Dr Wei Tan


Research Funding

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Current Funded Research Projects

Life-like Resilient Materials for Mitigating Liquid-Solid Impact Damage (LSIMPACT)

Funding source: EPSRC - EU Scheme
Start: 01-04-2024  /  End: 31-03-2029
Amount: £1,270,404

Life-like Resilient Materials for Mitigating Liquid-Solid Impact Damage (LSIMPACT)

CELLCOMP: Data-driven Mechanistic Modelling of Scalable Cellular Composites for Crash Energy Absorption

Funding source: EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Start: 01-01-2022  /  End: 10-04-2025
Amount: £392,388

The project funded by EPSRC will create an intelligent data-driven virtual testing tool to assess an emerging type of lightweight materials, known as synthetic cellular composites (CCs).

Decoding the Material Degradation Mechanisms Under High-velocity Liquid-solid Impact Loadings

Funding source: Royal Society
Start: 31-03-2023  /  End: 30-03-2025
Amount: £70,000

This project aims to develop new impact test facilities to unveil the Liquid-solid impact (LSI) damage mechanisms. The specific objectives are (1) To develop new impact systems for measuring LSI behaviours of materials. (2) To reveal the role of heterogeneity, environment and loading conditions on LSI mechanisms.

Previous Funded Research Projects

Graphene Flagship Core Project 3

Funding source: EU Commission - Horizon 2020
Start: 01-04-2020  /  End: 31-03-2023

This grant will cofund the establishing of a mini-CDT with 5 PhD studentships in Graphene materials at QMUL.