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30-12-2014 - Mohri Z, Rowland EM, Clarke LA, De Luca A, Peiffer V, Krams R, Sherwin SJ and Weinberg PD (2014). Elevated Uptake of Plasma Macromolecules by Regions of Arterial Wall Predisposed to Plaque Instability in a Mouse Model. Public Library of Science (PLoS) PLOS ONE vol. 9 (12)
22-12-2014 - Kantner K, Ashraf S, Carregal‐Romero S, Carrillo‐Carrion C, Collot M, del Pino P, Heimbrodt W, De Aberasturi DJ, Kaiser U, Kazakova LI, Lelle M, de Baroja NM, Montenegro JM, Nazarenus M, Pelaz B, Peneva K, Gil PR, Sabir N, Schneider LM, Shabarchina LI, Sukhorukov GB, Vazquez M, Yang F and Parak WJ (2014). Particle‐Based Optical Sensing of Intracellular Ions at the Example of Calcium – What Are the Experimental Pitfalls? Wiley Small vol. 11 (8), 896-904.
15-12-2014 - Liu W, Wang X, Bai K, Lin M, Sukhorukov G and Wang W (2014). Microcapsules functionalized with neuraminidase can enter vascular endothelial cells in vitro. J R Soc Interface vol. 11 (101)
06-12-2014 - Sliogeryte K, Thorpe SD, Lee DA, Botto L and Knight MM (2014). Stem cell differentiation increases membrane-actin adhesion regulating cell blebability, migration and mechanics. Springer Nature Scientific Reports vol. 4 (1)
04-12-2014 - Maimari N, Broda K, Kakas A, Russo A and Krams R (2014). Symbolic representation and inference of regulatory networks: uncovering mechanosensitive gene networks. Elsevier Atherosclerosis vol. 237 (2)
01-12-2014 - Mehta VV, Pedrigi RM, Bovens SM, Tremoleda JL, Gsell W and Krams R (2014). Longitudinal predictive analysis of vulnerable plaques in a mouse model of atherosclerosis. Elsevier Atherosclerosis vol. 237 (2)
01-12-2014 - Pereira G and Krams R (2014). Forecasting vulnerable plaque response to aemorheological flow. Elsevier Atherosclerosis vol. 237 (2)
01-12-2014 - Fung IC-H, Tse ZTH, Cheung C-N, Miu AS and Fu K-W (2014). Ebola and the social media. Elsevier The Lancet vol. 384 (9961)
01-12-2014 - Wolfenson H, Iskratsch T and Sheetz MP (2014). Early Events in Cell Spreading as a Model for Quantitative Analysis of Biomechanical Events. Elsevier Biophysical Journal vol. 107 (11), 2508-2514.
01-12-2014 - Maimari N, Towhidi L, Oh D, Broda K, Russo A and Krams R (2014). A novel integrated platform for gene network inference and validation: beyond the dream consortium. Elsevier Atherosclerosis vol. 237 (2)
01-12-2014 - Towhidi L, Maimari N, Kis Z, Khodadadi D and Krams R (2014). A novel high-throughput platform for siRNA transfection of primary mammalian cells. Elsevier Atherosclerosis vol. 237 (2)
01-12-2014 - Metwally HA, Ardazishvili RV, Severyukhina AN, Zaharevich AM, Skaptsov AA, Venig SB, Sukhorukov GB and Gorin DA (2014). The Influence of Hydroxyapatite and Calcium Carbonate Microparticles on the Mechanical Properties of Nonwoven Composite Materials Based on Polycaprolactone. Springer Nature BioNanoScience vol. 5 (1), 22-30.
30-11-2014 - Wang J, Zhou Y, Watkinson M, Gautrot J and Krause S (2014). High-sensitivity light-addressable potentiometric sensors using silicon on sapphire functionalized with self-assembled organic monolayers. Elsevier Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical vol. 209, 230-236.
26-11-2014 - Vaughan TJ, Mullen CA, Verbruggen SW and McNamara LM (2014). Bone cell mechanosensation of fluid flow stimulation: a fluid–structure interaction model characterising the role integrin attachments and primary cilia. Springer Nature Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology vol. 14 (4), 703-718.
16-11-2014 - Wang Z, Irianto J, Kazun S, Wang W and Knight MM (2014). The rate of hypo-osmotic challenge influences regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and mechanical properties of articular chondrocytes. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 23 (2), 289-299.
11-11-2014 - Iskratsch T, Wolfenson H and Sheetz MP (2014). Appreciating force and shape—the rise of mechanotransduction in cell biology. Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology vol. 15 (12), 825-833.
30-10-2014 - Krishnamoorthy M, Hakobyan S, Ramstedt M and GAUTROT JEE (2014). Surface initiated polymer brushes in the biomedical field: Applications in membrane science, biosensing, cell culture, regenerative medicine and antibacterial coatings. American Chemical Society Chemical Reviews vol. 114 (21), 10976-11026.
29-10-2014 - Suarez E, Syed F, Alonso-Rasgado T and Bayat A (2014). Identification of biomarkers involved in differential profiling of hypertrophic and keloid scars versus normal skin. Springer Nature Archives of Dermatological Research vol. 307 (2), 115-133.
17-10-2014 - Stetciura IY, Markin AV, Bratashov DN, Sukhorukov GB and Gorin DA (2014). Nanoencapsulated and microencapsulated SERS platforms for biomedical analysis. Elsevier Current Opinion in Pharmacology vol. 18, 149-158.
01-10-2014 - Sukhorukov GB (2014). Editorial overview: New technologies: How to put everything you need in a tiny pack and track its delivery? Elsevier Current Opinion in Pharmacology vol. 18, vii-ix.
01-10-2014 - Shepherd JH, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2014). Early stage fatigue damage occurs in bovine tendon fascicles in the absence of changes in mechanics at either the gross or micro-structural level. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater vol. 38, 163-172.
01-10-2014 - Chowdhury B, David AL, Thrasivoulou C, Becker DL, Bader DL and Chowdhury TT (2014). Tensile strain increased COX-2 expression and PGE2 release leading to weakening of the human amniotic membrane. Elsevier Placenta vol. 35 (12), 1057-1064.
19-09-2014 - Kwak BR, Bäck M, Bochaton-Piallat M-L, Caligiuri G, Daemen MJAP, Davies PF, Hoefer IE, Holvoet P, Jo H, Krams R, Lehoux S, Monaco C, Steffens S, Virmani R, Weber C, Wentzel JJ and Evans PC (2014). Biomechanical factors in atherosclerosis: mechanisms and clinical implications†. Oxford University Press (OUP) European Heart Journal vol. 35 (43), 3013-3020.
17-09-2014 - Gregory TS, Schmidt EJ, Zhang SH, Kwong RY, Stevenson WG, Murrow JR and Tse ZTH (2014). Left-Ventricular Mechanical Activation and Aortic-Arch Orientation Recovered from Magneto-Hydrodynamic Voltages Observed in 12-Lead ECGs Obtained Inside MRIs: A Feasibility Study. Springer Nature Annals of Biomedical Engineering vol. 42 (12), 2480-2489.
16-09-2014 - Peffers MJ, Thorpe CT, Collins JA, Eong R, Wei TKJ, Screen HRC and Clegg PD (2014). Proteomic analysis reveals age-related changes in tendon matrix composition, with age- and injury-specific matrix fragmentation. J Biol Chem vol. 289 (37), 25867-25878.
12-09-2014 - Khanadeev VА, Khlebtsov BN, Klimova SA, Tsvetkov MY, Bagratashvili VN, Sukhorukov GB and Khlebtsov NG (2014). Large-scale high-quality 2D silica crystals: dip-drawing formation and decoration with gold nanorods and nanospheres for SERS analysis. IOP Publishing Nanotechnology vol. 25 (40)
12-09-2014 - Valencia-Lazcano AA, Alonso-Rasgado T and Bayat A (2014). Physico-chemical characteristics of coated silicone textured versus smooth breast implants differentially influence breast-derived fibroblast morphology and behaviour. Elsevier Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials vol. 40, 140-155.
03-09-2014 - SUI Y (2014). Moving towards the cold region or the hot region? Thermocapillary migration of a droplet attached on a horizontal substrate. Physics of Fluids vol. 26
03-09-2014 - Suarez E, Syed F, Rasgado TA, Walmsley A, Mandal P and Bayat A (2014). Skin equivalent tensional force alters keloid fibroblast behavior and phenotype. Wiley Wound Repair and Regeneration vol. 22 (5), 557-568.
01-09-2014 - Spiesz EM, Thorpe CT, Chaudhry S, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HR (2014). 98 Early Inflammatory Response Of Tenocytes To Overload. BMJ British Journal of Sports Medicine vol. 48 (Suppl 2), a63-a64.
01-09-2014 - Rowson D, Knight M and Screen H (2014). 89 Primary Cilia In Tenocytes From The Inter-fascicular Matrix And The Fascicular Matrix. BMJ British Journal of Sports Medicine vol. 48 (Suppl 2), a58-a59.
01-09-2014 - Patel D, Bryant S, Riley G, Jones E and Screen H (2014). 78 Human Tenocyte Metabolism Under Pathological And Physiological Loading Conditions. BMJ British Journal of Sports Medicine vol. 48 (Suppl 2), a51-a51.
01-09-2014 - Thorpe C, Peffers M, Simpson D, Halliwell E, Screen H and Clegg P (2014). 104 Characterisation Of The Proteome Of The Tendon Interfascicular Matrix. BMJ British Journal of Sports Medicine vol. 48 (Suppl 2), a68-a68.
01-09-2014 - Morrissey D, Morton S, Anuj CA and Screen H (2014). Achillessehnentendinopathie. Thieme Sportphysio vol. 02 (03), 105-111.
20-08-2014 - Dwyer J, Pluess M, Iskratsch T, Dos Remedios CG and Ehler E (2014). The formin FHOD1 in cardiomyocytes. Anat Rec (Hoboken) vol. 297 (9), 1560-1570.
14-08-2014 - Ho LC, Sigal IA, Jan N-J, Squires A, Tse Z, Wu EX, Kim S-G, Schuman JS and Chan KC (2014). Magic Angle–Enhanced MRI of Fibrous Microstructures in Sclera and Cornea With and Without Intraocular Pressure LoadingMRI of Fibrous Microstructures in the Eye. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science vol. 55 (9), 5662-5672.
07-08-2014 - Wann AKT, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2014). The primary cilium influences interleukin-1β-induced NFκB signalling by regulating IKK activity. Cell Signal vol. 26 (8), 1735-1742.
01-08-2014 - Cuhlmann S, Gsell W, Van der Heiden K, Habib J, Tremoleda JL, Khalil M, Turkheimer F, Meens MJ, Kwak BR, Bird J, Davenport AP, Clark J, Haskard D, Krams R, Jones H and Evans PC (2014). In Vivo Mapping of Vascular Inflammation Using the Translocator Protein Tracer 18F-FEDAA1106. Mol Imaging vol. 13 (6)
01-08-2014 - Cuhlmann S, Gsell W, Van der Heiden K, Habib J, Tremoleda JL, Khalil M, Turkheimer F, Meens MJ, Kwak BR, Bird J, Davenport AP, Clark J, Haskard D, Krams R, Jones H and Evans PC (2014). In Vivo Mapping of Vascular Inflammation Using the Translocator Protein Tracer 18F-FEDAA1106. SAGE Publications Molecular Imaging vol. 13 (6)
01-08-2014 - Peake NJ, Hobbs AJ, Pingguan-Murphy B, Salter DM, Berenbaum F and Chowdhury TT (2014). Role of C-type natriuretic peptide signalling in maintaining cartilage and bone function. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 22 (11), 1800-1807.
31-07-2014 - Peake NJ, Hobbs AJ, Pingguan-Murphy B, Salter DM, Berenbaum F and CHOWDHURY TT (2014). Role of C-type natriuretic peptide signaling in maintaining cartilage and bone function. Elsevier/Science Direct Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. online edition
30-07-2014 - Pedrigi RM, de Silva R, Bovens SM, Mehta VV, Petretto E and Krams R (2014). Thin-Cap Fibroatheroma Rupture Is Associated With a Fine Interplay of Shear and Wall Stress. Wolters Kluwer Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology vol. 34 (10), 2224-2231.
24-07-2014 - Pensalfini M, Duenwald-Kuehl S, Kondratko-Mittnacht J, Lakes R and Vanderby R (2014). Evaluation of Global Load Sharing and Shear-Lag Models to Describe Mechanical Behavior in Partially Lacerated Tendons. ASME International Journal of Biomechanical Engineering vol. 136 (9)
15-07-2014 - Deo DI, Gautrot JE, Sukhorukov GB and Wang W (2014). Biofunctionalization of PEGylated microcapsules for exclusive binding to protein substrates. Biomacromolecules vol. 15 (7), 2555-2562.
14-07-2014 - Gautrot JE, Malmström J, Sundh M, Margadant C, Sonnenberg A and Sutherland DS (2014). The nanoscale geometrical maturation of focal adhesions controls stem cell differentiation and mechanotransduction. Nano Letters vol. 14 (7), 3945-3952.
09-07-2014 - Wang H, Chan WK and Tse TH (2014). Improving the Effectiveness of Testing Pervasive Software via Context Diversity. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems vol. 9 (2), 1-28.
01-07-2014 - Thorpe CT, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2014). Effect of fatigue loading on structure and functional behaviour of fascicles from energy-storing tendons. Acta Biomater vol. 10 (7), 3217-3224.
01-07-2014 - Chen Y, Kwok K-W and Tse ZTH (2014). An MR-Conditional High-Torque Pneumatic Stepper Motor for MRI-Guided and Robot-Assisted Intervention. Springer Nature Annals of Biomedical Engineering vol. 42 (9), 1823-1833.
24-06-2014 - Hossain MA, CHOWDHURY TT and Bagul A (2014). Imaging modalities for the in vivo surveillance of mesenchymal stromal cells. Wiley Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
11-06-2014 - Wang W, Dumoulin CL, Viswanathan AN, Tse ZTH, Mehrtash A, Loew W, Norton I, Tokuda J, Seethamraju RT, Kapur T, Damato AL, Cormack RA and Schmidt EJ (2014). Real‐time active MR‐tracking of metallic stylets in MR‐guided radiation therapy. Wiley Magnetic Resonance in Medicine vol. 73 (5), 1803-1811.
05-06-2014 - Chowdhury B, David A, Bader D, Thrasivoulou C, Becker D and Chowdhury T (2014). PFM.37 Cyclic tensile strain increases PGE2 release leading to weakening of the human term amniotic membrane. BMJ Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal & Neonatal vol. 99 (Suppl 1)
01-06-2014 - Costa P, Gautrot JE and Connelly JT (2014). Directing cell migration using micropatterned and dynamically adhesive polymer brushes. Acta Biomater vol. 10 (6), 2415-2422.
01-06-2014 - Méndez-Méndez JV, Alonso-Rasgado MT, Faria EC, Flores-Johnson EA and Snook RD (2014). Numerical study of the hydrodynamic drag force in atomic force microscopy measurements undertaken in fluids. Elsevier Micron vol. 66, 37-46.
29-05-2014 - Squires AD, Gao Y, Taylor SF, Kent M and Tse ZTH (2014). A Simple and Inexpensive Stereotactic Guidance Frame for MRI‐Guided Brain Biopsy in Canines. Hindawi Journal of Medical Engineering vol. 2014 (1)
18-05-2014 - Sun J, Wang W and Wang HS (2014). Viscous dissipation effect in nano-confined shear flows: a comparative study between molecular dynamics and multi-scale hybrid simulations. Springer Link Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
01-05-2014 - Gao Y, Kwok K-W, Chandrawanshi R, Squires A, Nau AC, Tsz Z and Tse H (2014). Wearable Virtual White Cane: Assistive Technology for Navigating the Visually Impaired. ASME International Journal of Medical Devices vol. 8 (2)
28-04-2014 - Chen Y, Kwok K-W, Ge J, Hu Y, Fok M, Nilsson KR and Tse ZTH (2014). Augmented Reality for Improving Catheterization in Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Cardiac Electrophysiology Therapy. ASME International Journal of Medical Devices vol. 8 (2)
28-04-2014 - Oster J, Llinares R, Payne S, Tse ZTH, Schmidt EJ and Clifford GD (2014). Comparison of three artificial models of the magnetohydrodynamic effect on the electrocardiogram. Taylor & Francis Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering vol. 18 (13), 1400-1417.
24-04-2014 - Ge J, Feng H, Chen Y, Tse ZTH and Fok MP (2014). Spiral-structured fiber Bragg grating for contact force sensing through direct power measurement. Optica Publishing Group Optics Express vol. 22 (9), 10439-10445.
23-04-2014 - Parker E, Vessillier S, Abas WW, Bader DL, Pinguaan-Murphy B and Chowdhury TT (2014). α5β1 integrin mediates compression-induced inhibition of catabolic effects induced by fibronectin fragments in an oxygen-dependent manner. Elsevier Osteoarthritis and Cartilage vol. 22
01-04-2014 - Waugh C, Jones E, Riley G, Langberg H, Morrissey D and Screen H (2014). The effects of extracorporeal shockwave therapy on matrix metalloprotease activity in tendinopathy (1046.8). Wiley The FASEB Journal vol. 28 (S1)
01-04-2014 - Greaves NS, Benatar B, Whiteside S, Alonso‐Rasgado T, Baguneid M and Bayat A (2014). Optical coherence tomography: a reliable alternative to invasive histological assessment of acute wound healing in human skin?13. Oxford University Press (OUP) British Journal of Dermatology vol. 170 (4), 840-850.
01-04-2014 - Di Federico E, Bader DL and Shelton JC (2014). Design and validation of an in vitro loading system for the combined application of cyclic compression and shear to 3D chondrocytes-seeded agarose constructs. Med Eng Phys vol. 36 (4), 534-540.
01-04-2014 - Shah FA, Brauer DS, Desai N, Hill RG and Hing KA (2014). Fluoride-containing bioactive glasses and Bioglass® 45S5 form apatite in low pH cell culture medium. Materials Letters vol. 119, 96-99.
15-03-2014 - Gerald C, Seneviratne A, Heraty KB, Monaco C, Burke MG, Krams R, Chang CC, Gilson P and Coppola G (2014). Intimal hyperplasia following implantation of helical-centreline and straight-centreline stents in common carotid arteries in healthy pigs: influence of intraluminal flow. The Royal Society Journal of The Royal Society Interface vol. 11 (92)
06-03-2014 - Thorpe CT, Riley GP, Birch HL, Clegg PD and Screen HRC (2014). Fascicles from energy-storing tendons show an age-specific response to cyclic fatigue loading. Journal of the Royal Society Interface vol. 11 (92)
06-03-2014 - Chen Y, Mershon CD and Tse ZTH (2014). A 10-mm MR-Conditional Unidirectional Pneumatic Stepper Motor. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics vol. 20 (2), 782-788.
03-03-2014 - Irianto J, Lee DA and Knight MM (2014). Quantification of chromatin condensation level by image processing. Med Eng Phys vol. 36 (3), 412-417.
01-03-2014 - Thompson CL, Chapple JP and Knight MM (2014). Primary cilia disassembly down-regulates mechanosensitive hedgehog signalling: a feedback mechanism controlling ADAMTS-5 expression in chondrocytes. Osteoarthritis Cartilage vol. 22 (3), 490-498.
01-03-2014 - Shah FA, Brauer DS, Wilson RM, Hill RG and Hing KA (2014). Influence of cell culture medium composition on in vitro dissolution behavior of a fluoride-containing bioactive glass. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A vol. 102 (3), 647-654.
01-03-2014 - Antipina MN, Kiryukhin MV, Skirtach AG and Sukhorukov GB (2014). Micropackaging via layer-by-layer assembly: microcapsules and microchamber arrays. SAGE Publications International Materials Reviews vol. 59 (4), 224-244.
27-02-2014 - Khlebtsov BN, Khanadeev VA, Ye J, Sukhorukov GB and Khlebtsov NG (2014). Overgrowth of Gold Nanorods by Using a Binary Surfactant Mixture. American Chemical Society (ACS) Langmuir vol. 30 (6), 1696-1703.
05-02-2014 - Hughes-Brittain NF, Qiu L, Wang W, Peijs T and Bastiaansen CWM (2014). Photoembossing of surface relief structures in polymer films for biomedical applications. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater vol. 102 (2), 214-220.
01-02-2014 - Heywood HK, Nalesso G, Lee DA and Dell'accio F (2014). Culture expansion in low-glucose conditions preserves chondrocyte differentiation and enhances their subsequent capacity to form cartilage tissue in three-dimensional culture. Biores Open Access vol. 3 (1), 9-18.
01-02-2014 - Irianto J, Ramaswamy G, Serra R and Knight MM (2014). Depletion of chondrocyte primary cilia reduces the compressive modulus of articular cartilage. J Biomech vol. 47 (2), 579-582.
22-01-2014 - Gregory TS, Schmidt EJ, Zhang SH and Tse ZTH (2014). 3DQRS: A method to obtain reliable QRS complex detection within high field MRI using 12‐lead electrocardiogram traces. Wiley Magnetic Resonance in Medicine vol. 71 (4), 1374-1380.
22-01-2014 - Su L, Fonseca MB, Arya S, Kudo H, Goldin R, Hanna GB and Elson DS (2014). Laser-induced tissue fluorescence in radiofrequency tissue-fusion characterization. SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics Journal of Biomedical Optics vol. 19 (1), 015007-015007.
21-01-2014 - Yi Q and Sukhorukov GB (2014). UV-induced disruption of microcapsules with azobenzene groups. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Soft Matter vol. 10 (9), 1384-1391.
01-01-2014 - Bai K and Wang W (2014). Shear stress-induced redistribution of the glycocalyx on endothelial cells in vitro. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology vol. 13 (2), 303-311.
01-01-2014 - Gregory TS, Schmidt EJ, Zhang SH, Murrow JR and Tse ZT (2014). Peripheral perfusion index measured using magnetohydrodynamic voltages in 3T MRI. Elsevier Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance vol. 16 (PhyMedBio 2009)
01-01-2014 - Sui Y, Ding H and Spelt PDM (2014). Numerical Simulations of Flows with Moving Contact Lines. ANNUAL REVIEW OF FLUID MECHANICS, VOL 46 vol. 46, 97-119.
01-01-2014 - Zhang X, Moore SW, Iskratsch T and Sheetz MP (2014). N-WASP-directed actin polymerization activates Cas phosphorylation and lamellipodium spreading. The Company of Biologists Journal of Cell Science vol. 127 (7), 1394-1405.
01-01-2014 - Chen Y, Ge J, Kwok K-W, Nilsson KR, Fok M and Tse ZT (2014). MRI-conditional catheter sensor for contact force and temperature monitoring during cardiac electrophysiological procedures. Elsevier Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance vol. 16 (Suppl 1)
01-01-2014 - Zhang SH, Tse ZT, Dumoulin CL, Bryd I, Schweitzer J, Watkins RG, Butts-Pauly K, Kwong RY, Barbhaiya CR, Stevenson WG, Jolesz F and Schmidt EJ (2014). MRI-compatible voltage-based electroanatomic mapping system for 3T MR-guided cardiac electrophysiology: swine validations. Elsevier Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance vol. 16 (Suppl 1)
01-01-2014 - Kwok K-W, Chen Y, Chau TC, Luk W, Nilsson KR, Schmidt EJ and Tse ZT (2014). MRI-based visual and haptic catheter feedback: simulating a novel system's contribution to efficient and safe MRI-guided cardiac electrophysiology procedures. Elsevier Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance vol. 16 (Suppl 1)
01-01-2014 - Guerette PA, Z. Tay G, Hoon S, Loke JJ, Hermawan AF, Schmitt CNZ, Harrington MJ, Masic A, Karunaratne A, Gupta HS, Tan KS, Schwaighofer A, Nowak C and Miserez A (2014). Integrative and comparative analysis of coiled-coil based marine snail egg cases - A model for biomimetic elastomers. Biomaterials Science vol. 2 (5), 710-722.
01-01-2014 - Shaheen T, Edirisinghe T, Gabriel M, Bourdoumis A, Buchholz N and Knight M (2014). In vitro encrustation of a semi-permanent polymer-covered nitinol ureter stent: an artificial urine model. UROLITHIASIS vol. 42 (3), 203-207.
01-01-2014 - Shepherd JH, Legerlotz K, Demirci T, Klemt C, Riley GP and Screen HRC (2014). Functionally distinct tendon fascicles exhibit different creep and stress relaxation behaviour. Proc Inst Mech Eng H vol. 228 (1), 49-59.
01-01-2014 - Kwok K-W, Chow GC, Chau TC, Chen Y, Zhang SH, Luk W, Schmidt EJ and Tse ZT (2014). FPGA-based acceleration of MRI registration: an enabling technique for improving MRI-guided cardiac therapy. Elsevier Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance vol. 16 (Suppl 1)
01-01-2014 - Fisher TM, Farley KB, Gao Y, Bai H and Tse ZTH (2014). Electric vehicle wireless charging technology: a state-of-the-art review of magnetic coupling systems. Maximum Academic Press Wireless Power Transfer vol. 1 (2), 87-96.
01-01-2014 - Hothi HS, Busfield JJC and Shelton JC (2014). Deformation of uncemented metal acetabular cups following impaction: Experimental and finite element study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering vol. 17 (11), 1261-1274.
01-01-2014 - Lu$y.lu@derby.ac.uk$School of Engineering and Technology Y, University of Derby , Derby , Science UW-QLSOEAM, Mary , University of London , London , Oraifige$School of Engineering and Technology UI and Science UWWSOEAM (2014). Converging Parallel Plate Flow Chambers for Studies on the Effect of the Spatial Gradient of Wall Shear Stress on Endothelial Cells. Scientific Research Publishing Journal of Biosciences and Medicines vol. 02 (02), 50-56.
01-01-2014 - Zhang SH, Tse ZT, Wang W, Kwong RY, Dumoulin CL and Schmidt EJ (2014). Computation of the gradient-induced electric field noise in 12-lead ECG traces during rapid MRI sequences. Elsevier Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance vol. 16 (Suppl 1)
01-01-2014 - Gregory TS, Schmidt EJ, Zhang SH and Tse ZT (2014). Comparing 3DQRS and VCG approaches for ECG QRS detection within 1.5T, 3T and 7T MRI. Elsevier Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance vol. 16 (Suppl 1)
01-01-2014 - Smith R, McIlwraith W, Schweitzer R, Kadler K, Cook J, Caterson B, Dakin S, Heinegard D, Screen H, Stover S, Crevier-Denoix N, Clegg P, Collins M, Little C, Frisbie D, Kjaer M, van Weeren R, Werpy N, Denoix J-M, Carr A, Goldberg A, Bramlage L, Smith M and Nixon A (2014). Advances in the understanding of tendinopathies: A report on the Second Havemeyer Workshop on equine tendon disease. EQUINE VETERINARY JOURNAL vol. 46 (1), 4-9.