Dr Andrew Buchan
BSc MSc PhD,

Dr Andrew Buchan

Senior Lecturer in Engineering Science
Education Lead for Sustainable Engineering
Deputy of PGT Examination Board
Honorary Lecturer Imperial College London

+44 (0)20 7882 6087
Engineering 317, Mile End

ORCID Google Scholar LinkedIn

support hours:
Thursday 13.30-2.30
Expertise: Dr Andrew Buchan is senior lecturer in Engineering Science, Queen Mary University of London, and honorary lecturer Imperial College London. He specialises in computational methods for multi-physics modelling of radiation, fluids flow and heat transfer with applications to nuclear engineering, environmental flows, pollution dispersion, UVC light for disease control in air and chemical removal in drinking water. He 20 years experience in academia, has won over £8 million in research funding including an EPSRC early career research fellowship focusing on predictive modelling of nuclear reactors.
Research Centre:Sustainable Engineering
Affiliations: Organising committee member for the Nuclear Institute's meeting: "Modelling in Nuclear Science and Engineering"

Member of the OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency Expert Group on Multi-physics Experimental Data, Benchmarks and Validation (EGMPEBV)

Member of JUNO: A Network for Japan - UK Nuclear Opportunities

Brief Biography


Senior Lecturer in Engineering, School of Engineering and Material Science, Queen Mary University of London, June 2020 to date

Lecturer in Engineering, School of Engineering and Material Science, Queen Mary University of London, June 2017 to 2020

EPSRC funded Research Fellow, Applied Modelling & Computation Group, Imperial College London. Jan 2016 to June 2017

Imperial College Research Fellow, Applied Modelling & Computation Group, Imperial College London. Jan 2012 - Dec 2015

Research Associate, Applied Modelling & Computation Group, Imperial College London. April 2006 to Jan 2012

PhD student and Postdoctoral Research Associate, Applied Modelling & Computation Group, Imperial College London Sept 2002 - April 2006


Imperial College London (awarded in 2006): PhD in Computational Methods in Neutron Transport & Nuclear Engineering. Thesis title: Adaptive Spherical Wavelets for the Angular Discretisation of the Boltzmann Transport Equation. Awarded in September 2006

King's College London (awarded in 2001): MSc, Neural Networks & Information Processing. Research project: Model Selection for the Support Vector Machine. Pass with Distinction.

Funding Awarded

(PI) Predictive Modelling for Nuclear Engineering ,EPSRC EP/M022684/1, (2016-2021) ~£830K

(Co-I) Multi-phase flow and boiling simulation of thermal hydraulics in Boiling Water Reactors, KESS-II PhD Project (2016-2019),~£100K

(PI) Self-adaptive radiation transport simulation methods, EPSRC CDT (Nuclear Energy) with AMEC Foster Wheeler PhD funding,(2016-2020) ~£100K

(CO-I) JUNO: Japan UK Networking Opportunities, EPSRC Networking Grant, ~£400K

(CO-I) Investigation of the safe removal of fuel debris: multi-physics simulation, EPSRC EP/P013198/1 (2016-2019) ~£650K

(PI) Computational Nuclear Engineering, funded by HMS Sultan (2015-2017), ~£250K

(Co-I) Managing Air for Green Inner Cities, EPSRC (2016-2020) ~£5M

(Scientific Coordinator) Adaptive Hierarchical Radiation Transport Methods to Meet Future Challenges in Reactor Physics, EPSRC EPJ002011/1, (2011-2015), ~£1.3M,

(Co-I) Reactor core-structure re-location modelling for severe nuclear accidents, EPSRC EP/M012794/1, (2014-2017) , ~£300K

(Co-I) Realising the Commercial Potential of the Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale FETCH Technology for Nuclear Safety Applications, EPSRC EP/I006265/1, (2010-2011), ~£100K

(PI) A number of small College/Departmental grants to fund travel for networks and summer student projects, totaling ~£7K

Selected Invited Talks

Reduced Order and MUlti-Physics Models for Nuclear Engineering, Modelling in Nuclear Science and Engineering Conference, Nuclear Institute, 2020

Reduced Order Models for fluid and radiation modelling, Workshop in Reduced Order Modelling, University of Milan, 2016

Multi-Physics Modelling & Simulation for Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Institute, London 2015

Predictive modelling for nuclear engineering, OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, 2015

Nuclear accident simulation, Singapore government advisor group, London, 2014

Radiation transport and Multi-phase flows in multi-physics modelling, IRSN, France, 2014

FETCH: Nuclear System Modelling, Nuclear Advisory Committee, Imperial College London, 2014

Coupled Radiation Transport, Multi-phase Fluid Flows, and Heat Transfer in Reactor Physics, Chongquin University, China, 2013

Radiation Transport in Shielding, The Shielding Forum, Bournemouth, UK, 2013

Multi-Physics Modelling for Nuclear Physics Applications, University of South Carolina, US, 2012