Dr Christopher Chapman


All Publications


    • Alkahtani ME, Sun S, Chapman CAR, Gaisford S, Orlu M, Elbadawi M and Basit AW (2024). 3D printed electro-responsive system with programmable drug release. Materials Today Advances, Elsevier vol. 23 
    • Cuttaz EA, Bailey ZK, Chapman CAR, Goding JA and Green RA (2024). Polymer Bioelectronics: A Solution for Both Stimulating and Recording Electrodes. Advanced Healthcare Materials, Wiley vol. 13 (24) 
    • Georgiannakis A, Chapman CAR and Paraskevopoulos D (2024). Surgical identification of brain tumour margins through impedance monitoring and electrocorticography and the potential for their combined use: A systematic review. Neurosurgical Review, Springer Nature vol. 47 (1) 


    • Chapman CAR, Fernandez-Patel S, Jahan N, Cuttaz EA, Novikov A, Goding JA and Green RA (2023). Controlled electroactive release from solid-state conductive elastomer electrodes. Materials Today Bio, Elsevier vol. 23 
    • Alkahtani ME, Elbadawi M, Chapman CAR, Green RA, Gaisford S, Orlu M and Basit AW (2023). Electroactive Polymers for On‐Demand Drug Release. Advanced Healthcare Materials, Wiley vol. 13 (3) 
    • Steenbergen N, Busha I, Morgan A, Mattathil C, Pinto AL, Spyridakos F, Sokolovskiy I, Tahirbegi B, Chapman C, Cuttaz E, Litvinova K, Goding J and Green R (2023). Surface electromyography using dry polymeric electrodes. APL Bioengineering, AIP Publishing vol. 7 (3) 


    • Rapeaux A, Syed O, Cuttaz E, Chapman CAR, Green RA and Constandinou TG (2022). Preparation of Rat Sciatic Nerve for Ex Vivo Neurophysiology. Journal of Visualized Experiments, MyJove (185) 
    • Rapeaux A, Syed O, Cuttaz E, Chapman CAR, Green RA and Constandinou TG (2022). Preparation of Rat Sciatic Nerve for Ex Vivo Neurophysiology. Journal of Visualized Experiments, MyJove (185) 


    • Chapman CAR, Cuttaz EA, Tahirbegi B, Novikov A, Petkos K, Koutsoftidis S, Drakakis EM, Goding JA and Green RA (2021). Flexible Networks of Patterned Conducting Polymer Nanowires for Fully Polymeric Bioelectronics. Advanced NanoBiomed Research, Wiley vol. 2 (3) 
    • Portillo-Lara R, Tahirbegi B, Chapman CAR, Goding JA and Green RA (2021). Mind the gap: State-of-the-art technologies and applications for EEG-based brain–computer interfaces. APL Bioengineering, AIP Publishing vol. 5 (3) 
    • Cuttaz EA, Chapman CAR, Syed O, Goding JA and Green RA (2021). Stretchable, Fully Polymeric Electrode Arrays for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. Advanced Science, Wiley vol. 8 (8) 
    • Aristovich K, Donega M, Fjordbakk C, Tarotin I, Chapman CAR, Viscasillas J, Stathopoulou T-R, Crawford A, Chew D, Perkins J and Holder D (2021). Model-based geometrical optimisation and in vivo validation of a spatially selective multielectrode cuff array for vagus nerve neuromodulation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Elsevier vol. 352 


    • Novikov A, Goding J, Chapman C, Cuttaz E and Green RA (2020). Stretchable bioelectronics: Mitigating the challenges of the percolation threshold in conductive elastomers. APL Materials, AIP Publishing vol. 8 (10) 
    • Chapman CAR, Cuttaz EA, Goding JA and Green RA (2020). Actively controlled local drug delivery using conductive polymer-based devices. Applied Physics Letters, AIP Publishing vol. 116 (1) 


    • Chapman CAR, Smith TM, Kelly M, Avery J, Rouanet T, Aristovich K, Chew DJ and Holder DS (2019). Optimisation of bioimpedance measurements of neuronal activity with an ex vivo preparation of Cancer pagurus peripheral nerves. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Elsevier vol. 327 
    • Hope J, Aristovich K, Chapman CAR, Volschenk A, Vanholsbeeck F and McDaid A (2019). Extracting impedance changes from a frequency multiplexed signal during neural activity in sciatic nerve of rat: preliminary study in vitro. Physiological Measurement, IOP Publishing vol. 40 (3) 


    • Chapman CAR, Aristovich K, Donega M, Fjordbakk CT, Stathopoulou T-R, Viscasillas J, Avery J, Perkins JD and Holder D (2018). Electrode fabrication and interface optimization for imaging of evoked peripheral nervous system activity with electrical impedance tomography (EIT). Journal of Neural Engineering, IOP Publishing vol. 16 (1) 


    • Chapman CAR, Goshi N and Seker E (2017). Multifunctional Neural Interfaces for Closed‐Loop Control of Neural Activity. Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 28 (12) 
    • Chapman CAR, Zhu X, Chen H, Yanik AA, Lein PJ and Seker E (2017). Nanostructure Introduces Artifacts in Quantitative Immunofluorescence by Influencing Fluorophore Intensity. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 
    • Chapman CAR, Wang L, Chen H, Garrison J, Lein PJ and Seker E (2017). Neural Interfaces: Nanoporous Gold Biointerfaces: Modifying Nanostructure to Control Neural Cell Coverage and Enhance Electrophysiological Recording Performance (Adv. Funct. Mater. 3/2017). Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 27 (3) 


    • Chapman CAR, Wang L, Chen H, Garrison J, Lein PJ and Seker E (2016). Nanoporous Gold Biointerfaces: Modifying Nanostructure to Control Neural Cell Coverage and Enhance Electrophysiological Recording Performance. Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 27 (3) 
    • Chapman CAR, Chen H, Stamou M, Lein PJ and Seker E (2016). Mechanisms of Reduced Astrocyte Surface Coverage in Cortical Neuron-Glia Co-cultures on Nanoporous Gold Surfaces. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, Springer Nature vol. 9 (3), 433-442.  
    • Chapman CAR, Ly S, Wang L, Seker E and Matthews MJ (2016). Utilizing dynamic laser speckle to probe nanoscale morphology evolution in nanoporous gold thin films. Optics Express, Optica Publishing Group vol. 24 (5), 5323-5333.  
    • Chapman CAR, Wang L, Biener J, Seker E, Biener MM and Matthews MJ (2016). Engineering on-chip nanoporous gold material libraries via precision photothermal treatment. Nanoscale, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) vol. 8 (2), 785-795.  
    • Chapman CAR, Daggumati P, Gott SC, Rao MP and Seker E (2016). Substrate topography guides pore morphology evolution in nanoporous gold thin films. Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 110, 33-36.  


    • Chapman CAR, Chen H, Stamou M, Biener J, Biener MM, Lein PJ and Seker E (2015). Nanoporous Gold as a Neural Interface Coating: Effects of Topography, Surface Chemistry, and Feature Size. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, American Chemical Society (ACS) vol. 7 (13), 7093-7100.  


    • Daggumati P, Kurtulus O, Chapman CAR, Dimlioglu D and Seker E (2013). Microfabrication of Nanoporous Gold Patterns for Cell-material Interaction Studies. Journal of Visualized Experiments, MyJove (77) 
    • Daggumati P, Kurtulus O, Chapman CAR, Dimlioglu D and Seker E (2013). Microfabrication of nanoporous gold patterns for cell-material interaction studies. Journal of Visualized Experiments, MyJove (77) 