Prof John Rose
BScEng PhD DScEng(Lond) CEng FIMechE FASME


Research Overview


Professor Rose's research is in the field of heat transfer and has resulted in upwards of 200 research papers. The work covers a wide range of topics related to phase change heat transfer and more particularly condensation e.g. dropwise condensation, condensation of metals, condensation of mixtures, Marangoni condensation, kinetic theory of phase change, molecular dynamic simulation of phase change, condensation on microfinned tubes and in microchannels. The experimental and theoretical work is both fundamental and application-related (e.g. nuclear, heat exchangers, condensers, refrigeration/air conditioning). The experimental investigations are recognised for their accuracy/reliability and have involved a wide range of fluids (refrigerants, steam, ethylene glycol, aniline, nitrobenzene and mercury). The theoretical studies have wide generality so that the results are applicable to any fluid. Wherever possible theoretical results are approximated by relatively simple algebraic expressions for convenient use in design and optimisation. His research papers on condensation heat transfer are widely quoted in advanced textbooks and design and reference handbooks. The work has been supported by industry (British Gas Co., AEA Harwell, National Nuclear Corp., Cal Gavin Ltd., Keltec Industrial Research Ltd, Ford Motor Co., Modine Co. (USA), Compagnie Industrielle d’Applications Thermiques (France)) and by government and other funding bodies (EPSRC, Royal Society, Leverhulme Trust, National Science Foundation (USA), Office of Naval Research (USA)). He has supervised 21 successful PhD students. Prfoessor Rose has given invited lectures and presentations throughout the world at conferences, in universities and companies – notably in USA, Japan, Korea, Russia, India as well as EU countries and UK. His model for condensation on low-finned tubes agrees closely with accurate experimental data (our own and other worldwide) for fluids with a wide range of thermophysical properties encompassing steam and refrigerants. The model has been adopted by ESDU (Engineering Sciences Data Unit) International plc as their recommended design method and by HTFS (UK). HTRI (USA) and GRETh (France). Most recently, in collaboration with Dr Huasheng Wang, he has developed a wholly theoretical approach to predict heat transfer during condensation in microchannels. This is the first, and so far only, widely accepted theoretical solution of this problem.