Mr Thomas Thorn
All Publications
- Thorn TDS, Wang Y, Guo H, Lu L, Liu Y, Bilotti E, Papageorgiou DG and Zhang H (2024). Discontinuous interleaving strategies for toughening, damage sensing and repair in multifunctional carbon fibre/epoxy composites. Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 185
01-10-2024 - Wang Y, Das B, Thorn TDS, Huo S, Evans J, Newton M, Liu Y, Advani SG, Papageorgiou DG, Bilotti E and Zhang H (2024). Towards highly homogeneous self-regulating heating of smart nanocomposites. Applied Materials Today, Elsevier vol. 39
- Yao X, Wang Y, Thorn TDS, Huo S, Papageorgiou DG, Liu Y, Bilotti E and Zhang H (2023). Tailored Out-of-Oven Energy Efficient Manufacturing of High-Performance Composites with Two-Stage Self-Regulating Heating via a Double Positive Temperature Coefficient Effect. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, American Chemical Society (ACS) vol. 15 (48), 56265-56274.
21-11-2023 - Wang Y, Yao X, Thorn TDS, Huo S, Porwal H, Newton M, Liu Y, Papageorgiou D, Bilotti E and Zhang H (2023). Energy efficient out-of-oven manufacturing of natural fibre composites with integrated sensing capabilities and improved water barrier properties. Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 239
01-07-2023 - Thorn TDS, Liu Y, Yao X, Papageorgiou DG, Robinson P, Bilotti E, Peijs T and Zhang H (2023). Smart and repeatable easy-repairing and self-sensing composites with enhanced mechanical performance for extended components life. Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 165