Prof Huasheng Wang


Research Group Members

Current PhD Projects

Thesis Title
Advanced Intelligent Control for Building Management System
Advanced Thermal Management of Batteries For EV
Experimental investigation of condensation and flow boiling heat transfer in microchanels
Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of heat pump for domestic heating

Past PhD Projects

Thesis TitleYear
Experimental investigation of flow boiling and condensation heat transfer of zeotropic mixture refrigerants2024
Investigation of solar assisted air source heat pumps.2022
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Condensation and Flow Boiling in Microchannels2021
Insight to the Liquid-Vapour Phase-Change Processes Using Molecular Dynamics Method2021
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Surface Condensation on Solid Surfaces2020
Finite Block Method and Applications in Engineering with Functional Graded Materials2018
Multiscale Simulation on Phase Change Heat Transfer2018
Model Predictive Controller design for an Efficient Hybrid Energy Wind/Solar/FC/BS Power System.2017
Buoyancy-Driven Two-Phase Flows of Liquid Metal contributing to the Generation of Electricity from a Fusion Reactor by Magnetohydrodynamic Energy Conversion2016
Experimental and numerical study on heat transfer and pressure drop during mPCM slurry flow in microchannels2016
Modelling Condensation on Banks of Plain Tubes2015
Effect of Doping and Defect Structures on Thermo Physical Properties of Thermoelectric Materials2014
Numerical and experimental investigation of room temperature magnetic refrigerators/heat pumps2014
Marangoni condensation of steam-ethanol mixtures on horizontal smooth, low finned tubes and bank of tubes.2013