Prof Oliver Fenwick


Research Impact


  • Dr Fenwick contributes to the UK Material Science community response to the net-zero emissions challenge

Royce roadmapIn May 2019 the UK Government became the first global economy to set a net zero emissions target for 2050, upgrading the previous target of delivering an 80% cut in emissions.

In response, the Henry Royce Institute for advanced materials, in collaboration with the Institute of Physics (IOP), convened the materials research communities to explore the critical role of novel materials and processes to deliver affordable, reliable and green energy. The output is a series of detailed technology roadmaps that set out how UK materials science can contribute to the UK’s low-carbon energy transition.

Dr Oliver Fenwick (SEMS) was the technical lead for one of the five technology roadmaps:
“The development of new or improved materials underpins most emerging technologies. Accordingly, the transition to net-zero emissions presents significant opportunities for new materials, and this is particularly the case for thermoelectric technology…. The challenge is significant, but the opportunity for the UK in this sector is huge, with 17% of our CO2 emissions coming from space heating and cooling. Breakthroughs in thermoelectrics can be achieved with sustained targeted research funding that addresses skills gaps, develops new advanced tools, and facilitates networking between stake-holders.”


  • MSCA Falling Walls Lab 2020

Falling Walls Lab is an international showcase for the next generation of innovators, pioneers, creators and visionaries. The aim is to promote ideas and connect, globally, academia and business. Twenty MSCA fellows, including Dr Vanira Trifiletti, presented their research topic, innovative project, or idea to an audience of about 800 people. Watch her video entry through the link below:

  • Results presented to UK parliament


Poster presentation

PhD student Thibault Degousée presented his results at the STEM For Britain event in the Palace of Westminster. A number of MPs and policy members attended the event.

The event aims to present “ground-breaking” and frontier UK research and R&D to Members of both Houses of Parliament at Westminster and foster greater dialogue between early-stage researchers and Members both in Westminster and in their Constituencies.