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Yu YH, Feng CD, Yao WL, Yang Y, Li CE and Yan HX
J Mater Sci Lett vol. 20 (24), 2189-2191.
15-12-2001 - Cabaret finite‐difference schemes for the one‐dimensional Euler equations
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Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University vol. 6 (2), 210-220.
15-12-2001 - Stress-induced depolarization of (Pb, La)TiO3 ferroelectric thin films by nanoindentation
Alguero M, Bushby AJ, Reece MJ, Poyato R, Ricote J, Calzada ML and Pardo L
Appl Phys Lett vol. 79 (23), 3830-3832.
03-12-2001 - Solution adaptive mesh refinement using adjoint error analysis
Müller JD and Giles MB
15th Aiaa Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
01-12-2001 - Mechanical and electromechanical properties of PZT sol-gel thin films measured by nanoindentation
Algueró M, Bushby AJ, Hvizdos P, Reece MJ, Whatmore RW and Zhang Q
Integrated Ferroelectrics vol. 41 (1-4), 53-62.
01-12-2001 - Formation of columbite-type precursors in the mixture of MgO-Fe2O3-Nb2O5 and the effects on fabrication of perovskites
Yu YH, Feng CD, Li CG, Yang Y, Yao WL and Yan HX
Mater Lett vol. 51 (6), 490-499.
01-12-2001 - Direct numerical simulation of the near field dynamics of a rectangular reactive plume
Jiang X and Luo KH
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow vol. 22 (6), 633-642.
01-12-2001 - Biosensor based on enzyme-catalysed degradation of thin polymer films
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Biosensors & Bioelectronics vol. 16 (9-12), 709-714.
01-12-2001 - Analysis of toughness of welding alloys for high strength low alloy shipbuilding steels
Metzbower EA, DeLoach JJ, Lalam SH and Bhadeshia HKDH
Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, Sage Publications vol. 6 (6), 368-374.
01-12-2001 - Adaptive local grid refinement for unsteady reacting flows
Müller JD, Schönfeld ET and Légier JP
15th Aiaa Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
01-12-2001 - Encapsulation of proteins by layer-by-layer adsorption of polyelectrolytes onto protein aggregates: Factors regulating the protein release
Balabushevitch NG, Sukhorukov GB, Moroz NA, Volodkin DV, Larionova NI, Donath E and Mohwald H
Biotechnology and Bioengineering vol. 76 (3), 207-213.
21-11-2001 - Core-shell structures formed by the solvent-controlled precipitation of luminescent CdTe nanocrystals on latex spheres
Radtchenko IL, Sukhorukov GB, Gaponik N, Kornowski A, Rogach AL and Möhwald H
Advanced Materials vol. 13 (22), 1684-1687.
16-11-2001 - Strain heterogeneity and the production of coarse grains in mechanically alloyed iron-based PM2000 alloy
Capdevila C, Miller U, Jelenak H and Bhadeshia HKDH
Materials Science and Engineering A, Elsevier vol. 316 (1-2), 161-165.
01-11-2001 - Semi-continuous nanofiltration-coupled Heck reactions as a new approach to improve productivity of homogeneous catalysts
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Tetrahedron Letters, Elsevier vol. 42 (46), 8219-8222.
01-11-2001 - Identification of interfacial layers in Ohmic contacts to n-type GaN and AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructures using high-resolution electron microscopy
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Philosophical Magazine B, Taylor & Francis vol. 81 (11), 1725-1744.
01-11-2001 - Effects of A-site (NaCe) substitution with Na-deficiency on structures and properties of CaBi4Ti4O15-based high- Curie-temperature ceramics
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Jpn J Appl Phys 1 vol. 40 (11), 6501-6505.
01-11-2001 - Analysis of contacts and V‐defects in GaN device structures by transmission electron microscopy
Bright AN, Sharma N and Humphreys CJ
Microscopy, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 50 (6), 489-495.
01-11-2001 - Accurate evaluation of integrals present in reciprocity methods
Davey K and Rasgado MTA
Computers & Structures, Elsevier vol. 79 (29-30), 2511-2526.
01-11-2001 - Wet Air Oxidation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate 2. Effect of pH
Patterson DA, Metcalfe IS, Xiong F and Livingston AG
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 40 (23), 5517-5525.
18-10-2001 - Wet Air Oxidation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate 1. Effect of Temperature and Pressure
Patterson DA, Metcalfe IS, Xiong F and Livingston AG
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 40 (23), 5507-5516.
18-10-2001 - Effect of growth interruptions on the light emission and indium clustering of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells
Cho HK, Lee JY, Sharma N, Humphreys CJ, Yang GM, Kim CS, Song JH and Yu PW
Applied Physics Letters, Aip Publishing vol. 79 (16), 2594-2596.
15-10-2001 - Characterization of Lenslet Arrays for Astronomical Spectroscopy
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Publications of The Astronomical Society of The Pacific, Iop Publishing vol. 113 (789), 1406-1419.
08-10-2001 - Microstructural characterization of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells with high indium composition
Cho HK, Lee JY, Kim CS, Yang GM, Sharma N and Humphreys C
Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier vol. 231 (4), 466-473.
01-10-2001 - Measurements of sequential impressions of acetabula cups from a total hip joint replacement using a non-contact measurement system
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01-10-2001 - Influence of training on reliability of surgical knots
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01-10-2001 - Gene Therapy and Tissue Engineering in Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine (2000) Edited by Johnny Huard and Freddie H. Fu, ISBN 0-8176-4071-1, Birkhauser: Boston pages 1–286
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01-10-2001 - Chemical treatment of an anionic surfactant wastewater: electrospray-ms studies of intermediates and effect on aerobic biodegradability
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01-10-2001 - A hip simulator study of the influence of patient activity level on the wear of crosslinked polyethylene under smooth and roughened femoral conditions
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01-10-2001 - Prominent Role of Tensile Stress in Propagation of a Dissection After Coronary Stenting
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Circulation, Wolters Kluwer vol. 104 (11), e53-e54.
11-09-2001 - Properties of optical fibres at cryogenic temperatures
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Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 326 (2), 774-780.
01-09-2001 - Mixing and entrainment of transitional non-circular buoyant reactive plumes
Jiang X and Luo KH
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01-09-2001 - Material optimisation for AlGaN/GaN HFET applications
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Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier vol. 230 (3-4), 573-578.
01-09-2001 - Manufacturing and Microstructural Evolution of Mechanuically Alloyed Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Superalloys
Capdevila C and Bhadeshia HKDH
Advanced Engineering Materials, Wiley vol. 3 (9), 647-656.
01-09-2001 - Dynamic characterisation of a flexible manipulator system
Tokhi MO, Mohamed Z and Shaheed MH
Robotica vol. 19, 571-580.
01-09-2001 - Chemical mapping of InGaN MQWs
Sharma N, Tricker D, Thomas P, Bougrioua Z, Jacobs K, Cheyns J, Moerman I, Thrush T, Considine L, Boyd A and Humphreys C
Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier vol. 230 (3-4), 438-441.
01-09-2001 - Acicular ferrite morphologies in a medium-carbon microalloyed steel
Madariaga I, Gutierrez I and Bhadeshia HKDH
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01-09-2001 - Experimental observations of nanofiltration with organic solvents
Yang XJ, Livingston AG and dos Santos LF
Journal of Membrane Science, Elsevier vol. 190 (1), 45-55.
31-08-2001 - The early-type galaxy population in Abell 2218
Ziegler BL, Bower RG, Smail I, Davies RL and Lee D
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 325 (4), 1571-1590.
21-08-2001 - Coupled diffusional/displacive transformations: addition of substitutional alloying elements
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Journal of Physics D, Iop Publishing vol. 34 (17)
21-08-2001 - Observation of thermally activated conduction at a GaN–sapphire interface
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Applied Physics Letters, Aip Publishing vol. 79 (8), 1121-1123.
20-08-2001 - Entrapment of α-Chymotrypsin into Hollow Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules
Tiourina OP, Antipov AA, Sukhorukov GB, Larionova NI, Lvov Y and Möhwald H
Macromolecular Bioscience vol. 1 (5), 209-214.
03-08-2001 - Dynamic compression inhibits the synthesis of nitric oxide and PGE(2) by IL-1beta-stimulated chondrocytes cultured in agarose constructs.
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03-08-2001 - Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) of GaN Alloys and Quantum Wells
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01-08-2001 - Decrease in coronary vascular volume in systole augments cardiac contraction
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01-08-2001 - Atomic Site Occupancy of Platinum Group Metals in the γ’ (Ll2) Phase of a γ-γ’ Complex Nickel Base Superalloy Using Alchemi (Atomic Location by Channnelling Enhanced Microanalysis)
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Microscopy and Microanalysis, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 7 (S2), 346-347.
01-08-2001 - Effects of electron-beam exposure on a ruthenium nanocluster polymer
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15-07-2001 - Shear-Stress and Wall-Stress Regulation of Vascular Remodeling After Balloon Angioplasty
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Circulation, Wolters Kluwer vol. 104 (1), 91-96.
03-07-2001 - Effects of Tissue Transglutaminase on Retinoic Acid-induced Cellular Differentiation and Protection against Apoptosis*
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03-07-2001 - Size-scale and slenderness influence on the compressive strain-softening behaviour of concrete
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01-07-2001 - Oxygen wastage of stunned myocardium in vivo is due to an increased oxygen cost of contractility and a decreased myofibrillar efficiency
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01-07-2001 - Nonlinear discrete-time synchronization via extended observers
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01-07-2001 - Membrane aromatic recovery system (MARS) — a new membrane process for the recovery of phenols from wastewaters
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01-07-2001 - Mathematical Modeling of Membrane‐Attached Biofilms
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01-07-2001 - Estimation of the amount of retained austenite in austempered ductile irons using neural networks
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01-07-2001 - Re-activation of an all solid state oxygen sensor
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27-06-2001 - Study of the Mechanisms of Cadmium Biosorption by Dealginated Seaweed Waste
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07-06-2001 - Heterogeneous deformation and recrystallisation of iron base oxide dispersion strengthened PM2000 alloy
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01-06-2001 - Effects of Cr2O3 addition on the piezoelectric properties and microstructure of PbZrxTiy(Mg1/3Nb2/3)(1-x-y)O-3 ceramics
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01-06-2001 - Active-passive decomposition with application to arrays of chaotic systems
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01-06-2001 - Local symmetry and bonding effects on electron energy-loss near-edge structures: Ab initio study of an NiAl grain boundary
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08-05-2001 - Chondrocyte deformation within mechanically and enzymatically extracted chondrons compressed in agarose.
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03-05-2001 - Temporal changes in cytoskeletal organisation within isolated chondrocytes quantified using a novel image analysis technique.
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01-05-2001 - Membrane action of unrestrained lightly reinforced concrete slabs at large displacements
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01-05-2001 - Fatigue of cortical bone under combined axial-torsional loading
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01-05-2001 - Design of novel high strength bainitic steels: Part 2
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01-05-2001 - Design of novel high strength bainitic steels: Part 1
Caballero FG, Bhadeshia HKDH, Mawella KJA, Jones DG and Brown P
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01-05-2001 - Relationship Between Neointimal Thickness and Shear Stress After Wallstent Implantation in Human Coronary Arteries
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03-04-2001 - Residual stress. Part 2 – Nature and origins
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01-04-2001 - Residual stress. Part 1 – Measurement techniques
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01-04-2001 - Reinforcement learning in a rule-based navigator for robotic manipulators
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01-04-2001 - Neural network analysis of strength and ductility of welding alloys for high strength low alloy shipbuilding steels
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01-04-2001 - Modelling precipitation of niobium carbide in austenite: Multicomponent diffusion, capillarity, and coarsening
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01-04-2001 - Influence of boundary-layer thickness on base pressure and vortex shedding frequency
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01-04-2001 - Effects of processing routes on structures and dielectric properties of lead iron niobate-lead magnesium niobate binary system
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01-04-2001 - Broad-band and flashlamp pumping of 1.53 μm emission from erbium-doped silicon nanocrystals
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01-04-2001 - A novel tool for the prediction of earth-contact heat transfer: A multi-room simulation
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01-04-2001 - Sustained release properties of polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules
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29-03-2001 - Coating of colloidal particles by controlled precipitation of polymers
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27-03-2001 - Correlation of contact resistance with microstructure for Au/Ni/Al/Ti/AlGaN/GaN ohmic contacts using transmission electron microscopy
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15-03-2001 - Urease Encapsulation in Nanoorganized Microshells
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01-03-2001 - Rheology of Dilute Suspensions of Hard Platelike Colloids
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01-03-2001 - Optimisation of a multiphase intermetallic metal–metal composite material
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01-03-2001 - A transmission electron microscopy study of microstructure evolution with increasing anneal temperature in Ti/Al ohmic contacts to n-GaN
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Journal of Electronic Materials, Springer Nature vol. 30 (3), l13-l16.
01-03-2001 - Theoretical modelling of the self-tapping screw fastening process
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01-02-2001 - Pervaporation mass transfer with liquid flow in the transition regime
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01-02-2001 - Molecular Modelling of The Mechanism of Action of Organic Clay-Swelling Inhibitors
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01-02-2001 - Compressive deformation and damage of muscle cell subpopulations in a model system.
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01-02-2001 - pH-controlled macromolecule encapsulation in and release from polyelectrolyte multilayer nanocapsules
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24-01-2001 - VIDA: a virus database system for the organization of animal virus genome open reading frames
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01-01-2001 - Tubular bonded joint under torsion: theoretical analysis and optimization for uniform torsional strength
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01-01-2001 - Treatment of metal‐containing wastewaters with a novel extractive membrane reactor using sulfate‐reducing bacteria
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01-01-2001 - Theory for growth of spherical precipitates with capillarity effects
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01-01-2001 - Stiffness of simple bonded elastomer bushes Part 1 - Initial behaviour
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01-01-2001 - Spatial DNS of flow transition of a rectangular buoyant reacting free-jet
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01-01-2001 - Spatial DNS of flow transition of a rectangular buoyant reacting free jet.
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01-01-2001 - Rheological characterisation of hydroxyapatite filled polyethylene composites Part 2 - Isothermal compressibility and wall slip
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01-01-2001 - Rheological characterisation of hydroxyapatite filled polyethylene composites Part 1 - Shear and extensional behaviour
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01-01-2001 - Precipitate size distribution in alloys with and without lattice misfit
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01-01-2001 - Phase-transfer catalyst separation and re-use by solvent resistant nanofiltration membranesElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: experimental procedures and results. See
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01-01-2001 - Modelling and open-loop control of a single-link flexible manipulator with neural networks
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01-01-2001 - Modelling and Open-Loop Control of a Single-Link Flexible Manipulator with Genetic Algorithms.
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01-01-2001 - Microstructure of semiconducting MnSi1.7 and β-FeSi2 layers grown by surfactant-mediated reactive deposition epitaxy
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01-01-2001 - Microscopic computer simulations of directional coarsening in face-centered cubic alloys
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01-01-2001 - Influence of boundary-layer thickness on base pressure and vortex shedding frequency
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01-01-2001 - Improving the efficiency of the numerical modelling of built environment earth-contact heat transfers
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01-01-2001 - Hydroxyapatite/polypropylene composite: A novel bone substitute material
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01-01-2001 - Growth of needle and plate shaped particles: Theory for small supersaturations, maximum velocity hypothesis
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01-01-2001 - From polymeric films to nanocapsules
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01-01-2001 - Fourier-BEM: Or what to do if no fundamental solution is available ?
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01-01-2001 - Fatigue behaviour of mullite studied by the indentation flexure method
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01-01-2001 - Extended active-passive decomposition of chaotic systems with application to the modelling and control of synchronous motors
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01-01-2001 - Embryonic stem cells: scientific possibilities, ethical considerations, and regulation in the UK
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01-01-2001 - Effects of tube diameter and tubeside fin geometry on the heat transfer performance of air-cooled condensers
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01-01-2001 - Effects of processing routes on structures and dielectric properties of lead iron niobate-lead magnesium niobate binary system
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01-01-2001 - Effect of filler type on the mechanical properties of self-reinforced polylactide-calcium phosphate composites
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01-01-2001 - Dynamic mechanical characterization of biodegradable composites of hydroxyapatite and polylactides.
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01-01-2001 - Direct numerical simulation of transitional noncircular buoyant reactive jets
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01-01-2001 - Direct measurement of mechanical properties of (Pb,La)TiO
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01-01-2001 - Design optimization of structural steelwork using a genetic algorithm, FEM and a system of design rules
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Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales) vol. 18 (3-4), 437-459.
01-01-2001 - Design of Ferritic Creep-resistant Steels
Bhadeshia HKDH
Isij International, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan vol. 41 (6)
01-01-2001 - Decrease in coronary vascular volume in systole augments cardiac contraction
Willemsen MJJMF, Duncker DJ, Krams R, Dijkman MA, Lamberts RR, Sipkema P and Westerhof N
American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology vol. 281 (2 50-2)
01-01-2001 - Compressive deformation and damage of muscle cell subpopulaltions in a model system
Bader DL, KNIGHT MM, Lee DA and Bouten CV
Ann. Biomed. Eng. vol. 29 (2), 153-163.
01-01-2001 - Chemical mapping of indium rich quantum dots in InGaN/GaN quantum wells
Sharma N, Cho HK, Lee JY and Humphreys CJ
Mrs Advances, Springer Nature vol. 667
01-01-2001 - Cabaret finite-difference schemes for the one-dimensional euler equations
Goloviznin VM, Hynes TP and Karabasov SA
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis vol. 6 (2), 210-220.
01-01-2001 - Boundary element method for the strain-softening response of quasi-brittle materials in compression
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Computers and Structures vol. 79 (4), 389-401.
01-01-2001 - A rapid classification protocol for the CATH Domain Database to support structural genomics
Pearl FM, Martin N, Bray JE, Buchan DW, Harrison AP, Lee D, Reeves GA, Shepherd AJ, Sillitoe I, Todd AE, Thornton JM and Orengo CA
Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 29 (1), 223-227.
01-01-2001 - A quarter century of European Biomaterials Conferences
Tanner KE
J Mater Sci-Mater M vol. 12 (10-12), 847-848.