiC and HfB2-SiC composites fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) using TaSi2 as sintering aid
Hu C, Sakka Y, Jang B, Tanaka H, Nishimura T, Guo S and Grasso S
Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi/Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan vol. 118 (1383), 997-1001.
01-01-2010 - Membrane enhanced peptide synthesis
So S, Peeva LG, Tate EW, Leatherbarrow RJ and Livingston AG
Chemical Communications, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 46 (16), 2808-2810.
01-01-2010 - Mechanics of carbon nanoscrolls: A review
Shi X, Pugno NM and Gao H
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica vol. 23 (6), 484-497.
01-01-2010 - Mechanical loading modulates chondrocyte primary cilia incidence and length
McGlashan SR, Knight MM, Chowdhury TT, Joshi P, Jensen CG, Kennedy S and Poole CA
Cell Biology International vol. 34 (5), 441-446.
01-01-2010 - Measuring the biomechanical properties of cartilage cells
Bader DL and Knight MM
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01-01-2010 - Low-order modelling for chevron jet noise based on LES data
Karabasov SA, Xia H, Graham O, Hynes TP, Tucker PG and Dowling AP
16th Aiaa/Ceas Aeroacoustics Conference (31st Aiaa Aeroacoustics Conference)
01-01-2010 - Low oxygen reduces the modulation to an oxidative phenotype in monolayer-expanded chondrocytes.
Heywood HK and Lee DA
J Cell Physiol vol. 222 (1), 248-253.
01-01-2010 - Low dislocation density GaN growth on high-temperature AlN buffer layers on (0001) sapphire
Kappers MJ, Moram MA, Rao DVS, McAleese C and Humphreys CJ
Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier vol. 312 (3), 363-367.
01-01-2010 - Layer-by-layer CdTe nanoparticle absorbers for ZnO nanorod solar cells - The influence of annealing on cell performance
Briscoe J, Gallardo DE and Dunn S
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 1260, 27-34.
01-01-2010 - Layer-by-layer CdTe Nanoparticle Absorbers for ZnO Nanorod Solar Cells - The Influence of Annealing on Cell Performance
Briscoe J, Gallardo DE and Dunn S
Mrs Advances, Springer Nature vol. 1260
01-01-2010 - Highly transparent pure alumina fabricated by high-pressure spark plasma sintering
Grasso S, Kim BN, Hu C, Maizza G and Sakka Y
Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 93 (9), 2460-2462.
01-01-2010 - Emerging applications of stimuli-responsive polymer materials
Stuart MAC, Huck WTS, Genzer J, Müller M, Ober C, Stamm M, Sukhorukov GB, Szleifer I, Tsukruk VV, Urban M, Winnik F, Zauscher S, Luzinov I and Minko S
Nature Materials vol. 9 (2), 101-113.
01-01-2010 - Electrically conductive alumina-carbon nanocomposites prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering
Inam F, Yan HX, Jayaseelan DD, Peijs T and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 30 (2), 153-157.
01-01-2010 - Effect of transparent electrode on the performance of bulk heterojunction solar cells
Adikaari AADT, Briscoe J, Dunn S, Carey JD and Silva SRP
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 1270, 67-71.
01-01-2010 - Effect of Vapour Velocity on Condensation of Ethylene Glycol on Horizontal Integral Fin Tubes: Heat Transfer and Retention Angle Measurements
Fitzgerald CL, Briggs A, Wang H and Rose JW
, Asme International, 89-96.
01-01-2010 - Dynamic compression alters NFκB activation and IκB-α expression in IL-1β-stimulated chondrocyte/agarose constructs
Akanji OO, Sakthithasan P, Salter DM and Chowdhury TT
Inflammation Research vol. 59 (1), 41-52.
01-01-2010 - Computations of Nonlinear Propagation of Sound Emitted from High Speed Mixing Layers
Punekar J, Avital EJ and Musafir RE
Open Acoustics Journal, Bentham Open vol. 3, 11-20.
01-01-2010 - Antimony doped ZnO nanorods - A change from n to p type?
Briscoe J, Gallardo DE and Dunn S
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings vol. 1256, 194-198.
01-01-2010 - Antimony Doped ZnO Nanorods - A Change From n to p Type?
Briscoe J, Gallardo DE and Dunn S
Mrs Advances, Springer Nature vol. 1256
01-01-2010 - A compartment model to evaluate the permeability of gap junctions between tenocytes in tendon fascicles
Ye S, Maeda E, Knight M, Lee D, Bader D and Wang W
Faseb Journal vol. 24
01-01-2010 - 1P338 1J1450 Mechano-regulation of gap junction communications between tenocytes within isolated fascicles(Bioengineering,Oral Presentations,The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
Maeda E, Ye S, Knight M, Wang W, Bader D and Lee D
Seibutsu Butsuri, Biophysical Society of Japan vol. 50 (supplement2)
01-01-2010 - 12-lead ECG in a 1.5 Tesla MRI: Separation of real ECG and MHD voltages with adaptive filtering for gating and non-invasive cardiac output
Tse ZTH, Dumoulin CL, Clifford G, Jerosch-Herold M, Kacher D, Kwong R, Stevenson WG and Schmidt EJ
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Elsevier vol. 12 (Suppl 1)