Ms Faith Nightingale

Ms Faith Nightingale

Senior Lecturer in Skills for Science and Engineering Transnational Education
Director of Education, Queen Mary Engineering School (Xi'an, China)
Deputy Director (Scholarship) for CREME

Engineering 329, Mile End


Expertise: Engineering Education, Professional Skills, Curriculum Development, Interdisciplinary Education
Research Centre:Research in Engineering and Materials Education
Affiliations: Affiliate Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Brief Biography

Faith Nightingale, joined QMUL in 2017 joining QMES JEI after working in the Middle East for 8 years developing and teaching programmes for a range of professions. She now aims to enhance the students' professional and academic skills for success in their future engineering careers by teaching professional skills.

Faith is interested in professional skills, graduate attributes, curriculum design, cross-disciplinary education, transnational education and using technology in the classroom.