Prof Julien Gautrot


Research Funding

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Current Funded Research Projects

Engineered Recombinant Strategies to Organogel Design for Food Product Formulations

Funding source: Motif Food Works Inc
Start: 01-09-2022  /  End: 31-08-2026
Amount: £32,500

ProNaGen: Engineering of Recombinant Protein Nanosheet-Based Bioemulsions for Next Generation Bioprocessing and Biomanufacturing

Funding source: EPSRC - EU Scheme
Start: 01-11-2023  /  End: 30-04-2025
Amount: £125,329

Current PhD Studentship Projects

Tommy’s National Preterm Birth Centre

Funding source: Tommy's baby charity
Start: 01-04-2023  /  End: 31-03-2028

We are investigating a novel solution to heal the fetal membranes after iatrogenic rupture with a long-term view to translate this to pregnancies affected by spontaneous PPROM.

Previous Funded Research Projects

A Biophysical Model of Gum Reintegration on enamel

Funding source: GSK GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd
Start: 01-10-2019  /  End: 30-09-2023

Engineered Protein Nanosheets at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces for Stem Cell Expansion, Sorting and Tissue Engineering

Funding source: EU Commission - Horizon 2020
Start: 01-09-2018  /  End: 31-08-2023

ProLiCell will design the biochemical and mechanical properties of extracellular matrix (ECM) protein nanosheets that can sustain the formation of adhesion protein complexes and support cell proliferation and culture on materials with very weak bulk mechanical properties (liquids).

Protein Nanosheet-Stabilised Emulsions for Next Generation Biomanufacturing

Funding source: EU Commission - Horizon 2020
Start: 01-03-2021  /  End: 31-08-2022

Translating Vasculature-on-a-Chips with a Nephrotoxicity Model

Funding source: NC3Rs National Center for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research
Start: 01-07-2019  /  End: 30-06-2021

2D composites with controlled nano-mechanisms

Funding source: Leverhulme Trust
Start: 01-03-2018  /  End: 28-02-2021

A long standing dogma in cell-based technologies is that bulk mechanical properties of solid substrates are essential to enable cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. However, the use of solid materials for cell culture constitutes an important hurdle for the scale up and automation of processes. We recently discovered that protein assembly at liquid-liquid interfaces results in mechanically strong protein layers sustaining cell spreading and directing fate decision. For long term culture, such interfaces lacked toughness and ruptured. This project will develop tough 2D nanocomposites assembled at oil-water interfaces and sustaining long term stem cell culture for applications in regenerative medicine.

Novel Cross-linking Strategy

Funding source: FormFormForm Ltd
Start: 01-10-2017  /  End: 30-09-2020

This project focuses on the design of novel crosslinking strategies for silicone materials. These will enable the design of a new generation of silicone based composites with controlle mechanical properties and displaying conductive behaviour. The project will explore the use of these materials for 3D printing.

3D printing of hydroxyapatite

Funding source: GSK GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd
Start: 03-02-2020  /  End: 31-08-2020

Impact of Physiogel on tribological properties and structural integrity of the skin

Funding source: GSK GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd
Start: 01-09-2018  /  End: 30-11-2019

Development of a microvascularised cerebral organoid-on-a-chip

Funding source: EPSRC / MRC / BBSRC Technology Touching Life
Start: 04-02-2019  /  End: 03-08-2019

This project proposes to combine a model of cerebral organoid (from the Lancaster laboratory) and a model of microvasculature-on-a-chip (from the Gautrot laboratory), to create the first microvascularised model of brain early development. We will study some of the factors that control the interaction of the two models and the formation of a mature interface between vasculatures and cerebral organoids. This model will be used to mimic neurodegenerative conditions and diseases, and for the development of therapeutic strategies.

A Biomimetic Gum Model for Biomechanical Testing

Funding source: GSK GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd
Start: 01-12-2017  /  End: 30-11-2018

This project aims to study soft tissue mechanics and develop biomimetic model elastomers reproducing key biomechanical features of soft tissues.

Imaging Failure of Novel Denture Adhesives

Funding source: GSK GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd
Start: 15-05-2018  /  End: 31-10-2018

Proof of Concept 2017: Stem Cell Culture

Funding source: HEFCE
Start: 01-09-2017  /  End: 31-08-2018

This project aims to demonstrate the suitability of liquid-liquid interfaces and specifically oil-in-water emulsions for the long term culture of stem cells.

Development of a 3D Model of Dental Integration

Funding source: GSK Consumer Healthcare Trading (UK) Ltd
Start: 01-02-2017  /  End: 31-01-2018

Mimicking the Mechanical & Adhesive Properties of Oral Soft Tissues

Funding source: GSK Consumer Healthcare Trading (UK) Ltd
Start: 20-06-2016  /  End: 30-11-2017

Film Forming Polymer Actives in Oral Health Products

Funding source: GSK CH (UK) Trading Ltd
Start: 01-07-2017  /  End: 14-09-2017

Polymer Actives in Oral Health Products

Funding source: GlaxoSmithKline R & D
Start: 31-05-2017  /  End: 31-05-2017

International Exchange Scheme: Brazil

Funding source: The Royal Society
Start: 01-03-2015  /  End: 28-02-2017

Innovation Fund: Culture of Stem Cells

Funding source: E.P.S.R.C.
Start: 01-08-2016  /  End: 31-01-2017

Quantifying the Role of Interfaces

Funding source: GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare
Start: 15-11-2015  /  End: 30-04-2016

Design of Tough Compliant Graphene-Based Coatings

Funding source: E.P.S.R.C.
Start: 01-04-2015  /  End: 31-03-2016

In collaboration with FormFormForm Ltd., the company behind the range of silicone-based resins called Sugru, the project will explore the use of graphene to generate heat and electrically conductive silicone based matrices, as well as the application of such composites as anti-corrosion coatings. Achieving high performance for such flexible silicone-based composites, thanks to the exceptional properties of graphene, could open up a wide range of applications for such silicone-based materials. Hence we will explore the use of this new technology to address some of the current challenges in the manufacturing industry.

UKIERI-DST Thematic Partnerships

Funding source: British Council
Start: 01-05-2013  /  End: 31-01-2016

Quantifying and Imaging

Funding source: SmithKlineBeecham Ltd
Start: 01-09-2015  /  End: 13-10-2015

Quantifying & Imaging Failure at the Denture Adhesive Interface

Funding source: GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development
Start: 11-01-2014  /  End: 31-03-2015

Previous PhD Studentship Projects


Funding source: Bit.Bio Ltd
Start: 01-09-2021  /  End: 31-08-2024


Self Healing Elastomer Materials

Funding source: Weir Group Plc
Start: 01-05-2019  /  End: 31-10-2022

Pumps used in slurry applications are typically lined with rubber liners to improve product lifetimes. This project aims to develop an intrinsic self-healing mechanism that can reduce the erosion rate of these liners.

CASE Award

Funding source: GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development
Start: 01-10-2015  /  End: 30-09-2019

Industrial CASE Studentship Award 2014

Funding source: GSK Service Unlimited / E.P.S.R.C.
Start: 01-10-2014  /  End: 02-11-2018

Industrial CASE Studentship Award 2013

Funding source: GSK Service Unlimited / E.P.S.R.C.
Start: 01-10-2013  /  End: 30-09-2018

An Ovarian Cancer Model on a Chip

Funding source: M.R.C.
Start: 01-09-2015  /  End: 31-08-2018


Funding source: FormFormForm Ltd
Start: 01-10-2013  /  End: 30-09-2016