Dr Subhajit Pal
MSc, PhD

Dr Subhajit Pal

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Engineering 323, Mile End

ResearcherID ORCID Google Scholar

Supervisor: Prof Joe Briscoe
Expertise: Investigation of the physical properties of dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials are the main topics of my research interest. In particular, the studies of ferroelectric photovoltaic, photo-ferroelectric and electrostriction phenomena in both centro and non-centrosymmetric systems. My current research focuses on synthesizing nanostructured ferroelectric thin films for the development of next-generation solar cell devices, which is an ERC-funded project. We use the AFM technique to characterize the nanostructured thin film.
Affiliations: School of Engineering and Materials Science

Brief Biography

Before joining SEMS, QMUL, I worked as a post-doc at Center for Nanoscience & Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc). In IISc, I was involved to measure the picometer displacement of thin films under an electric field using the LDV technique and try to insight into the origin of such displacement in many oxides and perovskite systems.
I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, on the topic of multifunctional characteristics of BaTiO3-based ferroelectric oxides. In this work, we have explored how light influences the physical properties of ferroelectric materials.
I have received Master of Science degree in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India.