Dr Li Wang
BEng, MSc, PhD, CEng, FHEA

Dr Li Wang

Senior Lecturer in Engineering
Director of Student Experience, QMES

Engineering 329, Mile End
Expertise: Materials, Design, Simulations, Packaging
Research Centre:
Affiliations: CEng of IoM3

Brief Biography

Dr Li Wang has her first degree in Material Science and Engineering, MSc in Advanced Materials and Manufacturing, and PhD in Computational Mechanics.
She continued another 4 years in academia as research fellow at Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre, School of Engineering Science at Oxford University. During her time there, she had involved various research projects across aerospace and automotive industries. Her main focus was on impact behaviour of materials and structures, employing experimental testing and numerical simulations.
She joined Global Packaging Design Group in Unilever R&D in 2005 and had been leading the CAE team to support packaging projects across different categories globally. From 2012, she had been working as Design Engineering Leader for Food & Refreshment Category, working with different functions (discover, supply chain, consumer science, mould maker, marketing, etc) to apply engineering concept to packaging and product designs.
She came back to academia in 2020 and started as a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at University of Bolton, then joined SEMS in 2022 as senior lecturer.