Prof John Rose
BScEng PhD DScEng(Lond) CEng FIMechE FASME
Research Funding
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Previous Funded Research Projects
Thermally Driven Heat Pump Based on Integrated Thermodynamic Cycles for Low Carbon Domestic HeatingFunding source: E.P.S.R.C.Start: 01-07-2016 / End: 31-12-2019 |
Flow boiling and condensation of mixtures in microscaleFunding source: E.P.S.R.C.Start: 01-12-2015 / End: 31-08-2019 |
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Microchannel Condensation Heat TransferFunding source: E.P.S.R.C.Start: 11-11-2013 / End: 23-07-2017 |
Microchannel Condensation Heat TransferFunding source: E.P.S.R.C.Start: 02-11-2009 / End: 01-11-2012 |
Boiling and Condensation in MicrochannelsFunding source: E.P.S.R.C.Start: 01-01-2007 / End: 31-12-2008 |
Condensation On Low-Finned TubesFunding source: E.P.S.R.C.Start: 01-07-2005 / End: 30-09-2006 |
Other Research Projects
Molecular dynamic simulation of phase change |
Marangoni condensation |
Condensation Heat Transfer on Low-Finned TubesLow-finned condenser tubes are now widely used in modern plant. Design calculations are presently based on correlations of experimental data. Theoretical solution is problematic owing to the crucial role played by surface tension and curvature of the condensate surface which various in a complicated way over the fin and tube … |
Condensation Heat Transfer in MicrochannelsMicrochannel heat exchangers have been widely considered as a revolutionary, advanced technology because they can provide more than 50% reduction in size and mass, refrigerant charge and air side pressure drop. Wide use of microchannel heat exchangers will make a significant contribution to reduction of energy consumption and consequently carbon emission. … |