Dr Neil Cagney


All Publications




  • Elasto inertia transitions in Taylor Couette flows
    Lacassagne T, Cagney N, Boulafentis T and Balabani S
    Science Talks, Elsevier vol. 5 (Phys. Rev. Fluids 5 ) 
  • Experimental insights into elasto-inertial transitions in Taylor-Couette flows
    Boulafentis T, Lacassagne T, Cagney N and Balabani S
    Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 381 (2243) 


  • Flow dynamics and mixing past pairs of confined microfluidic cylinders
    Zhang S, Han Y, Lacassagne T, Cagney N, Naveira-Cotta CP, Balabani S and Tiwari MK
    Chemical Engineering Science, Elsevier vol. 267 


  • Modulation of elasto-inertial transitions in Taylor–Couette flow by small particles
    Lacassagne T, Boulafentis T, Cagney N and Balabani S
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 929, r2-r2.  
  • Fallow time determination in dentistry using aerosol measurement in mechanically and non-mechanically ventilated environments
    Shahdad S, Hindocha A, Patel T, Cagney N, Mueller JD, Koched A, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Fleming PS and Din AR
    British Dental Journal (Bdj), Springer Nature [Academic Journals On Nature.Com] 
  • Shear-thinning mediation of elasto-inertial Taylor-Couette flow
    Lacassagne T, Cagney N and Balabani S
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 915 


  • Vortex merging and splitting: A route to elastoinertial turbulence in Taylor-Couette flow
    Lacassagne T, Cagney N, Gillissen JJJ and Balabani S
    Physical Review Fluids, American Physical Society vol. 5 (11) 
  • Quantitative analysis of particulate matter release during orthodontic procedures: a pilot study
    Din AR, Hindocha A, Patel T, Sudarshan S, Cagney N, Koched A, Mueller J-D, Seoudi N, Morgan C, Shahdad S and Fleming PS
    British Dental Journal, Springer Nature, 1-7.  
  • Taylor-Couette flow of polymer solutions with shear-thinning and viscoelastic rheology
    Cagney N, Lacassagne T and Balabani S
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) 
  • Correction to: The efficacy of an extraoral scavenging device on reduction of splatter contamination during dental aerosol generating procedures: an exploratory study.
    Shahdad S, Patel T, Hindocha A, Cagney N, Mueller J-D, Seoudi N, Morgan C and Din A
    Br Dent J 
  • The efficacy of an extraoral scavenging device on reduction of splatter contamination during dental aerosol generating procedures: an exploratory study
    Shahdad S, Patel T, Hindocha A, Cagney N, Mueller JD, Seoudi N, Morgan C and Din A
    British Dental Journal (Bdj), Springer Nature [Academic Journals On Nature.Com] 
  • Taylor-Couette instability in disk suspensions: Experimental observation and theory
    Gillissen JJJ, Cagney N, Lacassagne T, Papadopoulou A, Balabani S and Wilson HJ
    Physical Review Fluids, American Physical Society vol. 5 (8) 
  • Mixing in flows past confined microfluidic cylinders: Effects of pin and fluid interface offsetting
    Zhang S, Cagney N, Lacassagne T, Balabani S, Naveira-Cotta CP and Tiwari MK
    Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier vol. 397 
  • Effect of mixed convection on laminar vortex breakdown in a cylindrical enclosure with a rotating bottom plate
    Quaresma JNN, da Cruz CCS, Cagney N, Cotta RM and Balabani S
    International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier 



  • Mode decomposition and Lagrangian structures of the flow dynamics in orbitally shaken bioreactors
    Weheliye WH, Cagney N, Rodriguez G, Micheletti M and Ducci A
    Physics of Fluids vol. 30 (3) 


  • Effects of cell motility and morphology on the rheology of algae suspensions
    Cagney N, Zhang T, Bransgrove R, Allen MJ and Balabani S
    Journal of Applied Phycology vol. 29 (3), 1145-1157.  


  • Fluid forces acting on a cylinder undergoing streamwise vortex-induced vibrations
    Cagney N and Balabani S
    Journal of Fluids and Structures vol. 62, 147-155.  
  • Lagrangian structures and mixing in the wake of a streamwise oscillating cylinder
    Cagney N and Balabani S
    Physics of Fluids vol. 28 (4) 
  • Dynamics and excess temperature of a plume throughout its life cycle
    Cagney N and Lithgow-Bertelloni C
    Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 205 (3), 1574-1588.  
  • Constraining the source of mantle plumes
    Cagney N, Crameri F, Newsome WH, Lithgow-Bertelloni C, Cotel A, Hart SR and Whitehead JA
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Elsevier vol. 435, 55-63.  


  • Swirl flow bioreactor containing dendritic copper-containing alginate beads: A potential rapid method for the eradication of Escherichia coli from waste water streams
    Thomas SF, Rooks P, Rudin F, Cagney N, Balabani S, Atkinson S, Goddard P, Bransgrove RM, Mason PT and Allen MJ
    Journal of Water Process Engineering, Elsevier vol. 5, 6-14.  
  • Temperature and velocity measurements of a rising thermal plume
    Cagney N, Newsome WH, Lithgow‐Bertelloni C, Cotel A, Hart SR and Whitehead JA
    Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, American Geophysical Union (Agu) vol. 16 (3), 579-599.  


  • Streamwise vortex-induced vibrations of cylinders with one and two degrees of freedom
    Cagney N and Balabani S
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 758, 702-727.  