
Advanced Numerical Modelling for Plate/Shell Structures with Multi-component and Composite Materials – Meshless Technique Approach (EPSRC Standard)

Principal investigator: Pihua WEN

Metal/ceramic FGMs are widely applied in different engineering areas under severe thermal loading conditions. Since analytical methods can only be successfully applied to structural analysis of FGMs for very simple geometrical and loading conditions, numerical methods are needed in general cases. During the research stay, a novel meshless local integral equation method (LIEM) will be developed for thermo-mechanical analysis of thick plates and shells built from FGMs. Both isotropic and anisotropic material properties of FGM will be considered. The scientific objectives of the present research project can be summarized as follows:
• Derivation of local integral formulation and numerical implementation for thermo-mechanical analysis of thick plates and shells with FGMs properties under thermal and mechanical loading conditions.
• Both stationary and impact thermal loads will be considered in numerical analyses.
• Both time-domain and Laplace transform-domain integral formulations will be derived for considered problem.