Dr Haixue Yan


Research Group Members

Research Assistants

Dr Yan
BANERJEE, Krishnarjun

Current PhD Projects

Thesis Title
Development of next-generation MLCCs for Electric Vehicles
Development of sustainable lead-free ferroelectric ceramics
Energy efficient manufacturing of multifunctional fibre reinforced composites
Ferroelectric Polymers
Finite Element Analysis of Advanced Composites for Bone Healing and Metal Joining Techniques
High-entropy Energy materials for Thermoelectric and Li-ion battery
Investigating Pyroresistive Conductive Polymer Composites with Improved Thermal Stability
Lead free ferroelectric ceramics for solid state clean cooling
Lead-free ferroelectrics for solid state cooling
Nano-engineered Smart Coatings for Multifunctional Composites
Pb-free ferroelectrics for solid-state refrigeration
Phase transitions in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 based ferroelectrics.

Past PhD Projects

Thesis TitleYear
Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Perovskite-structured Ferroelectric Ceramics2024
Investigate the ferroelectric behaviour in the tungsten bronze structured ceramics2024
Design of polymer brush vectors for RNA delivery2023
Investigating the Influence of Dopants and Processing Conditions on Low Temperature Degradation of Zirconia Ceramics for Dental Applications2023
Structure and properties of perovskite and hexagonal structured multiferroic ceramics2023
Dielectric Behaviour of Ferroelectrics at Terahertz Frequency2021
Current Assisted Sintering of Thermoelectric Materials2019
Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-based materials2019
Effect of Polar Structure on Photocatalytic Properties of Oxide Powders and Films2019
Multiferroic in Perovskite and Aurivillius Structured Materials2019
New Approaches for Thermochromic Thin Films for Energy Efficient Windows2018
Fabrication and Characterization of Aluminum Oxide Nanofibre Reinforced Composites2017
The role of high frequency loading in the treatment of tendinopathy2017
Grain Size Effect in Lead-Free Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-based Materials: Exploring The Ferroelectric Behavior2016
Room Temperature Single Phase Multiferroics2016
Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of Layered Compound BiCuSO2016
High Temperature Piezoelectric eramics2015
Piezoelectric zincoxide nanostructures for energy harvesting2015