Dr Maria Romero-González

Dr Maria Romero-González

Reader in Science and Engineering Education
Executive Vice-Dean
Queen Mary Engineering School at the
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Xi'an, China

Engineering 329, Mile End

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Expertise: Biomineralization, surface chemistry, biomaterials, environmental chemistry, engineering and sustainability. Flipped learning, student centred learning, curriculum design.
Research Centre:

Brief Biography

Maria obtained her Bachelor and MSc degrees in Chemistry from the University of Zulia, Venezuela and her PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Sheffield Hallam University, UK. She worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate and Lecturer in Environmental Chemistry at the Faculty of Engineering and as Director of the Environmental Science Programme at the Department of Geography, The University of Sheffield.

Maria's research area is centred around bio-mineral interfaces using a wide range of analytical techniques. She has a long experience in consultancy working with the Coal Authority, the Sheffield Assay Office and in the Green Roof industry.

Since she joined SEMS in 2018, she has focused on scholarship in learning development, curriculum design and skills for future graduates. She is the Director of Learning Development at the Queen Mary Engineering School in Xi'an, China.