Dr Sanaa Hafeez
Research Funding
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Previous Funded Research Projects
A comparative study looking at underrepresented engineering students in different institutional contexts: Investigating what contributes towards a holistic engineering student experience of international and home students (Follow on project)Funding source: UCL Centre for Engineering EducationStart: 01-08-2023 / End: 31-07-2024 Continuation from previous project to analyse the current student experience as reported by the student themselves. This includes the learning experience and performance but at the same time places great emphasis on aspects of inclusion, wellbeing and the relevant support mechanisms. |
Other Research Projects
Enhancing Student Engagement and Experience through Gamified Flipped Learning using Kahoot at QMES XIAN China.Teaching and Learning Project 2023-2024 funded by the International Centre for Teaching and Learning (ICTL) at Queen Mary Engineering School (QMES). Grants £2,000 or CNY 18,000. This project aims to enhance student engagement, experience, and academic performance in higher education by introducing gamified flipped learning with the Kahoot platform. Key objectives include integrating Kahoot quizzes and interactive features into the flipped learning model, crafting gamified content modules that correspond to course objectives, assessing the effects of gamified flipped learning on student engagement and academic outcomes, and outlining best practices for educators to optimize Kahoot for active learning experiences. |