Dr Andrew Buchan
BSc MSc PhD,
Research Overview
Modelling and Simulation, Nuclear Engineering, Sustainable Energy, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Multiphase Flows, Thermofluids Engineering, Radiation Transport, Drinking Water Treatment
My research interests are in the simulation and prediction of the coupled physics of neutron transport and multi-phase fluid flows within nuclear systems. I am involved in developing the latest and novel numerical model FETCH, in collaboration with Imperial College. My areas of research now cover the fields of adaptive finite elements, sub-grid scale methods, linear and non-linear stabilization schemes, Krylov solvers, multigrid preconditioners, reduced order models, immersed body methods, multi-scale techniques, spherical wavelets, uncertainty quantification, error metrics and adaptivity schemes.
My research includes the study and reconstruction of historical criticality accidents, liquid fuel experiments, and the analysis and prediction of both liquid and solid fuel reactors. I am currently the holder of an EPSRC fellowship award developing the methods within FETCH.