
Adjoint Based Optimisation for Turbomachinery Components

Principal investigator: Jens-Dominik MUELLER
Funding source(s): Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG
 Start: 01-01-2011  /  End: 31-12-2015
 Amount: £48,248

The first objective of the poject is to develop novel iterative schemes to stabilise discrete adjoint codes. The new JT-KIRK (Jacobian-trained Krylov-Implicit-Runge-Kutta) method is unique in integrating very robust GMRES solvers as smoothers inside a geometric multi-grid method. Very strong stabilisation can be achieved even for moderately strong flow instabilities.

The second part of the project is based on the CAD-based parametrisation method NsPCC developed by the group. In this project it is extended to include geometric constraints such as e.g. blade thickness or blade trailing edge radius. The NsPCC methodology has been extended to incorporate geometric constraints into the CAD-based framework and has been shown to work very effectively.