Prof Rob Krams


Current Funding

  • G1F1Application of a new high throughput platform for validation of mechanosensitive miRNA
    Rob Krams and Gleb Sukhorukov
    £117,986 BHF British Heart Foundation (01-09-2023 - 31-08-2026)

Recent Funding

  • Inorganic nitrate treatment reduces inflammation in humans: assessment of mechanisms
    Amrita Ahluwalia, Rob Krams, Federica Marelli-Berg and Jacqueline Cooper
    £206,297 BHF British Heart Foundation (19-08-2019 - 18-02-2022)
  • Biomechanical determinants of advanced coronary atherosclerotic plaque formation in transgenic hyperlipidaemic minipigs
    Rob Krams
    £167,563 BHF British Heart Foundation (01-11-2018 - 31-01-2021)
  • Disturbed shear stress and strain act synergistically to promote the pro-atherogenic endothelial cell phenotype responsible for TCFA - GRANT TRANSFER
    Rob Krams
    £46,226 BHF British Heart Foundation (01-02-2018 - 16-08-2018)
  • Aliah Mohammed Ahmad Abuammah - Studentship
    Rob Krams
    £28,000 UKSACB Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in London (22-01-2018 - 12-01-2019)