Prof Huasheng Wang
All Publications
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- Successive magnetic transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Dy3Al2 compound
Li Y, Zhang H, Yan T, Long K, Wang H, Xue Y, Cheng C and Zhou H
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 651, 278-282.
01-12-2015 - The high-temperature hydrogenation behavior of LaFe11.6Si1.4 and splitting of LaFe11.6Si1.4Hy magnetocaloric transition
Zheng H, Tang Y, Chen Y, Wu J, Wang H, Xue X, Wang J and Pang W
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 646, 124-128.
01-10-2015 - Corrosion behavior and ΔS-Tc relation of LaFe13-x-yCoxSiyCz compounds near room temperature
Hu J, Zhang M, Long Y, Fu S, Wang HS and Zhong KX
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials vol. 377, 368-372.
01-01-2015 - Viscous dissipation effect in nano-confined shear flows: a comparative study between molecular dynamics and multi-scale hybrid simulations
Sun J, Wang W and Wang HS
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Verlag vol. 18, 103-109.
- Large reversible magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnetic HoNiSi compound
Zhang H, Wu Y, Long Y, Wang H, Zhong K, Hu F, Sun J and Shen B
Journal of Applied Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 116 (21)
02-12-2014 - Application and analysis of two k-ω type turbulence models in meshless method
Cai X, Tan J, Wang Y, Ren D, Wang H and Shi Q
Kongqi Donglixue Xuebao/Acta Aerodynamica Sinica vol. 32 (5)
01-10-2014 - Research developments in La(Fe
x Si1-x )13 -based magnetocaloric materials
Zeng G, Chen Y, Chen X, Tang Y, Wu J, Liu C and Wang H
Xiyou Jinshu Cailiao Yu Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and Engineering vol. 43 (10), 2556-2560.
01-10-2014 - Viscous dissipation effect in nano-confined shear flows: a comparative study between molecular dynamics and multi-scale hybrid simulations
Sun J, Wang W and Wang HS
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Springer Link
01-05-2014 - Application and analysis of two k-ε type turbulence models in meshless method
Cai XW, Tan JJ, Wang YD, Ren DF, Wang HS and Shi Q
Acta Aerodynamica Sinica vol. 32 (5), 654-659.
01-01-2014 - Large reversible magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnetic HoNiSi compound
Zhang H, Wu YY, Long Y, Wang HS, Zhong KX, Hu FX, Sun JR and Shen BG
Journal of Applied Physics, American Institute of Physics vol. 116
01-01-2014 - Meshless inverse method to determine temperature and heat flux at boundaries for 2D steady-state heat conduction problems
Yu GX, Sun J, Wang HS, Wen PH and Rose JW
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier/Scince Direct vol. 52, 156-163.
01-01-2014 - Successive inverse and normal magnetocaloric effects in HoFeSi compound
Zhang H, Sun YJ, Yang LH, Niu E, Wang HS, Hu FX, Sun JR and Shen BG
Journal of Applied Physics, American Institute of Physics vol. 115 (6)
01-01-2014 - Total hemispherical radiation properties of oxidized nickel at high temperatures
Fu TR, Tan P, Ren J and Wang HS
Corrosion Science, Elsevier/Science Direct vol. 83, 272-280.
- Application of hybrid Cartesian grid and gridless approach to moving boundary flow problems
Cai XW, Tan JJ, Ma XJ, Zhang M and Wang HS
International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids vol. 72 (9), 994-1013.
30-07-2013 - Pressure Drop During Condensation in Microchannels
Wang HS, Sun J and Rose JW
Asme Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Asme International vol. 135 (9)
26-07-2013 - Heat transfer and pressure drop during condensation of R152a in circular and square microchannels
Liu N, Li JM, Sun J and Wang HS
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science vol. 47, 60-67.
01-05-2013 - Application of hybrid Cartesian grid and gridless approach to moving boundary flow problems
Cai XW, Tan JJ, Ma XJ, Zhang M and Wang HS
International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids vol. 72, 994-1013.
01-01-2013 - Bubble dissolution in horizontal turbulent bubbly flow in domestic central heating system
Ge YT, Fsadni AM and Wang HS
Applied Energy, Elsevier/Science Direct vol. 108, 477-485.
01-01-2013 - Dependence between velocity slip and temperature jump in shear flows
Sun J, Wang W and Wang HS
The Journal of Chemical Physics, American Institute of Physics vol. 138 (23)
01-01-2013 - Dependence of nanoconfined liquid behavior on boundary and bulk factors
Sun J, Wang W and Wang HS
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 87
01-01-2013 - Effects of vapor velocity and pressure on Marangoni condensation of steam-ethanol mixtures on a horizontal tube
Ali H, Wang HS, Briggs A and Rose JW
Journal of Heat Transfer: Transactions of The Asme vol. 135 (3)
01-01-2013 - Heat transfer and pressure drop during condensation of R152a in circular and square microchannels
Liu N, Li JM, Sun J and Wang HS
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier/Science Direct vol. 47, 60-67.
01-01-2013 - Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop during Laminar Annular Flow Condensation in Micro-Channels
WANG HS and Rose JW
, Editors: Thome JR. Experimental Heat Transfer, Taylor and Francis vol. 26 (2-3), 247-265.
01-01-2013 - Pressure drop during condensation in microchannels
Wang HS, Sun J and Rose JW
Journal of Heat Transfer: Transactions of The Asme, American Society of Mechanical Engineers vol. 135 (9)
- Multi-scale study of liquid flow in micro/nanochannels: Effects of surface wettability and topology
Sun J, He YL, Tao WQ, Rose JW and Wang HS
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics vol. 12 (6), 991-1008.
01-05-2012 - Effect of vapour velocity on condensate retention between fins during condensation on low-finned tubes
Fitzgerald CL, Briggs A, Rose JW and Wang HS
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 55 (4), 1412-1418.
31-01-2012 - Roughness effect on flow and thermal boundaries in microchannel/nanochannel flow using molecular dynamics-continuum hybrid simulation
Sun J, He Y, Tao W, Yin X and Wang H
International Journal For Numerical Methods in Engineering vol. 89 (1), 2-19.
06-01-2012 - Multi-scale study of liquid flow in micro/nanochannels: Effects of surface wettability and topology
Sun J, He YL, Tao WQ, Rose JW and Wang HS
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics vol. 12 (6), 991-1008.
- Theory of heat transfer during condensation in microchannels
Wang HS and Rose JW
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 54 (11-12), 2525-2534.
- Pressure drop coefficient for abrupt contraction of parallel multi-microchannels
Song TY, Yu GX, Wang HS, Rose JW and Ma XH
Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics vol. 31 (7), 1219-1222.
01-07-2010 - Effect of Vapour Velocity on Condensation of Ethylene Glycol on Horizontal Integral Fin Tubes: Heat Transfer and Retention Angle Measurements
Fitzgerald CL, Briggs A, Wang H and Rose JW
, Asme International, 89-96.
01-01-2010 - Experiment on frictional pressure drop of condensation in microchannel
Song TY, Wang HS, Rose JW, Yu GX and Ma XH
Journal of Refrigeration vol. 31, 24-28.
- Microchannel condensation : Correlations and theory
Su Q, Yu GX, Wang HS and Rose JW
International Journal of Refrigeration vol. 32 (6), 1149-1152.
01-09-2009 - Film condensation in horizontal circular section microchannels
WANG HS and Rose JW
, Editors: Not known . International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation vol. 1 (No 2/3), 115-121.
- An inverse method to determine boundary temperature and heat flux for a 2D steady state heat conduction problem
Yu G, Wang H, Wen P and Rose JW
Proceedings of The Asme Design Engineering Technical Conference vol. 3 (PARTS A AND B), 1087-1093.
01-12-2008 - Discussion on grid size and computation domain in CFD simulation of pedestrian wind environment around buildings
Xiang WZ and Wang HS
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture vol. 2 (1), 30-36.
- Marangoni condensation of steam-ethanol mixtures on a horizontal tube
Murase T, Wang HS and Rose JW
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 50 (19-20), 3774-3779.
01-09-2007 - Surface tension-affected condensation problems
WANG HS and Rose JW
Ksme Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology vol. 21, 1760-1774.
- Film condensation in horizontal microchannels: Effect of channel shape{star, open}{star, open}A preliminary version of this paper was presented at ICMM05: Third International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels, held at University of Toronto, June 13-15, organized by S.G. Kandlikar and M. Kawaji, CD-ROM Proceedings, ISBN: 0-7918-3758-0, ASME, New York.
Wang HS and Rose JW
International Journal of Thermal Sciences vol. 45 (12), 1205-1212.
01-12-2006 - Effect of inundation for condensation of steam on smooth and enhanced condenser tubes
Murase T, Wang HS and Rose JW
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 49 (17-18), 3180-3189.
01-08-2006 - Condensation from gas-vapour mixtures in small non-circular tubes
Krishnaswamy S, Wang HS and Rose JW
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 49 (9-10), 1731-1737.
01-05-2006 - Film condensation in horizontal microchannels: effect of channel shape
WANG HS and Rose JW
International Journal of Thermal Sciences vol. 45, 1205-1212.
- Condensation on a horizontal wire-wrapped tube
Murase T, Briggs A, Wang HS and Rose JW
Journal of Heat Transfer vol. 127 (11), 1207-1213.
01-11-2005 - A theory of film condensation in horizontal noncircular section microchannels
Wang HS and Rose JW
Journal of Heat Transfer vol. 127 (10), 1096-1105.
- Prediction of effective friction factors for single-phase flow in horizontal microfin tubes
Wang HS and Rose JW
Int J Refrig vol. 27 (8), 904-913.
01-12-2004 - A theoretical model of film condensation in horizontal square section microchannels
WANG HS, Rose JW and Honda H
Icheme Chemical Engineering Research and Design vol. 82 (4), 430-434.
01-01-2004 - A theoretical model of film condensation in square section microchannels.
ROSE JW and Wang WS
Trans Icheme, Chem Eng. Research and Design, 430-434.
01-01-2004 - Effect of interphase matter transfer on condensation on low-finned tubes - a theoretical investigation
Wang HS and Rose JW
Int J Heat Mass Tran vol. 47 (1), 179-184.
01-01-2004 - Prediction of effective friction factors for single-phase flow in horizontal microfin tubes.
ROSE JW and Wang HS
Int. J. Refrigeration vol. 27, 904-913.
- Heat Transfer Measurements for Condensation of Steam on a Horizontal Wire-Wrapped Tube
Briggs A, Wang HS, Murase T and Rose JW
Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer vol. 10 (4), 355-362.
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