Prof Nicola Pugno


All Publications

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  • Extended plane wave expansion formulation for viscoelastic phononic thin plates
    Miranda EJP, Dal Poggetto VF, Pugno NM and Dos Santos JMC
    Wave Motion, Elsevier vol. 123 
  • Soft robotic patterning of liquids
    Sasso G, Pugno N, Busfield JJC and Carpi F
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 
  • Beyond bioinspiration with bionicomposites
    Pugno NM
    Matter vol. 6 (9), 2621-2623.  
  • Mechanical modelling of viscoelastic hierarchical suture joints and their optimisation and auxeticity
    Ongaro F and Pugno NM
    Mechanics of Materials vol. 186 
  • 2D Spring-block model to study the transition from static to kinetic friction of complex-micro-textured contact surfaces
    Jalali SK and Pugno NM
    Tribology International vol. 188 
  • Towards the optimization of passive undulatory locomotion on land: mathematical and physical models
    Yaqoob B, Dottore ED, Mondini A, Rodella A, Mazzolai B and Pugno NM
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface vol. 20 (205) 
  • Multiscale static and dynamic mechanical study of the Turritella terebra and Turritellinella tricarinata seashells
    Liu Y, Lott M, Seyyedizadeh SF, Corvaglia I, Greco G, Dal Poggetto VF, Gliozzi AS, Sartor RM, Nurra N, Vitale-Brovarone C, Pugno NM, Bosia F and Tortello M
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 20 (205) 
  • Deep learning aided topology optimization of phononic crystals
    Kudela P, Ijjeh A, Radzienski M, Miniaci M, Pugno N and Ostachowicz W
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing vol. 200 
  • The case study of a brittle failure of a mountain bike frame composed by carbon fiber reinforced plastic
    El Hajjar RF, Pegoretti A, Movchan A, De Falco P and Pugno NM
    Polymer Composites vol. 44 (10), 6349-6362.  
  • Investigating the dynamic influence of passive effects on undulatory locomotion in viscous environment and unleashing the potential of hybrid friction
    Yaqoob B, Rodella A, Mazzolai B and Pugno NM
    Extreme Mechanics Letters vol. 63 
  • Micromechanics Model for Rubber Blends Filled by a Nano-Reinforced Devulcanized Recycled Rubber: Application in the Automotive Industry
    Jalali SK, Busfield J and Pugno N
    International Journal of Automotive Technology vol. 24 (4), 983-994.  
  • Influence of experimental methods on the mechanical properties of silk fibers: A systematic literature review and future road map
    Greco G, Schmuck B, Jalali SK, Pugno NM and Rising A
    Biophysics Reviews vol. 4 (3) 
  • Passive SOBP generation from a static proton pencil beam using 3D-printed range modulators for FLASH experiments
    Horst F, Beyreuther E, Bodenstein E, Gantz S, Misseroni D, Pugno NM, Schuy C, Tommasino F, Weber U and Pawelke J
    Frontiers in Physics vol. 11 
  • Micromechanical homogenization of a hydrogel-filled electrospun scaffold for tissue-engineered epicardial patching of the infarcted heart: a feasibility study
    Sack KL, Mandel N, Pugno NM, Bezuidenhout D, Limbert G, Moscato F, Davies NH, Franz T and Abdalrahman T
    Meccanica vol. 58 (8), 1641-1655.  
  • Overcoming Water Diffusion Limitations in Hydrogels via Microtubular Graphene Networks for Soft Actuators
    Hauck M, Saure LM, Zeller-Plumhoff B, Kaps S, Hammel J, Mohr C, Rieck L, Nia AS, Feng X, Pugno NM, Adelung R and Schütt F
    Advanced Materials vol. 35 (41) 
  • Overcoming Water Diffusion Limitations in Hydrogels via Microtubular Graphene Networks for Soft Actuators (Adv. Mater. 41/2023)
    Hauck M, Saure LM, Zeller‐Plumhoff B, Kaps S, Hammel J, Mohr C, Rieck L, Nia AS, Feng X, Pugno NM, Adelung R and Schütt F
    Advanced Materials vol. 35 (41) 
  • Indentation and impact response of conventional, auxetic, and shear thickening gel infused auxetic closed cell foam
    Parisi M, Allen T, Colonna M, Pugno N and Duncan O
    Smart Materials and Structures vol. 32 (7) 
  • Elastic wave dispersion in layered media with suture joints: Influence of structural hierarchy and viscoelasticity
    Ongaro F, Bosia F and Pugno NM
    Proceedings of The Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 479 (2273) 
  • Prediction of virus survival timescales in surrogate respiratory sessile droplets
    Brondi C, Di Novo NG, Pugno NM, Mensitieri G and Fraldi M
    Physics of Fluids vol. 35 (5) 
  • A Bioinspired Plasmonic Nanocomposite Actuator Sunlight-Driven by a Photothermal-Hygroscopic Effect for Sustainable Soft Robotics
    Mariani S, Cecchini L, Mondini A, Del Dottore E, Ronzan M, Filippeschi C, Pugno NM, Sinibaldi E and Mazzolai B
    Advanced Materials Technologies vol. 8 (14) 
  • Multi-hit damage and perforation of plates inspired by the attacks of the mantis shrimp
    De Falco P, Ongaro F and Pugno NM
    Mechanics of Materials vol. 181 
  • “Water to the ropes”: A predictive model for the supercontraction stress of spider silks
    Fazio V, Pugno NM and Puglisi G
    Extreme Mechanics Letters vol. 61 
  • Design and proof-of-concept of an advanced protective system for the dissipation of tangential impact energy in helmets, based on non-Newtonian fluids
    La Fauci G, Parisi M, Nanni A, Crosetta L, Pugno NM and Colonna M
    Smart Materials and Structures vol. 32 (4) 
  • The impact of mean body mass index on reported mortality from COVID-19 across 181 countries
    Gabbrielli R and Pugno NM
    Frontiers in Public Health, Frontiers vol. 11 
  • All-perfluoropolymer, nonlinear stability-assisted monolithic surface combines topology-specific superwettability with ultradurability
    Li W, Chan CW, Li Z, Siu SY, Chen S, Sun H, Liu Z, Wang Y, Hu C, Pugno NM, Zare RN, Wu H and Ren K
    Innovation vol. 4 (2) 
  • Cochlea-inspired tonotopic resonators
    Dal Poggetto VF, Bosia F, Urban D, Beoletto PH, Torgersen J, Pugno NM and Gliozzi AS
    Materials and Design vol. 227 
  • Mechanics and optimization of undulatory locomotion in different environments, tuning geometry, stiffness, damping and frictional anisotropy
    Yaqoob B, Rodella A, Del Dottore E, Mondini A, Mazzolai B and Pugno NM
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface vol. 20 (199) 
  • 4D Printing of Humidity-Driven Seed Inspired Soft Robots
    Cecchini L, Mariani S, Ronzan M, Mondini A, Pugno NM and Mazzolai B
    Advanced Science vol. 10 (9) 
  • 4D Printing of Humidity‐Driven Seed Inspired Soft Robots (Adv. Sci. 9/2023)
    Cecchini L, Mariani S, Ronzan M, Mondini A, Pugno NM and Mazzolai B
    Advanced Science, Wiley vol. 10 (9), 2370048-2370048.  
  • Corrigendum to Spider silks mechanics: Predicting humidity and temperature effects: Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 164 (2022) 104857 (Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2022) 164, (S0022509622000709), (10.1016/j.jmps.2022.104857))
    Fazio V, De Tommasi D, Pugno NM and Puglisi G
    Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids vol. 173 
  • Mechanical Properties of Twisted Carbon Nanotube Bundles with Carbon Linkers from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
    Pedrielli A, Dapor M, Gkagkas K, Taioli S and Pugno NM
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol. 24 (3) 


  • 3D printed architected lattice structures by material jetting
    Mora S, Pugno NM and Misseroni D
    Materials Today, Elsevier 
  • Bio-inspired non self-similar hierarchical elastic metamaterials
    Mazzotti M, Foehr A, Bilal OR, Bergamini A, Bosia F, Daraio C, Pugno NM and Miniaci M
    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences vol. 241 
  • Author Correction: Prey localization in spider orb webs using modal vibration analysis (Scientific Reports, (2022), 12, 1, (19045), 10.1038/s41598-022-22898-3)
    Lott M, Poggetto VFD, Greco G, Pugno NM and Bosia F
    Scientific Reports vol. 12 (1) 
  • Prey localization in spider orb webs using modal vibration analysis
    Lott M, Poggetto VFD, Greco G, Pugno NM and Bosia F
    Scientific Reports vol. 12 (1) 
  • Impact of physio-chemical spinning conditions on the mechanical properties of biomimetic spider silk fibers
    Schmuck B, Greco G, Bäcklund FG, Pugno NM, Johansson J and Rising A
    Communications Materials vol. 3 (1) 
  • In situ observation of compressive deformation of an interconnected network of zinc oxide tetrapods
    Veys E, Makower L, Williamson M, Saure LM, Adelung R, Schütt F, Pugno NM and Marrow TJ
    Scripta Materialia vol. 224 
  • Rain Energy Harvesting Using Atomically Thin Gadolinium Telluride Decorated 3D Printed Nanogenerator (Adv. Sustainable Syst. 12/2022)
    Kumbhakar P, Parui A, Ambekar RS, Mukherjee M, Siddique S, Pugno NM, Singh AK and Tiwary CS
    Advanced Sustainable Systems, Wiley vol. 6 (12) 
  • Advances in the use of spiders for direct spinning of nanomaterials-reinforced bionic silk
    Greco G, Valentini L and Pugno NM
    Apl Materials vol. 10 (10) 
  • 1000 spider silkomes: Linking sequences to silk physical properties
    Arakawa K, Kono N, Malay AD, Tateishi A, Ifuku N, Masunaga H, Sato R, Tsuchiya K, Ohtoshi R, Pedrazzoli D, Shinohara A, Ito Y, Nakamura H, Tanikawa A, Suzuki Y, Ichikawa T, Fujita S, Fujiwara M, Tomita M, Blamires SJ, Chuah JA, Craig H, Foong CP, Greco G, Guan J, Holland C, Kaplan DL, Sudesh K, Mandal BB and Norma-Rashid Y
    Science Advances vol. 8 (41), eabo6043-eabo6043.  
  • Bioinspired periodic panels optimized for acoustic insulation
    Dal Poggetto VF, Pugno NM and Arruda JRDF
    Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences vol. 380 (2237) 
  • In search of the ground-state crystal structure of Ta2O5 from ab initio and Monte Carlo simulations
    Pedrielli A, Pugno NM, Dapor M and Taioli S
    Computational Materials Science vol. 216 
  • Coupling computational vibrational models and experimental biotremology to develop a green pest control strategy against the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum
    Berardo A, Fattoruso V, Mazzoni V and Pugno NM
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface vol. 19 (195) 
  • Optimized structures for vibration attenuation and sound control in nature: A review
    Bosia F, Dal Poggetto VF, Gliozzi AS, Greco G, Lott M, Miniaci M, Ongaro F, Onorato M, Seyyedizadeh SF, Tortello M and Pugno NM
    Matter vol. 5 (10), 3311-3340.  
  • Wave attenuation in viscoelastic hierarchical plates
    Dal Poggetto VF, Miranda EJP, José JM and Pugno NM
    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences vol. 236 
  • Silk fibroin films with embedded magnetic nanoparticles: evaluation of the magneto-mechanical stimulation effect on osteogenic differentiation of stem cells.
    Del Bianco L, Spizzo F, Yang Y, Greco G, Gatto ML, Barucca G, Pugno NM and Motta A
  • HR-EBSD analysis of in situ stable crack growth at the micron scale
    Koko A, Becker TH, Elmukashfi E, Pugno NM, Wilkinson AJ and Marrow TJ
    Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids vol. 172 
  • Magnetostrictive and Electroconductive Stress-Sensitive Functional Spider Silk
    Spizzo F, Greco G, Del Bianco L, Coïsson M and Pugno NM
    Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley 
  • Egg protein derived ultralightweight hybrid monolithic aerogel for water purification
    Ozden S, Monti S, Tozzini V, Dutta NS, Gili S, Caggiano N, Link AJ, Pugno NM, Higgins J, Priestley RD and Arnold CB
    Materials Today 
  • The mechanical characterization of the legs, fangs, and prosoma in the spider Harpactira curvipes (Pocock 1897)
    Residori S, Greco G and Pugno NM
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 

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