Dr Paul Balcombe
MEng, PhD, CEng, MIChemE, FHEA


Research Group Members

Postdoctoral researchers:

Dalia Heggo (d.heggo@qmul.ac.uk); Developing strategies for site-level methane measurements on industrial sites.

Tahereh Shah Mansouri (t.s.mansouri@qmul.ac.uk); Reducing uncertainties from drone-based methane emissions measurements. 


PhD researchers:

Maria Olczak (m.olczak@qmul.ac.uk); Methane emissions in Europe: by how much can they be reduced and how do we get there? (began July 2020)

Junbo Huang (junbo.huang@qmul.ac.uk); Hydrogen and the decarbonisation of China: a macro-economic study (visiting PhD researcher, began November 2021)

Luke Dubey (luke.dubey@qmul.ac.uk); Improvements in measuring and modelling methane emissions across industrial sites.

Research Assistants

Dr Heggo
HEGGO, Dalia
Dr Balcombe

Current PhD Projects

Thesis Title
Methane Emissions in Europe: Advancements in Monitoring Techniques, Mitigation Strategies, and Policy Frameworks
Methane emissions in Europe: by how much can they be reduced and how do we get there?
Reducing emissions from gas supply chains