Robotics and Smart Machines

Aerial and Field Robotics

  • AerialBio-inspired autonomous aerial robots and fundamentals for modelling and control of multi-agent systems towards greater degrees of adaptability ad scalability.
  • Improving the flight endurance of a multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in real-world conditions by utilising a solar-battery hybrid energy system and imparting energy autonomy to the system.

Robot mechanisms, design and control

  • Advances in robot kinematics and dynamics and design innovation of reconfigurable robots that can adapt to various tasks and environments.
  • Novel design methodology and manufacturing process for constructing self-morphing robotic systems and computational approaches for modelling and control.

Soft robotics

soft hand

  • Soft-bodied robotic systems have distinct flexibility and dexterity.

Tactile sensing and robot manipulation

  • Novel tactile sensors that can measure both normal and shear forces with high sensitivity on multiple contact points, using soft materials and magnetism.
  • Smart human-inspired strategies to explore and manipulate objects using dexterous robotic hands and tactile-sensitive grippers.

    tactile sensing

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