Prof Rob Krams


Research Funding

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Current Funded Research Projects

G1F1 Application of a new high throughput platform for validation of mechanosensitive miRNA

Funding source: BHF British Heart Foundation
Start: 03-10-2022  /  End: 02-10-2025
Amount: £117,986

Previous Funded Research Projects

Inorganic nitrate treatment reduces inflammation in humans: assessment of mechanisms

Funding source: BHF British Heart Foundation
Start: 01-10-2018  /  End: 31-03-2021

Nitrite is a gas with a short half life which has shown to have a lot of beneficial properties like anti-oxidation . Here we explore the possibilities to be used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Biomechanical determinants of advanced coronary atherosclerotic plaque formation in transgenic hyperlipidaemic minipigs

Funding source: BHF British Heart Foundation
Start: 01-11-2018  /  End: 03-09-2020

In this work we aim to describe a new mechanical model to study stress and strain in coronary vessels of the atherosclerotic pig. The work is performed in North Wick Park, Imperial College and Qmul

Previous PhD Studentship Projects

Aliah Mohammed Ahmad Abuammah - Studenthsip

Funding source: UKSACB Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau in London
Start: 22-01-2018  /  End: 12-01-2019

Other Research Projects

Epigenomics of endothelial cells

Funding source: British Heart Foundation

We study whole genomics of endothelial cells obtained from atherosclerotic blood vessels from mice and pigs. These cells are isolated with laser capture on basis of shear stress and strain profiles. RNAseq is performed to obtain differential mRNA and microRNA expression. Extensive bioinformatics is performed for inference of gene networks and the interaction with microRNA