Dr Zhe Li

Dr Zhe Li

Reader of Materials Science
Chair of Undergraduate Exam Board
Chair of Taught Postgraduate Exam Board

020 7882 6887
Joseph Priestley 2.05, Mile End

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Expertise: The research of my group is focused on the development of high performnce, high stabiltiy and environmentally friendly solution processed semiconductors and devices for photovoltaic applications and beyond. We have a particular interest in understanding the materials structure-function-stability-exotoxicity relationships of solution processed organic, perovskite and quantum dot semiconductors and utilise such relationship to develop sustainable solar cells and other types of optoelectronic devices.
Research Centre:Sustainable Engineering
Affiliations: Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
Member, American Chemical Society
Member, Institute of Physics
Member, European Materials Research Society

Brief Biography

Dr Zhe Li joined the School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London as a Senior Lecturer in Materials Science in 2019. He received his PhD from Cavendish Laboratory at University of Cambridge in 2012, and worked as a research associate/research fellow/junior group leader at Imperial College London (2012-2015) and Swansea University (2015-2017), and as a Lecturer of Energy Materials at School of Engineering, Cardiff University (2018-2019).