
EPSRC - Human-inspired robotic manipulation for advanced manufacturing (MAN3).

Principal investigator: Lorenzo JAMONE
Robot Teaching by Human Teleoperation
The aim of this project is to develop a system for natural human demonstration of robotic manipulation tasks, combining immersive Virtual Reality technologies and smart wearable devices (to interface the human with the robot) with robot sensorimotor learning techniques and multimodal artificial perception (inspired by the human sensorimotor system). The robotic system will include a set of sensors that allow to reconstruct the real world, in particual by integrating 3D vision with tactile information about contacts; the human user will access this artificial reconstruction through an immersive Virtual Reality that will combine both visual and haptic feedback. In other words, the user will see through the eyes of the robot, and will feel through the hands of the robot. Also, users will be able to move the robot just by moving their own limbs. This will allow human users to easily teach complex manipulation tasks to robots, and robots to learn efficient control strategies from the human demonstrations, so that they can then repeat the task autonomously in the future. Human demonstration of simple robotic tasks has already found its way to industry (e.g. robotic painting, simple pick and place of rigid objects), but still it cannot be applied to the dexterous handling of generic objects (e.g. soft and delicate objects), that would result in a much larger applicability (e.g. food handling). Therefore, the expected results of this project will boost productivity in a large number of industrial processes (economic impact) and improve working conditions and quality of life of the human workers in terms of safety and engagement (social impact).
PI: Lorenzo Jamone
Budget: £310,597