Prof Sir Colin Humphreys


Research Group News

October 2024

The wafer

Queen Mary and Paragraf researchers produce graphene-based memristors at wafer scale

23 October 2024

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Paragraf Limited have advanced the development of memristors incorporating the “wonder material”, graphene. The importance of memristors Memristors are recognised as having significant potential in the future of non-volatile memory and artificial neural networks (ANNs), because they offer the … [more]

April 2024

A range of items which can be improved with Graphene

Prof Sir Colin Humphreys quoted in The Observer for developing ‘miracle material’.

17 April 2024

In an article about Graphene – once touted as a revolutionary material set to change industries – SEMS researchers outline how they’ve discovered ways of making the material more manufacturable, and upscale its production. Cambridge University’s spin-out company, Paragraf, founded by Queen Mary’s Professor … [more]

August 2023

Professor Sir Colin Humphreys

Sir Colin Humphreys appears on BBC Radio 4's "The Life Scientific"

29 August 2023

On Tuesday 29th August Professor Sir Colin Humphreys was Professor Jim Al-Khalili's guest on the BBC Radio 4 programme "The Life Scientific". Colin discussed his work as a materials scientist and engineer, his use of electron microscopy and of course about his work on graphene, the world's … [more]

January 2022

Dame Ann Dowling is awarded an honorary doctorate

28 January 2022

During the Graduation Ceremonies at Tobacco Dock Dame Ann Dowling OM DBE FRS FREng was awarded a DSc(Hon Caus). Dame Ann is one of the most distinguished engineers in the UK. She was first female Professor in Engineering at the University of Cambridge in 1993 and is now … [more]

November 2021

Professor Bill Bonfield FRS FREng FMedSci, second Head of Materials showing some of the materials developed by Materials at Queen Mary, including HAPEX used in over 500,000 patients worldwide

Materials Celebrates 50 Years of Graduations

15 November 2021

50 years of Materials graduates from the Mile End Campus in London and the first cohort from Queen Mary Engineering School (QMES) at our campus at Northwestern Polytechnic University in Xi’an China were celebrated on Friday 5th November. 120 people gathered in the Octagon with another 45 people on-line to … [more]

August 2021

Sir Colin Humphreys

Prof Sir Colin Humphreys awarded prestigious Queen's Medal by the Royal Society

24 August 2021

Prof Sir Colin Humphreys, Professor of Materials Science, has been awarded the Queen's Medal of the Royal Society. Each year three medals are awarded for the most important contributions to the advancement of "Natural Knowledge” in the physical and biological sciences and for distinguished contributions … [more]

April 2021

Graphene under various contacts

What we know – and don’t know – about the mechanical and thermal properties of graphene

21 April 2021

In this Featured Article published in Applied Physics Reviews,Prof. David Dunstan from the School of Physics and Astronomy, Prof. Sir Colin Humphreys, Dr. Dimitrios Papageorgiou and Dr. Yiwei Sun from the School of Engineering and Materials Science, review what we know and don't know about the mechanical and … [more]

September 2020

Patterning process

Queen Mary researchers develop non-distructive single-crystal perovskite surface nanopatterning technologies

25 September 2020

Single-crystalline perovskites are widely regarded as the future semiconductor materials and will be the next big wave in optoelectronics. To manufacture high-quality single-crystal perovskite optoelectronics, non-destructive surface nanopatterning technologies are required. Conventional photolithography-based nanopatterning methods cannot be used due to perovskite’s sensitivity to high temperature and solvents. Researchers at … [more]

October 2019

AC photocurrent imaging at an epitaxial layer of InGaN/GaN on sapphire was shown to be sensitive to the impedance of a polymer dot and the negative surface charge of an isolated cell. AC photocurrents were excited with a focused, intensity-modulated 405 nm laser and measured with a lock-in amplifier. Images were obtained by measuring the photocurrent while moving the electrochemical cell with respect to the laser beam using an XYZ positioning system.

InGaN suitable as a substrate for photoelectrochemical imaging in life sciences

11 October 2019

Bo's paper on the use of InGaN as the semiconductor substrate for AC photoelectrochemical imaging has been accepted by Sensors. AC photocurrent imaging at metal oxide semiconductors auch as ITO and ZnO nanorods has been shown to suitable for bioimaging applications such as the measurement of the negative surface … [more]

September 2019

The Queen Mary research shows that graphene is 3D as well as 2D. Credit: Yiwei Sun

Graphene is 3D as well as 2D

25 September 2019

Graphene is actually a 3D material as well as a 2D material, according to a new study from Queen Mary University of London. Graphene is actually a 3D material as well as a 2D material, according to a new study from Queen Mary University of London. Realising that it is … [more]

July 2019

Characterising Paragraf graphene using a range of techniques

Queen Mary and Paragraf awarded £500,000 to explore using Graphene to replace rare metal Indium

10 July 2019

Queen Mary University of London and the graphene-device company Paragraf have been awarded £500,000 by Innovate UK to explore using graphene to replace the rare metal Indium. The Queen Mary research will be led by Sir Colin Humphreys from the School of Engineering and Materials Science, with co-investigators Dr Oliver Fenwick … [more]

January 2019

Bi-layer graphene

Properties of ‘wonder material’ graphene change in humid conditions

21 January 2019

Graphene exhibits very different properties in humid conditions, according to researchers from Queen Mary University of London. The ‘wonder material’, which is made from carbon and was discovered in 2004, is hailed for many of its extraordinary characteristics including being stronger than steel, more conductive than copper, light, flexible and transparent. … [more]

February 2018

Professor Sir Colin Humphreys

Materials expert joins Queen Mary University of London

23 February 2018

Professor Sir Colin Humphreys, CBE, FREng, FRS, the renowned British physicist and materials expert, is set to join Queen Mary University of London as Professor of Materials Science. Working in the School of Engineering and Materials Science from 1 March 2018, he will be responsible for raising the profile of Materials Science … [more]