
Community-based placements in higher education (follow-on project)

Principal investigator: Rehan SHAH
Co-investigator(s): Dr. Irina Lazar (UCL), Dr. Anne Preston (UCL) and Dr. Stephanie Fuller (QMUL)
Funding source(s): UCL Centre for Engineering Education
 Start: 18-09-2023  /  End: 31-07-2024
 Amount: £10,000

This follow-on project on community-based placements in engineering education will complement and build on the findings of its scoping study project carried out across UK universities such as UCL and QMUL. While the scoping study focused on community-based placements occurring as credit-bearing activities within the curriculum, the follow-on project will expand this definition to include summer internships, mentoring, volunteering and other types of relevant activities. The research agenda co-created with student interns in the scoping study will inform future priority research areas.  The study may also be expanded to international settings to investigate best practice methods to compare and contrast them with the UK context.