Prof Rob Krams


All Publications

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  • Editorial: Computational modelling of cardiovascular hemodynamics and machine learning
    Bourantas C, Torii R, Karabasov S and Krams R
    Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, Frontiers vol. 11 
  • Assessment of the nano-mechanical properties of healthy and atherosclerotic coronary arteries by atomic force microscopy
    Savvopoulos F, Keeling MC, Carassiti D, Fogell NA, Patel MB, Naser J, Gavara N, de Silva R and Krams R
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 21 (211) 


  • TCT-613 Comparison of Histology-Trained Deep Learning Approach With Human Expert Analysts for Automated Plaque Component Classification in Hybrid Intravascular Ultrasound-Optical Coherence Tomography Images
    Bajaj R, Huang X, Alves-Kotzev N, Weyers J, Levine M, Garg M, Maung S, Bransby K, Torii R, Krams R, Garcia-Garcia HM, Raber L, Mathur A, Baumbach A, Zhang Q, Courtney B and Bourantas C
    Journal of The American College of Cardiology, Elsevier vol. 82 (17), b246-b247.  
  • A physics-based machine learning technique rapidly reconstructs the wall-shear stress and pressure fields in coronary arteries
    Morgan B, Murali AR, Preston G, Sima YA, Chamorro LM, Bourantas C, Torii R, Mathur A, Baumbach A, Jacob M, Karabasov S and Krams R
    Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, Frontiers Media 
  • Considering the Influence of Coronary Motion on Artery-Specific Biomechanics Using Fluid–Structure Interaction Simulation
    Fogell NAT, Patel M, Yang P, Ruis RM, Garcia DB, Naser J, Savvopoulos F, Davies Taylor C, Post AL, Pedrigi RM, de Silva R and Krams R
    Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Springer vol. 51 (9), 1950-1964.  
  • Editorial: Computational modeling for assessing coronary artery pathophysiology
    Çap M, Torii R, Onuma Y, Krams R, Bennett MR, Stone PH, Serruys PW and Bourantas CV
    Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, Frontiers Media vol. 10 


  • JAG1-NOTCH4 mechanosensing drives atherosclerosis
    Souilhol C, Ayllon BT, Li X, Diagbouga MR, Zhou Z, Canham L, Roddie H, Pirri D, Chambers EV, Dunning MJ, Ariaans M, Li J, Fang Y, Jørgensen HF, Simons M, Krams R, Waltenberger J, Fragiadaki M, Ridger V, De Val S, Francis SE, Chico TJA, Serbanovic-Canic J and Evans PC
    Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science vol. 8 (35) 
  • TCT-254 Histology-Trained Deep Learning Methodology for Automated Coronary Plaque Component Classification in Combined Intravascular Ultrasound-Optical Coherence Tomography Images
    Bajaj R, Huang X, Alves N, Weyers J, Levine M, Garg M, Maung S, Bransby K, Torii R, Krams R, Garcia-Garcia H, Mathur A, Baumbach A, Zhang Q, Courtney B and Bourantas C
    Journal of The American College of Cardiology, Elsevier vol. 80 (12) 


  • Mechanosensitive pathways are regulated by mechanosensitive miRNA clusters in endothelial cells
    Herault S, Naser J, Carassiti D, Chooi KY, Nikolopoulou R, Font ML, Patel M, Pedrigi R and Krams R
    Biophysical Reviews, Springer (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 13 (5), 787-796.  
  • Moving shear stress towards the clinic: preclinical comparison of optical coherence tomography-based versus angiography-based time-averaged wall shear stress estimations
    Naser J, Fogell N, Patel M, Yang P, Krams R, Wentzel JJ, Aben JP and De Silva R
    European Heart Journal vol. 42 (Supplement_1) 
  • Correction: BS18 Profiling endothelial gene expression in coronary atherosclerotic plaques in a human-like D374Y-PCSK9 hyperlipidaemic porcine model

    Heart, Bmj vol. 107 (19), e10-e10.  
  • Considerations for analysis of endothelial shear stress and strain in FSI models of atherosclerosis
    Patel M, Savvopoulos F, Berggren CC, Aslanidou L, Timmins LH, de Silva R, Pedrigi RM and Krams R
    Journal of Biomechanics, Elsevier vol. 128 


  • 3D co-registration algorithm for catheter-based optical coherence tomography
    Post AL, Cernohorsky P, Pedrigi RM, Streekstra GJ, d’Hooghe JNS, Annema JT, Strackee SD, Krams R, van Leeuwen TG, de Bruin DM and Faber DJ
    Optics Continuum, Optica Publishing Group vol. 3 (10) 
  • Shear Stress Estimated by Quantitative Coronary Angiography Predicts Plaques Prone to Progress and Cause Events
    Bourantas CV, Zanchin T, Torii R, Serruys PW, Karagiannis A, Ramasamy A, Safi H, Coskun AU, Koning G, Onuma Y, Zanchin C, Krams R, Mathur A, Baumbach A, Mintz G, Windecker S, Lansky A, Maehara A, Stone PH, Raber L and Stone GW
    Jacc Cardiovascular Imaging, Elsevier vol. 13 (10), 2206-2219.  
  • Targeted Molecular Iron Oxide Contrast Agents for Imaging Atherosclerotic Plaque
    Evans RJ, Lavin B, Phinikaridou A, Chooi KY, Mohri Z, Wong E, Boyle JJ, Krams R, Botnar R and Long NJ
    Nanotheranostics, Ivyspring International Publisher vol. 4 (4), 184-194.  


  • Expert recommendations on the assessment of wall shear stress in human coronary arteries: existing methodologies, technical considerations, and clinical applications.
    Gijsen F, Katagiri Y, Barlis P, Bourantas C, Collet C, Coskun U, Daemen J, Dijkstra J, Edelman E, Evans P, van der Heiden K, Hose R, Koo B-K, Krams R, Marsden A, Migliavacca F, Onuma Y, Ooi A, Poon E, Samady H, Stone P, Takahashi K, Tang D, Thondapu V, Tenekecioglu E, Timmins L, Torii R, Wentzel J and Serruys P
    European Heart Journal, Oxford University Press (Oup) 
  • Reliable in Vivo Intravascular Imaging Plaque Characterisation: A Challenge Unmet
    Baumbach A
    American Heart Journal, Elsevier 
  • The emerging role of YAP/TAZ in mechanotransduction.
    Mohri Z, Del Rio Hernandez A and Krams R
    J Thorac Dis vol. 9 (5), E507-E509.  
  • Disturbed flow induces a sustained, stochastic NF-κB activation which may support intracranial aneurysm growth in vivo.
    Baeriswyl DC, Prionisti I, Peach T, Tsolkas G, Chooi KY, Vardakis J, Morel S, Diagbouga MR, Bijlenga P, Cuhlmann S, Evans P, Kwak BR, Ventikos Y and Krams R
    Sci Rep vol. 9 (1), 4738-4738.  
  • Plaque burden influences accurate classification of fibrous cap atheroma by in vivo optical coherence tomography in a porcine model of advanced coronary atherosclerosis.
    Poulsen CB, Pedrigi RM, Pareek N, Kilic ID, Holm NR, Bentzon JF, Bøtker HE, Falk E, Krams R and de Silva R
    Eurointervention vol. 14 (10), 1129-1135.  


  • New developments in mechanotransduction: Cross talk of the Wnt, TGF-β and Notch signalling pathways in reaction to shear stress
    Abuammah A, Maimari N, Towhidi L, Frueh J, Chooi KY, Warboys C and Krams R
    Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering vol. 5, 96-104.  


  • Interferon Regulatory Factor 5 Controls Necrotic Core Formation in Atherosclerotic Lesions by Impairing Efferocytosis.
    Seneviratne AN, Edsfeldt A, Cole JE, Kassiteridi C, Swart M, Park I, Green P, Khoyratty T, Saliba D, Goddard ME, Sansom SN, Goncalves I, Krams R, Udalova IA and Monaco C
    Circulation, American Heart Association, Inc vol. 136 (12), 1140-1154.  
  • Connexin40 controls endothelial activation by dampening NFκB activation.
    Denis J-F, Scheckenbach KEL, Pfenniger A, Meens MJ, Krams R, Miquerol L, Taffet S, Chanson M, Delmar M and Kwak BR
    Oncotarget, Impact Journals vol. 8 (31), 50972-50986.  


  • Zebrafish Model for Functional Screening of Flow-Responsive Genes.
    Serbanovic-Canic J, de Luca A, Warboys C, Ferreira PF, Luong LA, Hsiao S, Gauci I, Mahmoud M, Feng S, Souilhol C, Bowden N, Ashton J-P, Walczak H, Firmin D, Krams R, Mason JC, Haskard DO, Sherwin S, Ridger V, Chico TJA and Evans PC
    Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc vol. 37 (1), 130-143.  
  • Disturbed Cyclical Stretch of Endothelial Cells Promotes Nuclear Expression of the Pro-Atherogenic Transcription Factor NF-κB.
    Pedrigi RM, Papadimitriou KI, Kondiboyina A, Sidhu S, Chau J, Patel MB, Baeriswyl DC, Drakakis EM and Krams R
    Ann Biomed Eng, Springer Nature vol. 45 (4), 898-909.  
  • Influence of shear stress magnitude and direction on atherosclerotic plaque composition
    Pedrigi RM, Mehta VV, Bovens SM, Mohri Z, Poulsen CB, Gsell W, Tremoleda JL, Towhidi L, de Silva R, Petretto E and Krams R
    Royal Society Open Science, The Royal Society vol. 3 (10) 
  • Development of a synthetic gene network to modulate gene expression by mechanical forces.
    Kis Z, Rodin T, Zafar A, Lai Z, Freke G, Fleck O, Del Rio Hernandez A, Towhidi L, Pedrigi RM, Homma T and Krams R
    Sci Rep, Springer Nature vol. 6, 29643-29643.  
  • 0109 : Connexin40 controls endothelial activation by dampening NF B activation
    Denis J-F, Scheckenbach L, Pfenniger A, Meens M, Krams R, Miquerol L, Taffet S, Chanson M, Delmar M and Kwak B
    Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements vol. 8 (3), 203-203.  
  • Comparison between direct and reverse electroporation of cells in situ: a simulation study
    Towhidi L, Khodadadi D, Maimari N, Pedrigi RM, Ip H, Kis Z, Kwak BR, Petrova TW, Delorenzi M and Krams R
    Physiological Reports, Wiley vol. 4 (6) 
  • Corrigendum to “Low shear stress induces M1 macrophage polarization in murine thin-cap atherosclerotic plaques” [J Mol Cell Cardiol] 89B (2015) 168–172
    Seneviratne AN, Cole JE, Goddard ME, Park I, Mohri Z, Sansom S, Udalova I, Krams R and Monaco C
    Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, Elsevier vol. 91 
  • Integration of flow studies for robust selection of mechanoresponsive genes
    Maimari N, Pedrigi RM, Russo A, Broda K and Krams R
    Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Thieme vol. 115 (03), 474-483.  


  • Quantification of plaque stiffness by Brillouin microscopy in experimental thin cap fibroatheroma
    Antonacci G, Pedrigi RM, Kondiboyina A, Mehta VV, de Silva R, Paterson C, Krams R and Török P
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 12 (112) 
  • Low shear stress induces M1 macrophage polarization in murine thin-cap atherosclerotic plaques
    Seneviratne AN, Cole JE, Goddard ME, Park I, Mohri Z, Sansom S, Udalova I, Krams R and Monaco C
    Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, Elsevier vol. 89 (Pt B), 168-172.  
  • Shear stress-induced atherosclerotic plaque composition in ApoE−/− mice is modulated by connexin37
    Pfenniger A, Meens MJ, Pedrigi RM, Foglia B, Sutter E, Pelli G, Rochemont V, Petrova TV, Krams R and Kwak BR
    Atherosclerosis, Elsevier vol. 243 (1), 1-10.  
  • Inducing Persistent Flow Disturbances Accelerates Atherogenesis and Promotes Thin Cap Fibroatheroma Development in D374Y-PCSK9 Hypercholesterolemic Minipigs
    Pedrigi RM, Poulsen CB, Mehta VV, Ramsing Holm N, Pareek N, Post AL, Kilic ID, Banya WAS, Dall'Ara G, Mattesini A, Bjørklund MM, Andersen NP, Grøndal AK, Petretto E, Foin N, Davies JE, Di Mario C, Fog Bentzon J, Erik Bøtker H, Falk E, Krams R and de Silva R
    Circulation, Wolters Kluwer vol. 132 (11), 1003-1012.  
  • Enhancement of Non-Invasive Trans-Membrane Drug Delivery Using Ultrasound and Microbubbles During Physiologically Relevant Flow
    Shamout FE, Pouliopoulos AN, Lee P, Bonaccorsi S, Towhidi L, Krams R and Choi JJ
    Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Elsevier vol. 41 (9), 2435-2448.  
  • Mammalian synthetic biology: emerging medical applications
    Kis Z, Pereira HS, Homma T, Pedrigi RM and Krams R
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 12 (106) 
  • Imaging phase separation in model lipid membranes through the use of BODIPY based molecular rotors
    Dent MR, López-Duarte I, Dickson CJ, Geoghegan ND, Cooper JM, Gould IR, Krams R, Bull JA, Brooks NJ and Kuimova MK
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 17 (28), 18393-18402.  


  • Elevated Uptake of Plasma Macromolecules by Regions of Arterial Wall Predisposed to Plaque Instability in a Mouse Model
    Mohri Z, Rowland EM, Clarke LA, De Luca A, Peiffer V, Krams R, Sherwin SJ and Weinberg PD
    Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 9 (12) 
  • A novel high-throughput platform for siRNA transfection of primary mammalian cells
    Towhidi L, Maimari N, Kis Z, Khodadadi D and Krams R
    Atherosclerosis, Elsevier vol. 237 (2) 
  • A novel integrated platform for gene network inference and validation: beyond the dream consortium
    Maimari N, Towhidi L, Oh D, Broda K, Russo A and Krams R
    Atherosclerosis, Elsevier vol. 237 (2) 
  • Forecasting vulnerable plaque response to aemorheological flow
    Pereira G and Krams R
    Atherosclerosis, Elsevier vol. 237 (2) 
  • Longitudinal predictive analysis of vulnerable plaques in a mouse model of atherosclerosis
    Mehta VV, Pedrigi RM, Bovens SM, Tremoleda JL, Gsell W and Krams R
    Atherosclerosis, Elsevier vol. 237 (2) 
  • Symbolic representation and inference of regulatory networks: uncovering mechanosensitive gene networks
    Maimari N, Broda K, Kakas A, Russo A and Krams R
    Atherosclerosis, Elsevier vol. 237 (2) 
  • Biomechanical factors in atherosclerosis: mechanisms and clinical implications†
    Kwak BR, Bäck M, Bochaton-Piallat M-L, Caligiuri G, Daemen MJAP, Davies PF, Hoefer IE, Holvoet P, Jo H, Krams R, Lehoux S, Monaco C, Steffens S, Virmani R, Weber C, Wentzel JJ and Evans PC
    European Heart Journal, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 35 (43), 3013-3020.  
  • In Vivo Mapping of Vascular Inflammation Using the Translocator Protein Tracer 18F-FEDAA1106
    Cuhlmann S, Gsell W, Van der Heiden K, Habib J, Tremoleda JL, Khalil M, Turkheimer F, Meens MJ, Kwak BR, Bird J, Davenport AP, Clark J, Haskard D, Krams R, Jones H and Evans PC
    Molecular Imaging, Sage Publications vol. 13 (6) 
  • In Vivo Mapping of Vascular Inflammation Using the Translocator Protein Tracer 18F-FEDAA1106.
    Cuhlmann S, Gsell W, Van der Heiden K, Habib J, Tremoleda JL, Khalil M, Turkheimer F, Meens MJ, Kwak BR, Bird J, Davenport AP, Clark J, Haskard D, Krams R, Jones H and Evans PC
    Mol Imaging vol. 13 (6) 
  • Thin-Cap Fibroatheroma Rupture Is Associated With a Fine Interplay of Shear and Wall Stress
    Pedrigi RM, de Silva R, Bovens SM, Mehta VV, Petretto E and Krams R
    Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Wolters Kluwer vol. 34 (10), 2224-2231.  
  • Intimal hyperplasia following implantation of helical-centreline and straight-centreline stents in common carotid arteries in healthy pigs: influence of intraluminal flow
    Gerald C, Seneviratne A, Heraty KB, Monaco C, Burke MG, Krams R, Chang CC, Gilson P and Coppola G
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 11 (92) 


  • Intimal hyperplasia following implantation of helical-centreline and straight-centreline stents in common carotid arteries in healthy pigs: influence of intraluminal flow†
    Gerald C, Seneviratne A, Heraty KB, Monaco C, Burke MG, Krams R, Chang CC, Coppola G and Gilson P
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 10 (89) 

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