Prof Michael Reece


Research Group Members

Research Assistants

Dr Poloni

Current PhD Projects

Thesis Title
Brazing of Ceramics and Metals
Ferroelectric Polymers
High-entropy Energy materials for Thermoelectric and Li-ion battery
Hydrothermal Carbonisation: Materials, Chemicals and Fuels
Lead free ferroelectric ceramics for solid state clean cooling
Lead-free ferroelectrics for solid state cooling
Pb-free ferroelectrics for solid-state refrigeration
Phase transitions in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 based ferroelectrics.
Processing and Properties of High Entropy Carbides
Promotion of the C-C coupling reaction by Nanoparticles embedded in MOFs catalysts Dr Patrick Cullen is now Primary Supervisor
System-level modelling and optimisation of green ammonia production

Past PhD Projects

Thesis TitleYear
Hybrid Perovskite Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Stability and Defect Tolerance2024
Investigate the ferroelectric behaviour in the tungsten bronze structured ceramics2024
The Interstitial Hydrides of High-Entropy Alloys2024
Investigating the Influence of Dopants and Processing Conditions on Low Temperature Degradation of Zirconia Ceramics for Dental Applications2023
Polymer-based dielectric films with high thermal conductivity2023
Structure and properties of perovskite and hexagonal structured multiferroic ceramics2023
High entropy transition metal carbides2022
Dielectric Behaviour of Ferroelectrics at Terahertz Frequency2021
Synthesizability and Thermophysical and dielectric Properties of High Entropy Oxides2021
PVDF-based Electroactive Polymer for Energy Storage Applications2020
Current Assisted Sintering of Thermoelectric Materials2019
Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-based materials2019
Elaboration and hydrogen sorption properties of nanostructured LiBH4-based systems as advanced hydrogen storage materials2019
Multiferroic in Perovskite and Aurivillius Structured Materials2019
Processing and properties of carbon-ceramic composites2018
Blends of Ferroelectric Polymer: Processing, Structure and Property2017
Effect of Electric Current on Ceramic Processing2017
Grain Size Effect in Lead-Free Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-based Materials: Exploring The Ferroelectric Behavior2016
Processing and switching mechanism of ferroelectric copolymer P(VDF/TrFE)2016
Room Temperature Single Phase Multiferroics2016
Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of Layered Compound BiCuSO2016
Electric Field Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition Processes on Titanium Dioxide Thin Films for Photocatalysis2015
Enhancement of N-Type Semiconductor Photovoltaics with Multiferroics2015
Graphene Reinforced Nano-Composites2015
High Temperature Piezoelectric eramics2015
Low Velocity Edge Impact on Composite Laminates: Damage Tolerance and Numerical Simulations2015
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in exploring materials property-property correlations2014
Effect of Doping and Defect Structures on Thermo Physical Properties of Thermoelectric Materials2014
Effect of Temperature in Cathodic Electrodepostion of Anatase TiO2 Films on Conductive Glass2014
The Effect of CNTs on the Sintering Behaviour and Properties of Structural Ceramic Composites2013
Perovskite-Like Layered Structure A2B2O7 Ferroelectrics and Solid Solutions2012
Mechanical and Chemical Modifications of High-Capacity Hydrogen Storage Materials2011
Perovskite-like Layered Structure A2B2O7 Ferrlelectrics with Super-High Curie Points2011
Domain switching dynamics in ferroelastic and ferroelastic/ferroelectric perovskites2010
Going against the Grain: the De-Maturity of the European Textile Industry2010
Techno-economic Transition towards a Hydrogen Economy2010
An examination of innovation and disruptive technology in the medical devices and implant industry (MPhil)2009
Development of a Continuous Wire Casting Technique2009
Development of Ceramic รข?? Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Nanocomposites2009
Processing and characterization of aligned ferroelectric PVDF-TrFE thin films2009
Valuation of nanotechnology using the international private equity and venture capital valuation guidelines and factors influencing it2009
Syntheses and characterisations of nanostructural magnesium based hydrides for hydrogen storage applications2008
Synthesis of nanostructure materials for lithium ion batteries2008
An alternative interpretation for domain wall dynamics in ferroelectric switching: thermal activation.2007
Development of Si3N4-based composites for high temperature sensor application2007
Electromechanical properties and thermal depoling behaviour of perovskite and aurivillius phase ceramics2007
The elastic and electromechanical properties of ferroelectric thin films studied using spherical nanoindentation2007
The Relaxor and Ferroelectric Properties of the Aurivillius Phase Ceramics as a Function of Octahedra Layers and Doping2006
Domain wall dynamics in ferroelectric ceramics under mechanical stress2005
Nanoindentation of PZT Ferroelectric Thin Films2005
High temperature uniaxial fatigue of oxide ceramics2003
A systematic study of the effects of alumina, yttria and zirconia sintering additives on the microstructure and high temperature creep properties of silicon nitride2002